getting old :-(



  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Check out a book called Five Love Languages. People communicate love (or lack there of) in different 2 ways. I found the book quite helpful in articulating the things that really showed love TO me to my hubby. Once he knew my top 2 ways, he was off to the races trying to show me how much he loved me. And, he had some "tools" to work with. And, when he read it and locked into his love language (not shocking) it helped me understand and show love to him in ways that mean a LOT to him, but not as much to me. Google it. It's pretty cool.

    ^^^ Really makes a difference!

    And maybe you need to get MR. Thoughtless a Google calendar account for his birthday!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I was gonna suggest the 5 Love Languages as well. It sounds like from your post you may potentially be missing each other's signals.

    As for the birthday, my recommendation is to simply tell him your birthday is coming up. Start talking about it. He may never be one to remember it. Don't let that drive a wedge or ruin your day. I even plan some or all of my birthday on some years. It is no big deal. My husband enjoys celebrating it with me. That's all that matters.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    you don't need any books to figure this out. Right now this guy has got a bad rep from a lot of people here and it may not be fair, I don't know. Thing is forgetting to do the little things is common for a guy to do.

    How are you treated all the other times, does he work, pay bills, take you places, happy to spend time with many things. If he just takes you for granted that could just be relationship conditioning.

    Hard to explain without his opinions but you do need to talk to him if he is all around treating you badly. As far as a plate going to the sink, yeah thats a little thing but its big to you so next time when he gets up to take his plate..ask him...yeah..ask him if he could take yours too. Its not a bad thing to remind him you know or ask when you would like something instead of possibly expecting him to just remember. If he doesn't remember your birthday, well thats something lots of people of any gender don't remember. It happens, just remind the guy and see his response. Maybe the day before that or whatever event just give a reminder and see his response. If he acts like he just don't care then thats one thing but if he's genuinely annoyed with himself for forgetting he may say sorry, he may put a rush on things and get you something or he may also do something for you..try it

    P.S. Happy Birthday to you
  • Jan72002
    You have been together 4 years, you are 33, and not once have you mentioned wanting to marry this guy.

    You could either dump or decide it isn't a deal breaker, either is fine. I wouldn't try to change him.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    Honestly, birthdays are not a big deal to some people. I love my birthday and other people's. But, some people could care less.

    The little lovey things that you do...great! I'm the same way. I do...that's how I show affection. My husband, on the other hand, buys gifts (something little that I've said I may like) and is physically affectionate. I get that we are different that way. So, if I want him to do for me, i.e., take my plate, then I ask because I know he wouldn't think to do that. You either accept your SO for who he is or move on. Although you can't change him, you can meld your two ways of loving into something that works for the two of you (if that's what you want). But to post such a question here means that you seek validation for having doubts and wanting to dump him. That said, if that's what you want, do it.
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    Just be honest with him. Sometimes we forget things to or take them for granted.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Not all men are like that, but it does seem to be how he is if it has been 4 years and this problem STILL is not resolved.

    I think a lot of women make excuses for men by saying, "Well they just can't think like that..." Well, even when I was only 15 my first boyfriend didn't get me anything for Valentine's Day. ALL of our mutual male friends (without me saying a word or acting depressed) yelled at him for it to the point that he left to get me a gift. And our friends were almost all "bad boys" so I mean really.

    My second boyfriend had hardly any experience with girls and still figured this stuff out on his own.

    My last boyfriend had been through too many (failed) relationships to keep track of, and the reason was...he sucked. I gave him 6 months, and the last week I saw him he was still mean and selfish. Now I'm just a part of his very-long list of failed-relationships.

    Why? Because I (and apparently all of the other women) knew that there are a lot nicer and more thoughtful men out there.

    You're still young, but it seems that if you stay in a relationship that still has the same complaints (that could EASILY be fixed) from when the relationship just began 4 years ago, eventually you WILL be old and either learned to accept that he will never be what you want...or...still feel unappreciated AND actually getting old.

    Good luck and keep in mind that 4 years might seem like a lot of time, but instead of thinking, "Well it HAS been 4 years, that's a long time I invested to go to waste," think, "4 years and he STILL didn't care enough about me to at least try and reciprocate or make me feel I wasn't the only one giving."

    PS: I've come to notice that men who "weren't able" to remember their partner's birthdays etc WILL suddenly "become able" when they meet a woman who takes their breath away. Let's be honest, if most men had Megan Fox or Adriana Lima (or which ever super-gorgeous girl the man likes most) become their girlfriends, do you REALLY think they would forget HER birthday? I think not, and if they did, you'd be sure they would remember after 4 years together if he still felt the same way about her.

