Funny things you notice as you lose weight



  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I smile in pictures now, and I don't try to hide in the back or beg people not to upload shots of me to FB anymore!
  • kat191
    my jeans fit perfect and they have some wiggle room!! havent had them do that since i bought them!!
  • wendye1960
    wendye1960 Posts: 52 Member
    Another one I noticed this morning - my upper eyelids are reappearing from underneath my drooping brow when my eyes are open (the bit below my eyebrows).
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I am having to change the postition I sleep in as my knees are no longer comfy stacked :happy:
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    It has only been a couple of pounds, but... Did you know people actually have these little bones sticking out at their wrists? Jeez.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I love this thread! There'll be a degree of repetition here, but here goes:

    - not turning blue when I paint my toenails

    - not having to contort when I shave my legs because my gut is in the way

    - being able to cross my legs (and therefore not experiencing thigh-shakes from keeping my legs held together)

    - being able to leave my bottle of nappy cream at home as I no longer have chub-rub

    - COLLARBONES. Oh God I love them.

    - my feet have shrunk. Never thought I had fat feet; clearly I did (and I don't have to have wide-fitting shoes anymore either)

    - I don't get out of breath carrying my grocery shopping to the car

    - no public transport overspill. Which means that people do actually sit next to me. Bummer...

    - no more heartburn.

    - I only ache when I get out of bed because of training (although I'd admit I sometimes hobble to the shower like I've gone ten rounds with Tyson)

    - I can confidently order a burger in Ed's Diner and not have The Fear of people thinking "yeah, smart move Chubs"

    - people ask ME for fitness advice. I mean, shut the front door. ME?!
  • Susan_Rae_1
    Susan_Rae_1 Posts: 154 Member
    My toes are even the funny part is, someone else noticed that too!

    that's a funny one!
  • iryshjones
    iryshjones Posts: 79 Member
    very up lifting thread ... thanks for starting it! I cant wait til my thighs dont rub together anymore! Right now I actually feel the cold ... before it had to be below freezing And Yes the steering wheel thing!
  • AnneM69
    My stomach is not flat, but it's easier to suck it in and I can see my rib cage and the gap under it at the top.
    I've lost the mini stretch marks on the bottom of the overhang of my stomach, which made me look like I had twin hernias.
    I can walk up all the hills round here without needing my asthma puffer, or even getting out of breath.
    I only got sick once this winter (I had bronchitis/a chest infection every year for years), and that was before starting on here.
    I can carry 3-4 bags of shopping back from the bus stop.
    My endometriosis is getting better, ovulation last month was pain and stomach cramp free.
    My upper thighs and hips are smaller, my pants are getting baggy.
    My butt is bigger, but that's because of all the hill walking.
    I'm eating less late at night.
    I can walk to town, and around it (about 8 km) 3-4 times a week without being exhausted after the last day.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    "OMG my *kitten* has a shape other than flat and big!" It now has a little curve and I love it. ^.^
  • NurseJodies
    NurseJodies Posts: 65 Member
    I can see my penis when standing... Just kidding its still wayyyyyy too small.

    I literally laughed out loud!!!!! I think the neighbors heard me. Love this!
  • starrlette
  • melodiclyrics
    melodiclyrics Posts: 82 Member
    After a shower and wrapping a towel around yourself. I noticed how much it finally covers up everything and not having to almost use a pin just to keep it shut lol.

    This so many times. My towel actually fits around me, and there's not a huge gap in the front! Love it.
  • Chelsrf
    Chelsrf Posts: 194 Member
    Okay here's my list...

    One of the first things I noticed.... Collar bones. I'd find my self sitting there rubbing them out of pure amazement, I'm sure someone thought I was crazy.
    Crossing my legs
    Smaller, sexier bras
    Willing to jump into a picture being taken instead of running away.
    Being able to wrap the towel around me
    Being able to fold my legs all up on the couch or in a chair and be comfortable
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    These are all great!!!. I haven't had anything to add since I started fairly recently and am still getting into the swing of things. I can't wait for some of them though. These have given me hope and inspiration. Thanks
  • cally69
    cally69 Posts: 182 Member
    What a great post. Funny, uplifting, inspirational.

    Many I can relate to on here.

    Here's some I've noticed that I've not read yet:

    My clothes take less time to iron
    My new found enthusiasm for browsing through clothing catalogues
    Looking forward to social events much more

    Keep these coming.....great to remind ourselves why we are doing this!
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    Not having to check wherever I'm about to sit to make sure it can support me. .

    I'm not there yet, but this one is a huge motivation for me.

    (edited because movitation isn't really a word)
  • charmander89
    charmander89 Posts: 37 Member
    I used to be so confused as to why the seams down the sides of my shirts we'rent lining up properly (not going straight down the sides). Now they do! Also, my shirts are growing longer :)
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member

    - no public transport overspill. Which means that people do actually sit next to me. Bummer...

    Thus far I have mostly managed to maintain my "scary, don't sit here or ill kill you look" which works until the bus is packed. I am not looking forward to being 'cute and skinny' again to have people invade my seat! Bad enough I had some guy sidle over next to me yesterday and proceed to bop against me to his horrible hip hop - thankfully my metal was loud enough that I didn't have to listen to it for too long :P
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    smaller bra ? lol!!

    ^^^This. Only downside I've encountered. Especially sucks because there wasn't much there to begin with...:ohwell: