getting old :-(



  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    How many years have you been together that you are just NOW noticing this "little stuff". Seems like you are looking for a reason to dump him.

    um no hun I have been noticing .. Like I said I remind him every year for my birthday but I am hoping he remembers this year.
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    Plus I am starting to notice little things like while we are having dinner, if I finish first I pick up his plate and take it to the sink with mine but if he finishes first he just takes his . I always do little things for him like serving him coffee, making his lunches, doing his laundry... Little things to show I care but I don't feel like I am getting much back and YES I have talked to him several times......

    This is what I was referring to. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    How many years have you been together that you are just NOW noticing this "little stuff". Seems like you are looking for a reason to dump him.

    um no hun I have been noticing .. Like I said I remind him every year for my birthday but I am hoping he remembers this year.

    He forgets your birthday EVERY YEAR?

    That's just plain disrespectful
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    Just break up.


  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    Why would you want to give him a taste of his own medicine? How would that help the situation???? Would it make you feel better? Maybe for a second, but in the long run it doesn't help the issue.

    Fully agreed. Two wrongs don't make a right .. You'll cause more harm than good.
  • Not everyone shows love in the same way. If you can't think of anything he does for you at all, then maybe it's time to reevaluate the relationship, but my bet is he does little things you don't, as well.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    List some of the things that he does that you love and appreciate.

    That might show how important or unimportant these "little" things are
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    A girl likes to be pampered once and a while by her guy even if it's little things. That's not right when he forgets your birthday every year. Does he thank you for the things you do for him? He could at least take your plate to the kitchen when he's done eating first.

    My husband remembers my birthday and our anniversary. His birthday is 2 months before my mom's so it's easy to remember. He helps me around the apartment and cooks dinner while I clean up the kitchen afterwards. Marriage/relationships is a team where 2 people work together to make eachother happy.
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Just break up.


  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    The plate thing is easy to fix. The next time he gets up before you, say here's mine. Repeat if necessary.
    As far as remembering b-days etc. I don't buy into "men" not remembering dates. It's if they choose to or not. Does he remember his mother's bday? Does he remember if he has an appt, meeting, when bills are due, etc? I have to write the many family member's b-days on the calender each year or I wouldn't remember them either. Just as I do dentist appts, etc.

    I would set your standards now if you aren't happy with the way things are going now. He can't read your mind. You will end up resenting him for his actions. If he just thinks about himself now he isn't going to think about you on his own. The little things you do for him because you care for him now will end up being only your duties/chores without his help.

    As my grandma would say, nip it in the bud.
  • meagsdionne
    meagsdionne Posts: 47 Member
    A little harsh, but made me laugh :)
  • meagsdionne
    meagsdionne Posts: 47 Member
    Whoops I did that wrong. I was commenting to,
    'It's because he is a GUY, they are supposed to be inconsiderate and rude, hello!'
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    leave him
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Not all men are like that, but it does seem to be how he is if it has been 4 years and this problem STILL is not resolved.

    I think a lot of women make excuses for men by saying, "Well they just can't think like that..." Well, even when I was only 15 my first boyfriend didn't get me anything for Valentine's Day. ALL of our mutual male friends (without me saying a word or acting depressed) yelled at him for it to the point that he left to get me a gift. And our friends were almost all "bad boys" so I mean really.

    My second boyfriend had hardly any experience with girls and still figured this stuff out on his own.

    My last boyfriend had been through too many (failed) relationships to keep track of, and the reason was...he sucked. I gave him 6 months, and the last week I saw him he was still mean and selfish. Now I'm just a part of his very-long list of failed-relationships.

    Why? Because I (and apparently all of the other women) knew that there are a lot nicer and more thoughtful men out there.

    You're still young, but it seems that if you stay in a relationship that still has the same complaints (that could EASILY be fixed) from when the relationship just began 4 years ago, eventually you WILL be old and either learned to accept that he will never be what you want...or...still feel unappreciated AND actually getting old.

    Good luck and keep in mind that 4 years might seem like a lot of time, but instead of thinking, "Well it HAS been 4 years, that's a long time I invested to go to waste," think, "4 years and he STILL didn't care enough about me to at least try and reciprocate or make me feel I wasn't the only one giving."

    PS: I've come to notice that men who "weren't able" to remember their partner's birthdays etc WILL suddenly "become able" when they meet a woman who takes their breath away. Let's be honest, if most men had Megan Fox or Adriana Lima (or which ever super-gorgeous girl the man likes most) become their girlfriends, do you REALLY think they would forget HER birthday? I think not, and if they did, you'd be sure they would remember after 4 years together if he still felt the same way about her.

