Zero calorie "meal" (or close to 0)



  • It's not just about taking in less calories in general and then starving. The point of this is to see which foods you're eating that are high calorie and what is a good replacement. For example, I eat more often throughout the day so I try to make my meals around 300-400 calories. If I work out, I usually have an extra meal and tend to eat stuff that has a lil bit more calories. If I don't, then I'll eat something like rice and fish. It's ok to splurge a lil sometimes. You can't just say NO to everything. I have a huge sweet tooth, and right now I'm chowing down on 5pcs of chocolate that add up to 230 calories. Working out later and working both jobs so since I have a busy day, I'm not worried about it.

    If you really wanna lose weight, then focus more on training properly as well. Weight training won't make you bulky unless you do really high weight and low repetitions. If you want to tone, do low weights and high repetitions. I'm working on getting my core more lean again and getting back to my 113-115 range. (office job killed 60% of my activeness) I used to be 102 till I gained around 10+lbs in muscle. I feel way better and this is the first time I've actually had to watch what I eat and change my workout a bit to lose weight and not gain it lol.

    Also, make sure you're getting enough sleep and watch your stress levels. Those tend to affect weight gain/loss quite a bit as well.

    So to review: Plan meals for the day, pick up a bit of weight training at the gym, and make sure you get enough sleep and take a deep breath if you're stressed out. (ps weight training helps relieve stress for many people as well too. Especially if you hate running with a passion like I do lol)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    She cooked you a meal and you ate a can of sauerkraut? That was extremely rude, you should apologize right now.


    You're kidding --right? You are not deliberately being rude to the OP--yourself....are you?:huh:
    Isn't that rather like---those in glass houses----etc etc

    Maybe you might consider an apology? :wink:

    Ruth is a well known "mean" troll. Why do you think no one responded until you did? ;) We all mostly gloss over those pointedly rude for reaction posts.
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Ah--I take the fifth. I'm still "new",here. I will go back and edit--if I can.
  • Pickles. Very close to zero. :)

  • helaurin
    helaurin Posts: 157 Member
    While it might be considered rude to not eat what a host (including mothers) might make for a meal, learning to say no - as politely and firmly as possible - is a skill to be cultivated. And sometimes, no matter how nice you might be about saying no, the message doesn't get across.

    In a previous marraige, my spouse's family insisted we visit a couple times a week for dinner. Large, very fattening, dinners. Creamy soups, fried chicken, fried doughnuts, fried kielbasa (polish sausage), fried pierogies, heaping piles of mashed potatoes - yellow with butter and covered with gravy, breads with real butter, cakes...

    I was expected/required to eat whatever was put on my plate - and they didn't believe in just eating one plateful. Trying to say no - politely - didn't work. Asking my then-spouse to stand up for me didn't work. Saying "no" more forcefully didn't work. Pushing away from the table didn't work; neither did going into the living room. The plate stayed on the dining room table, the door to leave remained locked, until I ate enough to satisfy his family. I did manage to slip out once, but my spouse physically dragged me back into their house. And then it would happen all over again on each visit, so we started getting into arguments because I didn't want to go.

    In the space of one year, I picked up close to fifty pounds, going from about 125/130 (my initial weight range) to 180/185. As it turned out, their goal was to fatten me up, because one never knew when another economic depression or war with food rationing might happen. Their theory was to stuff yourself full of food when food was plentiful, because it would help get you past any lean times. To fail to do so, in their eyes, meant I was ignoring God's wishes, being wasteful, a bad spouse, etc.

    If the host KNOWS that someone is working hard to lose weight, they should respect their guest's struggle and journey towards better health. At the same time, a guest, knowing they might be visiting where food will be present, might consider saving a few calories to take very tiny portions of the meal, so that they can honestly compliment the host on their cooking skills.
  • helaurin
    helaurin Posts: 157 Member
    My "go-to" if I'm feeling hungry or snacky, but don't want a lot of calories - sugar-free jello.

