What is your guilty pleasure?

Okay... you are going to think I'm five - but I love, love, love cheesepuffs! Not the fried kind, but the fluffy baked kind. I told myself that if I craved them I would eat them - I just measure out a portion and eat it slowly. To date, I have lost 18 pounds so it's officially not derailing my program. What's your guilty pleasure - and how often do you have it?


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Cheetos are my weakness. Have you tried the Natural Cheetos? I actually like them better and they aren't horrible as far as treats go.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    Cookie dough.
    Salt and vinegar chips.
  • anniebonnie
    anniebonnie Posts: 71 Member
    Crunchy peanut butter, nutella...any cookie with a filling!:/ Yogurt too!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Not a food...a cigarette...:embarassed:
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Really good cake.
  • sallyspain
    sallyspain Posts: 3 Member
    Since I quit smoking and started with MFP my irrisitible pleasure is MisterCorn :blushing: I do measure half a ration though and cut down on other things!
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    Cheetos are my weakness. Have you tried the Natural Cheetos? I actually like them better and they aren't horrible as far as treats go.

    I have not tried the natural cheetos - I am going to have to find those!
  • I'm one of those horribly disciplined and boring people who does not allow myself to have anything that isn't healthy. :ohwell:
  • Chocolate and peanut butter. I eat both every night after dinner.
  • loveYOUmore319
    loveYOUmore319 Posts: 79 Member
    I love chocolate and peanut butter!! I have at least one of the two every night!! Yummers!!
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    I'm one of those horribly disciplined and boring people who does not allow myself to have anything that isn't healthy. :ohwell:
    Nothing horrible about this - I applaud you!!!
  • Wine (not nearly as often as I used to, mayyybbbbeeee once every three months or so?)

    Ice Cream (too often haha but it almost always fits into my calories for the day!)
  • IsabellaC45
    IsabellaC45 Posts: 137 Member

    I try to tell myself they're healthy due to the raisins, but I'm not fooling anyone! =P
  • I tend to treat myself to a quality bit of cheese if I have some calories left over. I never used to eat it due to fat etc but when i have the calories I use them. as Homer said...Mmmmmmm Cheeeeeseee.
  • islebutterfly09
    islebutterfly09 Posts: 33 Member
    Cheetos Naturals White Cheddar Puffs... Best thing ever, and I use a food scale for everything, and one serving of these is almost a full bowl bc they are so fluffy. I see a full bowl and it makes me feel like I am cheating, even though it is only a 28g. 150 cal serving.
  • islebutterfly09
    islebutterfly09 Posts: 33 Member
    Cheetos Naturals White Cheddar Puffs... Best thing ever, and I use a food scale for everything, and one serving of these is almost a full bowl bc they are so fluffy. I see a full bowl and it makes me feel like I am cheating, even though it is only a 28g. 150 cal serving.

    Also "Hint of lime Tostitos" , and guacamole... that is the other one I can't resist.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Cheetos!! -cries- I missss it!
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Jalapeno kettle chips and moscato...separate or together, I don't care.
  • Macaroni and Cheese, but a specific kind.....the store brand white cheddar (say yuck all you want lol). I haven't had any in 2 months, because I can't have just one serving. No one else in my family likes it, so I would eat the whole box so it wouldn't go to waste. :blushing:
  • Allihexen
    Allihexen Posts: 111 Member
    Veggie Chips with Sea Salt! I used to hate anything with the word vegetable in them, but these are actually pretty decent.