Starvatio mode, excerices cals ect...



  • jlbeals
    jlbeals Posts: 65 Member
    Not to add fuel to the fire on anything, just thought I'd throw out that I had an appointment with a registered dietitian on Monday and she was appalled at the idea that I'd been eating 1200 cals + some exercise cals for a month . According to the various tests I took (including one where I had to breathe into a metabolic analyzer machine for 10-minutes), my "weight loss range" is approximately 1700-1800 calories/day for my current state, and I'm not supposed to eat less than that, even on my rest day when I don't workout.

    I can't speak to the science behind those assumptions, and I've got another appointment on Oct. 1 to check in and see if she was right and things are moving in a positive direction after I start eating more, but just pointing out that not all experts/doctors agree on this topic either.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    Congrats on failing to understand even the very basic science behind the subject and posting a completely uninformed and wrong summary.

    you should call her doctor and nutritionist and tell them your credentials.
    I'm just not even going to...

    by "credentials", I mean, "all your friends at the gym".
    btw, I used to be a powerlifter. I held the ny state record for a short time in bench press. Now you know another powerlifter.
    people who are competeting in athletics or are actively building a lot of muscle or strength do need to eat more. THe average overweight person who wants to get thinner does not. getting advice from weightlifters is pointless- their goals are to make weightclass and win competitions, not fit into smaller jeans.
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    It makes sense to me. Seems someone is taking this a little too personally/:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Congrats on failing to understand even the very basic science behind the subject and posting a completely uninformed and wrong summary.

    you should call her doctor and nutritionist and tell them your credentials.
    I'm just not even going to...

    by "credentials", I mean, "all your friends at the gym".
    btw, I used to be a powerlifter. I held the ny state record for a short time in bench press. Now you know another powerlifter.
    people who are competeting in athletics or are actively building a lot of muscle or strength do need to eat more. THe average overweight person who wants to get thinner does not. getting advice from weightlifters is pointless- their goals are to make weightclass and win competitions, not fit into smaller jeans.

    Oh... you are so right. I've been listening to those know-it-all "weight-lifters" and I haven't lost but 7 lbs in 9 months.

    But I went from a size 20 to a size 14 in that time too... so...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    by "credentials", I mean, "all your friends at the gym".
    btw, I used to be a powerlifter. I held the ny state record for a short time in bench press. Now you know another powerlifter.
    people who are competeting in athletics or are actively building a lot of muscle or strength do need to eat more. THe average overweight person who wants to get thinner does not. getting advice from weightlifters is pointless- their goals are to make weightclass and win competitions, not fit into smaller jeans.
    My contention with all this garbage is because it disregards WHERE that weightloss comes from entirely and doesn't look at the process as a long term, sustainable thing.

    And good to see you could gloss over my own qualifications, which did include appropriate nutrition for all age groups and the importance of eating a reasonable amount of food when doing any kind of regular exercise.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Pretty much bad info across the board here. Well done.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • brissell
    brissell Posts: 23 Member
    Agree. I wish people would just present what they know and then debate points to determine facts. No need to get personal.

    We can all learn from each other. Not all doctors are right, not all gym buddies are right. Not all methods work for all bodies.

    One thing I do know that we ALL have in common is trying to figure out the "science" of how our bodies work and filter through the false information.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    There is a big difference between someone only eating 800 calories a day while doing a serious workout and really burning up 2000 calories a day and most overweight people.

    Telling the average overweight person who goes to the gym and overreports the actual workout calorie deficit and has 250 calories left at the end of the day that if he/she does not eat another 250 of food, then they will go into starvation mode and gain weight is not a nice thing.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    There is a big difference between someone only eating 800 calories a day while doing a serious workout and really burning up 2000 calories a day and most overweight people.

    Telling the average overweight person who goes to the gym and overreports the actual workout calorie deficit and has 250 calories left at the end of the day that if he/she does not eat another 250 of food, then they will go into starvation mode and gain weight is not a nice thing.

    and here is the crux of the argument. So what your saying is, it's not that you disagree with the idea of starvation mode, it's that people on here use it wrong. Which I completely agree with in many respects. People throw out the term far to often on here with no justification.

