Gun owners?



  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    It is really disconcerting to log onto a health and fitness site and see a thread about guns. With pictures of guns.

    I know it's not the first thread on this subject, and it won't be the last, but urgh :frown:

    It's kinda scaring the crap out of me. I only know a handful of people (relatives) who own guns and those that do use them for hunting, otherwise they're locked safely away.

    The whole concept weirds me out big time. They're simply not necessary.

    You have no idea how many rapes are prevented every day because of a firearm, do you? A firearm makes a 100 pound woman just a powerful as a 250 aggressive man. Bad guys are everywhere. They are an evil necessity.

    Really? How many rapes are prevented every day by guns? You have a verifiable statistic on that?

    Rape isn't prevented by owning a gun, it's prevented by teaching men not to rape.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    a good question to ask yourself is ... " do you want something that will just stop an attacker "? or do you " want something that will blow a hole six inches wide in an attacker"? In other words, do you wanna stop an attacker or kill the attacker? All guns can kill but your more likely to blow a hole through someone with a .357 than a .22. Can you live with the fact you killed someone? BTW it doesnt do you any good if you cant control your weapon, sometimes lighter and smaller is the best way to go.

    You best be blowing a hole clean through someone if you're shooting at someone. Too many sue happy people suing people after breaking into their homes and getting hurt. No maiming.

    Exactly! Can't be sued by a dead guy!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I agree with your dad. Go with a revolver.

    Shoot to kill. Someone enters my home its them or me. It's gonna be them.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    It is really disconcerting to log onto a health and fitness site and see a thread about guns. With pictures of guns.

    I know it's not the first thread on this subject, and it won't be the last, but urgh :frown:

    I'm offended by your offense.

    I didn't say I was offended, I said it was disconcerting. And I'm sorry to everyone that annoyed, but...

    For many of us in countries where gun ownership is not legal or not common, the only time we come across guns is when we read in the papers of someone going on a killing spree - which leads us to associate them with blood and violence and grief. Which in the context of a health forum, is a bit unexpected and disconcerting. .

    However, it is interesting from a cultural perspective to see how very normal this kind of chat is to Americans - different countries, different norms.

    Millions and millions of Americans own guns and never do any harm with them. The reason you don't hear about them is because for the most part the owners are responsible. You can't put a story on the news that 99% of all gun owners went to work today, worked hard, went home and didn't kill anyone or let their kids get their gun.

    When I hear about shark attacks on the news I don't assume every beach in the world is dangerous and that there are sharks lurking at every bend to pounce on surfers and people swimming.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    So... you're basically all Americans right?

    Not all Americans are so crazy, though. I find this entire thread utterly bizarre. It's so uncommon. I don't associate with anyone who owns a gun or thinks they might possibly need one for any kind of protection.

    You would be surprised how many gun owners you know. Most people do not talk about it unless asked. I carry many times without the people with me knowing. My sister-in-law is deathly afraid of guns therefor I don't tell her when I am carrying including sitting at her kitchen table having Christmas dinner.
  • ashleigh8993
    ashleigh8993 Posts: 14 Member
    I have and carry a charter arms Chic Lady... a .38 special. Its light weight, accurate, and best of all polished pink and chrome!! they do have a whole line of hand guns that come in other colors or just plain chrome/steel if that's your preference. I'd recommend it to anyone who asked.
  • mdbs2004
    So... you're basically all Americans right?

    Not all Americans are so crazy, though. I find this entire thread utterly bizarre. It's so uncommon. I don't associate with anyone who owns a gun or thinks they might possibly need one for any kind of protection.

    I've almost needed mine a few times. I keep a loaded .45 under my bed and a loaded ak locked away. I awoke 1 evening to my dog barking and a person in my back yard looking for a place to hide. This person luckily never tried to open my door or window and had no idea there was a man with a gun only feet from them. Another time on New Year’s Eve a group of blacks got out of their SUV and walked down the alley (away from my house) and into somebody's back yard and started firing. I had no idea they were just firing into the air. The police told me "it’s just something they do". They had no idea I was waiting in my second floor window with an ak47 pointed at them. I didn’t fire either time but would have if needed. I would have felt like a big fool if I had needed to and only had a baseball bat to fight back with.
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    It is really disconcerting to log onto a health and fitness site and see a thread about guns. With pictures of guns.

    I know it's not the first thread on this subject, and it won't be the last, but urgh :frown:

    It's kinda scaring the crap out of me. I only know a handful of people (relatives) who own guns and those that do use them for hunting, otherwise they're locked safely away.

    The whole concept weirds me out big time. They're simply not necessary.

    You have no idea how many rapes are prevented every day because of a firearm, do you? A firearm makes a 100 pound woman just a powerful as a 250 aggressive man. Bad guys are everywhere. They are an evil necessity.

    Really? How many rapes are prevented every day by guns? You have a verifiable statistic on that?

    Rape isn't prevented by owning a gun, it's prevented by teaching men not to rape.

    Good luck with your approach. We'll see how many rapes that stops today.

    Yes, I have statistics. I don't enter into a debate without them. Unfortunately, from your posts I can see you are close-minded, and are not interested in an education. Therefor I won't waste my time trying to educate someone who doesn't want to listen.
  • glonigan

    I am confused by your response about not necessary and/or crazy. If I recall the constitution of the United States protects my right to own a gun and have to pass a background check making sure I am not crazy to purchase or be in possession of said fire arm. I have lived in a hand gun free city and oddly enough was held up at gun-point in that very city. I guess the criminal decided that law did not apply to him. Also, based on your profile location maybe you feel safer boarding Canada than I do boarding Mexico here in Southern Arizona. I would hope you would come to understand that people that hold different beliefs than you should not categorized as crazy. To do so would by highly dismissive and point out your ignorance in the issue.

