Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • singledj
    singledj Posts: 147 Member
    I stayed at home from work because my oldest was sick that day. I remember my Mom calling and asking me if I was watching the news. When I switched the channel I just stood there in disbelief of what was happening... it felt like I was watching a movie like it wasn't real. But sadly it was real. I also remember how strange it was to not hear any airplanes in the air for the four days after.

    Thank you... to all the Heros of that day and to the many who still serve and sacrifice to keep us safe and protect our Freedom!!
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    Sitting at my computer at work at the largest energy provider in the southeast. I started hearing people talking about the first plane hitting, so I went into the nearest conference room to watch the TV. At first, there was a lot of confusion.... was it an accident?.... what kind of plane was it?.... but then we saw the second one hit and knew it was no accident. Everyone was in shock.... we couldn't believe what we were seeing.... and then the concerns started trickling in for our own safety considering the business we were in and not knowing how widespread this attack on our nation may be. There were tears, disbelief, confusion....

    I remember how our country rallied together in the days and weeks following the attack and I remember how proud I was.... and still am... to be an American. Yes, we have our differences and yes, we argue and bicker internally, but 9/11 showed that when outside forces come against us, it is possible for us to come together as a nation and truly be the "UNITED" States of America.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Freshman year at a university in Virginia. Walking back to my dorm from my 8am biology class - I remember vividly thinking it was so, so quiet. Unnaturally quiet around campus. Got to my dormroom just in time to see the second plane hit.

    Many of my friends were from DC. When the Pentagon was hit so many kids were trying to call their parents to see if they were OK but no phones were working. It was awful.
  • jmuller06
    jmuller06 Posts: 109 Member
    I was just sitting down with a cup of coffee before getting ready to go to a funeral when the phone rang. I turned on the TV and like everyone, watched in disbelief and horror. Got dressed for the funeral, picked my daughter up from kindergarten (I had to have her with me after watching what just happened) and went to the funeral. I cried for months and continue to cry today.
  • I was working. I'm a Police Officer. I had to stand guard on the2- Gov't building in my county.
  • judyf87
    judyf87 Posts: 3 Member
    I am sad to say I was sitting in the principal's office. I had just gotten in a fight in the girl's locker room, 8th grade. I was waiting for someone to come and get me since I was suspended and my math teacher walked in and said " They just got the pentagon". I didn't know what was going on until I got home and turned the TV on.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    I was living at my parent's house at the time and flipped on SportsCenter. They were talking about the planes crashing into Tower One. I thought I was still dreaming....
  • eheinze12
    eheinze12 Posts: 58 Member
    I was in junior high school in my science class, I am thinking 8th grade. I remember my teacher and everything. We all just watched the news in amazement.
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    I was still asleep at 6AM out here in California when my better half woke me up and told me what was going. My birthday is 09/11 so I had the day off and was planning on chilling out at the house while the better half worked. I ended up being glued to the TV and internet watching things unfold...
  • Walking through the 501st MP Co. (Germany) day room. Next thing I knew I had all my battle rattle on, looking ridiculous, and worked a 24 hour shift because we figured the Army bases would be a natural target. Proud today, as I always am, of my peers who stood to fight and those who followed us.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    i was with my boyfriend about to celebrate my birthday. obviously, that was put on hold when we got a phone call to turn on the tv,
    Even though he's now my ex, i couldn't have been with a better person to ease my fears all while he was trying to reach his family in NJ.:cry:
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 379 Member
    Home watching Sportscenter talking abour Michael Jordan's return to basketball. I was getting ready for work when it happened and did not find out until I got to work. I'm in the military and at first I thought it was a military excercise. Changed everything after that day.
  • eecruzmd
    eecruzmd Posts: 119 Member
    I was working as a receptionist in Arlington, Va (very close to the Pentagon) when we heard the news a plane had crashed "accidentally" with one of the Towers as we were watching the other plane crashed against the other one. I still remember the feeling which was more powerful than any other I have ever felt before. It was a feeling of being vulnerable and powerless. Then the rumors started about the 3rd plane and where it was headed to. I got really nervous. While the situations were being dealt with at the office, we heard this loud noise, a plane engine overhead, no plane ever flies over residential area, not in DC/Alexandria/Arlington area anyway, that's always been a "NO Fly Zone". I remember everyone came out of the offices, it was almost panic/chaos and then the boom. We went outside and we could see the pile of smoke in the air. All I can say it was terrible, an unreal nightmare but it was very real.

