

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Wednesday Everyone,

    NSV for today – the guy at the dry cleaners asked whether I had lost some weight. :happy: He’s the first person to say anything other than my DH. Felt especially good since yesterday I went way over my calorie goal so I was feeling guilty. Went to the gym today so I’m reining myself back in right away.

    @Robin – love the dog house and beautiful dog run! Nice work.
    @Meg – the trip to Philly sounds like you might really enjoy yourself around the edges of your business there. Hope you get a chance to do some walking to all those great historic sites.
    @Jacqueling – How’s the visit with your mom going? Thinking of you. I remember my trips to see my mom were always very stressful and emotionally draining. I hope you are able to get a little time to yourself each day to help keep your sanity. Are you able to go for a little walk and get some fresh air into your head?
    @wessecg – down a pound is worth a cheer! You’ve waited so long to see that scale move. Hope you are off the long plateau now. AND you got into smaller pants! Hooray for you! Have you had a chance to do any more riding?
    Mwheatcraft – what is P90X? I keep seeing it in other conversation threads on MFP but I don’t know what it means. Sounds hard!
    @healthypattybin – what a good thing you and your kids are doing! Volunteering is also a great way for kids to try out things, but it’s hard to find volunteer opportunities for kids, so you are a genius for figuring it out and making it happen.
    @nkosky – Welcome! Hope you keep checking in and join into the conversations. This is a great group of women and, after joining in just 2 months ago, I’m convinced this group of women could probably solve all the major problems of the world if someone would just bother to ask us. I, too, am usually too tired at the end of the school day to go to the gym. I’m going on Saturday and Sunday, and then I just have to make myself exercise twice more during the week. If I’m too pooped to hit the gym then I twist DH’s arm to go for a walk around the neighborhood after dinner for 30 min. It’s not as big a calorie burn as the gym, but it’s better than sitting on the couch.
    @stardancer7 – Sounds like your daughter did a great job on the shopping spree, and that you made a wise choice to stall until February, if you can. I hope your pants don’t fall down before then! I put on a pair of pants for work this week and they fell to the floor after I zipped them – uh-oh. I didn’t have time to pull together a whole new outfit so I just put on a belt, and pulled my sweater down over the top. I guess I’ll have to be more careful about planning my work outfits.
    @kate – Congratulations on your latest loss! Stomp on that 200 lb wall! Woo-hoo for you!! You are doing it. Hope you get one more lb to disappear before your doctor’s appointment. It would be so great to have that show up on the patient chart, wouldn’t it?
    @kackie – I’ve wanted to go to MT for years. It sounds beautiful, and all the pictures I’ve ever seen just make me want to go there. I’ve never been to any of the states in the northwestern US. One of my dream trips is to do a horseback trail ride through Big Sky country. I tried to get a group of friends and sisters to go about 15 years ago and everyone told me I was crazy so I gave up. Now I’m not sure my hips could take it. I’ll have to see how I do after some more time in the gym.
    @ Sally – Welcome. Hope you had a great visit with your niece. Hope you keep coming back. Sounds like you are a busy person, but many of these ladies are dynamos, so you’ll have lots of company.
    @ Nancy – Sounds like your b-day weekend was quite a celebration. And you got a shopping spree! What workout clothes did you find that could double for school? That sounds ideal. You can get those other exercise hours squeezed in. Put them in your plan book! PE should definitely count.
    @Kathy – hope your foot/toe is feeling better after a few days of rest. Good for you for having a plan to get back on track. Recovering from surgery can be so discouraging, but you have been doing a great job so far. I’ve been impressed with your dedication to the chair exercises, and then gradually adding the pool. Be patient with yourself. You will get there eventually.
    @Cindy – How great that you’ve discovered that you travel well with your sisters! I think I would travel well with two of my sisters, but maybe only one at a time. We are thinking about a trip to Paris in the next few years. Should we plan a smaller trip first to make sure we don’t kill each other?
    @ Tigress – I quit buying ice cream, too, since I’m the major consumer of it at my house. It’s one of my many weaknesses (with cake, chocolate, chips of any kind, bread products of all kinds...I could go on.). I can’t bear the thought of my life without ANY ice cream, so I buy 100-calorie ice cream bars instead. I can usually stop at one bar – except when I can’t. Then I have 2. But only if I’ve worked REALLY hard and have the calories to spare.:tongue:

