Why did you let yourself go?...



  • doodles80
    I had an accident which left me with severe PTSD and I used to eat to make myself feel better.

    That was 9 years ago and I still have not got a lid on it yet. I am a yo yo dieter and find it hard to eat in moderation.

    I lost 3 stones for my wedding earlier on in the year, but when I found out I had a heart condition and my exercise had to be cut down I started to eat and not exercise again and put the three stones plus some back on in the last 8 months.

    I feel awful and at the moment, until I have my heart operation I cannot exercise the way I want to so I just use that as an excuse not to do anything, and now I hate myself again.

    I think you are wonderful for even being on here and taking the best step which is to take back your life ^u^ Obstacles are just victories over the horzion doll and I know you can do this atleast by eating healthy right? Good lucj and you are more than welcome to add me doll ^u^

    Aww.. thanks :) I still feel like a fat knacker though lol xx
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Using food as a comforter and snacking. Not caring about myself and using food to cope with my problems has caused my downfall.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Motherhood can be exhausting and overwhelming. For years, I put everyone else first and myself last. It just crept up on me.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    An auto accident made it to where I didn't walk for an entire year..... Now that I can walk, the surgery made it to where I can no longer run. Now I do elliptical and low impact aerobics....
  • LadyLisa
    Wow, what a perfect question, the only answer I have is boredom and losing myself. I became so consumed with everyone else life and well-being I stopped caring for me. I was focused on the wishes and wills of others I lost my true interested and when I went to the store to finally shop for me( not the teenage children or love of my life) I hated what looked back at me in the mirror, sweatpants and oversize t-shirts. I didn't even know the girl in the mirror and had no desire to get to know her. So I vowed I would NOT buy anymore double sized anything this is not the body I desire my temple is worth more to me than this.
  • kittykat1994
    kittykat1994 Posts: 149 Member
    I just got lazy. I started eating out more, or just cooking microwave meals instead of cooking anything. I'd also just eat as I was bored and the food was there. I stopped all form of exercise slowly, and the weight crept up on me. I piled on 10kg in 6 months. I felt bigger, but kidded myself, until my work trousers we not fitting and my family commented I was getting fat. A week ago I came back here, and in just over a week I have lost 4lbs :)
  • n_rockey
    n_rockey Posts: 52 Member
    I hate to blame it on my parents, but I don't think I was really taught how to eat properly. From probably the 5th grade until high school my mother was a weight Watchers lecturer, and had purged our house of EVERYTHING remotely unhealthy. My father rebelled at this, and would volunteer to go on all the quick shopping trips to pick up a gallon of milk or loaf of bread and take us kids with him. While at the store we would always get a big bag of potato chips, box of ice cream bars, or some other fattening treat under the condition that we eat it ALL on the way home so that Mom wouldn't know we had it. Then of course we had to eat a good dinner because we were forced to be members of the clean plate club. Looking back now I remember going to bed and feeling sick to my stomach so many times, but it never really clicked that eating like that wasn't a good idea since I saw one parent depriving herself and the other pigging out.

    10 years ago I went through Weight Watchers myself, and lost almost 100 lbs. Then I hurt my back, and could barely get out of bed for almost 3 months. And the weight piled back on. Then I got pregnant, and used that as an excuse not to work out hard, and to eat whatever I wanted- afterall all pregnant women are suppose to be fat, right?

    So now I'm on the journey again. This time with the support of my husband who is also 100+lbs higher than he should be, and we're doing it for ourselves, each other, and for our daughter. However I don't want my daughter to fall into the same trap I did, so junk food is not completely banned from our house- it's just eaten in moderation. Junk food will always be around and be tempting, so I firmly believe she needs to learn how to deal with it now so that she doesn't follow in my path.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I grew up and didn't adapt my eating habits. I am 23 now, but up until I was about 20 or 21 I could eat anything I wanted and never work out...and not gain a pound. I hit that normal curve in life where teenage girls turn into women and haven't been taught how to eat/act in a healthy manner. Now I have to lose some weight and relearn how to live.

    Yup. My metabolism changed and my lifestyle did not.

    This is me, too. I used to eat a rack of ribs and a whole cake and ask others, "Were you gonna finish that?" I weighed less than 100 lbs. at 18. I put on about 10 lbs. a year in college and the first 30 looked great. The next 30-40 after that, not so much. But I am still having a hard time reversing the runaway train.
  • shewdog
    Getting married, after the honeymoon we both let ourselves go. Then it was a case of denial and been "too busy" to exercise.
  • Lorichr
    I ate whatever I wanted despite the fact that I was forty and no longer had the metabolism or the physical activity level of my younger self.
    I have now lost the weight and I am working on maintaining; which isn't easy either!
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    Two things.
    I love sugary/sweet things.
    I don't run and play all day anymore.
    Boom, I hit highschool and the weight started adding up...I've gotten bigger and bigger the older I get.
    My 5 sons are all 20 months apart and the youngest is 6 mo. old. I've got to dig my heels in and start heading the other way.:noway:
  • LilacDaffodil
    LilacDaffodil Posts: 148 Member
    Prozac - as soon as I started taking the stuff the weight piled on, Same thing happened to a couple of the other girls in my counselling group. Tried to get my GP to change my drugs, he insisted 'people use Prozac to lose weight' and I was just comfort eating (I wasn't). My metabolism has been knackered ever since.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I was a binge eater. I developed the binging habit when I was young and continued into my adult years. The binging numbed everything including my sense of pride and self-worth. There was a huge disconnect between my body and mind.

