I am so done with this program!!



  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    On many days you have eaten less than 1000 calories.. I know for starters that my BMR (Basal Metobolic Rate) is around 1350 calories.. You're BMR is what you body needs to survive. So I eat a little above my BMR (I aim for 1560 cals a day) and then I EXERCISE and burn about 500-700 calories a session, the more calories I burn the more I allow myself to eat (If I burn 700 calories then I'll let myself eat 1600-1700) I eat if I'm hungry, I never allow myself to be hungry, we're not meant to starve or feel unsatisfied..

    I'm not a super hot fit chick, I'm 23 and have been struggling with my weight my whole life... MFP is brilliant if you use it as a tool (because that's what it is.. a tool not a "program") I currently weigh 81kgs. My goal is 65kgs.. but I used to weigh 93kgs! AND I'm only 5'1. And what kicked me off with losing a whopping 12kgs so far!? Realising I needed to eat MORE. I was under eating, allowing myself only 3 meals a day (no snacks) but then by the time the weekend rolled around I found myself binging, I was so tired, low on energy and could hardly wake up for work in the morning.. began to eat more (simply ate more no exercise) and I lost 10kgs. Then the wait stopped and I realised.. I have to exercise now.. and now in just a week of going to the gym 5 days out of 7, I've already started to see the scales move again..

    Eat more, exercise more. Allow yourself small treats so you don't binge in large amounts. Don't starve yourself because all that is doing is putting your body into hibernation/starvation mode and you're body says "Oh I'm not going to eat for a while better store this meal as fat."

    Extra note... Some days I eat above 2000 calories! But I just make sure I go back to around 1500 the next day.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    You're starving yourself...DUH. Eat more & eat better!
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Followed this programme to the letter???? Hmmm you have been nowhere near your calorie goal on the most part. That wasn't exactly following the plan.... before you start beating itdown, try actually following it correctly and then I am pretty sure you would see results. Best of luck.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    It's always easier to place the blame somewhere other than where it belongs...
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    very little fruit veg any home cooked food hot dogs shouldnt be your main meals matter of fact not at all pure rubbish you are not eating enough calories anyway,take a good look at the food pyramid and base your meals from there drop any kind of fizzy drinks no good at all eat 6 good meals a day every 3 hours if you can,cook meals if you cant learn its easy if I cvan do it anyone can,you dont log exercise get in at least 40 mins a day and eat enough you are not doing so at the moment so your body is holding to what it has.You can do it!
  • Ash_ah_lee
    Ash_ah_lee Posts: 116 Member
    Why are you trying to lose what??:noway:

    :cry: I'm with ya...since I started MFP..I've gained 10 pounds , I started at my ultimate goal weight of 109, after alot of hard work and, now back up to 120 since the last time I weighed myself, scared to get on the scale...not happy...I ork really hard, wrk out almost everyday, watch what I eat and log everything, drink water......ughhh... I am on the brink of quiting too
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    :cry: I'm with ya...since I started MFP..I've gained 10 pounds , I started at my ultimate goal weight of 109, after alot of hard work and, now back up to 120 since the last time I weighed myself, scared to get on the scale...not happy...I ork really hard, wrk out almost everyday, watch what I eat and log everything, drink water......ughhh... I am on the brink of quiting too

    You could be gaining muscle.
  • Tuten210
    Tuten210 Posts: 50 Member
    Don't give up yet...weight loss is extremely slow for some people. Instead of having your focus be 'the numbers on the scale'; base it off other goals....fitting into a certain pair of clothes, doing an activity you haven't been able to do before...etc. If you change your focus from the numbers, to achieving other goals and just making an overall lifestyle change, you won't drive yourself crazy with 'the numbers'. Now, first thing I noticed with your food log is you are not eating enough. You have to at least meet your daily caloric intake...which seems to be around 1600-ish. You have been 100s lower than that on any given day. second thing, increase your water! Drink lots and lots of water...more than the 8 glasses MFP suggests. Third, clean up your diet... start slow and cut out something each week. Start with fried foods...cut that out! Then add something else, like sweets or starchy foods (potato bread, white potatoes, pasta, etc). And as always... get those exercises in!

    You will get there... have faith in yourself and push hard! Do this for you and don't give up :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    chicken wings and hot dogs?
    all brands of hot dogs are different, and so are buns...don't use "generic: hot dog with bun", log YOUR brand of hot dog on one line and YOUR brand of bun on another.
    That veggie burger....do you eat it with no bun? You didn't log one...
    no water intake logged so there's no way of knowing if you are drinking enough...

    What exactly IS "homemade trail mix, one serving"?
    That could potentially be hundreds more calories based on what's in it and how much.
    I know small bags of trail mix are sometimes like 160 a "serving" but there are like 5 servings in the bag!