    I've caught up to posts through part of Monday, but that's all the time I've got tonight. If I've missed you, sorry. Keep trying to reach your goals a little bit each day. And smile. It helps. :smile:

    Have another glass of water.:drinker:

  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    Nice to read and try to keep motivated....so lazy today....but did just take a walk...was in Michigan for a neices wedding ....and ate to much.
    Time to get back on board with the weight loss....you ladies are all so inspiring...
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    @Linder - that was funny you thought of me with your coat dilemna because I was just thinking about coats today too. Years ago I accidently bought a mink (opened the bid in a silent auction certain someone else was going to bid!). Despite being an avid animal lover I had decided that if I was going to spend thousands of dollars on a coat, then I was going to wear the dogone thing. And wear it I did, as my every day coat. I even wore it to the barn. I practically ruined the thing, ripped out pockets, etc. Last year I finally paid $400 to have it repaired, and I still wore it all winter, but was a little more careful.

    Anyway, I was worrying today that it's going to be too large for me this year. I am bummed. I've become addicted to it's warmth, which is extremely necessary in the Chicago area winters.

    @Walker - I have not been riding nearly enough. One of our horses almost lost an eye and the 4 shots 4 times a day take a lot of my riding time away.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Barbie - what a difference! Thanks for posting. That pic of you with your hair like the dogs is just so cute

    Lila - you made a good choice at your lunch. Many times a restaurant will put the sandwich on another bread as long as that bread is on another sandwich that they have. I was looking at the sandwich at this one place near us, it's turkey on a croissant. They did tell me that they can substitute rye or sourdough instead, tho which is what I'll probably do. bunco is a dice game. What it is is you roll three dice, if one of the dice come up with the number you are on, you get another roll. The first person to get to 21 points wins. Really, it's not a real mind-expanding game, but sometimes you need to just be with other ladies, chatting and not be worrying about strategies, etc.

    Kathy - Vince and I took a sheriff's citizens academy. It was very interesting, I learned things that I didn't know. Like I never knew (but it makes a lot of sense) that when commands are given to a K9 dog, they are given in another language. I really liked getting to shoot the automatic rifle..lol

    Lila - chinese food is ALWAYS so full of sodium. After eating Chinese, I always have to drink, drink, drink

    Barb - your exercise/play/dance area sounds wonderful! I went to the bank yesterday and changed the pin to what I wanted it changed to. Evidentally, they were supposed to send me a letter with my new pin, but they never did. How was I supposed to use the card if I didn't know the pin?

    I can't believe that Jessica called last night telling Vince that she really needed to talk to me. She wanted me to interrupt bunco. I think it's just rude unless it's something life threatening anyway, he told her I'd be up early in the am so she called. Know what she wanted to know? Do I use MFP? That was IT

    Viv - Lexi just emits a high squeak, too. We honestly thought it was that she couldn't meow. Now we know better. Hey, we all fall off the wagon every once in a while, I know I did a bit last night. Just don't let it be a reoccuring thing, that's all and you'll be fine. Hey, we can't completely and always deprive ourselves or else we'll REALLY binge

    Well, better get to water aerobics

    Kate - good thoughts going out to your cousin. What precipitated the need to remove his voicebox?

    Linda - thanks for reminding me about the raw cookie dough. That's the reason I only use liquid eggs in fudge since it isn't cooked. The liquid eggs are safer. I just got ServSafe certified and you'd think that I'd think about the raw eggs. But I love the raw cookie dough so much. Maybe it would be (in a sense) good for me to get diarrhea/vomiting. Then hopefully I'd be constantly reminding myself why eating the raw dough isn't good for me. I can hope, can't I?

    Kathy - Size 12 is a plus size???? I know that in some stores down here they have a section called "junior plus" How sad that there is even a need for it!

    M - it's gettting cooler here, too. No one came to work on the pool today. I'm sure part of the problem is that we're about 45 minutes from Charlotte so these guys (depending on where they live) have an hour plus drive up here, so to make it worth it for them, they try to schedule it so that they're here for multiple hours. At this point, we are waiting for the retaining wall to be built (it should get done in the next two or so days), but there are a lot of little things -- like pipe needs to be added, they just didn't buy enough. It's not a big thing, but there are lots of little things. Maybe I'm just too anxious to get it finished.

