Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @mommyplus3 - You've found a GREAT group here. I've only been on MFP for about 6 weeks and I don't follow any other board. I'll check out the Success Stories, but that's about it. So many of them get pretty negative, but everyone here is so real. It's about life - weight loss/gain, family, kids, no kids, exercise questions - you name it and everyone is so supportive to help. Welcome!!!

    @bellawares - It sounds like you've had a lot taking place lately. I know she's your sister, but it's definitely not an easy thing to do. It shows the kind of person you are and your sister is lucky to have you in her life. BUT, you still need to find time for you too.

    @lauriek - You've given me the inspiration to try riding myself. I haven't been on a bike in YEARS. My sister has a bike she hasn't used and it's just sitting in my garage. Plus, it already has a decent seat so I'm not so sore. I know I'll be a little wobbly, but I"m going to give it a try.

    @naceto - I can relate to some extent. While I'm not a widow (and can't even imagine that), I am alone with my son after divorcing his dad 8 years ago. My son is now 10 and my focus has been totally on him. I'm finally taking care of myself hence joining MFP and taking control of my health. I'm glad you had a fun evening. You deserve a break too. I agree with the others. Just take your time and enjoy the moment. You'll know the direction and know what to do.

    Sunday Share: I'm looking forward to a good week. Today was another nice day. I often feel guilty for having such a balanced life. Over the years, I know I went through a LOT of ups and downs to get to this point in my life. Now that I'm finally taking control of my health everything else seems to be falling into place. Amazing son. Great job. Strong family. Good health. Life is good.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Though I didn't complete my exercise goals perfectly this past week, scheduling it still helped me do more than I would have otherwise, so I'm gonna set up for the coming week. I don't have as many mtgs/appts which means I should be able to do a bit more.

    Mon--walk dog + gym (weight machines and stair master)
    Tues--walk dog + core work
    Wed--long run w/dog
    Thurs--walk dog + core work
    Fri--walk dog
    Sat--walk dog + gym (weight machines and speed intervals on treadmill)
    Sun--walk dog + gym (stair master and stationary bike)
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Saturday Success: I went for a bike ride that lasted just over 16 miles with a good friend.

    Sunday Share: Have a challenge from a MFP friend to stay in the green for my sodium intake. Here goes nothing!!! :)
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    early Monday check in: ok so I'm angry with myself at the moment. Today was horrible as a tracking day. I broke down and had too many cupcakes even though i don't really like chocolate cupcakes. That really messed me up, then i really screwed myself when it came to dinner. I couldn't finish my meal though but i just tracked a whole serving of each of my foods anyways. I did however get to at least get to about 80 minutes of dance so its not too bad. I wish i could have done better tho. =(
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I knew I posted to soon about avoiding the "bad" foods with my husband home. I was doing just great and then while i was in the abck of the house my husband decides to be nice and calls our daughter and tell her to bring home taco bell so I wouldnt have to cook. Now I know that doesnt mean I had to eat it..........but I really love meximelts and I caved and ate everything they got me. So if that wasnt bad enough I had let myself have a peice of pie earlier in the day thinking I would just eat extra good at dinner. Oh well I didnt go to terribly far over so heres to a new day tomorrow:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hi and welcome to the new faces I saw. And Naceto I am so glad you had a good time last night. Dont stress about it or overanalize just enjoy the feeling of attention that we all love. To everyone else I hope you have a great week and everyone either stays or gets healthy.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Nicole, don't overthink it! Second date is rarely the "heading into LTR" threshold. Have fun, and try to roll with it. Easier said than done, but I'm confident that you can.

    Karen, I was also quite surprised to learn that Robin has a Super Sekrit RL Identity. Are the AP essays better? Hope so, for your sake!

    Morgori, that was quite the post! Good thing I'm full! Of course, I can't see $40 for a shot. Have spent three times that on a bottle of wine, though, so I'm not really one to talk!

    Raven, we all have those days. I'm glad you're not ignoring it, just make sure your anger at yourself doesn't lead you to self-sabotage tomorrow. You can get right back up on that horse!

    Welcome to the new folks. Mommyplus3, I'm impressed. I have two girls, 7 and 3, and I thought THAT was a lot of work! Good for you, for taking the time to respect and care for yourself. It's not easy!

    Aug, I'm sure the money spent on the new truck will be saved in duct tape as well as the bubble gum someone else mentioned! And your post about your SO reminded me to be more helpful around the house, and more grateful for all the many things my husband does. So thanks for that.

