Starting a 30 Day Juice Fast 09/05/2012! Support needed!



  • berryjk
    berryjk Posts: 120
    i'm also "rebooting"! I don't have a lot of weight to lose, so I am doing it primarily to kick the cravings and get back on track! Good luck and I can't wait to hear more!
  • berryjk
    berryjk Posts: 120
    I hope you keep us posted with the play by play.

    I have a juicer daily but I have never done fasting.

    Here are some ideas you may have already tried. I tend to go for the green juices.

    Celery, cucumber, cilantro and lemon. I did this one this morning and loved it.

    Another go to of mine is celery, cucumber and parsley.

    Tomorrow will be beet and romaine.

    I am also thinking of collard greens, carrots and ginger for the day after tomorrow.

    Can't wait to hear how it goes.

    careful with the ginger!! the flavor goes a LOOOOONG ways! LOL...made that mistake this morning. mine was ginger root, beet, carrot, apple, apricot, lemon and flax seed
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I don't know how to say this without sounding...judgy. I, in no way, am trying to deter you from your fast.

    Please don't spend money on body wraps. They don't do anything but dehydrate you.
    "Toning" is achieved by using your muscles and getting adequate protein.
    Slow weight loss, moisturizer and genetics help with loose skin. Nothing else will unfortunately.

    It truly angers me when companies prey upon our insecurities to take our money.

    I hope your juice fast works and gives you every result you're hoping it will. If it doesn't, or you find that it's not sustainable for you, we're here to help with that too.
  • berryjk
    berryjk Posts: 120
    I don't know how to say this without sounding...judgy. I, in no way, am trying to deter you from your fast.

    Please don't spend money on body wraps. They don't do anything but dehydrate you.
    "Toning" is achieved by using your muscles and getting adequate protein.
    Slow weight loss, moisturizer and genetics help with loose skin. Nothing else will unfortunately.

    It truly angers me when companies prey upon our insecurities to take our money.

    I hope your juice fast works and gives you every result you're hoping it will. If it doesn't, or you find that it's not sustainable for you, we're here to help with that too.

    I like you! :) this was very NON judgy!
  • Thanks everyone for your kind words and recipe Recommendations :)

    I have had a 8 lb loss in the last two days so I am super happy about that!!

    Yes I don't know much about water weight, sorry. My scale says I have 40% so that just seems like a lot to me.

    Also, about the wraps, I sell them and they are great wraps. They are not dehydration wraps, they actually encourage you to drink tons of water while doing it :). So yes look them up, they are great products made from great ingredients!

    I appreciate all the responses I have recieved. Please friend me if you would like!!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    If it works for you, why not?

    As for me... thinking about only drinking my food?
    I think I would go ballistic in less than 24 hours.
  • If it works for you, why not?

    As for me... thinking about only drinking my food?
    I think I would go ballistic in less than 24 hours.

    Haha I thought it would be bad but it's actually kinda nice not havin to think about what I am going to eat! Plus the juice tastes really good :)
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Certainly not what I would choose and I am concerned that your weight loss expectations are way over the top. On the other hand fruit and veggie juice isn't going to kill you.... Just make sure to get some protein in there somehow so you maintain muscle mass.

    Wishing you the best of luck!
  • phxricky
    phxricky Posts: 54 Member
    That's awesome my wife and I have been thinking about doing this for the longest time. It's great that your losing weight like that. I think we might go out and get a good juicer this weekend.
  • That's awesome my wife and I have been thinking about doing this for the longest time. It's great that your losing weight like that. I think we might go out and get a good juicer this weekend.

    That would be awesome! I am so happy my husband and I started this. The benefits definitely out weigh the cons (hunger for your typical food addictions, headaches) Good luck if you do decide to join in!!
  • So I woke up today with a yucky metal taste or smell (wasn't sure lol). I can tell my body is getting rid of lots of toxins! My pores are also opening up, which isn't looking to great on my face because every little black head is surfacing :(

    I am still not having bad cravings for food. The juice lasts about 3 hours and then I start to get hungry.