    Jane - I'm not allowed to get sick!!! It's amazing how things don't get done. Oh, Vince would make dinner -- he'd have a pizza delivered!

    Meg - what did dd make for dinner? Bet it was good, all good things are worth waiting for!

    tigress - can you use spaghetti squash instead of spaghetti? I love it.

    walker - good for you getting right back on track! That's the way to do it.

    Did 1 hr deep water class then went to senior bowling, came home, made dinner, back for Newcomers bowling. Think I'll do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred tomorrow.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    I failed did great 1st time through Krispie Kreme avoided than cave like a cheap cigar with the 2nd group. It was a day of bad choices the only reason i didn't go over was the walking I did at work plus Bella. Mad at my lack of will power. The crazy part of this is that I am not over fond of some of the food I choose to eat. I know I was stress today but no excuse.

    Sorry not very positive I have read all of the posts you are so encouraging. I am going to keep this short will come back later. When I can clear my head for i do want to reply.

    Thank you have a good night.
  • JSioux
    I am new to MFP, just started on September 1. I have zero willpower as a rule. Was always thin until the lymphoma. I have gained 60 pounds in 7 years and it has to stop! So far 3 pounds this month which isn't great but it beats the 4 I gained in August. It allows me to obsess and always know where I am. I have been under my calorie goal every day this month. Today I did have to do extra cardio, but I did it. Dang than Milky Way bar.

    Good night all.:smile:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello on Wednesday evening to all you fine ladies

    Barbara – the AHMOD made me laugh out loud:bigsmile: – dogs looked at me like I’m crazy.
    And the squid was crunchy and spicy, no slime involved.

    Kate – I had to cover my tomatoes last night too, so this afternoon after work I hauled them all downstairs into my basement where it’s warm and bright (big window). Good thing they’re in patio pots, but still way heavy.

    Liz – that is torture; making you go to Krispy Kreme for work is cruel and unusual punishment. And only having one and staying under your calorie goal was great.

    Barbie – thank you for sharing the pictures, what a transformation. :flowerforyou: And I’m impressed with your knitting skills. Thanks for the moderator/abstainer info. I haven’t determined what I am yet. I’ll have to give it some thought.

    Kathy – no, please don’t tell 12 is a plus size. :noway: That is cruel of Vogue to say a size 12 is a plus size model. Well, I guess a lot of their models are 13 yr old size 0s.

    Mwheatcraft54 – I’m with you on the skiing. Didn’t get any last year because of foot surgery so I’m really looking forward to it again (with a more flexible body to boot). I’m right in the middle of 3 good ski areas and only a few hours drive from a couple more so I’m looking forward to some good times. Mostly I ski for style not speed now (and that’s my story and I’m sticking to it). And thank you for the pep talk, it is much appreciated because I was getting a little down on myself about the overage.:blushing:

    Laura – all of us at book club choose a book (some of us have to do second choices because often we pick same books). I’m a fan of Canadian authors so I try to get everyone reading a Canadian book. It doesn’t seem that we like non-fiction much. I think the only one we did last year was The Happiness Project. This year we have only one, the Indian Residential Schools truth and reconciliation hearings summary stories. Other than that our tastes run to a little chick-lit, a little heavy stuff, mostly pretty decent fiction, almost always new.

    DeeDee – I LOVE carrots, those parsnips taste like rotting carrots to me though.
    Our book list isn’t quite set yet but so far we have Who Killed Mom (which is NOT a murder mystery), Mr. Churchill’s Secretary, Beautiful Ruins, How to be a Woman (which will be very controversial for our group), Let’s Not Go to the Dogs Tonight, and I can’t remember the rest because I’m not in charge of sending the list around.

    I’m having salmon tonight, not for the “magic” qualities but because I saw some wonderful fresh steaks at the store and craved it. I’m having wonderful salads these days with tomatoes, mesclun greens and herbs all from my garden. I can’t believe how much better tomatoes taste ripened on the vine.

    I really love reading everyone’s posts (even the rants guys, even the rants). You make me feel like I’m part of a group of really wonderful friends. I appreciate the photos as sometimes I like to put a face to a name, so I will work on getting a photo of my face on here. And those of you with dog photos, I love those too. Dogs and cats say a lot about their owners.

    Time to run, the salmon is calling my name.