    If someone plateaus, your first comment shouldn't be "you're not eating enough". or "You're in starvation mode."
    Your first comment should be, you should probably go over all your numbers and make sure you're reporting everything right, and that you have the correct goal for your individual situation. That's what I do.
  • spinfrost
    spinfrost Posts: 3 Member
    Sadly this is the first topic i read on here, and like all forums everywhere it's a play ground of idiots. A simple topic on what some one asked a doctor and what their answers where.

    agree or disagree, but no, we have to be rude and say the dumbest thing that comes to mind. take it or leave it really!

    why can't you say i believe this to be true, or this works for me, or working with this person he said this and that. So that the information grows and the readers can add all together can make up their own mind as what will work or not.

    ugh, forums they will never change....but i knew a guy, and worked with a girl, and called a friend that know some one, who eat that, and I'm a I'M RIGHT! dorks
  • Do you know why there's no literature on ****ing 'Starvation Mode'? Because that is a ridiculous scare-tactic name given to the very real effects of suppressed metabolism as a result of chronic undereating. Do you know why you eat your exercise calories back? To avoid stressing your body any more than it already is on a diet, reduce the rate of cortisol production versus not eating them. Do you know why people lose weight so fast eating hardly anything to start with? Because your glycogen stores empty out very quickly, and if you keep it up, you start losing lean mass ALONG with fat which can be avoided if you eat at a more sensible deficit.

    Where do I get my information? Oh I don't know. Maybe all the MMA fighters and coaches I spend my time around in the gym. Maybe the Boxing coaches. Hell, maybe even the powerlifters at a club I know of. Maybe it's the personal trainers I used to work with, or the ex-russian military and internationally competitive swimming coaches I worked with. Maybe from the fact I am a nationally certified Swimming Coach. Maybe from my friend Tony, who's a sprinter and only never competed in the Olympics because of a bad back.

    But what the **** does it matter where I got it from? If you point your mouse to some reputable sources, the information is out there on the web for you ALL to read.
    So how long have you been on MFP and how much have you lost?
    You can see my start date. And not a pound. But, that's kind of the point of the plan I'm on. See, I don't give two flakes of **** what I weigh. My plan is a body recomposition, so I slowly lose fat whilst building lean mass. I've posted my progress pics on ocassion to the success stories forum that show the change in bodyfat. OMG YOU CANT DOE DAT ON A DEFECIT. Actually, yes, you can, if you're patient.

    This made me laugh. You are such a badass (sarcasm)
  • Thank you for posting this. I think everyone needs to back off and quit shouting off what they think they know because you looked it up on the internet or your weight lifting buddies told you its the best. At least she took the time to ask someone and not just spout of information she has heard from various internet sights and people. And if you actually read the post she says she is just sharing what she heard from a PROFESSIONAL not just someone who thinks they know it all. She never says only eat 800 calories she mentions that for most people 1200 is the min. but thats not everyone. She says breakfast is important but not going to make or break you. She says eating back your calories is fine however you dont need to make yourself eat if your not hungry. I find that she was very diplomatic is saying that she was just trying to share what she learned and every body is different...So if you have a different opionon then make you own post and share what you know...or maybe get a degree and then start telling everyone on hear that agrees they are wrong.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Do you know why there's no literature on ****ing 'Starvation Mode'? Because that is a ridiculous scare-tactic name given to the very real effects of suppressed metabolism as a result of chronic undereating. Do you know why you eat your exercise calories back? To avoid stressing your body any more than it already is on a diet, reduce the rate of cortisol production versus not eating them. Do you know why people lose weight so fast eating hardly anything to start with? Because your glycogen stores empty out very quickly, and if you keep it up, you start losing lean mass ALONG with fat which can be avoided if you eat at a more sensible deficit.

    Where do I get my information? Oh I don't know. Maybe all the MMA fighters and coaches I spend my time around in the gym. Maybe the Boxing coaches. Hell, maybe even the powerlifters at a club I know of. Maybe it's the personal trainers I used to work with, or the ex-russian military and internationally competitive swimming coaches I worked with. Maybe from the fact I am a nationally certified Swimming Coach. Maybe from my friend Tony, who's a sprinter and only never competed in the Olympics because of a bad back.

    But what the **** does it matter where I got it from? If you point your mouse to some reputable sources, the information is out there on the web for you ALL to read.
    So how long have you been on MFP and how much have you lost?
    You can see my start date. And not a pound. But, that's kind of the point of the plan I'm on. See, I don't give two flakes of **** what I weigh. My plan is a body recomposition, so I slowly lose fat whilst building lean mass. I've posted my progress pics on ocassion to the success stories forum that show the change in bodyfat. OMG YOU CANT DOE DAT ON A DEFECIT. Actually, yes, you can, if you're patient.