    Yes, I know it has no nutrients. It's more so meant to satisfy that psychological/habitual urge/craving when my mouth feels like it should be working on something - almost like a dog chewing on a bone. I also use it as an occasional substitute when my current significant other decides to eat a huge bowl of ice cream - he can eat a few hundred calories; my sugar-free jello is around 20 calories. This is particularly good for me when it's later in the evening - just enough to trick my mind to feel like I ate something.

    If it's earlier in the evening, I'll go for a small amount of popcorn - usually a 100-calorie snack bag.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Look at the sodium content in sauerkraut, you will never eat it again... :brokenheart: :frown:

    What's wrong with sodium*?

    (*for reasonably healthy people)
  • ok, all these negative comments! perhaps i should not have started out my comment with "i'm starving", but said instead, "i'm hungry, and want a low calorie snack". thanks everyone for the positive comments....i'm glad you read the entire post instead of stopping at "i'm starving". i thought mfp was supposed to be about supporting and offering some positive feedback. i don't have a lot to lose, and sometimes i just want to nosh and watch the tube...but without all the carbs and fat. (to all the haters, please read posts before attacking)
  • lrkidd
    lrkidd Posts: 74 Member
    I so agree with this!!! It seems like MFP is filling up with self proclaimed "experts" who want to belittle and bash people over even the smallest of comments.

    Really guys...are you all that perfect that you never just want to snack? Sometimes I say "I'm starving" and know I am not. I don't have an eating disorder and am aware of the fact that I am not really starving. I JUST WANT SOMETHING TO EAT!!!!

    Kudos to you for having the will power to eat something that is very low calorie and not binging like someone with a true eating disorder would do!! Oh and BTW....I actually like sauerkraut too!!

    Having actually had an eating disorder myself, the idea of eating very few (1200) calories and satisfying hunger with zero-calorie foods is an anorexic behavior. Maybe not a full blown eating disorder, but it's a concern.

    Being concerned about someone's eating habits doesn't mean "we're too perfect to snack". That doesn't make sense. Of course I snack. Sometimes I eat celery as a snack because I like celery, and I don't want something really filling. But if you're eating the bare minimum, still hungry, and looking for food that's basically WATER to stave hunger pangs, you really would benefit from a nutritionist's advice, or a lot of research into how many calories you SHOULD be eating.

    Being concerned is fine....voicing that concern is also okay, but what is not okay is to treat the OP like she is an idiot and suggest that she eat dirt or stop breathing air.

    Funny part of this whole thing is it's usually the "fit people" who are so nasty and negative.

    Somehow, in my twisted little head, I took this as a compliment :)

    First comment may have been directed toward you but are you so self centered that you think the second one was as well?

    If you are in such great shape and such an expert on all things healthy then what use do you have for MFP???

    You my friend are a troll who enjoys insulting people nothing more....I pity you
  • cwmw
    cwmw Posts: 30
    If its late in the day, just sleep early ?!? and try to forget the hunger with a glass of water :(
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    lets not nit-pick and lecture about the 0-calories for pete sake - you know what she means!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    lets not nit-pick and lecture about the 0-calories for pete sake - you know what she means!!!

    Not nitpick? In the MFP forums?

    If not for the "Joined Sep 2011" under your picture...(well, where your picture would be if you had one)...I'd think you were new here.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I so agree with this!!! It seems like MFP is filling up with self proclaimed "experts" who want to belittle and bash people over even the smallest of comments.

    Really guys...are you all that perfect that you never just want to snack? Sometimes I say "I'm starving" and know I am not. I don't have an eating disorder and am aware of the fact that I am not really starving. I JUST WANT SOMETHING TO EAT!!!!

    Kudos to you for having the will power to eat something that is very low calorie and not binging like someone with a true eating disorder would do!! Oh and BTW....I actually like sauerkraut too!!

    Having actually had an eating disorder myself, the idea of eating very few (1200) calories and satisfying hunger with zero-calorie foods is an anorexic behavior. Maybe not a full blown eating disorder, but it's a concern.