    Have a great evening and Thursday because I won’t be checking in until tomorrow night. Sleep well, enjoy tomorrow.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good evening ladies! :smile:
    Its 11:15 now and soon time to go to bed. I thought that if I posted more often that I would have less to write, but that was not true! I did enjoy reading through all the posts. Keeps me on track and I learn so much here in our blog! The IRS journey should be over in 3 weeks. As soon as we get our refund, we will be done with this journey from the black lagoon! I went and walked at the school field today while I was waiting for the girls to finish things at school. Came home and went straight to work. Have had a throbbing headache on my Left temple since starting work. It seems to be gone now that I have spent the evening with you. I weighed today and stayed the same. This is ok, because I am exercising and I can feel that my joints are swollen. I will weigh again this week . Has anyone purchased the weight watcher digital scale at Costco? I was thinking about buying it, but wanted any feed back, if there is any!

    Ok, time for bed! I hope that everyone, will be self loving and spend the day taking care of themselves nutritionally. :drinker:

    welcome to the new ladies. Praying for Dixie, that she is doing OK. I did send her a message,but didn't hear back.

    Thank all of you wonderful women for another successful day! Hugs; Linda :heart:

    Wessecg- don’t be so hard on yourself about having a few extra cookies. This is life and we cant always be in control. Just get back on track. I read something once that said why we are overweight is that we keep making the same mistakes over and over again. I remember this when I am on the verge of eating too much. This makes me say that I am not going to keep making this same mistake! Hope you are feeling better today and back on track! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Nancy, WTG throwing away the cake! This is what I call self nurturing! Nancy, thank you for the insight on teenage daughters. I am at whit’s ends with having to tell them every night to do their chores. Ugh!! :grumble: :grumble:

    Glendalight- congrats for getting your exercise in and taking your own meal! Same as I said to Nancy, this is self nurturing! :drinker:

    Lila, what does your group talk about at your book club meetings? Do you just talk about the book or is it a structured with specific aspects of the book? I never saw any of Oprah’s book shows , so I am just curious! Good luck with resisting the bad your you “sweet treats” Take something healthy and nourish your body, instead of making it sick! I know this can be hard to do, but self love and trying to do this ,will become a habit the more you do it! Ok Friday , I am buying salmon! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :laugh:

    Auntiebk- thank you for telling us what AHMOD means! I love it! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :laugh:

    Wizzywig, its ok to eat those foods , just add them in your calorie count for the day! Don’t be so hard on yourself. We are all going to have days like that. Just get back on track! :drinker:

    Kate, your plants are very happy that you covered them up. You must have been a sight out at night covering up plants. Glad that you made that late night adventure without any casualties :drinker: :drinker:

    Liz, that is an interesting pirate event! Who made this up? I am glad that the crispy cream shop closed in our area! That is way toooo much of a temptation. I could eat a dozen or more of their donuts in a very short period of time. That has to be one of the worst foods for our bodys,,,,,but oh they taste so good!. :sad: :sad:

    Kathy, I am praying that we are almost done with this IRS nightmare. If I did not enlist the help of Duncan Hunter- our local congressman, I would never have gotten this far! When we get our refund, the nightmare should be over! Then we can file 2011 taxes! :noway: :noway:

    Mwheatcraft54- where do you live that you get snow? We never get snow and have to drive to the local mountains to see the snow! I have a 65 lb dog that sleeps at my feet. When she gets cold she then come up next to and between my husband and I. Its like having a toddler again! :noway: :happy: :tongue:

    Janehadji- hoping that you are going to have an awesome week, and make healthier choices for yourself! Self love!! :drinker:

    Jane, I so agree with you about when hubby is sick! Seems everything stops when they are ill, but when we get sick –life still goes on! Lol I hope hubby is feeling better soon! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lin- so glad that your Dad is doing better. Good that you got the charge nurse to help you. Being pro-active is the way it has to be in health care these days. Be pro active enough, until they dread you coming towards them! Sometimes this is what it takes to get things done, Sadly, I am not kidding! Lin, I hope you found a coat in the basement! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Laura80111, so happy that you get to have your evening bike ride with Hubby! I hope he had good news about being able to go to day shift! :happy:

    Jb- thanks for the salsa recipe. Sounds very yummy1 How long can you keep it? :smile:

    Meg- WOW congrats on your exercise for the week! I like the recumbent bike at the gym, but it got to my behind, and my daughter it hurt her spine! Glad you had a good office day! :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Barbie, thanks for that insight into abstainers and moderators. I never thought about it like that. I have been swinging between the two. This has really opened up my thought process about how people chose to live their lives. For you and your insight and motivation I am extremely grateful!! Thank you ,Barbie!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee, glad that you decorate for yourself. I also like to decorate. It was more fun when the girls were little! ENJOY ,your decorated home! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Polly, congrats on your NSV! It is always so nice when someone notices your weight loss. Keep’s the motivation going! :bigsmile:

    Michele- you are too funny about the raw cookie dough. I remember eating raw chocolate chip cookie dough. I love it too. I think it is the combo of the brown sugar and butter!! Yummy, I have not eaten it probably since the issue with eggs came out. I had really bad food poisoning once from under cooked airline chicken. After this, I never want to get anything like that again! :sick: :sick:

    :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    An Early Good Morning to all,

    It is amazing what a few hours of sleep can do for your mood. :smile: Sorry about being so winey :tongue: I was just upset that our Director keeps coming up with so many activities for these adulths that involve food. and at my lack of self -control:grumble: I just need to take control of that. No one can force me to eat anything so I just need to move on and I am.:smile:

    @Barbie your knitting skills are very impressive.

    @Linda --So Happy for you that things are finally getting resolve from the IRS. I don't own the Weight Watcher Scale but I have notice it at Costco too. So I am wondering with you I like your idea of seeing what we are doing for ourselves here at MFP as self - nuturing!

    @Lila-- Always want to be part of a book club. Try one but it didn't succeed.

    @Jane--I hope your DH feels better soon.

    @Meg--Glad that you had a good office day and impressive workout!

    @Polly --Congrats on the NSV

    @Lin--I hope you found a coat. Glad things are looking better for Dad and that you have gotten the Charge Nurse to help you.

    @Laura80111--Yay that you can go on bike rides with DH!! We have a director at our company who plans all of the activities for our clients for the most part. I do plan the activities for the afternoon group but once in awhile like yesterday I half to follow what the day group does. I wouldn't drive cross town either for Krispie Kreme either.

    @Michele so funny about the cookie dough I never really gotinto eatting cookie dough myself but put a bowl of brownie batter. As far as Bunco goes it seems like a few years back every party I was going to Bunco was the game haven't in awhile but I enjoy it.

    @walker good job getting back on track.

    @Dee I love carrots and almost eat them daily it seems but do not like parsnips yuk :tongue: I use to decorate for every holiday. Seems like I only decorate for 2 now -- really use to like it. We bought a fixer upper about a year ago. Still fixing up not going as fast as I hope it would. So I think I keep thinking when we finally get this place up to stuff than I will.

    Well that's it 4:14 am going to see if I can go back to sleep for anothe rhour's sleep. Before getting ready for work.

    Wishing everyone a good Thursday!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    I love it... I know exactly how you feel.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good beautiful morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Hope today finds all of you happy and healthy and full of energy!!!!

    Wessecg:smile: a baby possum in your house---alive:noway: , how did you get it out? Could you maybe have your coat altered to fit? Spending that much on a coat I would want to wear it as long as possible!

    Barbie:smile: my little Noel has to be on a leash too, I have 30 acres and I'm sure it I just let her out I'd never see her again, I'm not going to take that chance!!! I'm still learning about this new eating style, working on it as I go along. I also keep a paper diary with my food and my exercise, I don't log my exercise on MFP because I never seem to get enough calories in when I do. It's quite interesting to see how my body reacts to the different food, like a couple days ago, I ate way more carbs than I usually do, didn't go over but still more than usual and I dropped 1.6 lb. I found that interesting. I'm going to look back at some other days and see if there is a trend there. This journey has been very eye opening to me, and I have to say I'm enjoying doing this now. I think that's the key to me losing weight this time, it's not a chore for me to log my food, or get more walking in, I'm enjoying it, and enjoying how it makes my body feel. New mindset I guess, not going to question it , just enjoy it!!!

    Lin:smile: did you find any coats in the basement? My winter coat is too big, but I have lots of jackets in all sizes, it also doesn't get that cold here really, I think I'll be able to just layer this year!!!

