Starting a 30 Day Juice Fast 09/05/2012! Support needed!



  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    You don't have to defend yourself to anybody. Your a grown women so do what you feel is best for you. I wish ya luck.

    Thanks to the above comments for your concern.

    I am doing really good heading into the end of day 3. I haven't weighed myself yet but I'm sure my weight will fluctuate lots on a daily basis. I drank about 60 oz of juice today so I am sure that puts me well over 1000 calories. I haven't counted how many bottles of water I had today but I always have one in my hand :) I feel really good, and not hungry. So far I have lost 12 lbs in 3 days. I'm sure that will slow down drastically over the next few weeks.

    The thing I am looking forward to after my reboot is steamed veggies. I think the warmth is what sounds the best lol.

    And lastly I do apologize if I got snappy in previous posts. It was hotter then crap, my kids were being crazy and I had a bad headache. I'm not trying to be defensive, I was just trying to stand up for myself and my decisions. I admit I am stubborn which is why I know I will finish this fast, and finish it healthier and stronger then ever.

    How is everyone else doing who is on a reboot?
  • I am a veteran juicer. It is truly the best way to detoxify and the weight loss is a bonus. i just started a detox this week using juices twice daily and one cooked meal consisting of plant based foods. Due to a surgery that I had years ago, i can't juice exclusivly like i used to but this has been a great alternative. I have lost 14 pound in five days. I went from 240 to 226.

    You will do great. If you' ve already made it to day two, the worst is over. The first three days are the toughest but you are over the hump. After day 4 or 5, your hunger wills subside and you won't feel hungry because your body will begin to feed on stored fat, which will then push the toxins out of your cells. The juice and the water will flush the toxins out.

    I recommend a book called, "How to Keep Health, Slim and Young with Juice Fasting", by Dr. Paavo Airola. I have had the book for 12 years and I have read it over and over again. I get new information each time I read it. He does a great job explaing the how to's and what to expect along with several testimonials of people who have sucessfully completed a juice fast.

    I wish you great sucess. Your life will never be the same. You will never forgert how good you will feel during and after the juice fast. It is life changing.

    God bless you!

    Thank you so much for all that information!! I will definitely check that book out! Hopefully I can read it on the iPhone kindle :) It is always great to hear from people who have been through one. I feel as though this has been too easy and it's going to hit me hard soon. So maybe it won't? Lol. Maybe I over prepared for the worst.

    My next thing I want to do is buy a new juicer! I have the Jack Lalanne and I am not impressed. I really want the Breville but I don't know which model to get.

    Thanks for your support :)
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    I haven't ever done a juice fast but I like to make homemade veggie and fruit juice for my kids (a good way to sneak those veggies in!). I have a Juiceman Jr., and it has been going strong for 15 years now! We use it almost every day and it still works as good as the day we bought it. It's not as expensive at the Breville ones, so I just thought I'd pass that along.
  • Thanks to the above comments for your concern.

    I am doing really good heading into the end of day 3. I haven't weighed myself yet but I'm sure my weight will fluctuate lots on a daily basis. I drank about 60 oz of juice today so I am sure that puts me well over 1000 calories. I haven't counted how many bottles of water I had today but I always have one in my hand :) I feel really good, and not hungry. So far I have lost 12 lbs in 3 days. I'm sure that will slow down drastically over the next few weeks.

    The thing I am looking forward to after my reboot is steamed veggies. I think the warmth is what sounds the best lol.

    And lastly I do apologize if I got snappy in previous posts. It was hotter then crap, my kids were being crazy and I had a bad headache. I'm not trying to be defensive, I was just trying to stand up for myself and my decisions. I admit I am stubborn which is why I know I will finish this fast, and finish it healthier and stronger then ever.

    How is everyone else doing who is on a reboot?