    Being concerned about someone's eating habits doesn't mean "we're too perfect to snack". That doesn't make sense. Of course I snack. Sometimes I eat celery as a snack because I like celery, and I don't want something really filling. But if you're eating the bare minimum, still hungry, and looking for food that's basically WATER to stave hunger pangs, you really would benefit from a nutritionist's advice, or a lot of research into how many calories you SHOULD be eating.

    Being concerned is fine....voicing that concern is also okay, but what is not okay is to treat the OP like she is an idiot and suggest that she eat dirt or stop breathing air.

    Funny part of this whole thing is it's usually the "fit people" who are so nasty and negative.

    Somehow, in my twisted little head, I took this as a compliment :)

    First comment may have been directed toward you but are you so self centered that you think the second one was as well?

    If you are in such great shape and such an expert on all things healthy then what use do you have for MFP???

    You my friend are a troll who enjoys insulting people nothing more....I pity you

    I pity you for taking something so idiotic so seriously. And I'm NOT in great shape, but plenty of people who are utilize this app/site as well... And I never said I was an expert at all things healthy lol you did :)
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you are 'starving' then eat nutrient-dense food.

    If you are eating, not getting the results you want and still 'starving' at the end of the day then take a good look at what you are eating.

    Zero calorie meals, Jesus, what have we come to?

    Yup, just what I was thinking! LOL

    I'm suspecting that the OP might be another "low fat" believer or is eating foods that are bulky but not nutritious. Healthy fat is nutritious and FILLING. Because of eating fat, I don't need to eat a huge volume of food to be full/satisfied. My high fat diet is so filling, I usually have to eat at night just to reach my calorie goal (based on my research, I believe that eating a meal at night is good, not bad). I can't remember the last time I went over my calorie goal (I've been logging 50 days) and my diet is based on fat! I'm enjoying the best health ever and I am losing weight.

    So, for a nutritious, filling snack (not zero cal!) I like half an avocado, small amount of walnuts, or for a real treat, celery with salsa with a bit of sour cream and cheese mixed in (or substitute guacamole, if dairy isn't your thing). Or for another real treat, only on days that I get a ton of exercise, I will have 28 g bag of Miss Vickies chips; even though I eat very low carb, it still fits within my macros.
  • water............I can't think of anything with zero calories
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    ok, all these negative comments! perhaps i should not have started out my comment with "i'm starving", but said instead, "i'm hungry, and want a low calorie snack". thanks everyone for the positive comments....i'm glad you read the entire post instead of stopping at "i'm starving". i thought mfp was supposed to be about supporting and offering some positive feedback. i don't have a lot to lose, and sometimes i just want to nosh and watch the tube...but without all the carbs and fat. (to all the haters, please read posts before attacking)

    Well said!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If I'm starving, but have eaten all my calories, I open a can of sauerkraut, add some salt and pepper..maybe some hot chili powder and chow down. Anybody else have some meals that are zero calories or close to zero?

    Raw spinach leaves! I never thought i would be able to eat leaves without dressing, but I can if it's spinach! Yum! I don't stay full very long though.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Peeled sliced lemons with a dash of salt. YUMMY! Of course I'm the only person I know who loves to eat lemons.

    ME! PICK ME!

    I :heart: lemons! I used to ask my parents for the lemon wedge off their tea at restaurants because they never put the lemon in their tea, just wasted it. (But I don't put salt on them.) I absolutely love sour foods! I eat lemons and limes and suck on those tear-jerker candies. (I spit out the candies once the sour coating is gone:tongue: )
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    i thought mfp was supposed to be about supporting and offering some positive feedback. i don't have a lot to lose, and sometimes i just want to nosh and watch the tube...but without all the carbs and fat. (to all the haters, please read posts before attacking)

    Some people forget the support and act they are still in high school passing notes to their friends. *SMH*

    (There really needs to be an eye-roll smiley!)