    Respectfully - glonigan
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    My hubby wants to get me a gun for Christmas and I'm not sure what I want. He's away this week on a hunting trip in the arctic circle and left me his .357 just in case! I have my gun permit and am a fabulous shot according to dh and my dad. :smile:

    Just wondering what is a good gun for personal defense. I want something lightweight and not a lot of kick to it. My dad suggested a .22 revolver.

    Just looking for suggestions! Thank you!

    I am looking to purchase a .22 revolver, more specifically a Ruger (the exact model escapes me right now). I shoot well with those, they're not big or bulky, and they don't have a lot of kick. As a comparison I recently shot a .22 Ruger semi-automatic and thought it had too much kick because it's too light. Personally I don't want anything bigger than a .22 because my reason for owning one is recreational shooting and personal protection. I don't want to kill anyone, just stop them from hurting/killing me or anyone else, and we don't have big bears or anything that will get pissed off by being shot with a .22!

    I won't recommend you .22 LR as for self-protection. If you want a well self-protection gun I would say 9MM caliber is good place to start. You could make it little lighter by reducing the gun powder in the bullets, only if you or your husband is a reloader. There is lots of the trade off with the bullet versus the target.

    The weaker the bullet is and the less impact it will have on the target. There are several stories that person survived several shots of .22 LR in the head. That's why I recommended you to not get .22 LR.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    So... you're basically all Americans right?

    Not all Americans are so crazy, though. I find this entire thread utterly bizarre. It's so uncommon. I don't associate with anyone who owns a gun or thinks they might possibly need one for any kind of protection.

    Oh no. You just called a bunch of gun-wielding fanatics CRAZY. Everyone duck!


    Not all Americans are crazy enough to think that people who own guns are crazy. Sounds like you need to get out more.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    You should do what has been suggested many times already and go try a few.

    I bought a Glock 19 without trying it and i find it's too big for me to carry it concealed. I want something smaller.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    All these women with guns......haaawwwwtttt
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    So... you're basically all Americans right?

    Theres some people from South Africa here too.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    If all us gun fanatics were as crazy as you anti-gun people make us out to be......there would be none of you left. :bigsmile:
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    My favorite is the Kimber 1911 9mm. Shoots like a dream, but it's expensive. The other option would be a Glock 19, but I don't like it nearly as well.

    I personally love my Glock 19. But if you want something a little more dainty there's always the 26 I suppose lol.

    It's not about being dainty, it's about being accurate. I like the angle of the grip on the Kimber better than the Glock.
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    I got a 25 simply because it was the cheapest thing to purchase...but it will the job done if needed for self defense! I purchased it when I was single and living alone, I had just purchased my 1st home. I do think I want a 9mm though...I think I will have my hubby buy me a gun as well for Christmas.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    It is really disconcerting to log onto a health and fitness site and see a thread about guns. With pictures of guns.

    I know it's not the first thread on this subject, and it won't be the last, but urgh :frown:

    It's kinda scaring the crap out of me. I only know a handful of people (relatives) who own guns and those that do use them for hunting, otherwise they're locked safely away.

    The whole concept weirds me out big time. They're simply not necessary.

    You have no idea how many rapes are prevented every day because of a firearm, do you? A firearm makes a 100 pound woman just a powerful as a 250 aggressive man. Bad guys are everywhere. They are an evil necessity.

    Really? How many rapes are prevented every day by guns? You have a verifiable statistic on that?

    Rape isn't prevented by owning a gun, it's prevented by teaching men not to rape.

    Yeeeaaah okay! Come back down to earth now! Are you serious????
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    a good question to ask yourself is ... " do you want something that will just stop an attacker "? or do you " want something that will blow a hole six inches wide in an attacker"? In other words, do you wanna stop an attacker or kill the attacker? All guns can kill but your more likely to blow a hole through someone with a .357 than a .22. Can you live with the fact you killed someone? BTW it doesnt do you any good if you cant control your weapon, sometimes lighter and smaller is the best way to go.

    You best be blowing a hole clean through someone if you're shooting at someone. Too many sue happy people suing people after breaking into their homes and getting hurt. No maiming.

    Exactly! Can't be sued by a dead guy!

    wow, and I thought I was aggressive when an intruder comes into my house. Okay, kill away!! lol.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    So... you're basically all Americans right?

    Not all Americans are so crazy, though. I find this entire thread utterly bizarre. It's so uncommon. I don't associate with anyone who owns a gun or thinks they might possibly need one for any kind of protection., if I own a gun I'm crazy?

    Have you ever had someone try to break into your home in the middle of the night? Lying there, asleep, with your child asleep in the next room and you HEAR someone trying to jimmy the lock on your front door??
    I promise you, it's terrifying, and the fact that I HAD a gun, loaded and ready to fire, is the only reason that person left my property and did NOT break in and do God only knows what to me and my child.
    So.....if that makes me crazy, so be it. At least my daughter was safe.

    and no....I'm not a card carrying NRA crazy, nor am I an ultra-conservative Republican redneck. I am a registered Democrat, proud liberal (trapped in a red-state :laugh: ) but I will support until my dying day the rights of Americans to bear arms.

    *sliding away my soapbox*
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