    First and foremost I want to wish you luck and much success in your journey. As for the so called advice your getting from some of the experts on here. It's hard to listen to it when it's mixed in with words that "tell" you what to do instead of "suggest " what you should do. It's all in the approach and a little manners goes a long way too.
  • KB1ofaKind
    KB1ofaKind Posts: 12 Member
    Good Luck! I started juicing last month, and it was hard to find people who were supportive of my efforts. The first three days were hard, but like you, I had eased into it by gradually cutting out certain foods, so it was manageable. I was actually surprised that I wasn’t starving. I only got hungry in the middle of the night, but I’d get up and drink water, which seemed to help. By day 5 I was feeling so good! I had so much energy. Within the first 14 day I dropped 10lbs. I’m in your weight range, so I was happy about that. Then I began exercising more, which was the hard part for me. I have a heart condition so I was advised to eat a little. So I’d eat like 2 organic boiled eggs and maybe some granola. Do you plan to exercise while juicing? If so, I’d be interested to hear about your experience. I still juice most of my meals. I love it. Don’t think I’ll ever stop. This is now a lifestyle for me. I’ve finally found something that works for me. And my skin is also looking much better. Wishing you the best of luck on your reboot.
  • THE TOXINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST...PUSH.....OUT

    edit: I got a hazmat suit to keep them away.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    I do intermittent fasting (Alternate Day Fasting to be more specific) and I've done a lot of research on the fasting subject. Fasting is in fact healthy for you which is what you are really doing on a juice diet, however you are doing a 30 day fast which might be dangerous. As a heads up, if you lose 40% of your body weight on a fast, death will be the result. Link below to a medical dictionary and I took the quote out for you.
    Most people can lose up to 10% of their body weight without side effects, but losing more than 40% is almost always fatal.

    As someone said earlier, the metallic taste in your mouth is Ketosis which means you are burning fat as fuel. That might or might not be dangerous to you. All I know is that if you stay on ketosis for too long then there is a possibility of kidney stones forming in your bladder. It doesn't happen 100% of the time and research is unsure what causes it. All I know is that it happens in some people.

    As a supporter of fasting, I feel it would be better if you choose to do intermittent fasting as there is no risk of death in doing so. Also when you end your juice fast are you going to go back to your eating habits that made you large in the first place? That would be counter productive. Practicing intermittent fasting is better in that you can actually eat which makes it much more manageable throughout your entire life. You can even juice fast when doing IF. You eat one day and fast the next but you seem to want to go about the extreme route so juice 2 or 3 days in a row and then eat. Eat, stop, Eat is the idea behind intermittent fasting.
  • I'm not 100% sure but I would weigh in on juicing being a great jump start for your body and your goal of eating healthier. I was at the Dr. recently and she said I should cut out all of my bad carbs and bad sugars eat lots of fruit and veggies .. she didn't specifically mention juicing (I didn't know to ask about it, I heard about it from my nephew this week).
    My nephew suggested to juice 2x a day and one healthy balanced meal. If you don't "starve" yourself, I not sure how your body would go into Ketosis... been there done that ... though not on purpose (rocky pregnancy with 24 hour morning sickness).

    I'm very interested in following your progress ... are you blogging anywhere?
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    You can't sustain healthy weight loss at a constant deficiency in protein, carbs, sodium, etc. You talked in such generalities, I don't think you have the capability to understand what people are saying. I also saw you are literally cruising the forums to attack any posts saying cleanses are bad. Atkins isn't bad, fasting isn't bad, 20 meals a day is clearly an exaggeration. Different things work for different people.

    However, AF/IF work for many because it's not limiting vital nutrients--it's changing the time frame. Truly healthy Atkins/low-carb doesn't get rid of carbs, it promotes healthier carbs, minimizes carbs.

    Lol, the health detriments of juicing (and remember, I didn't say replacing a meal or so was dangerous. Doing it exclusively is) are so common sense, you don't NEED evidence.

    But here you go:

    All of these cite multiple (non-biased and actually validated) research studies, which you can peruse at your leisure.
    It took me 1 minute and roughly 30 seconds to find this research--no blogs, no non-cited research. Real articles.
  • I have a few friends who did the 30 day juice plan and not only do they feel great but their energy is up, the weight is way down and they are continuing to juice (less stringent) now and into the future. One of my friends has FM and she doing so much better by drinking her juice.