    I stepped on the scale last night and weighed 220 (which is a loss of 12 lbs so far). I didn't log it yet because I had already put a weight in for yesterday, so I'll see if there is any more loss by the end of the day :)

    Thanks everyone for your support!! I really appreciate it! I am also vlogging my journey if anyone wants to check out my YouTube channel its gottaloveit7771
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    So I woke up today with a yucky metal taste or smell (wasn't sure lol). I can tell my body is getting rid of lots of toxins! My pores are also opening up, which isn't looking to great on my face because every little black head is surfacing :(

    I am still not having bad cravings for food. The juice lasts about 3 hours and then I start to get hungry.

    I stepped on the scale last night and weighed 220 (which is a loss of 12 lbs so far). I didn't log it yet because I had already put a weight in for yesterday, so I'll see if there is any more loss by the end of the day :)

    Thanks everyone for your support!! I really appreciate it! I am also vlogging my journey if anyone wants to check out my YouTube channel its gottaloveit7771

    The metallic taste in your mouth has no relationship to getting rid of toxins. It's because your body is in ketosis.
  • Hi!
    I'm also juicing!!
    I've done this once before and loved the way it made me feel and look. Unfortunately, I packed on a few of the last year and wasnt feeling very happy so I'm back at it.
    I'm happy to have found another doing the same!

    I'm on my 5th day. And, today, like you, I have the metal taste in my mouth. I have heard it is b/c the body is using the stored fat (yay!) for energy meaning we're losing those pesky pounds.

    I was wondering, are you keeping track of your calories on this site? If so, how are you calculating them?
    My juice is kept in a large pitcher lasting me almost 3 days but contains so many different types of veg and fruit I have no idea what the caloric intake is.
    The only thing I can register are the nuts, soy beans, and additional fruit.

    Also, What day are you on? How do you feel?
  • Hi!
    I'm also juicing!!
    I've done this once before and loved the way it made me feel and look. Unfortunately, I packed on a few of the last year and wasnt feeling very happy so I'm back at it.
    I'm happy to have found another doing the same!

    I'm on my 5th day. And, today, like you, I have the metal taste in my mouth. I have heard it is b/c the body is using the stored fat (yay!) for energy meaning we're losing those pesky pounds.

    I was wondering, are you keeping track of your calories on this site? If so, how are you calculating them?
    My juice is kept in a large pitcher lasting me almost 3 days but contains so many different types of veg and fruit I have no idea what the caloric intake is.
    The only thing I can register are the nuts, soy beans, and additional fruit.

    Also, What day are you on? How do you feel?

    Hello! Glad to see you are back at it. I dieted for two months straight, lost 25 lbs and then pretty much gained it all back plus a little. I need a whole lifestyle change!! Hopefully this will help cut those cravings.

    I don't calculate my calorie intake on here because it's too difficult with there being two of us drinking the juice. However I imagine you could just put it in your log on the day you make it and then just divide that number by how long it lasts you so you can get a good idea. I don't really wanna track how many calories I am taking in because it's all healthy food, so I can't be that bad!

    Me and my husband are both on day 3 of 30 or possibly 60. I feel pretty good. I was always tired before starting this so that is nothing new but I feel like I could sleep all day!!!
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I'm also juicing!!
    I've done this once before and loved the way it made me feel and look. Unfortunately, I packed on a few of the last year and wasnt feeling very happy so I'm back at it.
    I'm happy to have found another doing the same!

    I'm on my 5th day. And, today, like you, I have the metal taste in my mouth. I have heard it is b/c the body is using the stored fat (yay!) for energy meaning we're losing those pesky pounds.

    I was wondering, are you keeping track of your calories on this site? If so, how are you calculating them?
    My juice is kept in a large pitcher lasting me almost 3 days but contains so many different types of veg and fruit I have no idea what the caloric intake is.
    The only thing I can register are the nuts, soy beans, and additional fruit.