    Sunday share: this is a repeat for those on my friends list, but today was a sunny, 80-degree day in Portland. Kids were with their grandparents and hubby was shooting a match (competitive pistol shooting), so I had the day to myself, guilt-free. Which never happens. I had to think for a while before I could decide what to do! Ultimately had a helluva shopping trip. The highlights: four pairs of pants/jeans in SIZE 14(!!!) and a jaunt around the Portland Saturday Market. Where I found this woman's art: I bought a large print of the one near the bottom on the left on that page, the woman reading under a tree. Art drawn entirely with numbers = way cool. It comes with a magnifying glass.

    As for the pants sizes, I was expecting that at Lane Bryant (they've vanity-sized their clothes by a whole size in the last 7-8 years; I have 16s from 2004 that fit like the 14s I bought today). I was shocked to fit into 14 jeans at Old Navy. Everything else in my wardrobe is 16 or 18, mostly the latter.

    Now it's time for bed. G'night, all!
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Raven, we all have those days. I'm glad you're not ignoring it, just make sure your anger at yourself doesn't lead you to self-sabotage tomorrow. You can get right back up on that horse!

    @Shrinkrapt Oh I'm definitely going to do better tomorrow. I think in all actuality I'm too hard on myself as far as what I eat. I'm not obsessed over how many calories I take in, for the most part, just when I eat something I know is bad for me. Honestly I still came in under my calorie goal, I think I'm just frustrated mostly that I couldn't say no to those cupcakes lol. I'll do better tomorrow though.
  • camajade
    camajade Posts: 66 Member
    Today is my birthday. I am giving myself the best birthday present I can think of. I am getting off the couch and beginning my daily workout today. What a great day to start the day, the week and new year! It`s Monday and it`s my birthday! I just joined MFP yesterday, but guess I was not ready to get off the couch and that is o.k. because today I am. One day, and one week at the time. If I loose a pound a week, next birthday I'll be 52 pounds ligther.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Monday check in:

    167 was a killer number. I stalled there for almost two weeks. I almost gave up and went for a burger (with bun!), a soda, and dessert. Luckily, my new jeans (bought a little on the tight side), prevented me.

    Note to self: Buy clothes every couple of months from now on, the kind without elastic!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    @nicole I'd just relax and enjoy your 2nd date most people aren't looking for LTR by 2nd date. If he does just be yourself and be open with him. Have fun!
    @Camajade -- Happy Birthday !! Welcome to you and @mamaplus3 and all of the other newbies!!
    @Raven--Don't beat yourself up we all have days that don't go the way we plan or hope. Today is a new day.
    @shrinkrapt-- how fun new pants congrats!! Sounds like a good day in Portland we are having nice weather in Idaho too.
    @jtconst -- It was nice of your husband once and awhile . Shake it off todays a new day.

    Monday--the weekend went really ok here nothing to outstanding. Don't mean to be boring. Food went ok in my food diary I add sodium to the list that i track. I haven't really been monitering that notice some bloating/swelling at the beginning of last week but seem ok now. Hopefully that will help.

    I love dropping in through out the day checking in reading all of the posts. I learn so much inspire by all of you how you keep plugging away.

  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Monday check-in - I've been MIA since Thursday. Left work with an earache on Thursday, buy the time I got home my muscles were sore, by 8 I was in so much pain that I couldn't be touched since every joint in my body was inflamed. I haven't had a recurence in 2 years since I drastically changed my diet to include more anti-inflammatory foods. Wound up taking off Friday as well, luckily I had worked 81 hours as of Thursday.

    Feel much more energized today. Work up at 5 and was at work by 7.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Yesterday was so crazy I guess I forgot to check-in, so I’ll start with Sunday Share. I guess nothing really new to share, but for the newlings: I’m Kelley in Texas. Like Nicole, I work full-time and go to school in the evenings (just 4 classes left) so my life is very busy and stressful (especially when you factor in my gym time). I lost most of my weight on WW and started MFP when their new system wasn’t working for me. I signed on with a personal trainer at my gym this summer after I recovered from knee surgery and he has changed my life. He keeps me motivated and has me doing stuff I never thought I’d be able to do again after my knee injury.

    Monday Check-in~The weekend was super busy, no real pitfalls and got to the gym both days.

    My workout plan for the week:

    Sunday~Personal Training DONE!
    Monday~TM (running, zone training)
    Tuesday~Personal Training
    Wednesday~Recovery day
    Thursday~Elliptical (zone training)
    Friday~Cross Trainer (or swim or yoga)
    Saturday~A really long walk, if it’s nice, if not TM or Elliptical

    @Nicole~I’m so glad you had fun the other night, as for this guy just take it one date (day) at a time. Enjoy the second date and see what happens. I’ll live vicariously through you – it’s been so long since I dated I think I forgot how! :laugh:

    @Karen~Wow, you must have been feeling better to do all of that yard work yesterday. Good job! Want to come do mine now? :wink: Excellent job on all of the grading too!

