Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hello everyone! I recently bought the infamous "30 Day Shred" but have yet to start it in fear that I wont be able to do it....I KNOW excuses, excuses right?!?! Anyway, I am going to start it this weekend and I was wondering if I need anything extra...like a workout mat, ball, weights (which i have)????? I am really nervous about doing this, but I am sure it will be worth it once I start!!!

    Hahaha, I was and still am scared of Jillian Michaels. The girl kicks butt, but she totally delivers.

    I just finished Level 2 Day 2. Believe me, I was terrified to start Level 2.

    All you need is a set of hand weights (I recommend you start small, maybe 3 lb weights then work up to 5 lb weights as you get stronger). Other than that you need either a soft, carpeted floor or a mat. Other than that just bring yourself.

    Good luck, you're about to be SHREDDED!! LOL!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    So I got my DVD yesterday in the mail!!!!! Got up extra early this am to start it....I can't get the DVD to switch from Recommendations to Workouts!!!! :mad:

    Now will have to wait until hubby gets home to see whats up. Was so worked up I went and did 45 minutes on my Gazelle.

    I had that problem when I used the dvd in the computer instead of a dvd player. Then I clicked on 'root menu' and got an option--'resume'. For some reason, that brought me to the workouts!
    Try root or main menu. Hope you get it working!
  • pupluv
    pupluv Posts: 5
    Had a question for you guys:happy:

    Has anyone tried the Insanity dvd's? HOw does Jillian's workout compare?
    I LOVE her dvd's by the way. I do all of hers in between my gym workouts. But my weight does not change...I know already it's my diet :smile:

  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Hey Shredders!

    I did Level 2 day 9 today - 19th day overall. Tomorrow is my last day on Level 2 and then I'm starting level 3. Not sure what that will bring - kind of tired of all the "plank" moves so hope she gives me a break from that for a bit! :ohwell:

    So exciting to think I'm "almost there" in terms of 30 days. I know I can't "just stop" at day 30 and have everything be magically trimmed, "shredded" and all, but I will have accomplished a goal.

    Now, I look forward to my (ahem) 5am (ahem) wake ups to do the work out. I love that the work out is over and done with before the day even begins.

    So, things about Level 2 that I like/have come to enjoy....

    I like the oblique twists - but the skaters really do have me "gargling my heart!"

    The walking push ups are hard, but I like them because I can now finally do 2 or 3 "real" push ups and the walking up and down gives be a bit of a "break" in between them.

    I like the oblique twists at the end (the last ab move).

    And I like how it makes me sweat and raises my heart rate so much more than Level 1 -- and that I can get through with less breaks than I needed in Level 1! :smile:

    I'm a still a bit disappointed that the scale is moving so slowly, but the inches are coming off, so I guess that counts more at this point. I have to keep reminding myself this is a life-style change and I'm in it for the long haul, not just to "lose weight" but to live a healthy life style and make healthy living a habit by making changes I can live with.
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    Just finished Level 1, Day 2. I was able to push myself a bit harder than yesterday. So glad of my accomplishment.

    Side note: Who would've thought I'd actually LOOK FORWARD to abs? Each time, I'm so thankful that cardio is over and that I get to lay down for a minute! :tongue:
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    GASP!! I just finished Level 2 Day 3, OMG!!

    The hardest move for me would be the plank jumping jacks.

    Jillian Michaels is relentless with all the plank moves!

    I have to say though, if you want to get the most out of a 20 minutes workout, Jillian Michaels will definitely kick your butt and make you sweat.

    Good luck to everyone who still has to do their "SHRED" workout.

  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    I finished Level 2 today!!! :happy:

    I've done 20 days now of the 30 day shred and tomorrow morning I start level 3. Nervous and hope there aren't so many plank moves!

    Level 2 still kicks my butt, but I'm ready to move on. I hope I don't have to "go backwards"!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    L1D5 (2nd time) done. I am still getting a really good workout but it IS getting easier!:smile: I thought about going on to L2 next time but I start work Monday (very physical job) and don't want to be too sore to move so I'll stick with L1 for 5 more times and then move on to L2.
  • Beconsistent
    L2D2 DONE! It feels good to be done for the day. This is my 12th day overall. If you've ever wanted to know what it feels like to be a Radio City Rocket, try Jillian's high kicks in level two. This level is certainly more challenging because of all of the upper body work and the fact that most of us are working parts of our body that we have never worked on before. After 10 days at this level I believe that my core will be stronger and I'll be leaner. I'm still greatful that I found this thread and look forward to finishing what I started.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  • Beconsistent
    Mimi ,

    I'm so excited that you are on the last leg of this journey! You go girl!

    Can't wait to hear what level 3 is like. I really don't want to watch the in advance video for fear that I'll chicken out. I'd prefer to just do it when I get to that time. But for know, hearing about it will be preparation enough for me. There is a great reward for faithfulness. We are all behind you 100%! :smile:

  • Beconsistent
    L1D5 (2nd time) done. I am still getting a really good workout but it IS getting easier!:smile: I thought about going on to L2 next time but I start work Monday (very physical job) and don't want to be too sore to move so I'll stick with L1 for 5 more times and then move on to L2.

