what can I buy at GNC to help speed up weight loss?!!?



  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    Okay, so most people on this website aren't buying things at GNC, but I do.

    Skip the meal replacements. It's no better than a Slimfast and you'll be starving anyway.

    Skip the special chews for calcium or shiny hair or any other female-focused product.

    GET A GOOD MULTI-VITAMIN. Get the packs with 10 pills if you want, but you probably don't need to spend that much. (I bought a month's supply and only took it for 1 week.) If you don't go for a pre-built pack, also grab some fish oil. I skip Flaxseed oil because I get that by eating actual flaxseed.

    WHEY PROTEIN POWDER. You may not need this, but I do. When I do workouts, it's like I never get enough protein to recover, so this really helps. I don't do the 3 scoops/60g of protein they suggest, but an extra 20g is fantastic mixed in a fruit smoothie and sometimes I just can't eat that extra protein in one day.

  • Dihydrogen monoxide

    I've been taking this stuff for a long time. It changes the color of my pee, though. :\

    I often go way over the recommended dosage, too; hope it doesn't kill me.
  • Whatever you do do not buy thermogenics...bad news if you try these
  • zoombaby
    zoombaby Posts: 14 Member
    Buy Dinitrophenol, only pill that actually work with weight loss, so who ever told you there is no pills is ignorant. And, yea there is a catch about it, hope you figure it out!

    just went and read about this
    "This chemical is still deemed too dangerous by the FDA to allow it to come back to the pharmaceutical marketplace. "
    "While it is true that DNP can significantly enhance your weight loss efforts, the extremely high risk of severe side effects, including death, make its use for this purpose a very bad idea."
    "Due to the high risk of death, you should not take DNP"

    yeah that totally seems worth it. :noway:
    please tell me you were trollin'?

    All i'll say is - remember earlier on in the thread where I mentioned someone DIED after reading stuff like this, bought it and used it? Yep. That's why I don't even bother mentioning it anymore and stick to NO.

    Even suggesting things like this as a joke on a forum is pretty irresponsible, because some people don't have a sarcasm detector, will read about it, think the risks are worth it, buy it, and end up dead.

    Lets not forget. There are some people out there so desperate to get the body they want and so desperate to get it _now_ that they'll take any risk to get there which includes their own life.

    So be responsible before we start recommending (even as a joke) drugs/supplements on here... There are plenty of other places for the desperate if they are willing to take their lives into their own hands.

    People in general do stupid things, you can say someone "diet and train" that's all it takes, that someone could read about it and figure out yea, I should go and make caloric deficit of 500kcal in average per day thrum diet and exercise and slowly but steady louse my weight. In other hand there will be people who will "diet and train" the same advice and cut calories extremaly low, and exercise whole a lot, will in worse case scenario will end up dead - actually this happened more then once (liquid diet back in 70s), actually I would say more then DNP related death.

    DNP although not FDA approved is used by Body builders more then you think, not to mention female bodybuilders and specially fitness category. Moral of the story, whatever you say/write people can turn it around and do stupid ****, I've seen it more then once.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Nothing will speed up weight loss really. I recommend Vitamin D, Cinnamon, Probiotic Pill, Fish Oil (Omega3), and a Multivitamin.
  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    Nothing will speed up weight loss really. I recommend Vitamin D, Cinnamon, Probiotic Pill, Fish Oil (Omega3), and a Multivitamin.

    I have read that vitamin d is one of the 'super' supps that will help keep the active body healthy. What brand, dose is recommended? (Cringes at asking a serious question).
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    Buy Dinitrophenol, only pill that actually work with weight loss, so who ever told you there is no pills is ignorant. And, yea there is a catch about it, hope you figure it out!

    just went and read about this
    "This chemical is still deemed too dangerous by the FDA to allow it to come back to the pharmaceutical marketplace. "
    "While it is true that DNP can significantly enhance your weight loss efforts, the extremely high risk of severe side effects, including death, make its use for this purpose a very bad idea."
    "Due to the high risk of death, you should not take DNP"

    yeah that totally seems worth it. :noway:
    please tell me you were trollin'?

    All i'll say is - remember earlier on in the thread where I mentioned someone DIED after reading stuff like this, bought it and used it? Yep. That's why I don't even bother mentioning it anymore and stick to NO.

    Even suggesting things like this as a joke on a forum is pretty irresponsible, because some people don't have a sarcasm detector, will read about it, think the risks are worth it, buy it, and end up dead.

    Lets not forget. There are some people out there so desperate to get the body they want and so desperate to get it _now_ that they'll take any risk to get there which includes their own life.

    So be responsible before we start recommending (even as a joke) drugs/supplements on here... There are plenty of other places for the desperate if they are willing to take their lives into their own hands.