    I think there are a lot of people who stay in relationships with people just because they feel comfortable and enjoy being in relationships -- not because they are truly crazy about the other person or even in love. The men in my life (friends, family, boyfriends) who have made me feel appreciated and not like, "I hope he remembers we are supposed to meet today" have ALWAYS been those who I knew actually cared about me. My first boyfriend ended up secretly being in love with his ex. My last boyfriend ended up being a narcissist. As far as relationships go, only one guy I was with truly loved me. The other two did NOT love me. While some men really can love a woman and not do little things such as cleaning the dishes or remembering holidays, I personally think that most ARE able to. It is simply that, for most of us non-models, we are not as desirable to most men (no matter how nice our personalities are) as the really pretty girls. Therefore, it is more difficult to find a man who truly loves us and will treat us like he would if he were dating "the physically ideal girl of his dreams."

    Yes I do agree!!! One day we were sitting there and he showed me his ideal body type on a woman and it was me when I was 16,17,18,19,20 etc... Not now... I would have to lose 120 pounds to be there again. I am tall and curvy and am more Marilyn Monroe shaped even when I am down to 140 pounds or so.. I feel sexy there! I don't know why he is with me. Thinking of other things now like a few summers ago we went to the lake and he avoided me every second of it which really hurt and it was just him and i and our kids that went.. granted we were watching them but he stayed away. Probably because I am fat. Who knows...

    Seriously???? You're beautiful and he should love you at any size. You shouldn't have to change because of a guy to be loved or accepted by him. If you did leave him there is someone better out there that will treat you like a princess and not like trash.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Not all men are like that, but it does seem to be how he is if it has been 4 years and this problem STILL is not resolved.

    I think a lot of women make excuses for men by saying, "Well they just can't think like that..." Well, even when I was only 15 my first boyfriend didn't get me anything for Valentine's Day. ALL of our mutual male friends (without me saying a word or acting depressed) yelled at him for it to the point that he left to get me a gift. And our friends were almost all "bad boys" so I mean really.

    My second boyfriend had hardly any experience with girls and still figured this stuff out on his own.

    My last boyfriend had been through too many (failed) relationships to keep track of, and the reason was...he sucked. I gave him 6 months, and the last week I saw him he was still mean and selfish. Now I'm just a part of his very-long list of failed-relationships.

    Why? Because I (and apparently all of the other women) knew that there are a lot nicer and more thoughtful men out there.

    You're still young, but it seems that if you stay in a relationship that still has the same complaints (that could EASILY be fixed) from when the relationship just began 4 years ago, eventually you WILL be old and either learned to accept that he will never be what you want...or...still feel unappreciated AND actually getting old.

    Good luck and keep in mind that 4 years might seem like a lot of time, but instead of thinking, "Well it HAS been 4 years, that's a long time I invested to go to waste," think, "4 years and he STILL didn't care enough about me to at least try and reciprocate or make me feel I wasn't the only one giving."

    PS: I've come to notice that men who "weren't able" to remember their partner's birthdays etc WILL suddenly "become able" when they meet a woman who takes their breath away. Let's be honest, if most men had Megan Fox or Adriana Lima (or which ever super-gorgeous girl the man likes most) become their girlfriends, do you REALLY think they would forget HER birthday? I think not, and if they did, you'd be sure they would remember after 4 years together if he still felt the same way about her.

    I think there are a lot of people who stay in relationships with people just because they feel comfortable and enjoy being in relationships -- not because they are truly crazy about the other person or even in love. The men in my life (friends, family, boyfriends) who have made me feel appreciated and not like, "I hope he remembers we are supposed to meet today" have ALWAYS been those who I knew actually cared about me. My first boyfriend ended up secretly being in love with his ex. My last boyfriend ended up being a narcissist. As far as relationships go, only one guy I was with truly loved me. The other two did NOT love me. While some men really can love a woman and not do little things such as cleaning the dishes or remembering holidays, I personally think that most ARE able to. It is simply that, for most of us non-models, we are not as desirable to most men (no matter how nice our personalities are) as the really pretty girls. Therefore, it is more difficult to find a man who truly loves us and will treat us like he would if he were dating "the physically ideal girl of his dreams."

    ^^^ I agree with everything you said!!!!! :)