Start Sept 18/12 ... End December 31/12
I don't know about everyone else but it seems like it wasn't too long ago I made my New Years Resolution to lose "x" amount of weight by December 31st this year. I completely kicked the bucket on that one. I actually gained a few lbs since then. I may not be able to lose 80lbs by December 31 but I can do my best to get as close to that as possible starting now.

Here's my challange for anyone that would like to join me!
*List your current weight and what you want to lose in 15 weeks, and how you'd expect to get there.
*Weekly weight in on Mondays or Tuesdays.
*Thoughts for the week on diet/exercise. Struggles and success.
*What to change or improve for the next week to help you get throught the next 15 weeks. Set mini goals for the upcoming week.
*Most importantly, support but complete honesty with yourself and others.

Current: 220lbs
Goal in 15 weeks 182.5 lbs
Average 2.5 lbs a week
Eat 1600 calories everyday, Burn 650 calories daily exercising. Walking, Turbofire, TRX training.
I struggle with getting up at 4am every morning to workout and walk my dog before a long 9.5 hour day at work. I will over come it this week and get up every morning. "Do or do not, there is no try." -Yoda


  • DeeMiss
    DeeMiss Posts: 47 Member
    I'm down. I also do weekly challenges on my feed if anyone wants to add me.

    Current weight 264
    Goal in 15 weeks-245

    that's 19lbs down, a little over 1lb a week. I eat about 1650 calories a day, I aim for 400 calories burned a night. I too struggle to get up early and work out! (sleep is so nice!!) I work 8 til 7 most days, so exercise is hard for me to squeeze in.

    My plan to achieve this are the following.

    `1. Wake up at 6 every morning to get an hour of cardio in every day

    2. Not think of my weekends as my cheat days, instead make better choices!

    3. Get rid of any excuses I may think I have :)

    My weigh in day is Tuesdays, and I am doing a little competition with some girls at work, about the same time, so this will help :)

    Feel free to add me.

    Let's kick some booty!
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    I'll Join. I would love to loose 15 lbs. by new years. Right now I am sitting at 157.
    So that would put me at....142.

    My hardest part will be maintainging the walking and logging through the upcoming sale of my house, moving, and dealing with winter weather but I am willing to do what it takes, and help others along the way!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I'm in!
    CW - 162lb
    12/31 Goal - 152lb (about 3lb per month, my ultimate goal is 145lb so I'm in no hurry)

    I expect to get there by starting to reduce carbs a little to settle around 50-100g per day and striving for as clean a diet as practical. Continue to keep my calorie intake between 1300-1400. As far as exercise, continue to go to ballet class 2X per week, plus running 3X per week to prepare for my Thanksgiving 5K, and adding in other workouts such as yoga or strength training whenever I want.
  • I'm in!!!

    CW: 166
    GW by Dec 31st: 150

    1200 cal a day with cardio 3x week, no cheat weekends... maybe a day instead :)
  • I'm in.

    CW - 192.2
    12/31 goal - 177

    I am going to start following the Body for LIfe food plan and eat 5 small meals a day consisting of carb/protein ratio and low fat. I do some sort of strength training and calisthenics daily but have a real struggle motivating myself to do cardio so I will focus on balancing out my workout plan.
  • 20 lbs down already is awesome!
    My fiance and I also do the cheat weekends and we have to stop and make better choices. I didn't really think of that as a goal. I'm glad you said that =))
  • bonogul
    bonogul Posts: 96 Member
    i am in too:)

    My main goal is to be more scheduled with exercising and my meals... 3 spin classes a week and to eat less carbs.
  • mncodergal
    mncodergal Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in!!

    CW: 287.6
    GW by 12/31: 250.0

    I plan to eat more raw foods and limit eating out, no more "mindless" eating either, walk 2-3 miles at least 3x per week - more as the weight comes off. Work on getting more sleep.

    Yes! I can do this. :)
  • Jessicapages1
    Jessicapages1 Posts: 114 Member
    I am IN!!!
    I want to lose 8 pounds in these 15 weeks! I have been on my journey for 5 months and have lost 20 so these are my last few pounds.