    Polly:smile: Great NSV!!!!!!

    Jeanniebeanie:smile: welcome back!!!

    Michele:smile: isn't it funny how kids, no matter how old, think that their questions are more important than whatever we may be doing? Sometimes I just shake my head at it all. Have you tried Davidson's eggs? They are pasteurized in the shell, a safer egg they say, the website is SafeEggs.com. I use them all the time now, they are a little more expensive but after the salmonella scare a few years ago they are all I use now. They have them at Lowe's Foods and sometimes Harris Teeter.

    Liz:smile: I'm glad you're feeling better today. Yes, sleep can repair a bad day, a bad mood, etc. etc.!!!

    Lila:smile: I still haven't tried parsnips yet, will let you know what I think afterwards. What book was your choice?

    Linda:smile: I have a weight watchers scale, it's 3 or 4 years old now, I like it , I've only had to change the battery once, but then again this is the first time I've really been using it. They have probably come out with a newer model since mine. I think they all lie sometimes though:laugh: .

    Well I have a meeting at 9:45 this morning, and the rest of the day off:bigsmile: . I need to get back to my decorating today, I'm ready to get the boxes out of my great room!!! Hope all you ladies have a wonderful day.

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    We have so many common experiences, which makes this group wonderful - always someone to understand us, let us vent, or offer personal experience and sound advice.

    @Robin – sorry about DD’s BF situation. We had something similar with DS2 and your heart breaks for the pain they go through.

    Prayers to all struggling with skin cancers - My DH had a melanoma removed from his neck a month or so ago and now has spots on his face/arms in progress. We grew up in NM and no one used sunscreen years ago. He played tennis, baseball, golf, etc., so was out in the sun a lot. (My mom was apparently ahead of the time and made us come in every summer day between noon and 4p. We always thought we were missing out on fun with our friends, but did crafts, read, played games with brothers/sisters, etc.)

    For those with green tomatos – fry them (or you can do them under the broiler). Delicious!

    Barbie – loved the pictures. I’m both a moderator and abstainer, depending on the item. Baked goods, better to abstain; other things like chips, nuts, candy, I can ignore. Cookies call my name until they are gone!

    Wessecg – if your mink is too large can you get it cut down, make a stole or a vest to wear? You could also have it cut to add a collar/cuffs to another coat. Or how about a hat and muff? I tried my coat on not long ago and it is definitely larger on me than last year. But in Georgia we don’t wear winter coats that often, so it will do.

    Donuts – I prefer Dunkin Donuts. (Put that in the abstain column!)

    Games – when we visited my sister at the first of the month we went with them to their monthly game night and played one called Sequence. It was fun. I’ve never played bunco or mahjongg. Have you ever played a dice game called Farkle? That is fun, too.

    Seeing the post about the debit card without a PIN number reminded me of something I do for additional savings – when I flip a page in my checkbook register I deduct a set amount into an ‘accrual’ balance (which actually stays in the checking account). Initially that started as hedge against my DH not telling me about debits he had made, but now it has proved useful to accumulate funds for special purposes. If it isn’t showing in the written balance, even though we know it is there, we don’t spend it. And DH presumes that even though a certain balance may show on a receipt, it is probably all spoken for.

    Liz - don’t beat yourself up – today is another day; owning a fixer upper – fun, daunting, rewarding, time consuming, expensive, but I love the thought of the result of the work!

    Jsioux – good for you to offset the ‘calorie-footprint’ of the milky way!

    Have a great day!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Amanda, so glad to read your weekend was fun, even the Caberet. Do you ever feel tempted to drink, especially in a scene like that, or is it just “behind you”?

    Not tempted at all any more. I love the freedom of knowing that I'm not going to waste half of the next day feeling hungover! x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Barbie - I love your before/after pics - and agree with the cuteness of your hair in photo one.

    I got a call from my aunt at work this morning to tell me that my cousin is to have a quintuple heart bypass op on Sunday. He's younger than me but has never quite managed to lose any weight. Tis very scary.

    Work is manic today as they have been doing filming in the gallery again.

    Catch you all later.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I loved reading your posts this morning. Visiting the board while on hold is a great idea, Lin!! I need to remember that but I hope I am never on hold with the IRS (hope everything went well). Barbie......loved the sweater pictures. Such a reminder for all of us to keep on focusing on our goals----for today!!

