Impossible to eat healthy when in debt



  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    PS: You also said you don't care about getting out of debt. You may as well say to your wife, "What you see as direly important, I don't give a darn about." That's going to be scary to her! Cutting back on debt will help you preserve the health of you and your family as you age. I'm extremely grateful right now that we can afford the random mass of medical bills I am accumulating this year from a string of bad luck. The stress I'd feel about this if we couldn't afford these expenses would only make my health worse.
  • Can I get the recipe for that soup? It sounds delicious!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm sorry, but it sounds to me from the OP and following comments that there are more at issue in this marriage than food vs. debt. I am suggesting marriage counseling.
  • edit: This was supposed to be a reply to someone else's comment, not the whole thread... not sure what happened but it won't let me delete it go I guess ignore it, sorry!
  • The OP states in his profile that he is ADHD. Most likely he's lost interest in this thread days ago and move on to something else.
  • Gently remind your wife of the ton of money you are saving in future medical bills.
  • mehani48
    mehani48 Posts: 33 Member
    Quinoa is terribly expensive at the grocery store, but around here it's very inexpensive at the little family owned Latin American market. I also bought a 4 lb sack of bulgar wheat there for only $3.45. Dunno if there are stores like that where you live - we're in Florida. There are really inexpensive dried beans at the Asian markets too.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    You're doing something wrong if you think eating healthy is expensive.
    A few dollars for 4 bell peppers? a dollar a broccoli bunch? Two dollars per head of lettuce?
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    The OP states in his profile that he is ADHD. Most likely he's lost interest in this thread days ago and move on to something else.

    It's not that I lost interest in the thread; it's that the thread has exhausted it's usefulness. Clearly the answer is even with health conditions like Celiac or ADHD, people can still have their dietary restrictions and eat a healthy balanced diet without breaking the bank.

    A lot of you have great input and I'm trying to execute it, it's just not easy because I have a difficulty in going into new places alone. But I will find a meat market and I will start comparing prices for veggies/fruits. But when I'm done, I'm going to tell my wife that I need a minimum of ______ dollars each week to do shopping and she shouldn't pay bills into my grocery fund.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I don't know why this irks my nerves so much but it does... I'm not trying to come off mean and annoying like a lot of other posters on here saying "my way or the highway" kind of deal.

    But the whole "eating healthy is expensive" is a load of crap.
    I'm a college student and am dirt poor. It's CHEAPER to eat healthy.
    I just made a homemade soup with vegetable broth, spinach, mushrooms, and tomatoes that costed me a grand total of $8 to make. And that will last me 2 weeks worth of lunch or a snap. Doesn't even break 50 calories per serving.
    It's making both healthy and fiscally responsible decisions.
    You can eat healthy without going broke.
    But beans in bulk.
    Buy meat in bulk (just bought a bag of chicken from walmart that has 10+ breasts in it for $6)
    etc, etc.

    omg I agree. I make a big batch of beans and big batch of quinoa and I can use it for several meals all week. Don't tell me 'eating healthy is expensive' until really live in poverty people. That's so annoying. Also maybe it's just me, but a bag of salad will make several salads. I guess some people think you have to buy $10 grilled salmon to eat healthy. Guess what, if you don't shop at whole foods you can get stuff super cheap.

    keep in mind the OP is a family of 4. so soup made for one can last 2 weeks but soup made for 4 will not. same holds true for the bag of salad which is in fact more expensive than buying the lettuce and making the bag of salad. a bag of a salad in my home (2 people) is good for a meal and a lunch for myself only.
  • Gagaluvr
    Gagaluvr Posts: 73 Member
    Ok I wanna know how u feed a family of 4 on $80?!? Lol I have a family of 5 and I spend $200 a week :/
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I get food before the debt collectors get their $$$$; but it's hard to convince my wife that who is the controller of our finances (yet I'm the grocery shopper and the cook). Her goal is to be debt free, my goal is to be disease free; they seem to be conflicting with each other. The way I see it, I either need to take over the finances (since I'm the one spending the money anyways) or I just need to accept the fact that instead of feeding my family of 4 a $15 meal of fish, quinoa, veggies, and salsa I'll have to suck it up and replace it with a $4 meal of $1 menu burgers...

