Yes I AM fat!!!!!!



  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    When my wife asks, "Does this make me look fat?" I always, ALWAYS say no.

    We both know I'm fibbing, but saying yes would (as Maximus Decimus Meridius told us) "Unleash Hell!"
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    When my wife asks, "Does this make me look fat?" I always, ALWAYS say no.

    We both know I'm fibbing, but saying yes would (as Maximus Decimus Meridius told us) "Unleash Hell!"

    Dr Phil just talked about this on the View this morning. He said of course you say no! If not your just nuts! What are you supposed to say? Yes and get slapped? My son jokes that guys should say no your fat *kitten* makes your *kitten* look fat lol. He says of course he would never say that to a girl.
  • erin8010
    The thing we forget is that everyone see themselves differently to others.
    We may see something different on the outside than we see on the inside.

    My mum calls it 'body dis-morphia', she says I can't see what she can. I know I'm not overweight, but I'm not where I want to be.

    I will support any friends who want to join me in changing their lifestyle, and those who don't, it's up to them, who am I to compare??
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I guess there's no such thing as "one answer pleases all". LOL If you tell them they are fat, that's crime; if you tell them they are not, that's insult ...

    I will just keep my mouth shut and mind my own business. I am fat. I can say that to myself. Good luck. :drinker:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I think the thing is many times, I feel I am cornered by statement like that "oh, I am so fat" or "I wish I was pretty"...then what should I say? Nothing? suggestion please. :flowerforyou:
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I think the thing is many times, I feel I am cornered by statement like that "oh, I am so fat" or "I wish I was pretty"...then what should I say? Nothing? suggestion please. :flowerforyou:

    In that situation, I say "you're crazy." :) You don't have to agree that they are fat/ugly AND you are telling them they are... well crazy because they probably are. :) lol
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I also hate it when people tell me I'm not fat. I am. I might wear it well, but I am still overweight.

    If someone says "I'm fat" and I know they are, I either say, "we should workout together" or I say, "Well, you look good regardless."

    There are ways of being nice without dismissing what someone has to say.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    When my wife asks, "Does this make me look fat?" I always, ALWAYS say no.

    We both know I'm fibbing, but saying yes would (as Maximus Decimus Meridius told us) "Unleash Hell!"

    My husband is brutally honest. He would never say "yes" to that question, but he is quick to say, "that shirt isn't flattering" or "do you have something else you can wear?"
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I think the thing is many times, I feel I am cornered by statement like that "oh, I am so fat" or "I wish I was pretty"...then what should I say? Nothing? suggestion please. :flowerforyou:

    In that situation, I say "you're crazy." :) You don't have to agree that they are fat/ugly AND you are telling them they are... well crazy because they probably are. :) lol

    Smooth! thanks.
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    Fat? No... Phat? Yes :-)
    Clearly I've got some weight to lose (75lbs-ish), and I don't pretend like I don't know that I'm considered "obese". Do I feel obese? Nah, not really. Am I happy? No. Do I feel healthy? No.

    I am losing weight to be happy and to be healthy. It ticks me off when people tell me "You don't need to lose weight", or "You should love yourself for who you are". I do love myself, but I'll love myself even more when I'm 75 lbs lighter! :) And really?! You don't think I need to lose weight?! Are you f@cking high right now? :laugh:

    One up from that is when my boyfriend says I'm voluptuous. hahahahaha... right. Maybe when I lose 40lbs I'll be voluptuous, but not now, no.

    When someone tells me that they are "fat", I never say yes or no. I answer with "Why do you think that?" Then they can complain about their size and I'll just say "Oh, I see." lol
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    When my wife asks, "Does this make me look fat?" I always, ALWAYS say no.

    We both know I'm fibbing, but saying yes would (as Maximus Decimus Meridius told us) "Unleash Hell!"

    My husband is brutally honest. He would never say "yes" to that question, but he is quick to say, "that shirt isn't flattering" or "do you have something else you can wear?"