    I think there are a lot of people who stay in relationships with people just because they feel comfortable and enjoy being in relationships -- not because they are truly crazy about the other person or even in love. The men in my life (friends, family, boyfriends) who have made me feel appreciated and not like, "I hope he remembers we are supposed to meet today" have ALWAYS been those who I knew actually cared about me. My first boyfriend ended up secretly being in love with his ex. My last boyfriend ended up being a narcissist. As far as relationships go, only one guy I was with truly loved me. The other two did NOT love me. While some men really can love a woman and not do little things such as cleaning the dishes or remembering holidays, I personally think that most ARE able to. It is simply that, for most of us non-models, we are not as desirable to most men (no matter how nice our personalities are) as the really pretty girls. Therefore, it is more difficult to find a man who truly loves us and will treat us like he would if he were dating "the physically ideal girl of his dreams."

    Yes I do agree!!! One day we were sitting there and he showed me his ideal body type on a woman and it was me when I was 16,17,18,19,20 etc... Not now... I would have to lose 120 pounds to be there again. I am tall and curvy and am more Marilyn Monroe shaped even when I am down to 140 pounds or so.. I feel sexy there! I don't know why he is with me. Thinking of other things now like a few summers ago we went to the lake and he avoided me every second of it which really hurt and it was just him and i and our kids that went.. granted we were watching them but he stayed away. Probably because I am fat. Who knows...
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    like while we are having dinner, if I finish first I pick up his plate and take it to the sink with mine but if he finishes first he just takes his

    so if you are done eating you take his food?
  • JAT63
    JAT63 Posts: 17 Member
    Talk to him first about this...maybe he doesn't realize what he is doing...we can be air-heads sometimes...
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Just break up.


    ^^^LOL I just love the movie Anchorman!!
  • CADreaming09
    CADreaming09 Posts: 311 Member
    I'd break up with him.

    My fiance and I have been together for over 5 years and he still does little things to show me he loves me and we are still very much in love.

    I get the PMS thing because when I'm on mine, he annoys me but for dumb little PMS things LOL...
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Your relationship is entering "Phase 3 (reality)." This is the phase where you make it or break it. To make it to "Phase 4 (perfectly content)," you have to see if you two truly are compatible. You need to work on your communication because without this, you won't make it to "Phase 4." You have to sit down and lay it all out and find out how each other feels and what each other wants and needs without approaching it in a way that makes either one of you defensive or uncomfortable. Does your relationship have what it takes to last? Only time will tell. And no, love is not enough to keep you two together. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, just want to offer you some truth. I hope everything works out for the best! And don't forget that guys just don't remember anniversary dates and crap like that, so expecting him to recall your anniversary is setting yourself up to be hurt. Try thinking more like a man and that will help. It's hard sometimes, but it works.
  • Golfgirl16
    Golfgirl16 Posts: 26 Member
    Read the 5 love languages and have him read it too! ( five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch) You may just be speaking the wrong language to each other. Good Luck!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    my husband thought my birthday was a day ahead of when it actually is, which made me laugh. I would gently remind him.

    As far as the little things, it definitely makes a difference. This past week,we had family coming over and i freaked out, because the house wasn't where i wanted it so when he called me on his way home from work (he calls me everyday after work just because) i was freaking, and he ended up coming home and helping me with the house (normally he says "angie you do it"). Its little things that makes us happy. And if we both have had a bad day, our son does something to make us laugh.

    We have been together for four years, but will have been married for a year here in 10 days.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Welcome to womanhood. Get used to it. Wait til you have kids!
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    like while we are having dinner, if I finish first I pick up his plate and take it to the sink with mine but if he finishes first he just takes his

    so if you are done eating you take his food?

    YES I take his food away!!! Of course not we sometimes sit at the table a few minutes after we are finished
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    I don't like that ! I always do little things so I want to be with someone who is like that to....

    Looks like you answered your own question. If you talked about it and he hasn't changed then move on.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Welcome to womanhood. Get used to it. Wait til you have kids!

    we do have kids but not together!!!!
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    How many years have you been together that you are just NOW noticing this "little stuff". Seems like you are looking for a reason to dump him.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    My birthday is approaching and I am worried because my guy forgot my birthday the first year we were together and since then I have reminded him but this year I decided to not say anything to see if he remembers on his own and it is stressing me out.... Plus I am starting to notice little things like while we are having dinner, if I finish first I pick up his plate and take it to the sink with mine but if he finishes first he just takes his . I always do little things for him like serving him coffee, making his lunches, doing his laundry... Little things to show I care but I don't feel like I am getting much back and YES I have talked to him several times...... Maybe I am being petty or I am just PMS'ing who knows ... point is it is really on my mind and had to talk about it.....

    I expect that stuff from my woman. She knows me well, and knows that it's not disresepct. She also knows that I forget dates and peoples names, and she helps me remember things like that.

    My favorite woman moment in a movie is at the end of Mystic River, when Annabeth, Sean Penn's wife, is explaining how her man did what he needed to do to protect his family. So sexy and right on.

    It doesn't have to be all one-sided. In a relationship, I do other things. It's a trade-off. We have roles. It doesn't have to be that way, it just is with me. That's all.