Starting a 30 Day Juice Fast 09/05/2012! Support needed!



  • altarimage
    altarimage Posts: 95 Member
    So my boyfriend watched FSAND a few months ago and became inspired to incorporate juice into our lifestyle. We were thinking maybe replacing 1 or 2 (on occasion) meals a day with juice. My concern is the cost aspect. How much would you say you spend on the produce for the juice every week? I'm in college and unemployed (looking for a job though) and we're only living off of his 20k a year income, so money is a big concern.
  • sundog10
    sundog10 Posts: 1,398 Member
    what you are doing is great and you sound like you were very well prepared and informed before you started it. I am learning a lot just reading everything on here. Good luck and keep it going; i am sure it can be hard.

    Keep up the blog. We all want to hear about your great success!!
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    I have 40% water weight right now so I wouldn't mind getting that number down too.

    40% water weight is too low already, you don't want it lower! the ideal hydration level for a woman is 50-60%. Water is not the enemy, you're MEANT to be made of it :)
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    Good luck with your juice fast! I have thought often about doing one and still might. I have done the Master Cleanse a few times and the Shakeology cleanse, and they were both very successful. I think cleanses are great for jump starting weight loss or breaking a plateau. People on these forums always get upset when anyone does anything that seems drastic. I believe that eating healthy, counting calories, and exercising everyday are very important, but doing a cleanse/detox/fast every now and then can be very beneficial. I will definitely keep up with your progress. So sorry for the loss of your son, I can't even imagine. I have 2 sons and I have watched people in my family lose children and it is the most devastating thing that can EVER happen to a person. I wish you peace and comfort in your grief. :heart:
  • gottaloveit7771
    Ok I am at the 7 day mark! One week down 3 to go lol. I am down 14 lbs so that's good :) I'm feeling pretty good over all. I had a good spurt of energy today so I got some things done! My headaches are gone for the most part (the really heavy thumping ones anyway). Metal taste is gone thankfully because that was annoying lol. The juice was easier to drink today. My stomach must have just been really upset yesterday.

    I have been swimming everyday for excersize. My water % is at 47. My fat % dropped 3 :) I have been downing water bottles so I know I am drinking plenty of water. I have body wrapped twice since starting too. They are not water loss wraps they are detox wraps. If your curious about them they are made by ItWorks. I have lots on hand because I sell them, which is very nice because you can wrap every three days!

    If my husband would step on the scale every now and then I would update on his progress too lol. Let me know if you guys have any questions for me!! Thanks for the support I greatly appreciate it.

    Oh and I asked my hubby if I snore and he said no. Neither does he lol. I still will look into the sleep apnea though because I do wonder why I toss and turn so much. Could just be my crummy matress!
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    This thread is very interesting and entertaining. So much misinformation and fear mongering going on in here. However, I must admit that I was a little shocked at first that the OP was willing to go on a 30 day fast but after reading it a bit more it's not really that bad as it doesn't sound like a true fast. What she has really done is become a vegetarian for 30 days. She is still getting carbs from vegetables and fruits, so all she needs now is to add some tofu for protein.

    Below, I want to set the record straight on some misinformation

    A. She is not destroying her metabolism. There is no known disease associated with eating a low calorie diet or fasting but there is a disease associated with eating too much food and it's called Diabetes Type 2. Diabetes Type 2 literally means that your metabolism is destroyed forever but i would caution the OP from losing 40% of her weight too fast as I said earlier.

    B. She is not at risk for ketoacidosis. You have to have Diabetes type 1 in order to have ketoacidosis.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    B. She is not at risk for ketoacidosis. You have to have Diabetes type 1 in order to have ketoacidosis.

    you're right, she's not in ketoacidosis, and i'm pretty sure nobody said she is.
    she's in ketosis, which means her body is breaking down fat for energy, and producing ketones as a byproduct.
    it's different.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    gottaloveit77, i've been meaning to ask you..

    i see two major flaws in your described juice fast - the lack of protien, and the lack of fibre. what are you doing to get these?
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    B. She is not at risk for ketoacidosis. You have to have Diabetes type 1 in order to have ketoacidosis.

    you're right, she's not in ketoacidosis, and i'm pretty sure nobody said she is.
    she's in ketosis, which means her body is breaking down fat for energy, and producing ketones as a byproduct.
    it's different.

    Phynyxfyre implied that she could die due to ketoacidosis. Yes, she is producing keytones but why is that bad? The only thing that i have ever found in relation to keytones is that it could potentially cause kidney stones but that is normally associated with eating a HIGH protein diet, via Atkins diet. Unless you think becoming a vegetarian is bad for your health then I really don't see anything wrong with this. Just throw in some tofu and she'll be fine.
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    This thread is very interesting and entertaining. So much misinformation and fear mongering going on in here. However, I must admit that I was a little shocked at first that the OP was willing to go on a 30 day fast but after reading it a bit more it's not really that bad as it doesn't sound like a true fast. What she has really done is become a vegetarian for 30 days. She is still getting carbs from vegetables and fruits, so all she needs now is to add some tofu for protein.

