------> TO ALL THE LOW-CARB-ers OUT THERE! <------



  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    my name is internet.
    i am the source of facts and logic.
    i have answers to all questions and secrets.
    fear me.
    read me.
    believe me.
    all thou who question me shall perish.

    question of the day: are carbs good?

    answer: carbs are to humans, as flesh-eating diseases are to people. they are infectious and rot you away.
    What do you call people at subway that serve food on bready carbs? Death-dealers.

    Thank you for tuning into me, the internet, for a factoid update. Have a nice day and use my knowledge without question.
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I think there is a huge misconception related to low carbing. I am in full support of low carb, but that does not mean I never eat a carb, ahem, veggies are carbs. I love veggies. Every one has a slightly different metabolic rate, but I know for a fact my mother and I will only ever stay slim/lose weight by eating nothing but protein and vegetable carbs with the occassional ( as in once or twice a week ) whole grain carb meal. The truth is, the majority of Western civilization is addicted to sugar. White refined, donut forming sugar. It is the slow burning, phytonutrient, antioxidant carbohydrates that need to be the ONLY carbs the world eats or else everyone will soon be 400lbs and diabetic. Did you know that type 2 diabetes can be cured by cutting out sugars, yes, cured! I have seen it many times. High cholestrol, cured with sugar withdrawl. Did you know that cancer cells cannot live without sugar, and in fact feed on sugar? Before smack talking those who support low carb please try to understand what they're saying fully. There are breads and bagels that can be made to have 2-5 net carbs just by using whole, unrefined, complete food ingredients....thats the kind of low carber I want to be.
    Humans have been consuming sugar since 800 BC. It's only in the last 30 years that people have started gaining weight. Sugar consumption has actually stayed EXACTLY THE SAME in the last 40 years. You might want to actually research what you're talking about before you rattle off all kinds of nonsense. Type 2 Diabetes cannot be CURED just by cutting carbs. It's a tool to help control it, but Diabetes is incurable. If someone "cured" their Diabetes, it means they never actually had Diabetes. All cells feed on sugar, whether cancerous or not, sugar (glucose) is the body's main fuel source, and can be made from protein and fat.
    Notice how I said sugar, not glucose. All carbs turn into glucose once digested. We need carbs to live, we need glucose to produce cells, good cells, or bad cells, but sugar ( white sugar ) has only negative effects on the system. I'm sorry I didn't specify. I was not trying to start some duel, there would be no message boards without people stating their experiences. Good for all of you who can stay thin or lose weight while still consuming sugars, I wish that were the case with me but its not. :)
    Maybe there is nonsense in everyones post, everyones different. I am not a doctor, I don't claim to be. I have just witnessed many people lose weight and be taken off of their T2 diabetes meds and high cholestrol meds while on a low carb, zero refined sugar diet. I'm not a scientist, I speak from experience and information I have been taught by conventions led by scientists. Im sorry if you do not agree
    That's because WEIGHT LOSS helps control diabetes and reduce cholesterol. It has nothing to do with the carbs themselves. Refined sugar is no different than any other sugar, it's just glucose and fructose. No different than what you find in all fruits.

    This is true. Diabetes can't be cured. Certainly it can be helped and by cutting carbs we do lose weight and it lowers our BG. Once we lose weight then our BG's are again easier to control - generally. I speak from knowledge and cutting my carbs to 30g a day or less reduced my levels to normal and drastically reduced my cholesterol. However, if I began eating carbs again, my BG and cholesterol would rise, and that could lead to diabetic complications. It's only by eating to my meter, I have learned what is safe for me. I do eat bread and muffins and cookies, but all home made low carb ones. I had a bread roll today, I made and they are around 5g of carbs, so really safe for me. All diabetics are different, but a low carb diet works for many, many T2's. For us, sugar and carbs in the long term are poison.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I think there is a huge misconception related to low carbing. I am in full support of low carb, but that does not mean I never eat a carb, ahem, veggies are carbs. I love veggies. Every one has a slightly different metabolic rate, but I know for a fact my mother and I will only ever stay slim/lose weight by eating nothing but protein and vegetable carbs with the occassional ( as in once or twice a week ) whole grain carb meal. The truth is, the majority of Western civilization is addicted to sugar. White refined, donut forming sugar. It is the slow burning, phytonutrient, antioxidant carbohydrates that need to be the ONLY carbs the world eats or else everyone will soon be 400lbs and diabetic. Did you know that type 2 diabetes can be cured by cutting out sugars, yes, cured! I have seen it many times. High cholestrol, cured with sugar withdrawl. Did you know that cancer cells cannot live without sugar, and in fact feed on sugar? Before smack talking those who support low carb please try to understand what they're saying fully. There are breads and bagels that can be made to have 2-5 net carbs just by using whole, unrefined, complete food ingredients....thats the kind of low carber I want to be.
    Humans have been consuming sugar since 800 BC. It's only in the last 30 years that people have started gaining weight. Sugar consumption has actually stayed EXACTLY THE SAME in the last 40 years. You might want to actually research what you're talking about before you rattle off all kinds of nonsense. Type 2 Diabetes cannot be CURED just by cutting carbs. It's a tool to help control it, but Diabetes is incurable. If someone "cured" their Diabetes, it means they never actually had Diabetes. All cells feed on sugar, whether cancerous or not, sugar (glucose) is the body's main fuel source, and can be made from protein and fat.
    Notice how I said sugar, not glucose. All carbs turn into glucose once digested. We need carbs to live, we need glucose to produce cells, good cells, or bad cells, but sugar ( white sugar ) has only negative effects on the system. I'm sorry I didn't specify. I was not trying to start some duel, there would be no message boards without people stating their experiences. Good for all of you who can stay thin or lose weight while still consuming sugars, I wish that were the case with me but its not. :)
    Maybe there is nonsense in everyones post, everyones different. I am not a doctor, I don't claim to be. I have just witnessed many people lose weight and be taken off of their T2 diabetes meds and high cholestrol meds while on a low carb, zero refined sugar diet. I'm not a scientist, I speak from experience and information I have been taught by conventions led by scientists. Im sorry if you do not agree
    That's because WEIGHT LOSS helps control diabetes and reduce cholesterol. It has nothing to do with the carbs themselves. Refined sugar is no different than any other sugar, it's just glucose and fructose. No different than what you find in all fruits.
    Thats what they want you to believe....
    Without sick people the pharmaceutical business would die, oh no! Then what would happen?

    Loosen your tinfoil hat
  • I think there is a huge misconception related to low carbing. I am in full support of low carb, but that does not mean I never eat a carb, ahem, veggies are carbs. I love veggies. Every one has a slightly different metabolic rate, but I know for a fact my mother and I will only ever stay slim/lose weight by eating nothing but protein and vegetable carbs with the occassional ( as in once or twice a week ) whole grain carb meal. The truth is, the majority of Western civilization is addicted to sugar. White refined, donut forming sugar. It is the slow burning, phytonutrient, antioxidant carbohydrates that need to be the ONLY carbs the world eats or else everyone will soon be 400lbs and diabetic. Did you know that type 2 diabetes can be cured by cutting out sugars, yes, cured! I have seen it many times. High cholestrol, cured with sugar withdrawl. Did you know that cancer cells cannot live without sugar, and in fact feed on sugar? Before smack talking those who support low carb please try to understand what they're saying fully. There are breads and bagels that can be made to have 2-5 net carbs just by using whole, unrefined, complete food ingredients....thats the kind of low carber I want to be.
    Humans have been consuming sugar since 800 BC. It's only in the last 30 years that people have started gaining weight. Sugar consumption has actually stayed EXACTLY THE SAME in the last 40 years. You might want to actually research what you're talking about before you rattle off all kinds of nonsense. Type 2 Diabetes cannot be CURED just by cutting carbs. It's a tool to help control it, but Diabetes is incurable. If someone "cured" their Diabetes, it means they never actually had Diabetes. All cells feed on sugar, whether cancerous or not, sugar (glucose) is the body's main fuel source, and can be made from protein and fat.
    Notice how I said sugar, not glucose. All carbs turn into glucose once digested. We need carbs to live, we need glucose to produce cells, good cells, or bad cells, but sugar ( white sugar ) has only negative effects on the system. I'm sorry I didn't specify. I was not trying to start some duel, there would be no message boards without people stating their experiences. Good for all of you who can stay thin or lose weight while still consuming sugars, I wish that were the case with me but its not. :)
    Maybe there is nonsense in everyones post, everyones different. I am not a doctor, I don't claim to be. I have just witnessed many people lose weight and be taken off of their T2 diabetes meds and high cholestrol meds while on a low carb, zero refined sugar diet. I'm not a scientist, I speak from experience and information I have been taught by conventions led by scientists. Im sorry if you do not agree
    That's because WEIGHT LOSS helps control diabetes and reduce cholesterol. It has nothing to do with the carbs themselves. Refined sugar is no different than any other sugar, it's just glucose and fructose. No different than what you find in all fruits.
    Thats what they want you to believe....
    Without sick people the pharmaceutical business would die, oh no! Then what would happen?