    My husband never thinks I am fat but he will say right to my face if he doesn't like an outfit.
  • StillChangingAmie
    Weight is a very emotive subject. If someone says you are not fat they are a liar and if they agree with you they are a b*tch.

    Well a good response when an overweight person calls themselves fat is something like "Okay, you HAVE fat, but YOU are not fat."

    Fat is not a state of being, people! You never hear people say "I am acne" or "I am cancer" so please don't say "I am fat"
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    LOL! HOWEVER, when a skinny *kitten* girl says "oh Im fat!' punch her..... okay only kidding, sort of.... I however, have never considered myself fat by any means. chunky maybe but I thought there was a difference... oh how wrong was i.... so when I was told I am fat, and MADE my best friend confirm it for me, oh that wasn't a pretty sight either!

    Lmao! Right!
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    Weight is a very emotive subject. If someone says you are not fat they are a liar and if they agree with you they are a b*tch.

    LOL! XD
  • penniemh
    penniemh Posts: 124 Member
    When people say this to me (The "oh you are not fat" or "there is nothing wrong with the way you look") I think "really?!"

    Of course, I fully believe people use "you are fat" as a pejorative, specifically designed to cause hurt to the person it's being hurled at, because even when I was thin; people, especially angry Women, would call me "fat girl." Seesh...I got to where I would think and occasionally say "That's the best you can do, call me fat?!"

    As a wise (fictional) Lawyer once told his daughter..."it's never an insult to be called what someone *else* thinks is a bad name." (emphasis mine)

    Oh, and yeah, I agree with the replies about guys being basically clueless about women's sizing...the two men in my life who have ever bought me clothes had to get help from their mom. :~)


    PS - the *only* reason I care about my weight is for my heart. This heavy is not good for it.
  • daffyduck2012
    I have gotten that response at nearly 400lbs. They're either A. Retarded or B. BLIND
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Why do you disrespect yourself by going und telling everyone you're fat?? That's crazy. If you're fat, others do know it. Also, stop complaining about it and use that energy to do something about it.

    To op. I don't find it disrespectful, more honest and refreshing

    I also can appreciate honesty. I don't think your telling everyone but maybe 1/2 people you feel comfortable talking too. Having someone that you can tell Yes I'm fat but I'm trying is really helpful. It also bothers me when store change the size of big girls clothing. Why change the size to a 0,1,2,3,4 . I look just plain crazy saying I'm a size 1.
  • kickers19
    kickers19 Posts: 63 Member
    Do you people not see that your friends and whatnot don't want to hurt your feelings. What do you want them to say. Why yes Susie, you are fat. Get over it... Thats rude and no one in their right mind wants to hurt a friend/family members feelings.
  • jpe71
    jpe71 Posts: 50 Member
    I've found the best response to "oh, you're not fat" responses (when I call myself fat, which I do), is to simply smile and say, "thank you, but from a medical standpoint, I am/but my scale disagrees/that's very kind of you." They're lying to save face for me, and I have no problem thanking them for good intentions, and either stating my disagreement or letting it stand, depending on what's appropriate under the circumstances. It's not important enough to get upset over.

    At 100 lb overweight, I have no illusions about my fatness status, and I've learned to be matter-of-fact about it - I know it's not my whole definition, but it's an applicable term like agnostic, educated, disorganized, hard-working, or political, career, or other terminology. I've got no problem admitting what I am, since none of it, by itself, defines ME.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    honestly sometimes people dont see you as fat. I know my grandmother and aunt , as soon as a I start to drop weight they start trying to get me to eat telling me i dont need to worry about my weight, that I am a beautiful girl so to shut up and eat * classic polish and irish off the boat women over here...* lol like many of you said, it is very subjective. I just shut my mouth , eat whatever they make me , and then spend extra time at the gym. It one of those nod and smile type of things.