GIRLS! Question! Guys can



  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    You're not being overlooked. You're being rejected as a potential partner because your core values differ from those of the guy in question. He was saving you both a lot of time and frustration. You are now both free to pursue relationships with other people whose values are in sync with your own.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    You're not being overlooked. You're being rejected as a potential partner because your core values differ from those of the guy in question. He was saving you both a lot of time and frustration. You are now both free to pursue relationships with other people whose values are in sync with your own.
    This too!

    Funny story: This guy that I went out with for like two weeks 8 years ago recently contacted me. Back then, we split up quickly because he wasn't ready for a relationship and I wasn't willing to sleep with him. Mutual break up, no big deal. Now he says he misses me, he was a fool to let me go, and he was such a dumb *kitten*. What you said is exactly what I intend to tell him if he keeps up this sort of talk. He may have been a dumb *kitten* (he was a sex fiend and a burn out who lived to toke up and watch Lord of The Rings movies, so in that respect, yeah maybe he was a dumb *kitten*) but breaking up was not a dumb *kitten* move. We clearly were not right for one another. We probably still aren't, but if he's only interested in staying in touch and being friends, I see no need to bring that up.

    PS: I love your silver unicorn. He's very majestic.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Sorry to hear that you get overlooked because of that. I say good for you - stick to your convictions!
    Have to agree, at your age you should keep to your own mind. If its not what you want then to hell with them, there will be somone out there that is happy to be with you and wait. good for you I say, too many people just jump from one be dot another these days.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    I'd rather be overlooked by the guy who is only looking for sex. Stimulate my mind, man. Make me laugh. Let me know you are worth MY time. Sexuality isn't just about intercourse, ya' know.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I get overlooked because I'm fat and ugly. Even putting out doesn't work. :laugh:
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    I get overlooked because I'm fat and ugly. Even putting out doesn't work. :laugh:

    You got to be fu$&*($^%*(& with me! BAHAHAHAHA! Ya'll are just a mess! You can't make this stuff up. It's like all the humor has been stored in our fat cells and then we start losing weight and all the funny just starts bubbling to the top.
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member
    My advice.. just stop posting topics forever.

    this. LMFAO
  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    If you're being overlooked by "guys" who don't like that you aren't having sex then they weren't worth your time anyways...someday a man will come along who respects you and values you for who you are and cherishes that you aren't sleeping around! You're so worth the wait so don't sweat it!!

  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Just like chivalry is at an all time low to non-existent....virtue in a woman is overlooked or not valued anymore...sadly!
  • I'm 27 and I used to have "relations" (at work so trying to not give IT too much to talk about). I got back into church and until I get into another committed relationship, I do not plan on having "relations" again. AND if I get into the committed relationship, then I may just wait until marriage. It's the point that the RIGHT guy will RESPECT this. As you can tell, some of these guys don't respect that decision... and that's ok.... they just aren't for you. I wrote this, this morning:

    "Just listened to the radio and heard a woman call in and explain on a segment that she went a year of dating without receiving or sending texts with potential people she dated. I love this concept! It is so easy for people to be lazy in dating.

    Ladies and gentlemen, we get what we expect for ourselves. If you want higher caliber of people to date, THEN EXPECT MORE! You DESERVE the best! You ARE the best you! Even with your weight loss, and where you are RIGHT NOW, makes you the BEST YOU! The RIGHT person will see that!

    If you want phone calls instead of texts, then demand it! If you want someone who opens doors for you, then demand it! If you want actual courting and not just flings, then demand it! If you are looking for the RIGHT person, and not just A person, then expect more from potential datees, and enjoy the ride;... but cut the ride short, if it's not what you want. Everyone has a different path... this is my path at this time. I demand more! I deserve more! :)"

    You're not going to be the neighborhood cat lady. Don't let people get you down. At the end of the day, you have to live with yourself and no one else. Do what is right for you!

    Absolutely love this! I agree! I have a 21yr old daughter and tell her all the time that just because a guy shows interest doesn't mean he deserves your time. Don't settle for anything but the BEST!!!!!!
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    I'd rather be overlooked by the guy who is only looking for sex. Stimulate my mind, man. Make me laugh. Let me know you are worth MY time. Sexuality isn't just about intercourse, ya' know.