    Loosen your tinfoil hat
    but it keeps my head warm....
  • harpercutie
    harpercutie Posts: 118 Member
    love this <3
  • I think there is a huge misconception related to low carbing. I am in full support of low carb, but that does not mean I never eat a carb, ahem, veggies are carbs. I love veggies. Every one has a slightly different metabolic rate, but I know for a fact my mother and I will only ever stay slim/lose weight by eating nothing but protein and vegetable carbs with the occassional ( as in once or twice a week ) whole grain carb meal. The truth is, the majority of Western civilization is addicted to sugar. White refined, donut forming sugar. It is the slow burning, phytonutrient, antioxidant carbohydrates that need to be the ONLY carbs the world eats or else everyone will soon be 400lbs and diabetic. Did you know that type 2 diabetes can be cured by cutting out sugars, yes, cured! I have seen it many times. High cholestrol, cured with sugar withdrawl. Did you know that cancer cells cannot live without sugar, and in fact feed on sugar? Before smack talking those who support low carb please try to understand what they're saying fully. There are breads and bagels that can be made to have 2-5 net carbs just by using whole, unrefined, complete food ingredients....thats the kind of low carber I want to be.
    Humans have been consuming sugar since 800 BC. It's only in the last 30 years that people have started gaining weight. Sugar consumption has actually stayed EXACTLY THE SAME in the last 40 years. You might want to actually research what you're talking about before you rattle off all kinds of nonsense. Type 2 Diabetes cannot be CURED just by cutting carbs. It's a tool to help control it, but Diabetes is incurable. If someone "cured" their Diabetes, it means they never actually had Diabetes. All cells feed on sugar, whether cancerous or not, sugar (glucose) is the body's main fuel source, and can be made from protein and fat.
    Notice how I said sugar, not glucose. All carbs turn into glucose once digested. We need carbs to live, we need glucose to produce cells, good cells, or bad cells, but sugar ( white sugar ) has only negative effects on the system. I'm sorry I didn't specify. I was not trying to start some duel, there would be no message boards without people stating their experiences. Good for all of you who can stay thin or lose weight while still consuming sugars, I wish that were the case with me but its not. :)
    Maybe there is nonsense in everyones post, everyones different. I am not a doctor, I don't claim to be. I have just witnessed many people lose weight and be taken off of their T2 diabetes meds and high cholestrol meds while on a low carb, zero refined sugar diet. I'm not a scientist, I speak from experience and information I have been taught by conventions led by scientists. Im sorry if you do not agree
    That's because WEIGHT LOSS helps control diabetes and reduce cholesterol. It has nothing to do with the carbs themselves. Refined sugar is no different than any other sugar, it's just glucose and fructose. No different than what you find in all fruits.
    Thats what they want you to believe....
    Without sick people the pharmaceutical business would die, oh no! Then what would happen?

    Loosen your tinfoil hat
    but it keeps my head warm....
    I'm not perfect, but this is what I believe in. I must be wrong about alot of things or else no one would say anything, but I agree with this cartoon, I'm not a low carb preacher standing out on the street screaming about the government or pharmaceutical companies...I thought I would see what kind of reaction my opinions would get...got it, thanks. I can't claim to know the cure for diabetes, I'm sorry that I depicted that. That was an overgeneralization. I hope our little spat added something to this always touchy subject.
  • bubblicious84
    bubblicious84 Posts: 74 Member
    Humans have been consuming sugar since 800 BC. It's only in the last 30 years that people have started gaining weight. Sugar consumption has actually stayed EXACTLY THE SAME in the last 40 years.

