why breakfast is the worst meal of the day



  • RobertM66
    RobertM66 Posts: 5 Member
    I have to eat breakfast or im hungry all morning.....even if it's only dry rye toast.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member

    Even this morning, I saw a another post saying that eating breakfast is almost mandatory for a healthy weight loss plan.

    Before you tell someone this again, please read the above link. It is a lot of information to absorb, but well worth your time.

    If you still want to have breakfast, go ahead, it wont hurt you, but not having breakfast just might help you reach your goals.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Odd... when I was fat, I didn't eat breakfast at all. Now that I'm at my target weight, I eat it most days, and if I don't eat it, I get hungry sooner.

    To each their own, I suppose... but I would hardly call breakfast the worst meal of the day.
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    you have to be very careful if you have any blood sugar issues. Hypoglycemia and such. Headaches, irritability or shakes when over hungry are all signed. There are plenty of theories out there about just having fruit in the am? Again, not if you have blood sugar issues. -- every BODY is unique

    This - if I don't eat breakfast I will serioulsy pass out. But I have hypoglycemia so not eating breakfast is very dangerous for someone like me.
  • Yea I read this same exact article the other day, I just don't see the science behind it. For example your body doesn't have food for 7-10 hours (however long you sleep) so when you have breakfast your fueled up for the next few hours.

    Also I'm almost never hungry after breakfast. Maybe people are eating too many fast carbs or not enough all together.
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    I don't eat breakfast, never have. I have tried to and I always feel sick to my stomach...so all my breakfast is is a nice tall glass of chocolate milk, has been for the past 15 years :). I'm the type of person who likes to eat a night...so most of my calories are eaten after dinner.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    Nearly every study of people who have lost weight and kept it off finds that the majority of them eat breakfast.

    Correlation does not equal causation.

    True. Especially when the vast majority of people, in general, eat breakfast.
  • kddruckenmiller
    kddruckenmiller Posts: 114 Member
    you have to be very careful if you have any blood sugar issues. Hypoglycemia and such. Headaches, irritability or shakes when over hungry are all signed. There are plenty of theories out there about just having fruit in the am? Again, not if you have blood sugar issues. -- every BODY is unique

    This - if I don't eat breakfast I will serioulsy pass out. But I have hypoglycemia so not eating breakfast is very dangerous for someone like me.

    This is me. If I didn't have hypoglycemia I would probably skip breakfast as I hate wasting calories on a meal I'm not even hungry for. But if I don't eat it, you have a very shaky, dizzy, and cranky lady.
  • ANB22
    ANB22 Posts: 64
  • Thanks for the insight. I hate eating breakfast and make myself because "it's the most important meal of the day bs"
    I agree with a few people, when I eat breakfast I seem to want a snack before lunch. If I don't eat breakfast I am not hungry before then. Good to know this info!!!!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I just said on my page I was going to quit eating right when I get up. Eat a little later in the morning so that my lunch is around 3 or 4 and then I'm not that hungry in the evening and I can have something small then. Still getting the same calorie count just differently. I may just quit eating it all together but I'll work my way up to it so I don't get all that grumbleing from the ole tums. I never was a big breakfast eater unless I'm working, but since starting this I eat it everyday. Hummm I like it.
  • eekles
    eekles Posts: 2 Member
    I stopped reading the article when he described "paleo" as "a meal characterized by moderate to high amounts of carb and protein, relatively low on fat, and more often than not a decent chunk of fiber."

    This is completely WRONG. Paleo and Primal eating is high on healthy fat and protein, low(paleo) to moderate(primal) on carb.

    I have been eating primal and exercising well for the last few weeks and have lost a good amount of weight and have replaced body fat with lean muscle. I love my high protein, high 'healthy' fat (avocados, nuts, etc), lower carb breakfasts and continue to feel energized throughout the day.

    All that being said, I would like to try fasted workouts in the mornings. The hard part is dragging myself out of bed that early. :]
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    If I'm hungry I have breakfast, if I'm not hungry I don't eat it. Simple. I get people telling me I should eat it when I don't though! X
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Eating soon after getting up makes me incredibly hungry throughout the day.

    If I wait 5 to 6 hours after waking up, I am totally fine.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I haven't eaten breakfast in probably 20 years. I got fat doing that. Now I'm losing weight doing that as well. I get what the OP is saying. Not everything is one size fits all.
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    I read the article, very interesting. I just don't undestand how it would work for someone who is insulin resistant. Insulin resistant people tend to dump sugars in the night waking with high blood sugar. Food is needed to counter this or the sugars can go even higher. On the other side, they go exercise and their sugars drop super low because they've burned what's in their system and there is nothing else for it to work on since there is no food in their system. This is at least how my body works and I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic.

    I do wonder if I fasted for a couple of weeks if my body would have a different response in the morning or if it would make it worse.

    Not sure what you mean by fasting for a couple of weeks? I would never suggest that nor would the author of the article.

    I mean to say if I tried this (fasting in the morning) for a couple of weeks would it change my blood sugar levels for the better or would it make it worse (or just make me pass out at the gym!).
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I read the article, very interesting. I just don't undestand how it would work for someone who is insulin resistant. Insulin resistant people tend to dump sugars in the night waking with high blood sugar. Food is needed to counter this or the sugars can go even higher. On the other side, they go exercise and their sugars drop super low because they've burned what's in their system and there is nothing else for it to work on since there is no food in their system. This is at least how my body works and I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic.

    I do wonder if I fasted for a couple of weeks if my body would have a different response in the morning or if it would make it worse.

    Not sure what you mean by fasting for a couple of weeks? I would never suggest that nor would the author of the article.

    I mean to say if I tried this (fasting in the morning) for a couple of weeks would it change my blood sugar levels for the better or would it make it worse (or just make me pass out at the gym!).

    I wish I knew the answer for you. Not sure if the article addresses that issue or not. I dont know if you monitor your blood sugar throughout the day but if you do, you might give it a try.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I only eat when I'm hungry or I'm going to the gym in 30 minutes. Breakfast is normally skipped.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    I finally decided the other day that I'm going to stop listening to the pressure to eat breakfast early. It throws off my whole day. I end up eating when I'm not hungry but makes it where towards the end of the day I'm STARVING no matter what I eat. I now wait until I work out to eat it because that's when I first get hungry in the day. I'm finding that this works amazingly for me and I find that I feel more full through out the day!
  • TisMeEggin
    TisMeEggin Posts: 60 Member