Today i'll stay on track because...



  • liberty0624
    liberty0624 Posts: 23 Member
    Today I will stay on track because I have proven to myself that I can do it and it feels great
  • momtokx2
    momtokx2 Posts: 37 Member
    Today I will stay on track because I did on Sunday and do not want to start over on Tuesday :)
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    I didn't workout for few days! and I gained a lil bit weight :(
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    That's the only way to get where i need to be

    20lbs 90 days
  • Milton66
    Milton66 Posts: 4 Member
    Re the b**** do you have a friend or family member who does any of the following?
    • Tries to make you eat junk food along with them.
    • Offers you food even when you say you’re not hungry.
    • Laughs at the idea of physical exercise and wonders why anyone would want to do it
    • Laughs at you for trying
    • Makes negative comments, such as: "Another diet, really ok!" or "You realise you’ve been down this road before” or You won’t make it no one does." Or similar type comments
    If you do then you, my friend, have a saboteur. This person feels if you improve they’ll be left behind, or they’ll now look bad next to you and so subtly (or not) they try to undermine your efforts so that they are not alone. It is important you point out to this person the effect it has on you when they are negative. Let them know it is very important to you to improve and you need all the support you can get and point out the things they do that undermine you. Let them know you love them and respect their choices and they need to do the same for you. If someone truly loves and respects you they will listen and support you. If they don’t then maybe you need to get away from them until you have built enough strength that their efforts don’t matter. Lastly never forget the 3 P’s of lasting change! Good journey!
  • momtokx2
    momtokx2 Posts: 37 Member
    Today I will stay on track because it feels better at the end of the day when I do vs when I don't:wink:
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    Im going to cedar point in 3 weeks and I want to be able to fit on the rides.....
  • I've given away the clothes that are too big for me, and I will buy new clothes only if they are smaller than the ones I'm wearing now.
  • today i will stay on track because i wanna lo0k amazing with clothes off:: for myself and for my stud muffin ...[ lo0king go0d gets the men @ home]
  • thefullmontysmom
    thefullmontysmom Posts: 148 Member
    Today I will stay on track because... I have allowed myself too many cheats the past couple of weeks. I am down 30 lbs, but today I am reseting to 0 so I don't think of how much I lost, but how much more I want to lose!
  • Excuse my french here but today i'll stay on track cos i won't let one particular b****** in this world get me down. Gonna stick to my plan, reach my goals and we will see who has the last laugh.

    Thanks for this thread.....I feel so better already for getting that out

  • ~*Today I will stay on track because I've given up too many times in the past and this time WILL BE I enjoy eating and if I stay on track with my diet AND EXERCISE....I can eat a little more and still lose weight*~ :) WE GOT THIS PEOPLE!! :)
    today I'll stay on track because I am too close to goal to give up
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    This is so what I needed right now. Thanks everyone for sharing. TODAY I'll stay on track because my recent choices are making me tired, and I don't like feeling tired.
  • today ill stay on track because i want to reach my goal
  • I am worth it!! I am beautiful and smart and capable - I cannot fail when I have the strength of the Holy Spirit within me :flowerforyou:
  • FitNewEm
    FitNewEm Posts: 12 Member
    Today I'll stay on track because I'm finally going to let go of the "sabotage" foods in my life. I will not be resentful of the naturally skinny people in my life. I am never going to be able to eat the foods that cause me to "go sit on the couch and enjoy it". I will be happy with the clean and healthy choices. Grrr. No, really! I am seeing major results and need to keep my eye on the prize!

    (NOTE TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Don't offer me stuff you know I can't have. It's just cruel and undermines my will power. I love you!)
  • hlp7164
    hlp7164 Posts: 16
    Today I will stay on track becasue; I know I did it once and I know I can do it again! Plus, I'm not trying to be on NO HIGH BLOOD PRESURE PILLS!! In addition to a closet full of close I can't fit! so that's more than enough to stay on track!