    Seriously, where are the priorities? Anyone else find themselves fighting to feed their family a nutritious meal because their significant other would rather pay off their debt.

    ***POST EDITED BY STAFF for violation of guideline number 16**

    You should watch Food Networks $10 dinners. She has some good ideas :)
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Dude, take it to a therapist. You are obviously angry and only looking to publicly bash your family rather to than find real solutions.

    I feel sorry for your family, since you've clearly stated that you think you're so much better than them.

    Maybe your wife is being ultra frugal because she can see the writing on the wall.

    Don't psycho analyze me. People get angry and have to vent. And this is a legitimate problem that everyone has to face. Yes, this is a marriage problem more than a nutrition problem but finding out people are eating on a $80/week budget for a family of 4 is cheaper than me so maybe I'm being stubborn. The point is, don't push your opinion if you are going to be a d-bag about it. Show some respect would you?

    EDIT: And no, I don't think I'm better than anyone. It's taken me 30 years to feel like I was worth anything more than dirt; do you really want to be that guy who knocks me off the little self confidence I have?

    Sorry, but I have to agree (however, more diplomatically so). From reading your OP and responses proceeding responses, I believe there are bigger issues between you and your wife and would suggest marital counseling as well as some anger management (the latter based soley on the above response). Many, many divorces start with financial problems, piled on top of the childhood issues you mentioned. I say this without judgement, and as a counselor and mental health professional, please seek help.
  • I make less than 20K a year. I am massively in debt and was sued in May. I'm able to eat healthy, or at least as healthy as possible while on a budget.

    Learn the basics of good nutrition. There are many ways to get quality sources of protein without spending big bucks buying expensive cuts of meat. All it takes is planning and knowing how to shop correctly.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Ok I wanna know how u feed a family of 4 on $80?!? Lol I have a family of 5 and I spend $200 a week :/

  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I make less than 20K a year. I am massively in debt and was sued in May. I'm able to eat healthy, or at least as healthy as possible while on a budget.

    Learn the basics of good nutrition. There are many ways to get quality sources of protein without spending big bucks buying expensive cuts of meat. All it takes is planning and knowing how to shop correctly.

    Now duplicate yourself 3 times and feed all 4 of you on that budget.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Ok I wanna know how u feed a family of 4 on $80?!? Lol I have a family of 5 and I spend $200 a week :/


    Can you do it at the drive through?

    If you only have $80 dollors to work with you'd better be really creative with purchasing and preporation. Think soups, stews, inexpensive (dried beans and rice made with stock you make from leftover veggie and meat scraps or bones). Frozen veggies seem like the cheapest way to go with veggies but look for what is in season in your area and buy what makes sense. Get the least expensive, low fat protiens you can. In the US it think that's chicken and use it as a suplement to the beans and rice. Don't worry about higher fat meats if they make sense financially, since it's only suplimenting the protien from other, bulkier sources. (beans and rice) Using herbs and spices you can make all of this into good tasting meals. Look at Mexican, Indian, Asian, Meditrerarian, Middle Eastern ideas for inspiration.

    If you're family won't eat it because they don't like it the problem isn't necessarily with the food. If they're truely hungry, they will eat.

    I have eaten at fast food drive-ins and I'll never be convinced that I can't do better for the same price in my own kitchen, but I've been living inexpensivly for a long time now and know how to do it and can cook. Nothing gets wasted)
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Ok I wanna know how u feed a family of 4 on $80?!? Lol I have a family of 5 and I spend $200 a week :/


    Can you do it at the drive through?

    If you only have $80 dollors to work with you'd better be really creative with purchasing and preporation. Think soups, stews, inexpensive (dried beans and rice made with stock you make from leftover veggie and meat scraps or bones). Frozen veggies seem like the cheapest way to go with veggies but look for what is in season in your area and buy what makes sense. Get the least expensive, low fat protiens you can. In the US it think that's chicken and use it as a suplement to the beans and rice. Don't worry about higher fat meats if they make sense financially, since it's only suplimenting the protien from other, bulkier sources. (beans and rice) Using herbs and spices you can make all of this into good tasting meals. Look at Mexican, Indian, Asian, Meditrerarian, Middle Eastern ideas for inspiration.

