Restaurants/food you've had to say goodbye to.



  • fitQueenbeast
    McDonald's because apparently my stomach hates digesting it lol

    This ^^ lol I'm the SAME way! I will never eat there again as long as I can help it.
  • fatmom51
    fatmom51 Posts: 173 Member
    Oops! Double post. See below.
  • fitmommy75
    fitmommy75 Posts: 50 Member
    I have said good-bye to most restaurants. If I do go out to dinner with family or friends I usually stick with a simple sandwich or soup &salad combo and catch a lot of teasing for it. LOL! There have been times when I have indulged, but I've learned how to listen to my body when it is full so I stop and ask for a to-go bag.
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    I find that my tastes have changed considerably and, too, we don't seem to eat out as often, which also makes things a bit easier. I still have a latte every day, but I make it at home using just espresso and skim milk ... not nearly as bad as the caramel brule lattes I used to have at Starbucks all the time. So some things I've just adjusted to fit our cleaner-eating lifestyle, and others (like greek style dry ribs) I just don't find that appetizing any more (and, knowing the calorie count, I also know what I'll have to do to work it off).

    There are other things that I just can't eat just one of (cadbury cream eggs come to mind, lol), so they just don't enter the house. Plus, because we only shop at the farmer's market and an organic grocer, I don't see them, so don't buy them!
  • fatmom51
    fatmom51 Posts: 173 Member
    OMG, I have been musing over the holiday cooking I WON'T be doing this year - Divinity, Peppermint merangue cookies, spiced caramel apple cider, candy corn - da***it, the candy corn.....

    Depending on your recipe, peppermint meringue cookies probably aren't too caloric. I think there may even be some recipes out there that use some of the non-caloric sweeteners, if your body can tolerate those. Meringue is just whipped egg whites. Even if you use sugar, you shouldn't be too bad since it's minimal and many recipes yield a whole bunch of cookies so the calories in the sugar are spread out..
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Dominos. I'm sure they miss me, their stock has probably gone down since I went low carb! :laugh:
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    My favorite pizza place's pizza. I don't know exactly how their pizza counts up since it's not as bad as pizza hut or domino's, but it's still not the healthiest thing in the world. =/ I could always go and request they make something healthier, they'd do it since I was obviously a repeat customer! They recently got veggie burgers in too! But I had to give up a lot of pizza.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Well I guess it would be fast food, aka McDonalds.

    I didn't eat it for about a year then decided to and I had the WORST stomach ache, worst gas, worst bowel movements I could ever remember. I had to lay down for 2 hours while my stomach felt like it was eating itself then doing flip-flops.

    Now it's easy to pass on by!
  • clarkehn
    clarkehn Posts: 24 Member
    I haven't eliminated anything that I love but I have cut back on it and made them treats every now and again.

    Mine are: Dill Pickles (I can't just eat one and HOLY sodium!), Chips and salsa (once again I can't contain myself), and white carbs (I am a carbaholic).

    If I am craving any of the above I will give in a little because if I don't the consequences are worse....
  • randysbombshellgirl
    I havent said goodbye to anything :) for me this needs to be something i can do for life, and life is too short not to enjoy decadent, delicious food sometimes. I have a free day, usually sunday, when i eat what i want. I'm still losing weight. You dont have to give things up-just dont have them all the time :)
    This totally sums it up for me too. But with that being said I avoid 5 guys like it's the plague!
  • Sodiumtracker
    Sodiumtracker Posts: 2 Member
    I'm proud to say I haven't eaten any french fries in two and a half years. I just think of them as sponges of oily, greasy fat. Now they're just gross.
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    None. I go to restaurants on my cheat day if I want :wink:
    Today I'm having a cheat day and I'm going to a local cafe I can't usually eat at since they don't have nutritional information. I'll probably be bad and pick up a slice of cake too :laugh:
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    Taco Bell. The nutritional content be damned, it tasted amazing, but it had to go as part of the "new me" effort. Since then, I've learned how to cook Mexican food properly (and then healthily LOL).

    That sounds like me. The grocery store has their mild sauce in a jar. I put it on my own food and it makes it taste like damage-free taco bell. So good!
  • melpop8
    melpop8 Posts: 39 Member
    I havent said goodbye to anything :) for me this needs to be something i can do for life, and life is too short not to enjoy decadent, delicious food sometimes. I have a free day, usually sunday, when i eat what i want. I'm still losing weight. You dont have to give things up-just dont have them all the time :)

    so true!!
    yesterday i went to our favourite italian restaurant with my family. I chose minestone soup instead of potato skins then a tomato based veg sauce instead of a pizza or cream based pasta. Felt indulged, not left out, still within my limits. Happy days!!
  • TimeWillTell2
    TimeWillTell2 Posts: 126 Member
    I didn't give up favorite restaurants, instead now I am aware of the calorie content by using MFP. So I make informed choices and usually only eat 1/2 of the portion. Most portions are big enough to take the other half home for another meal later. One of my favorite dishes is bang bang shrimp at Cheesecake Factory until I realized how many calories was in it. So like others have said moderation I think is the key...
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    chip shop chips.

    And crisps.
  • Caz104
    Caz104 Posts: 62 Member
    I gave up caffeine. I had a headache for 4 days straight but since then it has absolutely been worth it. I sleep so much better now.

    I avoid Mexican restaurants these days. I love chicken chimichangas and I love queso. Both of which aren't exactly helpful in my healthier lifestyle!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I haven't given up any foods. I just eat less of them.

    The only thing I really quit was soda. I switched to unsweetened tea.
  • Fitorbust73
    Fitorbust73 Posts: 80 Member
    I said goodbye to Tim Hortons Ice Cap and Tim Hortons Mocha.... Both super yummy... But both super high in calories.... More then most of my meals now.... I love black coffee so I drink that instead.....
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    For me, it's not one food or restaurant, because I allow myself small treats when I can. It's the fact that I have to quit eating (especially at mealtimes) before I am full. I will never, ever get to eat until satisfied again.