I am so done with this program!!



  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    My 65 pounds gone says it not only works but it works well. Actually since 2008 I've lost 111lbs by eating healthy and exercise. Look at all the success stories on here. If you give up, the main person you are hurting is yourself! Please think about your decision. Good luck!
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    Just wondering-Are you reading the responses?

    They are all so very true.

    If you focused for a month, why not try another month, but doing it differently--add more calories, couple days of exercise and water, water, water! Just see what happens!
  • Tjacox
    Tjacox Posts: 2 Member
    Maybe you are putting on muscle??
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Maybe you are putting on muscle??

    LOL...with no exercise and eating low calories every day and eating junk?

    how can you add muscle this way?
  • angels960
    angels960 Posts: 35 Member
    Hot dogs, bologna, fish and chips. What did you expect? You are what you eat. You eat junk.

  • I eat very kittle processed food! We cook in this house, and we don't use a lot of fat or frying. Everyhing is baked or grilled.
  • you aint eating enough and your body is in starvation mode . I know because ive been there . increase your calorie intake and remember to eat extra calories for those burned off during exercise . I was on 1600 cal per day and training 6 times per week burning around 500 cal per session . I , like you , did this for a month and saw no results . I increased my calorie intake to 1800+500 that I was burning during exercise (2300 cal total per day )and the weight started melting away . I lost 2 stone in 3 months by INCREASING MY CALORIE COUNT .

    Another option for you may be alternate day fasting , or 5-2 intermediate fasting ( don't worry , it's not as drastic as it sounds and is really quite easy to follow ) GOOGLE is your friend . I have recently started ADF and am seeing good results .

    here's a link to a recent Horizon BBC programme explaining the benefits of the 5-2 regimen which Dr Michael Mosley followed with some more than surprising results

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfna7nV7WaM ( cut and paste link into your browser )

    Hope this helps & good luck on your journey
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You are not eating enough! You should eat back your exercise and you have put your body in starvation mode where it will store everything it can

    :huh: :huh: You won't/can't store fat while eating at a deficit. Starvation mode is a myth (otherwise all of the surviving Japanese POWs from WWII would not have been walking skeletons)
  • Are you also logging what you drink?
  • Youre probably not doing it right maybe youre not logging all your calories or eating the correct amount of calories? It does work theres loads of people on here who its worked for
  • I agree with much of what has already been said to you. But it is obvious that you are frustrated. Losing weight and getting healthy requires a HUGE lifestyle change -- the path of least resistance isn't going to do it. Take the suggestions seriously -- begin to give your body REAL food - exercise every day, even if for only 30 minutes - and let us know how things are in another month. One thing I can guarantee -- quitting will change nothing and only make you feel worse. And add some friends -- the support and accountability are big factors in how you will do here.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    It really gets me how the clean eating people jump down peoples throats for eating hot dogs! OP isn't even getting to calorie target and yet still getting grief for what they are eating. Some people don't jump into the healthy, clean-eating, maniac exercising straight away, I've been here nearly a year and I'm still not there. Hopefully I never will be, it seems to turn people mean!
    OP: Try to get to your calorie limit every day, maybe add some fresh fruit and vegetables in where you can. If your diary is set at sedentary you can log any major movement as exercise. Give it a couple of weeks. I would also suggest tracking your sodium and trying to stay below 1800mg a day and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. I attribute most of my weight loss to these 2 factors. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Tjacox
    Tjacox Posts: 2 Member
    That was for another posting from someone else within this string....it didn't attach....
  • Not true! Those meals are few and far between. Everything is baked or grilled, never fried, and we cook in this house, we don't eat many process foods. Please don't reply again, you're a jerk!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I eat very kittle processed food! We cook in this house, and we don't use a lot of fat or frying. Everyhing is baked or grilled.
    Last 7 days:
    Veggie Burgers
    Schwans - Bar-B-Que Glazed Chicken Wings
    Hot Dogs
    Pepperidge Farm - Sandwich Onion Roll
    Dietz & Watson - Ny Cheddar Cheese With Roasted Garlic
    Quali Creek - 3 Piece Fish 'n Chips
    Aunt Jemima - Buttermilk Complete Pancake Mix

    I wouldn't call that 'very little' processed food. Check the serving sizes on the packet, and then weigh the actual food. The fact it's processed in of itself isn't that important from a weightloss perspective, but serving sizes are very different to what is in one packet.
  • spreag
    spreag Posts: 47 Member
    Not true! Those meals are few and far between. Everything is baked or grilled, never fried, and we cook in this house, we don't eat many process foods. Please don't reply again, you're a jerk!!

    omg that's the most insane thing i've ever heard. do you blindfold yourself as you eat?
    if you don't want the advide go cry on some other site, like caloriecount or something.

    and who's the jerk?
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Not true! Those meals are few and far between. Everything is baked or grilled, never fried, and we cook in this house, we don't eat many process foods. Please don't reply again, you're a jerk!!

    Wow. YOU post in a forum, people give their opinions based on what YOU have logged, and you deny the facts and call people names. Why would anyone even want to help you? Face it, you DO eat a lot of junk, you do NOT make good food choices or eat enough HEALTHY food, and you are also apparently not willing to listen to good, solid advice.

    Seriously, if you are "so done" with this tool for a healthy lifestyle, then just be done and go away, since you are so determined to not only fail, but to make it everyone's fault but your own. Ugh.
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    It's always easier to place the blame somewhere other than where it belongs...

    ^^^^^^^^^ Yup
  • Not true! Those meals are few and far between. Everything is baked or grilled, never fried, and we cook in this house, we don't eat many process foods. Please don't reply again, you're a jerk!!

    you aint gonna make many friends acting like that . PS . disregard my last post you obviously need a shrink , not diet advice .
    Oh , and your diet is crap !!!!
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    I eat very kittle processed food! We cook in this house, and we don't use a lot of fat or frying. Everyhing is baked or grilled.

    Evidence of processed/fried food in your diet log - Ocean spray 'juice drink', Fried eggs, Shwan lasagne rollup, Mini pretzels, Honey nut cherios, Kraft miracle whip dressing, Kfc, Wholewheat potato bread, Fish and chips, Buttermilk pancake mix, Jif peanut butter, Salted butter, Chicken wings, hot dog,

    Is this really the kind of food that you want to build ypur body with? Is is all processed and rubbish! This is the kind of food that make me fat and you eat it every day!!