    People in general do stupid things, you can say someone "diet and train" that's all it takes, that someone could read about it and figure out yea, I should go and make caloric deficit of 500kcal in average per day thrum diet and exercise and slowly but steady louse my weight. In other hand there will be people who will "diet and train" the same advice and cut calories extremaly low, and exercise whole a lot, will in worse case scenario will end up dead - actually this happened more then once (liquid diet back in 70s), actually I would say more then DNP related death.

    DNP although not FDA approved is used by Body builders more then you think, not to mention female bodybuilders and specially fitness category. Moral of the story, whatever you say/write people can turn it around and do stupid ****, I've seen it more then once.

    Don't get me wrong - I didn't say that the science wasn't there that proves it works... Hell the only reason it ever got looked at was because steelworkers and explosives workers in mines back in the day were unbelieveably scrawny and thin and nobody knew why...

    ...But the risks outweigh the payoff so much that it's not even worth considering. Unless you're seriously willing to take your life into your own hands i'd stay well clear.

    As for fitness models... I quote it regularly but one of the lead models over the years for Hydroxycut admitted that he only really looked that ripped because he'd been taking steroids since he was 16...

    I really think this boils down to what you want. Healthy, or not?

    I know what i'd choose. :)
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    Biotin (vitamin b)
    aids metabolism and gives you nice hair and nails. They also have a good selection of multi vitamins and protein powder. I would say get some low calorie whey protein powder, a multi vitamin and some of those emergen-C packets.

    I would say those things will help you with weight loss because if you are reducing your caloric intake and working out you want to make sure your body is getting everything it needs or you will become weak and lethargic and hungry and mess it all up.

    I am not 100% against appetite suppressants, but only very mild, non caffeinated ones and i think you might only need them for the first week when you are craving really unhealty food or junk. once you start eating healthy you wont need them.

    and finally, if you are looking for something like a pill to boost your calorie burn before a work out, they have those too but i really don't recommend you make a habit of using them because they mess up your bodys natural schedule of hunger and energy.

    you feel all this fake energy and think you are full when actually you are starving. then you cant make it through a day without them. they are kind of evil. but if you do get them i would only take it once in a blue moon, similar to a cup of coffee to get you going IF you have eaten enough and IF you really just cant get motivated to work out.

    again, i dont think you need any kind of diet pill at all after the first week again because your body and metabolism will start to heal itself from clean eating, water and exercise and you will have tons of natural energy.

    then you will lose weight

    those are my opinions but what the hell do i know

    Hits *LIKE* button 2X!!!
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Check this out - a diagram of various minerals/vitamins important for weight management. I discovered it while reading a book about nutrition. I don't know anything about the company, but the chart seems pretty solid, and I thought I'd share it with you.

    website: spectracell.com/media/weight-management-wheel.pdf
  • Webona293
    Webona293 Posts: 39 Member
    it is awesome...except that some people (not you) abuse it...oxy elite pro is not allowed to be sold on ANY US military base because 2 soldiers dropped dead of heart attacks during PT while using that. It's got an ingredient in it like ephedrine and I would not be surprised if it gets banned in the next few years. Plus if you have ANY kind of depression or other metal illness you can't take it.
  • Dihydrogen monoxide

    Love it!!!! :)
  • Nothing will speed up weight loss really. I recommend Vitamin D, Cinnamon, Probiotic Pill, Fish Oil (Omega3), and a Multivitamin.

    I have read that vitamin d is one of the 'super' supps that will help keep the active body healthy. What brand, dose is recommended? (Cringes at asking a serious question).

    Go play in the sun and you'll get plenty of it!
  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26
    i would be careful

    i don't even know what this is
  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26
    lots of greens will help

    asparagus , broccoli


    if you can cook, it helps
  • kati_nicole
    kati_nicole Posts: 7 Member
    While there is not a quick fix, I find the "Lean Burn" Protein powder a really great addition to before a workout. If you have a problem with self-motivation, there is nothing to help you, but if you just want to get an extra burn in a workout, and be able to push yourself longer, I believe it helps :)
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    The OP posted two years ago, I am sure she's figured it out by now.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    edited October 2014
    GNC is way overpriced! Besides, most products won't help you lose weight in a healthy way or help you maintain the loss. I'd recommend getting a gym membership and start working out! That, and eating properly, are your best bets.

    ETA: didn't realize it was a zombie thread haha oopsie.
  • lmjannin
    lmjannin Posts: 18 Member
    Whey protein
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    Save your money. Eat a healthy diet and exercise. That's the only magic out there.
    (*) BINGO! (*)
    If you're seeking a magic bullet, there is no short supply of scammers willing to sell you one...or three!

  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Save your money.