I just want to give up.



  • I also weighed 117 before my children. I am 5'2", weigh in at 184 as of this morning. I am seeing a nutritionist and also taking a prescribed diet medication, but I am down 8 lbs as of last week. I am sure it's mostly water weight, but 8 lbs is 8 lbs. I have cut my caloric intake down considerably, consuming around 1200 calories a day, at the most. I am not exercising as of yet, because it's too uncomfortable for me to go to the gym...(not ready for work out wear yet). My bf of 2 1/2 yrs is very encouraging (he's a body builder)...

    The older we get ( I'm turning 36 soon) the harder it is too lose weight. I know my body is definately different. This is what I have done:

    1) Post a pic of something motivational on your fridge...When I see the skinny girl, it immediately makes me walk away from the kitchen...
    2) think about your meals/snacks in advance. I take carrots to work so I don't snack out of the vending machine...
    3) Stay busy at home...organize closets...deep clean kitchen cabinets....

    This is the first time I've ever posted on a message board, so hopefully it helps me stay focused as well. :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Yowla -

    If you have been jogging 2-4 times a week, and tracking your food, and gaining weight -- go see your doctor. Get a checkup and have your thyroid tested.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Its not easy all the time. that is for SURE. But...you just have to decide to do it, to make the changes you can make to get the result you want. Just wanting it isn't enough, you have to put some verbs in there. Make the small changes, don't overhaul your whole life in one swoop, that just gets frustrating. Make a change. Then another. And another. No timeline, no pressure. Just DO it. One step, one decision at a time.
  • Don't give up!!!! My suggestion is to make changes that you can stick with for a life time. If you view this as a "diet", as soon as you get to your weight goal, you will revert back to old habits and this ends up a vicious cycle.

    I am an accountant and like to view everything in terms of numbers or $. I view my calories allowed each day as money. Lets say that I have to purchase my clothes for the day each day and I have $100.00 each day to spend. I may want that $100.00 pair of shoes (brownies & ice cream) but that would leave me with nothing else to wear. If I really want those shoes (brownies), then I have several options. I can work overtime (exerciese) so that I will have more money to buy the other essential items of clothing (reasonable food). I can borrow money from tomorrow (cut the extra calories from tomorrow ((I really don't recommend)),or I can go in debt (gain weight). For the majority of days, I purchase an entire outfit (balanced diet), but I can not lie.....there are some Saturdays that I have on only those fabulous $100.00 shoes (brownies). I really enjoy eating, and most of the time, I like figuring out how much food I can get for my calories (finding that great sale at my favorite dept store).

    I have been using FMP since February and have lost 27 pounds. I don't feel hungry, deprived of good foods, nor do I intend to "stop" just because I have reached my weight loss goal. This is a lifestyle change. Take baby steps. If you don't feel like you can give up something, make a start by decreasing the amount. Whatever you do.....DONT GIVE UP!!!!!:smile:
  • cswinn42
    cswinn42 Posts: 10 Member
    "Sort It Out"Today, I've got some questions to ask yourself. Only you have the answers.What do you really want in life?What's limiting you?How do you prevent yourself from expanding and enjoying a bigger purpose?How do you prevent yourself from receiving more?It's time to expand your capacity to receive more fulfillmen
    t, to have a lot more happiness, more excitement, more meaning, a job that gives you satisfaction, not just work that pays the bills, and a relationship where you feel totally on the same page with your partner.Sort yourself out today. Spend some time thinking about the questions I posed, and even take out a notebook and think on the paper. Make sure the desire you have to change is not only well-intentioned but also translates into effort and action. In that way, you're guaranteed to experience dramatic shifts in your life. I received this on my Daily Destined Message, I thought it might help. Feel free to add me.
  • Don't give up. This weekend was the hardest one that I've had in a long time. I had to put one of my beloved pets to sleep. All I wanted to do was eat. I wound up using an old A A trick. I set a timer for sometimes as few as 5 min. I got through it without eating trough my sadness. Try the timer.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Yowla -

    If you have been jogging 2-4 times a week, and tracking your food, and gaining weight -- go see your doctor. Get a checkup and have your thyroid tested.

    This isn't bad advice, but I do want to say this - Tracking your food doesn't mean you're eating a reasonable amount of nutritious food, and running 2-4 times a week doesn't mean you will lose weight. Getting a thyroid check is a great idea, but a reality check is something you can give yourself, and there's no co-pay.
  • Dont give up, this takes time. You didnt put on 46 pounds overnight. you cannot expect to take it off overnight.

    I know you log what you eat but are you putting healthy nutritious things into your body?

    I have friends who have tried every lifestyle eating habit you can come up with. But more of them have had success with the Raw or Paleo plans than anything.

    I am a Weight watchers girl through and through, when I need to drop the LBS i go back to what I know and for me, it works EVERYTIME.

    Good luck. You can do it!
  • LadyMack38
    LadyMack38 Posts: 5 Member
    Please stay positive. It is a struggle. I stopped tracking before too. I did lose weight, but not fast enough. I felt like giving up....then I realized I gained that loss right back after stopping MFP. The older we get, the more our bodies want to retain fat. Just eat smaller portions and try to honestly input your food. You will quickly learn what foods are hindering your weigh loss. When I started tracking, I noticed just a how many snacks I was eating a day....loved my cookies....icecream...whatever. I thought since I only ate 1 or 2 it wouldn't hurt, but how many times I did that mattered! So now, I replace the sweets with a fruit. And I walk more. I am not stressing myself out about it, but still trying to stay focused.
  • bethhughes1225
    bethhughes1225 Posts: 4 Member
    Ugh! I know the feeling... You are needing some serious motivation. I have been tracking faithfully for several weeks and lost 3lbs! Not enough for me! My motivation came when I saw a recent photo of myself (full length) and it was hideous!. I was always the skinny girl. Well, not any more. I am currently doing phase 1 of the South Beach diet. I found the food list online. We shall see how it works. The good thing ...It's keeping me from snacking at night. I am a big late night snacker (chips, cheese and crackers etc...) I have started working out again. A few videos and walking mostly (we have lots of hills here). Whatever you do some kind of execise is a must. I noticed when I was in my late 30s the weight really crept up on me. My metabolism was awful and it gets worse in your 40s. Try walking 20-30 min/ day to start. Once you do that for a couple of weeks you will be used to it and will actually start looking forward to your work outs. And 20-30 min. will no longer be enough... You'll want to do more. It increases your energy as well.
    I hope this helps. I will let you know how South Beach is doing...

