Foods you had to cut out of diet to lose weight?



  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    So far I've had to cut out bread, I loved sandwiches too much.
    Crisps as well. It took some months, but I got there and now I don't really think about those foods :)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I haven't had to cut any food out to lose weight. I stopped baking for a while to reduce temptation, but I'm doing that again now. Portion control FTW.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Bread,rice,corn, pasta and potatoes. Simple sugars . Fried anything. I gave up fruit for the first 30 pounds , then added one serving a day till I lost 10 more pounds, I am up to about two servings a day now that I am on maintenance/stabilization.
  • ladyshellbelle
    ladyshellbelle Posts: 98 Member
    alcohol, I have changed my drink to gin and diet tonic... in a tall glass with lime and ice... 57 win.. though I do have the occasional beer on a warm day :)
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    Crisps (that's chips to the people in the US) and sugar in my tea & coffee. I have 0.25 of a tsp in my first coffee of the day, and that's it.
    Reduce cheese and beer.

    I don't like soda so that's not been an issue for me. I also avoid fruit juice to lose weight, but will start drinking it again when I'm at the weight I want to be and maintaining.
  • Nitabug36
    Nitabug36 Posts: 65 Member
    Sweet tea!!!!
    I really just try to eat the right serving size, don't really good taking away things!!!
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    The leftover food on my 4yr old son's plate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a baaaaad happy of this. oh you didn't like the rice...I'll finish it before I clean the dishes. I realized after gaining 10 lbs since I had him that this is the cause. Now he just gives me his plate and tells me that he doesn't like something and I can eat it. :(
  • I've cut sugar, all wheat, dairy, processed food, starches like corn and potatoes, and alcohol. It's only been 5 weeks, but so far so good. :-)
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    alcohol and doritos
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    cakes and candy. :(
  • garlic bread! our school makes these massive ones which have like 1000cals per slice -_-
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Soda. Fried foods.

    I found "replacements" for things like desserts, started eating much more veggies/fruits. And drinking tons of water...
  • Pasta and bread,although I do still eat them but just rarely and when I do its with moderation
  • I haven't cut out anything! It is all in moderation! Since I have to "record" everything I eat in MFP, I am more cautious about how much I eat. I added exercising 4-6 times per week, for an hour. I am down 20 lbs. so far, with 10-15 more to go! If I had to pick things that I have greatly increased/decreased? I would say that I am eating more proteins and less breads.
  • jackie2866
    jackie2866 Posts: 62 Member

    Not cut out, but severly restrict. Everything in moderation :)

    This ^ Definitely miss my wine
  • I need to cut out alcohol. At the end of each day that I have been over on calories, if I eliminated wine (really all i drink) I would be at or under my desired calories for the day. I have cut back, but not enough and the needle on the scale is still not moving.

    I do love my red wine......

    That's why I take my wine glass for a walk to the mailbox and back (a little over a mile) because I figure it makes everything right in the world both calorie-wise and sanity-wise :-)
  • yarinathan
    yarinathan Posts: 36 Member
    Not a damn thing

    I refuse to diet. I refuse to eat a salad when everyone else is eating gravy & biscuits.

    I refuse to sip water during football...

    Moderation & portion control & you dont HAVE to give up a thing! If you deprive yourself, you are only setting yourself up for failure. Learn how to eat PROPERLY or live miserable in a bowl of greens for the rest of your life!

    just my opinion, and its working for me. =)

    ^^^^ exactly!!! well said!
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cut? I cut everything before I eat it.
  • dairy and i have to limit my processed foods.
  • projectcosplay
    projectcosplay Posts: 25 Member
    I haven't cut out any foods, but I have to realize that if I want to eat that extra slice of pizza, or I want to drink another pint, I'm going to have to go home and bust *kitten* to even out the calorie intake.

    Really though, carbs are what I had to limit the most. I never realized how many calories were in even a PB&J sandwich. Even if I go to Five Guys and get a burger, I only eat half the bun now.

    I guess the one thing I did give up completely was non-diet soda. I just don't see the point of drinking regular soda when diet tastes better (not as sugary to me) and I don't have to record the calories. I don't drink a lot of pop, but when I's always diet.
  • jackie2866
    jackie2866 Posts: 62 Member
    I need to cut out alcohol. At the end of each day that I have been over on calories, if I eliminated wine (really all i drink) I would be at or under my desired calories for the day. I have cut back, but not enough and the needle on the scale is still not moving.

    I do love my red wine......

    OMG me too...It is my weakness for sure :(
  • MissyBenj
    MissyBenj Posts: 186 Member
    I stopped eating sauce (mayo, butter, dressings, dips) - Most processed foods (I eat morning star for convience and protein bars) - Added more eggs & veggies & no sugar.

    Those people on here saing "I refuse to diet" - This isn't a die. For me anyway, it's a change in my lifestyle. I don't think I lost more than 2 lbs after I changed my eating habit but my entire body changed.
  • yarinathan
    yarinathan Posts: 36 Member
    The leftover food on my 4yr old son's plate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a baaaaad happy of this. oh you didn't like the rice...I'll finish it before I clean the dishes. I realized after gaining 10 lbs since I had him that this is the cause. Now he just gives me his plate and tells me that he doesn't like something and I can eat it. :(

    hahahaha I never thought if it this way!!! You are so right. I bet I will be at my goal weight if I did not do this.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Really 10lbs in a

    are almonds really bad for you? I eat them sometimes didnt realize that.
    ALMONDS, PEANUTS, SOY BEANS, Cows Milk, Whey, Yogurt, Scallops, Egg in all forms, Filbert, Gluten, Pecan, Spelt, and Whole Wheat.

    Don't know which ones, if any, caused me to hold onto weight. It cut them all out to recently to tell. I am intolerant to all of the above foods. I cannot eat them, unless I want to feel like *kitten*. I do recall the first time I cut most of them out (did a hypo-allergenic diet) I lost 10 lbs in a week and another 7 in the following month.

    No, almonds area actually a good fat. He must have some kind of allergy to them. If you are not allergic to nuts then they are a great addition to any diet.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    For me, any processed form of sugar is a real problem. It seems to make me retain weight and eat much more than I need. Natural sugars in fruits do not seem to have that impact at all.
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    Limited beer now instead of everyday one or two :P
    Cut out sugar and pop!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Are there foods that you feel have to be cut out of diet to lose weight? Like I had to cut sodas out it was hard but I did it....I am just looking to see if there is anything else I should cut that I havent thought about wanted to see what others had to cut out.

    I eliminated soda, for the most part. I still take sips from my kids' drinks sometimes. I have also cut way back on my beer consumption, though I indulged in two or three beers about three times now since I started, and was able to do so without going over on my calories.
  • wildcelticrose
    wildcelticrose Posts: 40 Member
    I've not cut anything completely out, but am trying to eat more fruits and veggies and little or no processed food.

    I also started restricting alcohol (what a source of empty calories) I haven't gone tea totaler, but I'm now staying far away from my heavy drinking party acquaintances and enjoying a tasty adult beverage once or twice a week when I've earned it through working out.

    Bonus if getting away from the heavy drinkers, much less drama...
  • jollygreencc
    jollygreencc Posts: 14 Member
    Mainly anything with added sugar.

    But the main thing is the mindset - I'm not "living to eat" anymore; I'm "eating to live"
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    I don't drink fruit juice and strawberry milk nearly as much as I used to. I still have it occasionally, like I have Trop50 orange juice right now to help with my cold, but otherwise I stick with water.