  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Monday Check in- Down to 176! 7 pounds gone, 16 more! Today lots of classes and work, then ZUMBA tonight!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I'm pretty behind, I've been sleeping for about 3 days straight.

    Friday Fitness - There wasn't any last week. TOM usually has me flat out and asleep for literally days at a time.

    Saturday Success - I dropped another six lbs over the last week that I had been holding on to. That seems to be my new pattern. Drop drop drop during TOM and then just hold on to everything for the next 24 days. That's OK, as long as I'm still losing my 8 or 9 lbs per month.

    Sunday share: STill trying to work my way out of this funky misery. Just feel so blah all the time. I can't believe how much I slept this weekend.

    Monday update: Went a few handfuls over my calories yesterday. Had a chocolate craving so I grabbed a small handful of milk choc chips from the freezer (really need to throw those out!). I've got scheduled to swim every night this week (except Thursday as my rest day) and I'm more than ready to go back to it. Ate way too many carbs in the form of bread (WHITE bread no less) this weekend. Which may be why I slept so much. Carb coma.......

    Keeping up with every one, even if I'm not responding. Good job on the losses, don't beat yourselves up to much on the trip ups, and hope those who are not feeling well improve.

    Love ya all!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Today is my birthday. I am giving myself the best birthday present I can think of. I am getting off the couch and beginning my daily workout today. What a great day to start the day, the week and new year! It`s Monday and it`s my birthday! I just joined MFP yesterday, but guess I was not ready to get off the couch and that is o.k. because today I am. One day, and one week at the time. If I loose a pound a week, next birthday I'll be 52 pounds ligther.

    Happy Birthday!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning all, praying your Monday brings lots of blessings your way. A bit sore today, played with my granddaughter yesterday afternoon and evening. We had a great time playing in her backyard. I pushed her on the swings for what seemed like hours on end. She had me pushing her up the slide and then she would go down it. When I got tired and sat down I found out she could climb up the slide all by herself, she had just wanted me there with her! She knows she can get me to do just about anything for her. Planning a sleep over for her brother Friday or Saturday night. Great weekend between Church on Saturday and family on Sunday, and my son's BBQ ribs were awesome and I didn't go over calorie wise.

    About the dating thing, I haven't been on a real date since 1971 so I am not that much about it, but I would have to agree with the others and just take it 1 date at a time, if he gets too serious just let him know you're not ready.

    I didn't get bike ride in I had planned on doing since I played with granddaughter and it got dark too soon, so that is my goal again for this week as well as my walks.

    Welcome to the newbies, this is the best thread on MFP! Come in 3 or 4 times a day to get support and motivation (yes, I know I don't have much of a life, but I am happy with it!)

    Take care all.

  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Monday Check-In:

    Today I am feeling MUCH better. A friend of mine brought me some phenigran last night and since I took it, I feel like a million bucks. I woke up around midnight and found my 100 degree temperature had finally broken. I'm still not 100% so I took the day off. I hope my kids are being good for my sub. I hate missing, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

    I've successfully lost 5lbs in the last 2 days. My boyfriend made a joke about it and said, "Don't you wish it was like this everyday" I just rolled my eyes. If I have to be in that kind of pain to lose weight, I'd rather be fat. LOL. I have successfully held down soup, gingerale, and crackers today so that is a HUGE start! :)

    My goal for tomorrow is to get up and be able to run. I was going to try this afternoon, but I feel like I need to wait and make sure I'm all better before going. But the funny thing is, I have missed it so much. I never thought I'd miss exercise, but I really have. I can't wait to get back out there! :)

    I hope everyone has a great day and I'll check back in very soon. :) Have a fabulous day!

    ~ Jana
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    WOOT to everybody- I just spent 1/2 hour reading and catching up at my leisure on the last 2 pages and being inspired by everyone's posts. But I'm frustrated I didn't think to respond as I was reading them and now I am at a loss for who said what!

    As someone said, and I agree, I miss exercise too. I'm just walking the halls of my building - that's not much exercise at all. THis week I will drive to 2 doc appointments and that will be the first driving I've done since the surgery. I thought I was going to leave the house today and drive to the hardware store for a little errand and trial run but its raining tons today, so I'm not going to venture out. The rain and cool temps are wonderful.
  • Hi everyone!
    @Aug: Congrats on the new truck:drinker: that's great!
    I've been doing well....have stayed under calories all weekend, and had a good weekend to boot!
    Congrats to all the NSV & SV....for all you struggling, Keep the Faith:flowerforyou:
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed:heart:
  • Monday - Check In

    I am back.
    I will restating on the elliptical tonight and will be doing it 3 times a week to start.