    This made me laugh. You are such a badass (sarcasm)
    Okay? I don't proclaim to be a badass or even exceptionally knowledgeable. I'm just sick of misinformation being spread all over the place and if I can make one impressionable young person stop and think when they read some of this crap, it's worth pissing every one off from time to time.
  • This made me laugh. You are such a badass (sarcasm)
    Okay? I don't proclaim to be a badass or even exceptionally knowledgeable. I'm just sick of misinformation being spread all over the place and if I can make one impressionable young person stop and think when they read some of this crap, it's worth pissing every one off from time to time.

    So wait because you get your info from ex military and mma fighters its right? I think maybe your the young impressionable one.
    but i have bad news! my husbands and brother in law are in the military and they disagree with you....and my in laws own a crossfit gym i guess your whole world is going to change now because these people are the most realiable source to you! not some silly idiot who has degree and specializes in it....get a grip. just stop posting if you disagree and do what you want let her share what she knows because shockingly enough not everyone here wants to weigh 220 and be an mma fighter or whatever.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Sadly this is the first topic i read on here, and like all forums everywhere it's a play ground of idiots. A simple topic on what some one asked a doctor and what their answers where.

    agree or disagree, but no, we have to be rude and say the dumbest thing that comes to mind. take it or leave it really!

    why can't you say i believe this to be true, or this works for me, or working with this person he said this and that. So that the information grows and the readers can add all together can make up their own mind as what will work or not.

    ugh, forums they will never change....but i knew a guy, and worked with a girl, and called a friend that know some one, who eat that, and I'm a I'M RIGHT! dorks

    Welcome to the MFP forums. You're going to fit right in.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Sadly this is the first topic i read on here, and like all forums everywhere it's a play ground of idiots. A simple topic on what some one asked a doctor and what their answers where.

    agree or disagree, but no, we have to be rude and say the dumbest thing that comes to mind. take it or leave it really!

    why can't you say i believe this to be true, or this works for me, or working with this person he said this and that. So that the information grows and the readers can add all together can make up their own mind as what will work or not.

    ugh, forums they will never change....but i knew a guy, and worked with a girl, and called a friend that know some one, who eat that, and I'm a I'M RIGHT! dorks

    i want you to have my children.
  • Do you know why there's no literature on ****ing 'Starvation Mode'? Because that is a ridiculous scare-tactic name given to the very real effects of suppressed metabolism as a result of chronic undereating. Do you know why you eat your exercise calories back? To avoid stressing your body any more than it already is on a diet, reduce the rate of cortisol production versus not eating them. Do you know why people lose weight so fast eating hardly anything to start with? Because your glycogen stores empty out very quickly, and if you keep it up, you start losing lean mass ALONG with fat which can be avoided if you eat at a more sensible deficit.

    Where do I get my information? Oh I don't know. Maybe all the MMA fighters and coaches I spend my time around in the gym. Maybe the Boxing coaches. Hell, maybe even the powerlifters at a club I know of. Maybe it's the personal trainers I used to work with, or the ex-russian military and internationally competitive swimming coaches I worked with. Maybe from the fact I am a nationally certified Swimming Coach. Maybe from my friend Tony, who's a sprinter and only never competed in the Olympics because of a bad back.

    But what the **** does it matter where I got it from? If you point your mouse to some reputable sources, the information is out there on the web for you ALL to read.
    So how long have you been on MFP and how much have you lost?
    You can see my start date. And not a pound. But, that's kind of the point of the plan I'm on. See, I don't give two flakes of **** what I weigh. My plan is a body recomposition, so I slowly lose fat whilst building lean mass. I've posted my progress pics on ocassion to the success stories forum that show the change in bodyfat. OMG YOU CANT DOE DAT ON A DEFECIT. Actually, yes, you can, if you're patient.

    This made me laugh. You are such a badass (sarcasm)
    Okay? I don't proclaim to be a badass or even exceptionally knowledgeable. I'm just sick of misinformation being spread all over the place and if I can make one impressionable young person stop and think when they read some of this crap, it's worth pissing every one off from time to time.

    So, if a "impressionable young person" spoke with his/her doctor and they provided the same guidance as Courtneys oringial post, what would you say? "Listen here kid. I spend my time in the gym with MMA fighters, boxing coaches, I know people at a powerlitfters club, I know personal trainers, ex-russian military and internationally competitive swimming coaches so disregard the doctor who is giving you specialized advice and listen to my advice based on my OWN experience while not taking into consideration your personal medical history."

    Also, I honestly think you need to understand how freaking ridiculous your so called "creditentials" are. You sound like a cool guy.
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