    I am transitioning between cycle 2 to cycle 3 of the 17 day diet. I am not having the success with this plan that I had when I first did it and that is discouraging. Tracking has really helped me. My exercise is getting back to where I used to be so I am thinking that these next few weeks are really prime weeks to set some good results. I am getting out the kitchen scale and really look at portion size (I think I get sloppy).

    Have a great day!!
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Last night I came home after Jazzercise and my dinner and watched some mindless TV before bed. Woke up with the bed, pillow, mattress, night sweats and bathroom issues several times. Had a very vivid dream about my daughters and their jobs... Probably a combination of a mothers worry and that mindless TV! LOL! Of course this morning a coworker commented about how I did not look well. What is that old saying that you never tell a woman she looks tired? Hopefully that was the reason "I didn't look well". Here's to a new mattress and pillow helping me with some of the sleeping issues.....

    Tigress- Hope that A1C is lower... Sounds like it will be from all your great eating choices. Have fun at Zumba tonight!

    Meg- Yay for the taxes being done and for the extra exercise this week! Sure helps when Mother Nature is at her best!

    Robin- Sorry your daughter is going through such pain right now. You are her number one support!!

    Barbiecat- Those pics are incredible and thanks for being an inspiration!

    Linda- Thanks for the link to the weight loss article. I read it and it was on the mark. Hope your IRS issues will be done in a few weeks with as least amount of stress as possible!

    Lin- Glad your Dad is making progress. Hopefully the charge nurse will "take charge"!!! Great advice from Meg!

    Wessecg- Cookie binge! I FEAR cookies!!!! Great job for handling it! I have trouble with cookies because I cannot stop at one. Therefore they are not in my house or I give them away.

    Nancy- Way to go throwing out the cake. Often at school kids will want to share their cupcakes for birthday celebrations. I graciously accept and then TRASH when they are out of sight!

    Michele- Thanks for the Orange-Oatmeal cookie recipe. Any info on the calories and carbs???

    Barbara- A big shout out YAY for your exercise/PLAY room. I love this idea of playing!!! Makes exercise a fun thing!

    DeeDee- Great that you are already decorated for Halloween. I love to decorate but with the girls grown and gone I have not been motivated to do so. Our neighborhood does not have very many kids....

    Laura- Happy about your DH and the job. Even happier you were able to enjoy a bike ride with him!

    All other wonderful ladies- sorry not to individualize but I read all your posts and know that I am sending you lots of great karma in this post to succeed in your daily challenges!!! Take care!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovely Thursday,

    No time to read the posts have to finish the monthly taxes and reports for the boss:grumble: Not my favorite thing to do. Will try to read them during lunch.

    Last night had a good bike ride, but can tell that Fall is in the air, so our bike rides after work will only be for another week or so if the weather holds out...I will miss it, :sad: but will move on to the basement and the Kettlebell DVD's.

    When we were done we realized we didn't have enough salad for both of us to have in our lunches today so we headed out to the store and did ****ey's BBQ for dinner where hubby could keep to his diet. Did pretty good but was over the top with sodium, overall no change so tonight I will be cooking fish it will be good for both of us...me Salmon and hubby will get his Cod.

    So far hubby is liking the job although it's all be training on a computer so far, today he had to be there at 7am and will finish the last of his training and then shadow his supervisor so he will get a better idea of what his job will be. He works tomorrow afternoon and evening so I will have the afternoon to myself...but the good thing is he has the weekend off and if the weather is good we will get in some good bike rides.

    Everyone have a good day. Drink plenty of water, log your food and let's keep our bodies moving so we can win thise battle:drinker:

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Sundance, I have that scale and it works pretty well (although ours got a little corroded from the tiny amount of moisture from being in the bathroom so I would cover the battery area with tape). I also have another scale I bought that supposedly does BMI too - I thought my other scale was broken (see comment on corrosion), but my husband fixed it somehow. I could send you the other one if you want - I haven't even opened it :).
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    HI HO Silver...and away we ride. Another day...