    Well - I prefer a woman who lets me know I'm worth HER time. If I stimulate her mind (I will, i'm great at that), if I make her laugh (I'm awesome at that), and if I am physically attractive to her (I...uh...well..jury is still out), I expect her to feel what I'm feeling.

    I will, under NO circumstances, waste MY time with a woman who has an easy time resisting me sexually if all the other aspects are there.

    Sexuality is purely based on those activities one chooses to engage in; those actions in a sexual nature.

    Intimacy, however - Intimacy is about a woman knocking down her f'ing walls and distance and killing off emotional unavailability LONG enough for her to recognize what a sweetheart of a man is doing with her - how he is respecting her soul and her heart after or before - but best before-during-and-after he wallops that poor cervix.

    It's holistic - a good relationship. Strike that - I've lied. A GREAT relationship, which is the only kind worth having if one seeks true connection, is a relationship encompassing every aspect of friendship - but not based on friendship first; a friendship-first based relationship is the death blow to passion - attraction, desire, passion, and one other thing I'm keeping secret.


  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    so... much.. irony...
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    i cant put my penis in your college degree
    You can if you roll it up into a tube. I mean, not my college degree specifically, you keep your penis away from that, but in general, you can definitely put your penis into a tube shaped piece of paper if you've rolled it to the appropriate size.
  • jamacattack
    jamacattack Posts: 94 Member
    My advice.. just stop posting topics forever.

  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    i cant put my penis in your college degree
    You can if you roll it up into a tube. I mean, not my college degree specifically, you keep your penis away from that, but in general, you can definitely put your penis into a tube shaped piece of paper if you've rolled it to the appropriate size.

  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I'm 27 and I used to have "relations" (at work so trying to not give IT too much to talk about). I got back into church and until I get into another committed relationship, I do not plan on having "relations" again. AND if I get into the committed relationship, then I may just wait until marriage. It's the point that the RIGHT guy will RESPECT this. As you can tell, some of these guys don't respect that decision... and that's ok.... they just aren't for you. I wrote this, this morning:

    "Just listened to the radio and heard a woman call in and explain on a segment that she went a year of dating without receiving or sending texts with potential people she dated. I love this concept! It is so easy for people to be lazy in dating.

    Ladies and gentlemen, we get what we expect for ourselves. If you want higher caliber of people to date, THEN EXPECT MORE! You DESERVE the best! You ARE the best you! Even with your weight loss, and where you are RIGHT NOW, makes you the BEST YOU! The RIGHT person will see that!

    If you want phone calls instead of texts, then demand it! If you want someone who opens doors for you, then demand it! If you want actual courting and not just flings, then demand it! If you are looking for the RIGHT person, and not just A person, then expect more from potential datees, and enjoy the ride;... but cut the ride short, if it's not what you want. Everyone has a different path... this is my path at this time. I demand more! I deserve more! :)"

    You're not going to be the neighborhood cat lady. Don't let people get you down. At the end of the day, you have to live with yourself and no one else. Do what is right for you!

    Truth. There's only one way to get what you want. Anyone who suggests that you lower your standards is simply seeking company in their misery.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    i cant put my penis in your college degree
    You can if you roll it up into a tube. I mean, not my college degree specifically, you keep your penis away from that, but in general, you can definitely put your penis into a tube shaped piece of paper if you've rolled it to the appropriate size.

    gingerjen is the most awesome human being ever. ha!!
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    You win today's Dumbest Post of the day award. Congratulations, this is a huge honor.
  • LosingWeight4Good
    LosingWeight4Good Posts: 156 Member
    i cant put my penis in your college degree
    You can if you roll it up into a tube. I mean, not my college degree specifically, you keep your penis away from that, but in general, you can definitely put your penis into a tube shaped piece of paper if you've rolled it to the appropriate size.

    One paper cut and he could bleed out since all his blood would be...nvm...
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    i cant put my penis in your college degree
    You can if you roll it up into a tube. I mean, not my college degree specifically, you keep your penis away from that, but in general, you can definitely put your penis into a tube shaped piece of paper if you've rolled it to the appropriate size.

    gingerjen is the most awesome human being ever. ha!!
    Sweet! I'm going to print this out, frame it, and hang it on the wall next to my college degree.
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