    All I can say today is to those who lost their lives in New York, Washington, DC and the flight over Pennsylvania, R.I.P... We will always remember that dreadful day.
  • I was attending the University of North Carolin @ Pembroke in Dr. Wishes physical science class. A young lady came in to explain what was happening and to tell all military spouses to head back to Fort Bragg and retrieve their children from the base. My husband was in the 82 Airborne and was on a 2 hour recall.

    I have never felt so scared, helpless, angry and sad in all my life.
  • Probability and Statistics class at Frostburg State University. Not that far from where Flight 93 went down.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    At work at a fairly new job.... they let us go home early. Watched the TV the rest of the day... I remember no one could get through on cell phones anywhere.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    High school gym class. 11th grade. We found out right after class when we were in the hallway going to our lockers. Then every class had the news on and everyone was trying to call their families. I didn't even know what the world trade center was until then, sadly.
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    I was in bed asleep, woke up to the phone ringing, and I heard my Dad's voice on the answering machine (remember THOSE?!) saying "Oh my god, we are at WAR! Oh my god.". I grabbed the phone and turned on the news, and we watched together (he in Thailand and me in California) the second plane hit. We cried on the phone, and talked a few more times that day. I was a travel agent at the time, so the next few days were non-stop crazy, renting cars, booking trains, and trying to get all our stranded clients home or accommodated with every airport shut down. What a sad time...
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    I was in 9th grade english....and our professor turned on the classroom t.v. and we watched it all unravel...it was crazy. very sad.
  • arabellaag
    arabellaag Posts: 1 Member
    Flying back from NYC to Florida. Blessed to be here, telling the story.
    I will never forget, those who we lost. I LOVE AMERICA!
  • i was in science class-8th grade. It was really early for us when it happened. I was on west coast time.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I was in 9th grade economics class with the biggest *kitten* of a teacher. I remember they sent us home before the 2nd plane hit the towers. I got to actually see that happen on tv.
  • I was working at Sumner Reg. Med. Ctr in Gallatin, TN, up on a floor, and saw the first tower report. Choked back tears the rest of the day. May we never experience anything like this again in this generation. Or any, for that matter. I remember going home, going for a walk with my dogs, noticing how beautiful the sky was that day. Bless all who lost on that day.
  • str1ne
    str1ne Posts: 69 Member
    Im proud to be a New Yorker (whether other states like us or not). . . Im proud to be American and I love this country <3

    I think we were all New Yorkers that day!
  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    At home prepping for work from home because my contract that was supposed to start that morning in NYC fell through the previous week.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I was 20 so I stayed up all night, went to sleep at 8am CST/9am EST and didn't know anything about it til my mom and brother burst into my room at 3:30pm/4:30pm when they got home from work. So I had no idea til well after it all happened. I basically slept through it.
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    i was working at thelocal university i worked 5 am til 8:30 am. i usually finished my work around 8 so i would go sit in my car til about 8:20 then go to office and clock out so i didnt get fussed at. that particular mornign news was still on at 5 after (usually off by 2 after) so i rushed to office and wheni went in alli could get out was we are under attack, New york is under attack. the boss had the supervisor turn on the tv and aboout that time the 2nd tower was getting hit. i sank into the supervisors chair for about 15 minutes because it was that or fall on floor my legs were so shacky. the rest of the day i worried how to tell my daughter but the teachers at her school already discussed it with them and she was ok with it a little pissed off but ok
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    I had just dropped my kids off at school and was going to run some errands when they said on the radio a caller just told them to turn on the TV, that a plane had just rammed into the WTC.

    I didnt see footage until several hours later. It was really shocking.

    I think they should regularly show the footage on TV and in our schools so our children never fall into the mindset that many people in my generation felt - we are invincible and untouchable.
  • At home getting ready for work. My husband called and told me to turn on the TV. All our hearts broke in that moment.
  • At school that morning, I was only in 8th grade and after everyone realized what was going on and that it wasnt an airplane accident....everyone in the building had their eyes on the news.
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