    My students did rather well with their juggling. The ones that actually practiced, and focussed, were delighted with themselves. :happy: The ones that goofed off and were silly at the assembly thought it "sucked". :grumble: Lesson to be repeated ad nauseam until they leave my classroom or realize "it" doesn't "suck", they do, unless they practice and focus. It's called self efficacy, or taking responsibility for our own actions. Or something! :ohwell:

    I am feeling tense this morning, don't know why. Oh, yes I do. I've been working like a fiend all week, eating carefully and working out every day :explode: and my weight is creeping up by a fraction of a pound each morning. The trend should be downward. I have only five pounds to loose to get to my goal, for heaven's sake. OH, Nancy, take a lesson from your own preaching. :blushing: You can only get worked up about the things you can control. I can control the calories in and the calories out. I can't control the scale. Sigh.

    Kathy, Citizens Police Academy sounds like an interesting idea. Hope you have fun.

    Hi M. – I’m a skier too – always hoping for good snow once it’s too cool to be out on the beach.

    And Lila, This year I am going to “ski for style, not speed” :wink: and that’s the best ski line I’ve heard in ages and I am going to use it this year. We bring our students out to Whitewater 4-5 times a year. It’s a blast.

    Janehadji – when you lived in Montana we were almost neighbours – I’m living just north-west of the border from Plains. Hang in there with the food battle, you’ve already won a few. You recognize that your eating patterns are a problem and you are talking about it. That’s the big one knocked down, right there. :flowerforyou:

    Mweatcraft – YES! “it’s not a destination, it’s a journey”

    Jane – happy thoughts coming your way, I hope your day gets better. :heart:

    JB – I was going to put the canner away and clear off the kitchen counters, but now I’ve got inspired to make some more salsa if I can find good stuff at the Farmer's Market on Saturday. Thanks for the recipe.

    Meg – Wow, look at you go! 3-4 cardio workouts in a week. :explode: DD#1 made dinner and no big battle? OK, who cares if it was 8 pm?

    Barbie – moderators vs abstainers – I find that very interesting. Do you think a person can be either, depending on the issue (or the food)? I suspect I am an abstainer trying to be a moderator because I don’t want to give up alcohol! I need to listen to Amanda.

    Wessecg you only told us half the story --- what did you do after the poodle brought the live baby possum into the house? :laugh:

    Go Polly go! And give the guy at the drycleaners a high five from me on your behalf. :drinker:

    Sundance, I use the WW digital scale, got mine off Amazon because we’re no where near a Costco. It’s been just what I need.

    Liz, I think you should gently remind your director that your clients need role models and practice in living a healthy life style, so if activities involve food it should be healthy food according to the Government food guide – could you get away with it?

    Oh Gail! Farkle is my go to game when we are on the road or when I have a group of kids to entertain. It’s so fun and I don’t have to haul a lot of stuff around to play it.:love: Sequence is good too. My DH doesn’t like board games, so I have been suffering withdrawal since J’boy grew too big & too cool to play with me.


    September goals:
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings!
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    24 hours of exercise in the month. Total to date: 14.6 hours
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, Ladies:

    For all the talk of cookie dough, a very-lo-cal treat I posted on FB yesterday:


    It's made with chickpeas. I put the recipe as I made it in MFP - with 1/4 cup of cashew butter and 1/4 cup of maple syrup as the sweetener (which is almost too much, especially if eating it with graham crackers), it worked out to 160 calories/serving (with the whole recipe making eight servings, around 3 tbsp per). It's totally nom-worthy!

    Nothing new to report here - wasn't terribly hungry last night, had bought a salad from the salad bar at the store, got it home, looked at it and put it in the fridge. Just wasn't feeling it. Still not, really - did my yoga this morning, then had a banana and an apple and a cup of coffee. I have a big pot of veggie/barley soup I made and am going to make chicken enchiladas for the kiddos tonight (I won't eat those). I'll probably have the soup for lunch and dinner but need to add in something else protein-wise - some cottage cheese and I don't know what else. I added the sodium tracker to my calorie counter and have been watching it carefully. I don't have an issue with sodium generally although I eat a fair bit of it - my blood pressure is quite low and I don't often swell, but I'm getting to the age where I need to start watching it too.

    Linda, I'm in PA now - we sometimes get a lot of snow although not last year. However, I don't intend to ski in this state ever. I really am a snow snob, aren't I lol! Where are you? It sounds like the southwest if I had to guess.

    I hope you all have a lovely day. I'm working on escalating my enthusiasm - trying to live with more joy. That's my goal for the rest of the year.