    Below, I want to set the record straight on some misinformation

    A. She is not destroying her metabolism. There is no known disease associated with eating a low calorie diet or fasting but there is a disease associated with eating too much food and it's called Diabetes Type 2. Diabetes Type 2 literally means that your metabolism is destroyed forever but i would caution the OP from losing 40% of her weight too fast as I said earlier.

    B. She is not at risk for ketoacidosis. You have to have Diabetes type 1 in order to have ketoacidosis.

    In reguards to your (A) - I do believe the under eating/not eating (which essentially what a fast is) fit the bill for anorexia nervosa. Not a doctor, but that is a disease associated directly with those two things
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    This thread is very interesting and entertaining. So much misinformation and fear mongering going on in here. However, I must admit that I was a little shocked at first that the OP was willing to go on a 30 day fast but after reading it a bit more it's not really that bad as it doesn't sound like a true fast. What she has really done is become a vegetarian for 30 days. She is still getting carbs from vegetables and fruits, so all she needs now is to add some tofu for protein.

    Below, I want to set the record straight on some misinformation

    A. She is not destroying her metabolism. There is no known disease associated with eating a low calorie diet or fasting but there is a disease associated with eating too much food and it's called Diabetes Type 2. Diabetes Type 2 literally means that your metabolism is destroyed forever but i would caution the OP from losing 40% of her weight too fast as I said earlier.

    B. She is not at risk for ketoacidosis. You have to have Diabetes type 1 in order to have ketoacidosis.

    In reguards to your (A) - I do believe the under eating/not eating (which essentially what a fast is) fit the bill for anorexia nervosa. Not a doctor, but that is a disease associated directly with those two things

    My comment was in reference to the claim that she is destroying her metoblism. You are referring to a psychological eating disorder. That eating disorder can also be fixed.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    B. She is not at risk for ketoacidosis. You have to have Diabetes type 1 in order to have ketoacidosis.

    you're right, she's not in ketoacidosis, and i'm pretty sure nobody said she is.
    she's in ketosis, which means her body is breaking down fat for energy, and producing ketones as a byproduct.
    it's different.

    Phynyxfyre implied that she could die due to ketoacidosis. Yes, she is producing keytones but why is that bad? The only thing that i have ever found in relation to keytones is that it could potentially cause kidney stones but that is normally associated with eating a HIGH protein diet, via Atkins diet. Unless you think becoming a vegetarian is bad for your health then I really don't see anything wrong with this. Just throw in some tofu and she'll be fine.

    forgive me, I didn't see that one.
    the point I was trying to make remains the same.. there's a difference between the two.
    though you're right, ketosis is generally related to a high protien diet. hopefully (she hasn't answered my question yet) she's getting some protien from somewhere, otherwise it might actually be a sign of muscle breakdown. Food for thought..
    OP, I know you have a scale that measures your body fat and hydration, does it also do your muscle mass? if I were you I'd be monitoring that too, just in case.

    now.. As well as my earlier question regarding protien and fibre, I wonder if you could clear up what might be an obvious question for me. you call this a juice fast, which immediately makes me go 'no. bad idea' (I subscribe to the 'eat small, well and often' school of thought), but you don't actually seem to be fasting, more like substituting. correct?
    because if thats the case, then I think you're missing out on a bunch of nutrients, but don't really see it as the crisis situation it's been made out to be.
  • phynyxfyre
    phynyxfyre Posts: 145 Member
    I would like to state for the record that there are different types of ketoacidosis and it is not only in people with diabetes. That type is called diabetic ketoacidosis. There is also alcoholic ketoacidosis, which is a similar state but the cause is different. All that is meant by ketoacidosis is that the body pH lowers ( becomes acidic) as a result of the breakdown of fats in the body (ketosis). When your body becomes too acidic, the lungs work to reduce the acidity, as well as other organs begin to function differently in order to bring the balance back. (homeostasis) This can happen on fasts, fad diets, simple malnutrition, etc.

