Hey tattoo people, a question for you...



  • AmbieSweetz
    AmbieSweetz Posts: 72 Member
    It feels like a cat scratching, over, over, and over again in the same place. Which at first can be overwhelming feeling b/c its different..... but once your endorphins kick in you're good. Its like a natural high and you can't wait to see what the finished result will be.......which helps you forget whats happening.

    I have my whole back done from the top on my neck all the way my lower back, the neck hurts the worst!

    IMO: *****A&D works best for healing!!!*******
  • jenbenefit
    jenbenefit Posts: 75 Member
    DON'T take painkillers before, I can't remember who said it but some can thin your blood, or make you drowsy, just... no basically

    I know sugar isn't something to be condoned but with each of y 5 tattoos i had a can of coke which helped, i dont know why probabally the blood sugar levels or something, so maybe have a sugary fruit like an apple or something if coke is a no-no, and yeah dont go in starving but no need to overload on food

    one tattoo i was hungover and it was f***ing dreadful do not recoomend!

    And pain wise, the feet were a killer, but the calves and wrist were okay, everyone is different though!

    MUSTS - check for a new needle, the general cleanliness of the place, things like gloves out for the tattoo artist, a portfolio of his work, or hers, it sounds silly but sometimes you just know it's not quite right...

    You will be fine!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    upper back is nothing, you'll be fine! one of the least painful spots, at least for me anyways.

    yes, have a good meal before. i made the mistake, twice, of not eating beforehand. once i actually passed out (my first tattoo) and the second time i nearly did. had to take a food break.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Light meal, I got very nauseous and VERY light headed this last time, then again it was a 6 hour session and very painful compared to shorter ones.

    My artist used a numbing ointment every break...by the 3rd hour of so i was starting to feel less pain as it soaks into open flesh. To me it feels exactly like it it. A needle dragging in your skin, by hour 2 my skin felt like hamburger meat and I couldn't wear a bra for a week from the inflammation. :laugh:
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    For me (and in order of getting them):

    Inner ankle- pain was 4/10
    Chest- 3/10
    Shoulderblade- 3/10
    Finger- 9/10

    It just depends on your pain tolerance and whatnot, really!

    wow id rate the finger a 2/10 and the chest a 7/10 kneecap was a breeze 1/10
    don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!, i'm 27 and have over 10 tattoos, i regret them all. Also tattoos on people arnt unique anymore. I rather stand out by having zero. That all being said i want another tattoo!
  • AndoRules
    AndoRules Posts: 22 Member
    At that spot you'll be fine.

    If you've ever been scratched by a cat then that's the worst pain you can expect to feel.

    I have gotten six so far, and the most painful I would say were two right above my elbows, and that was only because I was bleeding a little much and the artist was having to go over the area he was coloring in a few times.

    Other than that, I love them, I love getting them, and like others have mentioned before they really are addicting. You'll find that you actually like the pain (as twisted as that sounds).

    If you're nervous about getting it done, eating before hand might help calm your nerves a bit. Just be sure you're not hungry before you go in, keep your blood sugar up. I don't recommend caffeine though, it'll thin your blood and you might feel even more anxious being there.
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    I have three. The feeling as best as I can describe it for me, was like unbending a paperclip and getting scratched with it over & over & over :laugh:

    I'm planning on another one in the near future. Some simple, three birds flying, on my upper arm :glasses:
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Its like a scratching feeling.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    They HURT! They really hurt! I don't have one in that spot, but I have one on my leg and one on my hip. And it hurts WAY more than a bikini wax or any piercing. I have been scratched by cats and puppies and have barely even noticed it - it is NOT like that at all. Unless you have been scratched repeatedly in the same spot for an hour.

    That being said, it's not intolerable. If you have a high pain threshold, you will be fine, and you'll be fine even if you don't. They are worth the hour or so of pain in my opinion. I think mine hurt like hell and I STILL want more...
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I have one on my side... it was a 6 hour piece that touches ribs, hip and wraps a bit to the back (kidney area). I do believe I've been told that these are some of the worst areas to do.