    Also, What day are you on? How do you feel?

    You can use the Recipe feature.

    Go to your FOOD tab.

    Click on Recipes.

    Click the green button to the right that says Enter New Recipe.

    Then you just add every ingredient and the number of servings the recipe yields.

    Don't "share with MFP"--it doesn't work anyway.

    Save the recipe.
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    Good luck with this. I am not sure that this is something I would do for a long period of time but it sounds interesting. I will be interested in your progress.
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    I have a question. I went to your you tube channel and looked at some of your videos. You did HCG for a month, and lost 20 lbs. You did weight a weight watchers video, (how much did you loose there? ) and now you are on a 30 day juice fast- where you say you have lost over 12 lbs already.

    Of all the weight you have lost, on these various diets- how much of it have you kept off- and how much has come back- and how fast did it come back- and has any extra weight come back with it?

    This may seem like a personal question- but how much do you weigh now, compared to, say how much you weighed when you started the diets, about a year ago I think, by the dates on your videos... Would you say you weigh the same, or less?

    Because if you are losing 20 -30 lbs a month, and keeping it off, I want to know what your secret is, seriously. I will go out an buy a juicer now if doing a 30 day juice fast would make me loose 12 lbs in a month much less a few days, and If it meant the weight was gone forever- why aren't more people doing this?

    Thanks for your time
  • So great that you are going to be trying this! I have 2 friends that have done this. One is a guy who has lost 50 lbs. and a woman who lost 7 the first week she did it. She was trying the regular dieting and exercising routine and it wasn't working, so juicing has helped. He is a mechanic and just got really overweight. He became diabetic and was not feeling well at times. He is now doing great! No more diabetes and he is still juicing! Good luck to you! I am really hoping it works for you! I'm sure it will all be great!
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    I have done it before and it does work. Might try iy again. Please keep us posted. Thanks
  • I have a question. I went to your you tube channel and looked at some of your videos. You did HCG for a month, and lost 20 lbs. You did weight a weight watchers video, (how much did you loose there? ) and now you are on a 30 day juice fast- where you say you have lost over 12 lbs already.

    Of all the weight you have lost, on these various diets- how much of it have you kept off- and how much has come back- and how fast did it come back- and has any extra weight come back with it?

    This may seem like a personal question- but how much do you weigh now, compared to, say how much you weighed when you started the diets, about a year ago I think, by the dates on your videos... Would you say you weigh the same, or less?

    Because if you are losing 20 -30 lbs a month, and keeping it off, I want to know what your secret is, seriously. I will go out an buy a juicer now if doing a 30 day juice fast would make me loose 12 lbs in a month much less a few days, and If it meant the weight was gone forever- why aren't more people doing this?

    Thanks for your time

    Okay, so in January I started the hCG diet. I lost about 20 pounds on it after all was said and done. Which isn't that great because you're supposed to lose between one and 3 pounds a day. A few days after I finished the diet I gained back 8 pounds. I'm pretty sure it was mostly water weight because my diet was very good. On Weight Watchers I was able to get those 8 pounds back off and maintain my 200 pound weight. However, there was things happening in our lives that put me into a little bit of depression and I stopped dieting and stopped exercising. The weight just started to pile on and I really wasn't caring about what I was eating. So needless to say I gained back a whole lot of weight and I'm now having to get it back off. When I started my juice fast I was 232 pounds. I am now at 220, on day three. I have a long ways to go to get back to where I was that after all of those months of hard work. So I don't recommended the hCG diet. Weight Watchers is a very slow steady weight loss but you have to maintain that style of eating pretty much for the rest of your life. Which is okay, but after being depressed it's not so easy. I think juicing will be good because I have seen so many good responses of people who have completed this diet. I know you're not allowed to just go back to eating whatever, but it's supposed to really help you Control your cravings and really just reset your body. So hopefully you can find what diet works for you, but clearly the hCG is not the best because you just gain back the weight you lose. Good luck!!