    That should look more like:
    Blue diamond Almonds, whole natural, 28 grams
    seeds, sunflower, salted, 10 grams
    sunmaid raisins, 20 grams

    "trail mix" doesn't cut it unless it is a packaged one, not homemade.

    eat and LOG PROPERLY all the calories allotted to you, THAT is "doing the program" (and it's not a freaking "program", it's just a guideline for eating healthy for the rest of your life)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    take a good look at the food pyramid and base your meals from there

    eat 6 good meals a day every 3 hours if you can

    both not needed for weight loss
  • deadliftfan
    Hot dogs, bologna, fish and chips. What did you expect? You are what you eat. You eat junk.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Ive just looked at your diary..you cant actually think you were eating healthily?! Where are the fruit and vegetables? Exercise? Water? You need to educate yourself aboutt healthy eating before blaming a calorie counter which you dont even fill in properly!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    a whole month?! no way! i mean it must only have taken you 2-3 week max to put all the weight on, so why on earth would it take more than a month to get it off again?!
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    I gained weight from eating the stuff I saw in your diary, sorry if that sounds mean. I've lost almost 50 pounds from cutting it all out.

    It didn't take you overnight to put it on and it's not going to take you overnight to take it off, it's a slow process...don't give up!
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    get a food scale weigh and measure everything
    measure as many of your body parts as you can ,,, inches can disappear even when you dont lose weight and we want to be smaller not lighter
    drink water water and more water
    dont trust the MFP data base ... lots of the entries are wrong, log your own foods

    on a side note I ve saw me follow this "plan" to the letter and gain 3lbs in a month ... but in that same month I lost BF and inches ..... I dont know about everyone else but If I never lost another lb id be happy as long as I could fit smaller clothes.
  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    Oh dear, I can understand why you are feeling so miserable.
    You are not losing weight and you are starving yourself. Pretty Hard I'd say.
    I have been on MFP since 26 July, but it is a learning curve. You need friends to give you support and advice.
    Get educated by reading the forums. You will learn so much in a very short space of time.
    I am really the new kid on the block but I would love for you to succeed.
    I have sent a friend request so if I can help in any way, shout.

    Please take note of the comments below, too little food, no water, no exercise and too much processed food.

    In a nutshell, everyone has said the same thing.

    CONGRATS for a better Monday, and youve logged some exercise!!!!
  • spreag
    spreag Posts: 47 Member
    I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!

    you are eating farrrrr to little, a 56 year old male that needs to lose 70 something lbs? by not even knowing your stats or anything im guessing your BMR is around 2600 cals per day, just to keep ticking, therefore with an absolute maximum of a 1000 daily deficit you should be aiming to be consuming 1600 cals per day.

    i am a 5ft 5 19 year old girl and then i went to the 1000 cal per day mark my weight loss slowed down dramatically, eat well, eat healthy, eat MORE weirdly enough and you will see a change. im now aiming for 1400-1500 per day and that's without extra exercise cals! after 2 months of no weight loss (after living on 800-100 cals per day) i am now starting to lose again!

    i hope you take mine and everyone else's advice, otherwise you're wasting your time.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!
  • zmzmzm19
    zmzmzm19 Posts: 155 Member
    I agree....you need to eat to lose...it took me a good month before I started seeing results, give yourself more time and try to stay with your recommended calorie intake. What I also found.........WATER!!! You really should be drinking more water, it really does help. Keep at it, don't give up!! Feel free to add me if you'd like! :drinker: :smile:
  • spreag
    spreag Posts: 47 Member
    On many days you have eaten less than 1000 calories.. I know for starters that my BMR (Basal Metobolic Rate) is around 1350 calories.. You're BMR is what you body needs to survive. So I eat a little above my BMR (I aim for 1560 cals a day) and then I EXERCISE and burn about 500-700 calories a session, the more calories I burn the more I allow myself to eat (If I burn 700 calories then I'll let myself eat 1600-1700) I eat if I'm hungry, I never allow myself to be hungry, we're not meant to starve or feel unsatisfied..

    I'm not a super hot fit chick, I'm 23 and have been struggling with my weight my whole life... MFP is brilliant if you use it as a tool (because that's what it is.. a tool not a "program") I currently weigh 81kgs. My goal is 65kgs.. but I used to weigh 93kgs! AND I'm only 5'1. And what kicked me off with losing a whopping 12kgs so far!? Realising I needed to eat MORE. I was under eating, allowing myself only 3 meals a day (no snacks) but then by the time the weekend rolled around I found myself binging, I was so tired, low on energy and could hardly wake up for work in the morning.. began to eat more (simply ate more no exercise) and I lost 10kgs. Then the wait stopped and I realised.. I have to exercise now.. and now in just a week of going to the gym 5 days out of 7, I've already started to see the scales move again..

    Eat more, exercise more. Allow yourself small treats so you don't binge in large amounts. Don't starve yourself because all that is doing is putting your body into hibernation/starvation mode and you're body says "Oh I'm not going to eat for a while better store this meal as fat."

    Extra note... Some days I eat above 2000 calories! But I just make sure I go back to around 1500 the next day.

    how can your BMR be that low? are you using the schofield equation? it should be in the 2000's