Never ever again ( what food will you never eat again)



  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Last time I said "I shall never eat such-and-such again" I put on a ton of weight because, instead of indulging in a small amount of what I really fancied, I ate a TON of other crap trying to replace it... Now, if I fancy some crisps / chocolate / takeaway, I have it in moderation, thoroughly enjoy it, do NOT feel guilty, make sure I get a little more exercise in and am slowly and steadily getting slimmer and fitter. Saying "NO!" to anything for me made me think I was on a quick-fix diet and not a life long way to live, so I lost the weight quickly and put it all back on again even quicker. Now, I've got my head around it, it's a slow and steady plod to perfection :wink: :tongue:
  • gmichaelguy
    gmichaelguy Posts: 123 Member
    Anything with transfat. I just don't like what it appears to do to your heart so I avoid it whenever possible. Other than that, I'm not planning to never eat anything again. If I want it and I think it's worth it and I can manage the calories, then sign me up. I love different foods too much!

    I just had a pork filled jelly roll from a Chinese bakery just because I've never had it before. Good for me? Nope! Will I eat it again? Maybe.
  • joytron
    joytron Posts: 103 Member
    Deep-fried oysters. That might sound odd, but the deli by my apartment has them, and if I was working overtime and didn't want to cook late in the evening I'd sometimes buy them and have a dinner of that (smeared with mayo). Oh, and fast food obviously, except Subway. Cuba Libres, which are sadly mostly Coke.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm not telling myself 'never' because then I'll run right out and get it, just to show myself I'm not the boss of me :laugh:

    I fear I was born into a high maintenance body. It's stupidly efficient at storing those calories.

    Yep, exactly this! Can't think of anything I absolutely will never eat again, aside from the things I just don't like. I practice moderation in all things, including indulgent foods.
  • I'm never going to get cinema popcorn again after reading it can have 1000+ calories and a whole day's worth of fat! Much better to make it myself!

    Oh and I'm never going to eat prawns again, but that's a whole food poisoning issue that I will not go into detail with! (On a similar note, I will never eat street food in Delhi again, although it does cause terrifically fast weight loss!)
  • Alcohol, especially Guinness and brandy... ick.

    I'm cutting down a hell of a lot on stuff like Pizza Hut and KFC. The thought of deep fried chips doesn't really appeal to me like it used to either. I've replaced white rice with brown too.
  • ola2J
    ola2J Posts: 3 Member
    Wish I had a food that Im now going to not eat again seems like all the nice stuff is the bad calories that said MacDs is one to defo avoid! Ps what are twinkies?:smile:
  • I'll never not eat it but I changed how I make it and thats nacho's...
  • Tinned hot dogs. Used to love them and the tinned ones are low calorie.

    HOWEVER - I've since looked into exactly what goes into them:
    Skin, connective tissue, blood clots and snouts!
    Basically all the crap.
    I can't even look at one now without feeling nauseous.

    From now on if I fancy one, I'll just buy a single good quality sausage from the butchers and grill it
  • Poptarts, those are the devil. I will scarcely eat meat. All fast food in general, I can make a lot of the same things, but healthier in my own kitchen.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I will never eat any kind of meat again, but that's not something new.

    Other than that there isn't anything I'd never eat, but there are many things I'll hardly eat.
  • row_rivers
    row_rivers Posts: 92 Member
    everyone here is naming unhealthy food to never eat again...i'm going to name something quite good for you actually: nato. it's a japanese fermented soy bean. it was the most disgusting thing i have ever put in my mouth. and after careful deliberation, it would take $1,000,000 to get me to eat another piece. and no amount of money could ever get me to eat an entire sushi roll of it. i would rather eat bull penis.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    escargot..... that stuff is just nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MrsWonderland
    MrsWonderland Posts: 107 Member
    There are several things I hope I forever give up. Pepsi was just about the only thing I would drink, Havent had it in a couple of weeks. Any fast food, my husband gets a craving once in a while so I always tag along, recently I charted a small smoothy from BK and it had too many calories along with the food.

    I try to avoud the pink slime, our little deli gets there meats from an area butcher and it taste so much bettter than store bought meats.

    I feel so good now that I have given up alot of unhealthy stuff, I just hope I never get a craving for any of it again, Im sure theres plenty of other stuff I need to stay away from.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    None of this is because i have labeled it a "bad food" but because it has no nutritional value for the calories - full sugar soda, doughnuts, cake, pasteries like cinnamon rolls, etc. basically anything that is just sugar with no nutrients. also i avoid all fried things, including french fries. i just don't see the point.

    i will still eat chocolate as long as it's not super sugary chocolate, diet sodas are ok every now and then.

    and actually i don't miss any of the above foods!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    For me, I know if I had gluten in my life that I would always have the fear of gaining weight. I now see it as my rsonal poison and will never eat it again. I am not pushing this on anyone else, just what I have learned about myself. I also avoid packaged gluten free foods because they are empty calories to me and I check everything for gluten. I have a ton more energy and feel much better within my body. I eat pretty clean now but that lifestyle really suits me great and food doesn't have the power it used to have over me anymore which is really, really nice!! I have had weight issues my whole life. I don't track anymore, nor do I gain weight anymore. It took a long time to make it a habit but it is definitely a habit that has stuck now and I am heathier than I have ever been in my entire life. Fabulous and 40 baby!!
  • been285
    been285 Posts: 99 Member
    can't say NEVER,,,,, but Big Mac's no longer temp me at all.
  • MrsWonderland
    MrsWonderland Posts: 107 Member
    Not saying I wont eat them ever again but eggs hate me! One egg = no crap for days. It's agonising. I'm finding a similar problem with bread especially pizza. Now I don't eat pizza often by any stretch of the imagination but I had pizza on Sunday evening and I've finally been today (Thursday!)...

    Store bought eggs hate me too, if I really want eggs without unbareable side effect I have to buy amish eggs.
  • elizabethis
    elizabethis Posts: 155 Member
    Tinned hot dogs. Used to love them and the tinned ones are low calorie.

    HOWEVER - I've since looked into exactly what goes into them:
    Skin, connective tissue, blood clots and snouts!
    Basically all the crap.
    I can't even look at one now without feeling nauseous.

    From now on if I fancy one, I'll just buy a single good quality sausage from the butchers and grill it

    Wow, as if I even needed another reason to be vegetarian! I felt nauseated just reading about it!!
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    anything with pink slime hamburger - taco bell, mcdonalds. disgusting. I want better quality food in my life