    Just wanted to wish you all the best as you start work on Monday. I'm sure that you'll be stronger than you've ever been! Congrats and thanks again for leading the way on this thread.

  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Mimi ,

    I'm so excited that you are on the last leg of this journey! You go girl!

    Can't wait to hear what level 3 is like. I really don't want to watch the in advance video for fear that I'll chicken out. I'd prefer to just do it when I get to that time. But for know, hearing about it will be preparation enough for me. There is a great reward for faithfulness. We are all behind you 100%! :smile:


    Thanks so much Melissa! I don't like "looking ahead" either for the same reason! Of course that means the entire first day is spent looking up and there is a bit of "watching" to make sure I'm doing it right, but still gives me a good work out!

    I'll let you know how tomorrow goes!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    L1D5 (2nd time) done. I am still getting a really good workout but it IS getting easier!:smile: I thought about going on to L2 next time but I start work Monday (very physical job) and don't want to be too sore to move so I'll stick with L1 for 5 more times and then move on to L2.

    Just wanted to wish you all the best as you start work on Monday. I'm sure that you'll be stronger than you've ever been! Congrats and thanks again for leading the way on this thread.


    Thanks, Melissa. It's really frustrating not knowing what my schedule will be! I like to plan things in advance.

    It will be a bit easier to keep in touch as I've ordered a netbook and won't have to wait for a computer anymore!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Level 2 Day 4 - DONE!

    Today, on top of the brutal plank jumping jacks, I thought I was gonna die doing all those chair dip/v raises.

    The good news is, yesterday I put on a pair of pants that I couldn't fit into for a number of months and they fit.

    Not only did they fit, I felt great in them.

    Jillian totally delivers!

    Good luck everyone!
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Level 3, day 1. Wow! She is not foolin' Great work out, but if you have knee issues, follow Anita!

    I think it will take WAAAYYY more than 10 days to get me toward Natalie's level!

    But I must say - I LOVE the cardio with weights!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Mimi - Congratulations on surviving to tell the tale of Level 3, Day 1.

    Personally, I'm terrified of doing that level. I've already decided that I'm going to stay with Level 2 for a couple of weeks to really build up my strength and stamina.

    You'll have to give us some hints as to what to expect in the dreaded Level 3.

  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    I can't ever imagine being at Natalie's level! Even at level 1! But I shouldn't think like that, right?
    I did Level 1, Day 3 yesterday and it is getting a bit easier every day.

    I must say, knowing I have to be accountable here really helps! Thank you all for your support. I love this site!
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Mimi - Congratulations on surviving to tell the tale of Level 3, Day 1.

    Personally, I'm terrified of doing that level. I've already decided that I'm going to stay with Level 2 for a couple of weeks to really build up my strength and stamina.

    You'll have to give us some hints as to what to expect in the dreaded Level 3.


    Don't be afraid! It's not that bad, really - there is a lot of jump training, but Anita has low impact versions of those. And she's combining some strength/weights in with cardio - but kicks while holding weights, punches with weights and even jumping jacks with weights - and to be honest - I HATE the jumping jacks, but found them easier with weights.

    I have some 3lb and 5lb weights that I keep by me and use both depending on the move. For most, I try to use the 5lb, but there are some I need the 3lb... No shame, right?

    One thing that really stoked me. She does "traveling push ups" - and in L1 I was struggling to do the push ups on my knees - well, for these, I'm still doing them on my knees but I can do them - all! I may have to try to do a "real" push up one day!

    You will definitely see and feel the progress that you've made through the levels. And IMHO, Level 1, Day 2 was the hardest day to get through - sore and tired but just pushed through and here I am 3 weeks later!

    So, you can do it! Don't be afraid, just give it a go!


    PS: I actually "like" L3, better than L2.
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    Wow, Mimi, I think you are my new hero!
    I was planning on doing L2D1 after 8 workouts at leverl 1 but that didn't happen.
    I did a "twilight yoga" workout on Tuesday night because I didn't have time for a workout until 9 p.m.
    Last night, I had to work out in my bedroom, which is way less roomy. I was afraid I'd need more room for L2 so I went ahead and did L1D9. Maybe I'll get a chance to do L2D1 today after work. Next to no sleep last night, so we'll see...
  • Periphria
    Periphria Posts: 358
    Hi there,

    Even tough I wasn't with this message board when it first started, I also got this video about two weeks ago. I have done it about four times and do other workout in between. I have been stuggling with my weight for quite a few years. My youngest is four, so that is how long I have been trying to get this Mummy Tummy off. My journey started at 149 lbs and I did go as low as 132.5 (for about an hour TEE HEE:tongue: ) and now I am back at 142. So I got this video to get serious!!!!

    I would love to join this thread too.