    It was a weird time in my life that lasted 20+ years. I would see a number on the scale that was 100+ pounds above my ideal weight and it felt bad but didn't really register, like it wasn't my body.

    I also know once someone is overweight, there are various hormonal changes that take place that kill your hunger and full sensations. So, it's a vicious positive feedback loop of eating, weight gain, more eating, etc.
  • 29andfat
    For me it was a constant effort to try and lose weight drastically and as quickly as possible that led to me continually gaining weight over a period of about 10 years. I'd try and drop weight quickly, then I would fail, and then I would eat badly for a while because I'd go through a phase of not giving a crap. It happened so gradually that I would become accustomed to my fatness so that just gaining a little bit more each time didn't freak me out too much. It's only when you look at your current weight and how much you weighed before you had weight issues that you think, whoa - how did that happen?

    You'd think at some point I would have said enough is enough, because I was always aware of how much I weighed, but it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago when I reached the point of no return and finally decided to be sensible and lose weight slowly through better food choices and consistent exercise. I don't know why it took me this long to decide to commit to a 'lifestyle change' instead of just going on one crash diet after the next.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Most of my life was "well i am always going to be fat, so why bother trying?" By the time I was in 6th grade (after a move from Cleveland to Ashland OH) my weight shot up from 125 to 175 (50lbs in a year from the age of10 1/2 years old until i was 11)

    then i got to high school, was told my curves weren't int he right spots, and that i was never good enough for a guy to even be with. One guy pretended to "date" me then broke up because I wasn't "pretty enough".

    Well, when i got to college, between school, home (I was taking care of my disabled mom to the day she passed) work and band i barely ate and thought "maybe i will lose weight this way" but never did. I also thought to myself "what guy is going to care to have me anyway?" "why should i care, i will never be beautiful or attractive enough."

    After my mom died, it was eating fast food all the time, never exercising, and gaming. Once I moved to where i now live (Ashland to Fremont OH) my weight stayed the same, and though my husband loves me no matter what weight I am, I have had to learn to love myself, which somedays I will admit I don't, but I think about what I have accomplished, and will achieve, and that 125 is achievable, and that I am running, which is something that i have always wanted to do without hating :)

    I will say my turning point was when I found out I was pregnant. I have went from weighing 243 (May of 2011, didn't use MFP during the pregnancy) to 183 (as of Saturday).
  • SlimSlow15
    SlimSlow15 Posts: 30 Member
    This is extremely personal, but I started getting fat when I was 7-8 years old. I've been obese since then. I'm not completely sure why I started overeating or finding comfort in food, but that wasn't such a great period in my life. My mom was married to man who beat her, and my brother and I witnessed some terrible things. That may have contributed, but I'm not sure. Not something I've talked about before. I do know that since that time, I've been extremely close to my mom.
  • Frozen300
    Frozen300 Posts: 223 Member
    Until I hit 30 I was always around 180 - 200 lb mark, not really fit, but not really fat.
    Then I got a job that came with free food.
    Then the divorce.
    Then my dad died.
    Then I became estranged from the rest of my family.
    Then I quit smoking.
    Then I got lazy.
    Now I'm 41, this summer I was around 240 - 245 and realized that in 10 years, I'd be lucky if I was only 300 lbs. Time to start bailing this leaky ship.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I just stopped caring...
    By the time I was 13 I had been on Atkins, the three day pre surgery diet (Which gave me mercury poisoning eating three cans of albacore chunk tuna a DAY.)
    I rebelled against my doctor and my family by eating whatever I wanted.
    I recently did an experiment on what my food choices USED to be like...
    Ugh...5,200 calories, 56 grams of saturated fat...hundreds and hundreds of carbs plus alcohol.

    Not good.
    I see how important it is now but if I hadn't been taught to obsess over it, I might've had an easier time.
    I still feel beat down a lot of the time because with the Diabetes and the PCOS anything that does come off, comes of SLOW.
  • kallisto208
    I got tired of the Navy forcing me to work out unsafely and constantly injuring me. I stopped caring, wasn't eating healthy on top of that and the weight started creeping up (was always right on their limits anyways) and there is only so many times you can hear chiefs yelling at you to loose weight to make evaluations before throwing in the towel in frustration. After getting out, I was living with a guy that had the metabolism of a horse and could eat for 3, which meant I ended up cooking and eating portions much more than I needed and I just wasn't paying attention to what I was doing (plus he had a curve fetish I found out way later and encouraged the gain grrr), and had already given up working out after all the pain and anger from the military. Overcoming that mindset took nearly 4 years to break, now I have a whole person to loose.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Pure self hatred and loathing