    When there is a metabolic (dietary) reason for high acid in the body, the lungs try to balance with alkalosis (raise the pH). Your breathing changes. I am not implying that this will definitely happen on her fast. I don't think vegetarianism or veganism is bad. I do think that unless you have talked with a doctor or nutritionist or at least done loads of research on the topic and possible side effects, that it is worth it to hear someone say "Here is when to be concerned, otherwise more power to you!" Which is what I hoped to convey.
  • Bookers23
    Bookers23 Posts: 187 Member
    This has nothing to do with juice. You could just as easily and with the same result do a free range chicken fast for 30 days. There is no magic in the fruits and veggies that exert an effect on the physiology of your body. If anybody who was overweight, sedentary and ate processed poor nutrient diet went on a chicken fast for thirty days would lose weight and over the course of 30-90 days no longer need meds etc. the body is pretty amazing, it pulls nutrients from food and the rest is excreted as waste. Don't eat processed and surplus food and you will feel better. Each one of us could come up with a food and do a fast. Maple syrup fast, veggie fast, grass fed beef fast, you name it. Juice is not detoxing/resetting or whatever you wish to call it, your body is doing all the work, you are simply deleting the imput of preservatives or whatever you believe needs detoxing. People like to go to extremes, it makes us feel like we are doing something proactive/productive. I have always believed the right thing to do is the hardest thing to do. It's hard to eat right, it's hard to exercise. I love my bacon, my steak, my occasional ice cream. I can eat all of this and still lose because I exert control and earn these treats. It's to important to be happy and enjoy what I eat, not worry if my blender will work or what I will eat at a function or friends house. Are you buying all organic? Was the soil your veggies grew in fertilized and how so? Are they genetically modified? If any of these are so, how will you proceed to detox from this? Concentrated pesticide drinks in high quantities? There are many types of resets/fasts out there, all with user anecdotal evidence. The only constant that remains is removal of eating "bad" foods, your body does the hard work. Watch your macros and eat food in moderation with same result. Enjoy what you eat, eat happy and don't resent your diet. It should never be a chore to fuel up. Also, ketosis. Let's artificially put our body into a state of fuel Fat consumption by denying it its most basic fuel source. Just sounds wrong. Why not just make the leap and use diet pills?? Tricking the body to use alternate source of energy has consequences physiologically. Would love to her more fast ideas. We could all be a hot topic and best seller for a week until next one is published. I do wish you luck though, it very well may be a great jump start to your journey. I would just hate to see you struggle and be unhappy thinking the juice itself is doing something. Live to eat, don't eat to live as they say.
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    .FYI juicing resets the metabolism to a better point...this is proven by science..

    I would love to see this research. Can you please send the citations to the journals so we can all learn about this?
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    This whole thread is fascinating. Good luck to you. To whoever said that headaches are a sign that something's wrong... not so. Cutting out sugar will give you headaches for a few days if you're a big sugar eater, and I doubt anyone on this forum would rise up in defense of sugar! (Unless you're defending it's deliciousness...:laugh: )

    I don't know much about IF, but something that struck me as maybe a good transition out of your fast is the Whole30 program. Google it. It's essentially just eating clean, nothing from a package, and no dairy, grains, legumes, or sugar (which does not mean no carb--it's very pro-carb as long as it's things like sweet potatoes). I did that and felt amazing, many of my medical issues cleared up during that time. Particularly my always pregnant looking bloat belly!

    I applaud how you've been handling the criticism, as well. I do think most of the naysayers are doing it out of care for your wellbeing (and I admit, I'd be nervous about protein with this fast), but there are CLEARLY people who just like being snarky, as well. I posted a question once and got such nasty feedback that I almost never post topics anymore. You're brave!
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    .FYI juicing resets the metabolism to a better point...this is proven by science..

    I would love to see this research. Can you please send the citations to the journals so we can all learn about this?

    That phrase sounds really bold but there is some truth what was said.

    Link to wiki of a whole host of research papers on fasting and it's positive effects on the body. I have yet to run across a paper that says fasting is detrimental to someone's health.

    Go to time 24:50 to listen to the analogy in laymen terms from Professor Valter Longo.
  • gottaloveit7771
    Hey guys. I had kind of a rough emotional day today. I'll get on sometime tomorrow to answer some questions and give an update. I am at the end of day 8. As always thanks for the information and support.
  • pink2lady
    pink2lady Posts: 111 Member
    I am on day #3 of my juice fast. Feeling pretty good. For 70 days I have been logging on MFP and have dropped 20 lbs from eating 1,200 calories and walking. I gave up coffee when I started healthy eating and logging on MFP. I cook all of my meals and don't eat processed foods so I was pretty much set for this 10 juice challange with myself. I can add powder wheat grass for fiber and if so whey for protien. I have no headaches and no metal taste in my mouth as of today. My daily juice calories total 800 or more and sometimes I add an avocodo for added healthy fat and calories.
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    Keep updating, your posts encourage me! I am on day one of my juice fast. Well actually I'm going to fast for about a week, see how that goes take a weekend break and then embark on a 30 day fast. We have a music festival to go to that we've had tickets and camping reservations for, for a while. So that will be my break. :) Bought a juicer last night and lots of fruits and veggies. 2 meals of juice so far and lots of water, haven't really been hungry yet. I know I will be hungry because I work til 5 and didn't have the time to make a juicey snack! Good luck to you, will be keeping up with your progress!