    That's a very interesting fact. Can you show me the research on this?
  • i eat 1-3 bananas a day. I am not fat. Lies. haha but I do like the low carb/paleo idea of this and completely agree. I am training for a half so I need to have lots of carbs for now ;)
  • Misinformation. Over-simplifications. Cherry picked "science".

    There's nothing wrong with the low-carb life style, but there's nothing wrong with eating carbs too. People will be successful on any diet they can stick with.


    Agree it's finding a life style you can stick with. I think except for possibly people with medical problems eg pcos, diabetes who need to watch the type of foods they eat it is a simple case of eat less and move more. I have friends who have been very successful with low carb diets they work, I have been successful on my eat everything in moderation diet. For me weight loss more about getting my head in the right place and finding something I can stick to long term not just a few weeks. For some people carbs can cause cravings and make them over eat, but if your able to eat them in moderation and make that a long term life change then there's no need to reduce them.

    Also why pick on the poor bagel ;) I love the cinnamon ones as my weekend breakfast
  • Yes, just like too much low carb is bad. Quite why people get so evangelical about lowcarb is beyond me. The previous poster that pointed out that a calorific deficit in necessary for _any_ hypocalorific diet to work, which you dismissed as a one off, is a scientific fact. You try eating 10,000 kcals per day of fat and protein, with zero carbs and you _will_ gain fat. Eat 800kcals per day of pure refined corn syrup and you will lose weight. Try it and see.
  • Misinformation. Over-simplifications. Cherry picked "science".

    There's nothing wrong with the low-carb life style, but there's nothing wrong with eating carbs too. People will be successful on any diet they can stick with.


    Agree it's finding a life style you can stick with. I think except for possibly people with medical problems eg pcos, diabetes who need to watch the type of foods they eat it is a simple case of eat less and move more. I have friends who have been very successful with low carb diets they work, I have been successful on my eat everything in moderation diet. For me weight loss more about getting my head in the right place and finding something I can stick to long term not just a few weeks. For some people carbs can cause cravings and make them over eat, but if your able to eat them in moderation and make that a long term life change then there's no need to reduce them.

    Also why pick on the poor bagel ;) I love the cinnamon ones as my weekend breakfast
    Eat less, move more. love it
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Which fact? Archaeological and historical records showing sugar consumption from 800BC? Or the fact that sugar consumption hasn't changed in 40 years?

    Sugar consumption can be looked up in the USDA ERS database, since 1980 sugar consumption has declined slightly, it actually peaked in the 70's if I remember correctly (I don't have the spreadsheet in front of me at the moment, although I do know added sugar consumption has actually decreased by 2 calories a day (half a gram) since 1990.)
  • Thanks, I needed that!!

    Those graphics illustrate the information I've been reading on the 'Net and elsewhere. Thanks for posting. :bigsmile:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Thanks, I needed that!!

    Those graphics illustrate the information I've been reading on the 'Net and elsewhere. Thanks for posting. :bigsmile:

    Confirmation bias
  • bubblicious84
    bubblicious84 Posts: 74 Member
    Which fact? Archaeological and historical records showing sugar consumption from 800BC? Or the fact that sugar consumption hasn't changed in 40 years?

    Sugar consumption can be looked up in the USDA ERS database, since 1980 sugar consumption has declined slightly, it actually peaked in the 70's if I remember correctly (I don't have the spreadsheet in front of me at the moment, although I do know added sugar consumption has actually decreased by 2 calories a day (half a gram) since 1990.)

    Is HFCS not calculated in this?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have nothing but love for bacon, but I have a bagel about every morning for breakfast.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I like cartoons.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    i couldn't get it to post correctly
  • msstuard
    msstuard Posts: 131 Member
    Which fact? Archaeological and historical records showing sugar consumption from 800BC? Or the fact that sugar consumption hasn't changed in 40 years?

    Sugar consumption can be looked up in the USDA ERS database, since 1980 sugar consumption has declined slightly, it actually peaked in the 70's if I remember correctly (I don't have the spreadsheet in front of me at the moment, although I do know added sugar consumption has actually decreased by 2 calories a day (half a gram) since 1990.)

    Thats because it's been replaced with new sweeteners, corn syrup and sugar beets. Not saying any of these are bad, but they are much cheeper than sugar.