    I'm too weak and chicken to do it. Anyone doing this, you ROCK!
  • Good morning and I hope that all is going well on your new endeavor. I recently watched a juicing documentary and read “How to lose 30 pounds in 30 days” by Robert Dave Johnston, and found the information life changing. After doing a little more research, I too have incorporated more juicing into my diet due to the information I found from both of the materials.
    What I found most helpful was not so much the juicing and staying on track, it was how to break the fast once you go back to eating solids again. I would suggest getting Robert Johnston’s book, you can get it off Amazon for a small cost, and read it and then maybe use some of his techniques when it time to come off your juice fast.
    May you succeed in your journey, and best to you and your husband as you enter this journey
  • Thank you for all of that information. I just want to clear one thing up however. I don't know where this idea that I am against exercising and eating properly came from, but I am not. I am doing this SO I can succeed in the future with my weight loss goals. I love exercising. It makes me feel refreshed! My depression btw was not caused by going on fad diets. It was the anniversary of the death of my son. So you may want to be careful before you say hurtful things to people. I have no problem with hard work.

    Again thanks for the information.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Be good to you!

    I'm *so sorry* about your son (((BIG HUGS))) I know how the loss of a dear one is...and the depression it brings.
  • Be good to you!

    I'm *so sorry* about your son (((BIG HUGS))) I know how the loss of a dear one is...and the depression it brings.

    Thanks :)
  • Good Luck! I started juicing last month, and it was hard to find people who were supportive of my efforts. The first three days were hard, but like you, I had eased into it by gradually cutting out certain foods, so it was manageable. I was actually surprised that I wasn’t starving. I only got hungry in the middle of the night, but I’d get up and drink water, which seemed to help. By day 5 I was feeling so good! I had so much energy. Within the first 14 day I dropped 10lbs. I’m in your weight range, so I was happy about that. Then I began exercising more, which was the hard part for me. I have a heart condition so I was advised to eat a little. So I’d eat like 2 organic boiled eggs and maybe some granola. Do you plan to exercise while juicing? If so, I’d be interested to hear about your experience. I still juice most of my meals. I love it. Don’t think I’ll ever stop. This is now a lifestyle for me. I’ve finally found something that works for me. And my skin is also looking much better. Wishing you the best of luck on your reboot.

    I am sorry you also had trouble finding good support. There are some people on here that have been super great! And others not so much lol. I do plan on exercising while on my fast. I am going to do lots of yoga, and lots of fast paced walking. I heard its not good to do anything too strenuous so I will save that for after I am done. I can't wait to get back into weight training :)

    Was your last fast 14 days total? Thanks for responding with your experience! I love hearing from people who have gone through one. :)

    Edit: oh and swimming! I love to spend hot days in the water.
  • I do intermittent fasting (Alternate Day Fasting to be more specific) and I've done a lot of research on the fasting subject. Fasting is in fact healthy for you which is what you are really doing on a juice diet, however you are doing a 30 day fast which might be dangerous. As a heads up, if you lose 40% of your body weight on a fast, death will be the result. Link below to a medical dictionary and I took the quote out for you.
    Most people can lose up to 10% of their body weight without side effects, but losing more than 40% is almost always fatal.

    As someone said earlier, the metallic taste in your mouth is Ketosis which means you are burning fat as fuel. That might or might not be dangerous to you. All I know is that if you stay on ketosis for too long then there is a possibility of kidney stones forming in your bladder. It doesn't happen 100% of the time and research is unsure what causes it. All I know is that it happens in some people.

    As a supporter of fasting, I feel it would be better if you choose to do intermittent fasting as there is no risk of death in doing so. Also when you end your juice fast are you going to go back to your eating habits that made you large in the first place? That would be counter productive. Practicing intermittent fasting is better in that you can actually eat which makes it much more manageable throughout your entire life. You can even juice fast when doing IF. You eat one day and fast the next but you seem to want to go about the extreme route so juice 2 or 3 days in a row and then eat. Eat, stop, Eat is the idea behind intermittent fasting.