    I was near my pain limit by hour 5... by hour 6 I was almost crawling off the table.

    The only thing I can recommend is if it starts to hurt - focus on your breathing. Distract yourself.

    Would I do it again... HELL YES! Planning my next one now!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Have someone slap you really hard in the spot you want the tat. About the time it stops hurting, have them slap you again. About 10 seconds after the second slap, that's what a tat feels like.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I have a big tattoo from neck to hip on the right side of my body and almost fell asleep so it was not too bad LOL

    The itching was a ***** tho.......oh and I did workout 48 hours after getting mine and it sting a bit bot nothing too bad
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Getting my first tattoo on Saturday. It’s fairly small and going on my upper back, near my shoulder blade. My tolerance for pain is pretty high so I’m not too concerned about it but I am curious as to what to expect.

    Be brutally honest, how much pain can I expect to be in and how long does the pain usually last for? What would you compare the pain to? How much should I eat before going in? I’ve heard that it’s important to have a good meal beforehand.

    After the VERY first few strokes...you wont feel "pain" itself. You'll feel some degree of heat.....some pressure...and even some annoyance. The first few hits will actually numb you to some degree and it the tattoo-ist is any good you wont feel much of the rest.
  • mommy2kynnedy
    mommy2kynnedy Posts: 17 Member
    For most ppl, they are more of an annoying feeling than painful. I have three....one is rather large. The first one I got I was in Miami on vacation, I enjoyed the experience, I went back and got another one the same day about an hour before getting on my flight. Like others have said, I enjoy the tattoo feeling. The only one that had some painful moments is the one on my ankle because it is all bone and no soft tissue, anything on a bone that has no real fat tissue (finger, back of forearm, ankle) will hurt a little but it isnt unbearable. Any pain you feel stops as soon as they are done. As far as healing, it just will itch as the skin heals...no pain.
  • AmandaKay26
    Like a cat scratching a sun burn.
    I have a thigh piece, a rib piece, biceps done and back of the neck.

    You'll be just fine.
    I don't remember eating before hand, and I felt fine.
  • laurin2010
    Everyone's different as far as pain is concerned but it will hurt its a needle in and out of your skin lol and it depends where at. Although I have never had one where you are I have had one in my lower back and both feet. It was uncomfortable at first but it went a little numb after a while, seeing as though yours is to be small don't sweat it! It will be worth it at the end :) enjoy they are addicting!!!
  • Mama_Mila
    Mama_Mila Posts: 511 Member
    There's nothing to them in my opinion...I've never worried about eating before or taking anything for the pain. To me it doesn't even hurt, I'm almost sad when they're finished haha, I love them!! And the sting that you do feel stop the second they stop...mine never continue to hurt. But I'm not gonna lie, the one on my rib cage wasn't the most comfortable thing lol

    But I also have a high pain tolerence
  • akgordoa
    I personally find that area immensely sensitive. I won't let anyone touch it with a needle. Lol its different for everyone though! If you want they have topical numbing creams out there if you don't want to feel much of it. After it wears off (and even if you don't use it) your skin feels sunburnt for a couple days. You can ice to help feel better, and tap not itch when it starts itching.

    Edit: eat very little before going in. Eating too much can make you queasy. Eating too little can make you faint.

    Source: aspiring tattoo artist.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I had five kids with no pain killers (my contractions always started out 2 minutes apart and I had some looonnnggg labors). I have to say I didn't think I was wimpy. The one near my ankle hurt like hell when they were going over the bone. The outline wasn't bad it was the damn filling in with color, he just kept going over it and over and over..... :noway: He always stopped if I asked him to or moved to a different spot when he could tell I was hurting before he came back again to the sensitive spots. The one on the top of my foot didn't hurt that much at all.

    Oh yeah, it is addicting. Once my abs are flat I am getting one above my hip bone. I think I will skip any color though :tongue:

    My friend had a numbing agent put on about 30 minutes before the tattoo. She had it done on her rib cage and she said it didn't hurt at all.