Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



  • Hi, everyone! Sorry i havent been on in a week or so. My school work is getting a bit more complicated and taking a bit more of my time. And on Tuesday my husbands grandfather was killed in a car accident. So between geiving with family, trying to explain the situation in terms a 5 n 6 year old can understand, a funeral, and school... im suprised i lost any weight at all! But suprise to me, i got on my scale this morning and had a number 8 lbs smaller than i did before! Praise God!!! My husband was so happy ive lost over 10 pounds that he bought me a new pajama slip... the small things make this great!!!

    Well, all have a bless day or week depending on when i can get back on!

  • Pam--I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Congrats on your huge loss, its nice to have something positive when you are dealing with something so negative. You are also supported here, so feel free to contact anyone of us if you need to vent or if you need a good laugh. We are here for you.

    So, on my end...I tend to not take pain meds because I have this anti-medicine thing going on. But OMG, I don't know what I would do with out this bottle of vicodin right now. My doctor was not kidding when he said I would need plenty of time to recover and not to be a hero and refuse the meds. And thank God they gave me the liquid. Not only does it work faster, but man its so hard to swallow! (I've been getting quite a few laughs when I say that to my twisted friends:laugh: ) But even liquids are hard to get down. It takes a while just to take a few sips of water!

    I think I only reached 500 calories yesterday. These shakes are really good and filling, but I can't totally substitute with them. My neighbor went and picked me up broccoli cheese soup from Quiznos yesterday. Love her for that! This morning I'm trying to choke down some oatmeal and I'm going to add peanutbutter and bananas to the shakes to get more calories and ask another friend for more soup later. On a lighter note, nothing like a throat surgery to lose a few pounds, lol.

    Well, I'm going to try to finish this oatmeal while its still luke warm. :sick: I probably won't be back this weekend. I'm going to take full advantage of this weekend so I can get back to school on Monday and get back to working out asap. Have a great one!

  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Pam - Sorry for your families loss, but congrats on a huge loss this week! Keep it up!

    Holly - Glad you're taking the medicine and the time to recover.

    tea - Way to pick back up and get back on the saddle. How'd you end up doing today?

    I was way under my calories for today because I was so busy. Tomorrow is a baby shower being hosted at my house, so I'm sure i'll make up for it tomorrow.

    Have a great Sunday everyone.
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Pam - Sorry for your families loss, but congrats on a huge loss this week! Keep it up!

    Holly - Glad you're taking the medicine and the time to recover.

    tea - Way to pick back up and get back on the saddle. How'd you end up doing today?

    I was way under my calories for today because I was so busy. Tomorrow is a baby shower being hosted at my house, so I'm sure i'll make up for it tomorrow.

    Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Heidi a bit better, i even managed to exercise two days in a that's a milestone! lol
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Holly..Hang in there, just a few more days of taking it easy..being so positive helps! :)
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Morning ladies :smile:

    Pam, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You and you're family will be in my prayers. BUT on the positive side of things, congrats on losing 8 lbs!!! That's fantastic :happy:

    Holly, I hope you get better soon! take it easy :flowerforyou:

    I did great yesterday with my calories. I haven't had much time to exercise though bc of grad school...but....I've been walking to and from class instead of taking the shuttle (it's a 10 min walk...I walk to my classes 3-4 times a that's 30-40 mins of exercise I wouldn't be getting if I would take the shuttle) :smile: It's def worth it.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • hijduk
    hijduk Posts: 8
    i would like to join. i'm a month behind, but am willing to try and take accountability for the challenge.
  • I just went to and saw that there is 150 days untill Eclipse comes out. I did the math and at 2 pounds per week that is 42lbs I have to lose by then and I'm totally confident that I can do that! That would put me at a total of 68lbs lost, only 11 pounds from my actual goal. I realize that I could lose more or less than that, so I'm not writing anything in stone. Just thought it was fun to get a picture in my head. I wouldn't even need to buy a new outfit to go see the movie, I have plenty of clothes that will fit me by then already in my closet and drawers!

    Got excited and thought I'd share.:laugh:
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    May I vent for a moment about non- MFP, non-Twilight??? Comcast is making all of their subscriber's go to digital cable. They are trying to make it seem pretty and give you a break for the first 6 months before they nearly DOUBLE the cost of the service. I am livid and considering not having cable at all. The only problem is tha without cable I have NO TV in my apt. Not even the digital box that was put out will help. My apt building is hardwired to need cable for any signal to come through. Nice....