    If you're family won't eat it because they don't like it the problem isn't necessarily with the food. If they're truely hungry, they will eat.

    I have eaten at fast food drive-ins and I'll never be convinced that I can't do better for the same price in my own kitchen, but I've been living inexpensivly for a long time now and know how to do it and can cook. Nothing gets wasted)

    Just had Lentils and (assuming I cooked them correctly) caused all sorts of digestive system issues. My stomach felt as heavy as a bowling ball and it throbbed (intestinal inflammation). So I don't think beans are the right route for me. Remember: Digestive Disease and intestinal damage due to many years of gluten intolerance (I'm Celiac). So high fiber foods not a good idea.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Ok I wanna know how u feed a family of 4 on $80?!? Lol I have a family of 5 and I spend $200 a week :/


    Can you do it at the drive through?

    If you only have $80 dollors to work with you'd better be really creative with purchasing and preporation. Think soups, stews, inexpensive (dried beans and rice made with stock you make from leftover veggie and meat scraps or bones). Frozen veggies seem like the cheapest way to go with veggies but look for what is in season in your area and buy what makes sense. Get the least expensive, low fat protiens you can. In the US it think that's chicken and use it as a suplement to the beans and rice. Don't worry about higher fat meats if they make sense financially, since it's only suplimenting the protien from other, bulkier sources. (beans and rice) Using herbs and spices you can make all of this into good tasting meals. Look at Mexican, Indian, Asian, Meditrerarian, Middle Eastern ideas for inspiration.

    If you're family won't eat it because they don't like it the problem isn't necessarily with the food. If they're truely hungry, they will eat.

    I have eaten at fast food drive-ins and I'll never be convinced that I can't do better for the same price in my own kitchen, but I've been living inexpensivly for a long time now and know how to do it and can cook. Nothing gets wasted)

    Just had Lentils and (assuming I cooked them correctly) caused all sorts of digestive system issues. My stomach felt as heavy as a bowling ball and it throbbed (intestinal inflammation). So I don't think beans are the right route for me. Remember: Digestive Disease and intestinal damage due to many years of gluten intolerance (I'm Celiac). So high fiber foods not a good idea.

    So, you really feel that you can feed your family cheaper by taking them out for food. I can accept that. Do what works best for you.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Ok I wanna know how u feed a family of 4 on $80?!? Lol I have a family of 5 and I spend $200 a week :/


    Can you do it at the drive through?

    If you only have $80 dollors to work with you'd better be really creative with purchasing and preporation. Think soups, stews, inexpensive (dried beans and rice made with stock you make from leftover veggie and meat scraps or bones). Frozen veggies seem like the cheapest way to go with veggies but look for what is in season in your area and buy what makes sense. Get the least expensive, low fat protiens you can. In the US it think that's chicken and use it as a suplement to the beans and rice. Don't worry about higher fat meats if they make sense financially, since it's only suplimenting the protien from other, bulkier sources. (beans and rice) Using herbs and spices you can make all of this into good tasting meals. Look at Mexican, Indian, Asian, Meditrerarian, Middle Eastern ideas for inspiration.

    If you're family won't eat it because they don't like it the problem isn't necessarily with the food. If they're truely hungry, they will eat.

    I have eaten at fast food drive-ins and I'll never be convinced that I can't do better for the same price in my own kitchen, but I've been living inexpensivly for a long time now and know how to do it and can cook. Nothing gets wasted)

    Just had Lentils and (assuming I cooked them correctly) caused all sorts of digestive system issues. My stomach felt as heavy as a bowling ball and it throbbed (intestinal inflammation). So I don't think beans are the right route for me. Remember: Digestive Disease and intestinal damage due to many years of gluten intolerance (I'm Celiac). So high fiber foods not a good idea.

    So, you really feel that you can feed your family cheaper by taking them out for food. I can accept that. Do what works best for you.

    No, I am all for eating at home, I am just saying that $80 a week is too low. I need around $160 for 4 people per week. My wife is the take out queen. That's where all this came from. She wants fast meals because time is money and I want home cooked slow food because money can't buy health.