BIKE HELMETS.....Do YOU wear one??



  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I don't understand why you wouldn't...

    Is it a nuisance?
    Does it not look cool?

    I value my life too much to not wear a helmet.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Yep. I wear one on my bike and I wear one when I snowboard.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I always wear a helmet. I live in a very bike friendly city, and people die on their bikes every year (maybe every month?) It seems pretty smart to do something so simple for your own safety.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I didn't wear a helmet as a kid. Don't think they even existed. I wear one now.

    They're cheap, they're comfortable. Why take a chance?

    Might not make much difference at 60 mph on a motorcycle but it certainly could at casual cycling speeds.
  • Chipmunk222
    Chipmunk222 Posts: 240 Member
    I don't, but I know I should... and will be getting one soon.
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    I sure do. I'd be a hypocrite if I forced my child to wear a helmet and I didn't.

    This. Our girls aren't allowed on their bikes without helmets. Therefore, my husband and I wear them too.
  • tammyj83
    tammyj83 Posts: 159 Member
  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    Yes, always. I wear one when skiing too.
  • Squiggs67
    ALWAYS!!! I like my brains right where they are!!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Always. Bike, skates, skateboard, doesn't matter. Helmet is on. Even if I had zero chance of screwing up, there are other people to consider. Other bikes, cars, etc.
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    Our city recently lost a young college student who was longboarding and fell off. He hit his head and died 2 days later from his injuries. Only 18 and just beginning life. My helmet is ALWAYS on when I am riding my bike>

    That's awful.

    I had a longboarding wipe out 6 or 7 years back going down a steep hill (bombing it, as the kids say). I had a skate helmet on & gloves, but foolishly no pads. I bailed out going waaaay too fast and rolled (years of martial arts training paid off), landed on my feet. I cracked ribs, shredded my arm and there was a huge scrape across the side of the helmet & my hands were protected too. My head would have been as shredded as my arm was, and my skull would have taken the impact.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Greenway trails, road... helmet ALWAYS.
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    We bike usually on biking/walking trails that are relatively flat no cliffs, no traffic, barely any pedestrians etc. so no I don't. But if were to ever ride on a busy road, which I doubt I ever will (we are fortunate to have several biking/walking trails in the area) I would...but I guess I should but I probably won't ;)

    That is the only place we ride, but I still wear one. Can't trust that the little kid riding toward me will stay on his side. Or that the dog will behave.

    My sister's accident was on a smooth safe trail. So I was always wear one.

    Be safe!!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member

    Might not make much difference at 60 mph on a motorcycle but it certainly could at casual cycling speeds.

    Please also wear one on a motorcycle. My first husband was killed when he hit a truck that pulled out across 4 lanes of traffic when he was going about ~50mph. His autopsy showed absolutely no head trauma because of the helmet. He died of a chest injury.
  • joannmdunn
    Always, myself my husband and daughter!!!!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Yes. Falling down three stairs can cause a brain injury, and you are trusting your head to asphalt at 15+?
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I do NOT wear a helmet.
    I like my physical freedom.
    And I generally can't stand "accessories" or things hanging off of me.
    Took me a long time to even wear a pair of sunglasses.
    And everything within me hates seatbelts.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I didn't wear a helmet as a kid. Don't think they even existed. I wear one now.

    They're cheap, they're comfortable. Why take a chance?

    Might not make much difference at 60 mph on a motorcycle but it certainly could at casual cycling speeds.

    I have raced motorcycles and I assure you, they even work at 85 MPH. Full face helmets offer as much as 15-20% more protection than an a 3/4 or 1/2 helmet..
  • flajocar
    I sure do. I'd be a hypocrite if I forced my child to wear a helmet and I didn't.

    When I started riding I thought I looked silly wearing one then my daughter asked me why she had to if I didn't. Wear it all the time now even when riding alone.
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    I always wear one. Even though I ride on a trail, there's always rabbits, chipmunks, and other critters suddenly darting out in front of me. There's also a fair amount of traffic where I bike and plenty of drivers that don't pay attention. Even if you have the right of way, doesn't mean you'd make it out alive if you get hit by a distracted driver.