    1)Workout 6 days a week
    2)Get up at 4:45am and hit the gym
    3)have 1 cheat meal a week
    4)Plan my training schedule each week
    5)drink 1 gallon of water a day
    6)Prep my meals on Sunday and Wednesdays
    7)Writ down my goals and put them on the fridge to see EVERYDAY!!
    8)Carb cycle if I need to
    9) give it my ALL at the gym EVERYDAY...NO EXCUSES!!!
    10)take pics every 2 weeks to see my progress,and stay motivated!!

    ** Today I hit the Gym at 5am did Legs and core and 45min of steady staed cardio,water is and will be going down throughout the day,schedule palnned for the week,food is prepped.On my way to an AWESOME 15 weeks.
  • GemmieH
    GemmieH Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in.

    This is perfect timing for me as I leave on my honeymoon on the 1st of January so this will make me lose the weight before I leave.

    Current weight - 168
    Goal weight - 150

    I have fallen off the wagon since my wedding two months ago and need to push through this.

    I will be following MFP more strictly and keeping my calories to 1400 or under and 30 mins of exercise at least 4 times a week. Aiming to do more but want achiveable goals at the moment.

    Hoping to make small changes with my food to bring it back in line as did well previously.

    Good luck guys - your help and support will be really apppreciated.

  • I'm in!!!


    I plan to follow a 1200 cal a day eating plan.
    Cook all my meals.
    One cheat meal during the week.
    Workout 5x a week for 30-45 mins.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Jaybew99
    Jaybew99 Posts: 22 Member
    I would also like to join in!

    8/1/12 SW - 287.4
    9/12/12 CW - 271.6
    12/31/12 GW - 250

    I plan on following the calories that MFP recommends for 2lb/wk weight loss (currently 1430)
    I will work out at least 3x per week
    I will run a 5K on Thanksgiving day
    I will drink at least 8 glasses of water per day
    I will add strength training
  • Justheartme
    Justheartme Posts: 5 Member
    I just started my weight loss journey over after many failed attempts; so doing this challenge may help me stick with my plan.

    • I am really focusing on sticking to my calories and not by just eating anything I want. I am trying to avoid all fast food and incorporating more healthy choices into my diet.
    • Along with a better diet I am going to increase my workouts, I have always wanted to be a runner, I just have not had the motivation to work towards my goal; so I will gradually be increasing my speed of walking each week to get me to a place where I have the endurance to run.

    September 17, 2012 my weight was 206.2
    By January 1,2013 my goal weight will be 181.2
    25 pounds in 15 weeks! Wohoo!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Ok. I'm in. This should be incentive to make it through the holidays with a loss instead of a gain!

    CW: 263
    GW; 233

    Continue to increase time spent exercising and max walking rate
    Current exercise: 2 hours of yoga/week and 8 miles/week walking at a max rate of 2.7/mph

    I have to be honest, I'm really worried about gaining through the holidays! Halloween is the usual start date of my downward spiral .
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    I'm in! (Feel free to add me, because we all need encouragement once in a while!)

    Currently: 250
    Desired by New years: 225
    So, 1.6 a week.
    I plan to eat around 1600 calories and exercise 4xs a week, a mix of cardio and strength training.

    I work out either after work or on my days off. Either way, I will fit it in at the gym or do Insanity, P90X, or something like that at home.
  • All the way in!!!

    I am also new to myfitness pal... Ready to start on this new (and transparent) journey! woohooo

    current:241 ( already loss 6 pounds over the last two and half weeks) 247 at my heaviest
    Goal: break under 200 (196 to be exact)
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    Today is my weigh in. 156.8.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Current weight: 105.8lbs and I want to lose 12lbs in fifteen weeks
    I want to lose the weight through eating my tdee(1560) minus 20%(1248), and half of my exercise calories.
  • SavingFaith65
    SavingFaith65 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm in!

    Weighed in yesterday at 156, in 15 weeks I'd like to lose 20lbs
    I can start going back to the gym (had surgery a few weeks ago)

    Gym 5am-7am 5/6 days a week, Sunday would be my day off from the gym.

    My weigh in's will be Tuesdays.

    Feel free to add me, I could use the motivation and encouragement some days and I give pretty good advice usually
  • I'm in -- bump