    Ok, vent over. Thank you.
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Holding on the vent- chatting with Comcast now and they are saying that they are NOT making me switch. We'll see. Still might have to investigate alternates.

    You may resume your day!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Back on topic: I lost 0.6 this week, which judging by many of your updates is not to par. Congrats to all of you who have done so well over the past week!
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    I am very late finding this, but I would like to join your group!
  • I am brand new to this, am a 381/2 year old wife and mom to a daughter in college and a hormonal 17 yr old son. How I wish they had it together like the Cullens! haha! I work 10 hrs a day and live very rural. (read.. no gym). I am 178 as of this morning and 5'5" tall. I used to be very athletic and the fact that now I can't do the things I want to are really teeing me off. I don't aspire to look like a supermodel (well, maybe Giselle) but rather a fitness model. I want to be able to run, jump, play ball, ski, hike etc. Anything that presents itself. My husband is very fit and I hate being the fat wife. I know I'm rambling, I just need to get this under control so I don't feel like a miserable old housewife anymore. I want to FEEL GOOD, FEEL YOUNG!! Any help would be appreciated!! I am not very computer savvy, so I apologize. Thanks!
  • I am late joining also, but I would like to join. I LOVE Twilight, the whole series, and anything and everything that goes along with it. I am not for a certain team, I love Edward and Bella together, but I also love Jacob. I think you could have the perfect man if you had Jacob (Taylor Lautners) body and Edward Cullens mind and thinking, his protectiveness and romantics.....Oh, and lets not forget the sparkle....:love:
    Anyways, I am overweight and need to lose weight and want to lose weight, so i am hoping that I am successful. I currently weigh 225 and am hoping to at least get down to 180.
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Welcome to all the new Twilighters!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Wow, this board has been quiet this week. Welcome to all the newbies (to MFP and to the board). How is everyone doing this week?

    Despite my horrid day at work yesterday and today (and TOM), I am preventing it from derailing me. I hit the gym last night and am researching my dinner out tonight. Meeting a friend at TGIFridays so I will go to their website and see what kind of NON-damage I can do!

    Hope everyone else out there is doing, and recovering :) well.
  • Welcome to he new joiners! Hey!

    I'm finally starting to feel better. I had a major migraine on Monday morning that landed me in the ER. It was very odd, I can't even say scary. I was so confused. I was clawing into the floor because I couldn't tell which way was up. Seriously, that was a humbling experience.

    Anyway, I hjaven't weighed in this week. I have been eating alot of canned soup and takeout, so I'm not interested in knowing this week:grumble: I'm also .....TMI.....very constipated from the pain meds. Hopefully I'll be better by the weekend and I'll weigh in and count it on Monday. Hope thats fair.

    It has been slow on here. How is everybody? Mal, I hate TOM! Good for you for going to the gym anyway! Have fun at TGIFridays! Yumm!
  • lindsay1982
    lindsay1982 Posts: 245 Member
    Hey, all, it's the Newbie!!! I am down 22 pounds since 01/02/2010, and am very pleased with that, I have A LOT to lose, so will not be at my goal weigh twhen Eclipse comes out, but hope to be smaller and enjoy the movie, not worrying about being squished into the thater seats!!!! Good luck all and I will let you now how I do.

    Team Switzerland...Edward and Jacob both look great with their shirts off, I couldn't chose...
  • Hey, all, it's the Newbie!!! I am down 22 pounds since 01/02/2010, and am very pleased with that, I have A LOT to lose, so will not be at my goal weigh twhen Eclipse comes out, but hope to be smaller and enjoy the movie, not worrying about being squished into the thater seats!!!! Good luck all and I will let you now how I do.

    Team Switzerland...Edward and Jacob both look great with their shirts off, I couldn't chose...

    Hi lidapi! Welcome to the thread. Great job on 22lbs!
  • lindsay1982
    lindsay1982 Posts: 245 Member
    Hey, all, it's the Newbie!!! I am down 22 pounds since 01/02/2010, and am very pleased with that, I have A LOT to lose, so will not be at my goal weigh twhen Eclipse comes out, but hope to be smaller and enjoy the movie, not worrying about being squished into the thater seats!!!! Good luck all and I will let you now how I do.

    Team Switzerland...Edward and Jacob both look great with their shirts off, I couldn't chose...

    Hi lidapi! Welcome to the thread. Great job on 22lbs!

    Thanks!! Hopefully I can do some good this week, haven't done horrible, but haven't really tried...
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