    Thanks for posting that great info. I agree trying to lose 40% of body weight during a fast is a terrible idea. My goal during this one is losing 42lbs which is a little over 20%. I will most likely only lose 32 though because breaking through 200 has always been difficult (which is the main reason I set the goal below 200!). If I only lose 32lbs that would be a little under 15% my body weight.

    I do plan on doing intermittent fasting when I am done just to keep my body healthy. I will most likely fast 2 days out of the week. I really have enjoyed juicing so far! I really have no problem incorporating this into my lifestyle! May even just replace breakfast or lunch each day so I know I am getting my fruits and veggies in :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Thank you for all of that information. I just want to clear one thing up however. I don't know where this idea that I am against exercising and eating properly came from, but I am not. I am doing this SO I can succeed in the future with my weight loss goals. I love exercising. It makes me feel refreshed! My depression btw was not caused by going on fad diets. It was the anniversary of the death of my son. So you may want to be careful before you say hurtful things to people. I have no problem with hard work.

    Again thanks for the information.


    I'm very sorry for your loss, but again, you're not really reading what anyone's saying, including what I said.
  • Thank you for all of that information. I just want to clear one thing up however. I don't know where this idea that I am against exercising and eating properly came from, but I am not. I am doing this SO I can succeed in the future with my weight loss goals. I love exercising. It makes me feel refreshed! My depression btw was not caused by going on fad diets. It was the anniversary of the death of my son. So you may want to be careful before you say hurtful things to people. I have no problem with hard work.

    Again thanks for the information.


    I'm very sorry for your loss, but again, you're not really reading what anyone's saying, including what I said.

    I actually am. I am just not responding to it how you want me to. We obviously don't agree with certain things so lets just let it go. I appreciate all your input, it's just not changing my mind about what I am doing. I hope you can understand not everyone will agree with things you say. It's like a fight between democrats and republicans. They will never agree on everything.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    I think what most peolpe try to understand is ( and please correct me if I am wrong):
    What is your plan after the 30 7 60 days.
    Cause loosing the weight is one thing, but what do you plan after this.

    I read a post of you where was said, that Weight watchers was a lifestyle change and you practically had to stick to it for life.
    Well I guess most think and that also includes me as well.
    The lifestyle we had was wrong, this is why we gained the weight we have and in order to get it off, we make changes, but we have to stick to the changes after we reached the goal in order to not get to where we have been.

    *lol* I just figured if I had read all the posts properly I would have read that you do intermittent fasten after this!
    Well good luck on your Journey ( I just finished my raw veggies *wink*)
  • I think what most peolpe try to understand is ( and please correct me if I am wrong):
    What is your plan after the 30 7 60 days.
    Cause loosing the weight is one thing, but what do you plan after this.

    I read a post of you where was said, that Weight watchers was a lifestyle change and you practically had to stick to it for life.
    Well I guess most think and that also includes me as well.
    The lifestyle we had was wrong, this is why we gained the weight we have and in order to get it off, we make changes, but we have to stick to the changes after we reached the goal in order to not get to where we have been.

    *lol* I just figured if I had read all the posts properly I would have read that you do intermittent fasten after this!
    Well good luck on your Journey ( I just finished my raw veggies *wink*)

    Hey! No one has really bothered to ask me what my plans are after. They just assume I will go back to the "old habits". Like you read I will do the intermittent fasting but I am also going to eat really healthy. I'm going to have everything grilled, steamed or boiled and fresh! I guess it's just considered to be a low calorie and fat diet. I am also going to do weight training and do another go of the 30 day shred. I have fitness goals for myself such as being able to do x amount of pull ups and push ups and such. After I get more fit I am going to start training for a 5k :) Thank you for asking me what my plans are and not just assuming!