What was your moment of "enough is enough"?



  • What a great topic. I needed this today. I have been dilly-dallying at this weight loss thing for a year. I also have been having some mild depression for the last year. Some days worse than others. Today as I am walking the dog I was reflecting about how different I feel from a year ago. I was trying to figure out what changed. I think it's the weight that's causing the depression, then I eat because I'm depressed and hate myself for being overweight. Vicious cycle. Today i'm breaking that cycle!
  • My "enough is enough" moment was just the other day. I was getting out my fall/winter clothes and was looking at some of the jeans and such, it crossed my mind.. " I know I've gained weight I wonder if they still fit?" and some of them I couldn't even get remotely buttoned, the rest make me have the WORST muffin top ever. I've noticed that my shirts are a lot shorter too (i guess they have more fat to cover). This is a big problem b/c most of these clothes are from last winter when I was only 8lbs less than I am now and I was fat then too!!! I've regressed back to the weight that I was in 2007 when my medications blew me up like a whale. My boyfriend always tells me I'm beautiful and I feel beautiful... but only from the chest up! I am doing this so that I am happy with my body again. I'm just too awesome at life to not be happy with myself overall.

  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    when i stepped on the scale and saw that i was a pound away from being 200 lbs. the highest I have ever been in my life.
  • bumping...awesome read!
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    It's very motivating to me to read the different stories each of us for why we are now here. Good luck to everyone!
  • My BG and LDL levels after my last physical.

    I don't know what a BG level is, but for me, it was total cholesterol (202) and LDL too.

    I'm guessing Blood Glucose.

    Yes, sorry...blood glucose.

    My overall cholesterol was 224 with an LDL of 161. My BIL is an internist and suggested diet and exercise and then see where I am in six months. His clinical partner--my doctor and also an internist--wanted me on statins right away, but statins screwed up my uncle's legs to the point where his leg muscles are weak and his knees hurt. I'm given to understand that the incident rate of that happening is 1 in 10k, but we're blood relatives, and that makes me nervous. Regardless, and inasmuch as I want to take care of it with diet and exercise, cholesterol can be controlled with meds. Diabetes, however, scares the crap out me.
  • gisele00
    gisele00 Posts: 7 Member
    I was at an amusement park for the last night of my 20's. When all my friends and I got to the roller coaster I'd been looking forward all day, the shoulder bar wouldn't close. They had two guys push down on it and they finally told me they didn't think it was going to close and I would need to get out. In front of everyone, I had to get out of the car and make my way toward the exit - alone, disappointed and humiliated.
  • trinitytrojanmom
    trinitytrojanmom Posts: 13 Member
    I lost 93lbs about three years ago, then I had a hysterectomy. While recovering from that, I lost all my good habits and regained all my weight. So here I am again, trying to get started.
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    When I hit 189 lbs. I was like nope I am not going to weigh 190 lbs.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    when i stood on the scale at the doctors office and it told me i was 315lbs...but i didnt see that number, i saw 400lbs...

    blood work told me that i was also pre-diabetic...i knew that if something didnt change i was going to die and i was going to leave my two young children without a mother...

    on the way home i stopped by my local Curves, went home and made a meal plan and moved on from there...

    two years later, 124lbs down...well on my way to the best shape of my life...
  • Masonless
    Masonless Posts: 139 Member
    My moment was this week when I took my 4 year old to school and one of the kids in his class said .... your mommie is fat---this is my awakening moment.
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    The day my youngest turned 2 years old, I knew it was time to get rid of the "mommy pouch". No more excuses! :-)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    When my dad pointed it out. My dad is rather sensitive and soft spoken. So for him to make a joke about my pudginess really stood out to me. Broke my heart a little and he apologized profusely afterward but that was the start of it 2 years ago.
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    When I realized my 'lose' jeans were not at all lose anymore and I looked at the size they were a 22 I was going to have buy a 24..Not to mention the realization, that same day. that I had eaten an entire bag of Doritos in 4 days.. the Costco sized bag.. yeah...

    That was 5 years ago, down 88lbs, and size 12 jeans that are lose :) It's been a long hard road, but I'm getting there and one these day's I'll be done:)
  • My "enough is enough" moment was when I was trying to find capri's and shorts for the summer at Lane Bryant. Trying on my usual 22/24's was an eye opener and just so sad. So, I walked out of the store WITHOUT summer clothes and got serious about my weight loss.

    Since June, I'm down 9 pounds, and ended up buying my capri's and shorts at Walmart (instead of Lane Bryant like usual, because I refused to spend that much money on clothes that I hope to be out of by next year).

    I'm hoping to be down to around 230 by the time our Disney trip rolls around in 93 days. We'll see what I can do though. :)
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Being told by a Dr that he couldn't help me and that I would spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair if I didn't lose weight. I was looking at a life of pain,disability and dependency. My only choice was to create a new life of self-control. DH is sometimes distressed at how little I eat. Unfortunately for me my metabolic rate is--and has always been --total crap so its nibble or gain back the pounds I have lost. But the new freedom is so very worth it....and so is shopping for the clothes I like instead of what I can fit into! Thanks to all of my mfp friends for support and encouragement. It means a lot. Good luck
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Good luck! The slimmer you will have more fun at Disney!
  • when my doctor of 17 years looked at me and said i needed to think about by-pass surgery - I went home and started counting calories and walking - I have never looked back!
  • blaquebutterfly75
    blaquebutterfly75 Posts: 136 Member
    When my knees started hurting walking up stairs.

    When I had to strain over my stomach to tie my shoes.

    When my BP started getting boderline hyperpention.

    When my cholesterol reached 246.

    When I avoided spending time with friends because I was embarrased by how I looked.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    When I had a pregnancy "scare". I really want to be a mother and would be fine with it happening soon. However I realized that if I were pregnant I'd have to gain some weight and I didn't even want to be the size I was, much less any BIGGER! I always imagined myself as one of those cute pregnant women with normal sized legs and arms and a cute belly that looked like a basketball under my shirt. I knew I would not be that if I got pregnant now, I'd be one of those people that just looks fat for the majority of my pregnancy. So although I really would love to be a mom, I hoped and prayed I wasn't pregnant because of that.

    I told myself that if it turned out that I wasn't pregnant, I'd lose the weight. Turns out I wasn't pregnant and here I am.