    Head up and keep smiling!:bigsmile:
  • Don't give up! But it is way hard. I would suggest protein/ veggie for three meals a day to jump start your routine. You can see I still eat treats. I'm low carbing it for the most part.
  • Yes, its not a diet, its a lifestyle.

    If you want to change, to get skinny again, you have to change the way you live. It THEN becomes routine and only then will you workout all the time without even thinking about it.

    Your nutrition must also develop into a new era. Im talking no unhealthy snacks to no proccessed foods. Take it as far as you want its your choice.

    Remember though, if you really want it, you will change. Change the way you eat, live, workout. Im not saying you will be bothered working out every time, but it becomes routine and 9 times out of 10 if you just do a little bit you end up pushing and doing the full thing. I needed to read this to! :flowerforyou: When you get stuck or just plain unmotivated it is sooooo hard to get back into it. YOU CAN DO THIS! DONT GIVE UP! You will NEVER regret not giving up but you might regret that you did. Pick yourself back up. We are here to give you hugs and a kick in the butt! :bigsmile:

    I always tell myself, that cake/snack/burger whatever is not as good as the feeling I get when I go home and look in the mirror knowing that the change is happening because i stuck to my plan.
  • TeresaOH1
    TeresaOH1 Posts: 31 Member
    said perfectly!!
  • Are you exercising?

    I signed up for MFP late last year but have only been using it seriously since August. The first 3 weeks, I showed very little progress (one week, I *gained* half a pound) but then I started going to the gym 3x/week and my progress doubled.

    As a bonus, I'm usually feeling especially "up" on my workout days (endorphins ftw!). That, and seeing my clothes steadily loosening gives me the motivation to keep going.
  • Yes, its not a diet, its a lifestyle.

    If you want to change, to get skinny again, you have to change the way you live. It THEN becomes routine and only then will you workout all the time without even thinking about it.

    Your nutrition must also develop into a new era. Im talking no unhealthy snacks to no proccessed foods. Take it as far as you want its your choice.

    Remember though, if you really want it, you will change. Change the way you eat, live, workout. Im not saying you will be bothered working out every time, but it becomes routine and 9 times out of 10 if you just do a little bit you end up pushing and doing the full thing.

    I always tell myself, that cake/snack/burger whatever is not as good as the feeling I get when I go home and look in the mirror knowing that the change is happening because i stuck to my plan.

    This pretty much sums it up.

    I had to stop thinking about the "weight" and concentrate on doing what was right to be HEALTHY. Losing weight has become a welcome bi-product.
  • Ok i went to reply to someones awesome post and some how my words got in the middle of their post and it looked like they wrote it. ugh i didnt mean to do that. I dont even know how i did. :huh: Sorry bout that.
  • Hello, I have been on and off MFP for over a year now. I have logged in everyday for almost 70 days. I have for the most part tracked my foods for the last 2 weeks. But I just can't do this. I don't know how people are losing weight. I don't know how to motivate myself to eat healthy or exercise. I use to be 114lbs and was able to eat what ever I wanted to 2 1/2 years ago. Now I am climbing to 160. I have a Mexico trip coming up in 64 days and I turn 40 in 4 months. I want to get skinny again. I need some help. I love reading things from all my friends on here so more friends the better. But any suggesstions to help me get out of this funk?

    Don't give up...it took me 3 months to lose .8 of a pound from the last time I officially weighed in on MFP. It gets frustrating..whatever you do, don't give up. Rewards pay off for those who have patience.
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    I think your Mexico trip and turning 40 are just going to have to be downplayed in your own mind... You aren't going to safely (and sanely) drop that amount of fat in that short of a time period. The fat loss (differentiated from weight loss) is going to have to be a mid-long range goal... not the short term one you have in your mind.

    This is a in-it-for-the-long-haul type deal. And also, a chance to learn how to measure, weigh food and somewhat redefine how you think about your diet. Good luck.
  • I started on here in July 2011 - and looked at it as a lifestyle change. I was 40 when I started. I wasn't quite sure it was possible, but with some research (making sure I ate enough and the right foods), I altered some of the MFP settings and upped my calories.

    I lost 25 lbs in 4 months and have been working on getting the rest off.

    I just turned 42 and I'm the healthiest I have been...in my life. I may not be the skinniest (as I was smaller in high school), but I am stronger and more fit.

    It takes smaller steps - like one or two weeks at a time, change something: drink more water, eat less processed foods, etc. Each "good habit" will become easier and then you can add another. Trying to do it all at once will make you crazy. It takes dedication to a "new lifestyle" in order for it to actually stick. And it takes trying not to beat yourself up when you take a misstep - like missing a workout or eating something crappy. We all "fall off the horse" once in awhile, but the important thing is to get back on and keep moving!
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are willing to learn, no one can stop you...

    There is more information and support for helping people lose weight and regain a healthy lifestyle on the MFP website than any other place on the Internet. Read, educate yourself, follow the MFP plan, add supportive, knowledgeable friends, set your goals and go after them. Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug, but don't ever give up...