What's the worst that can happen? (on a run)



  • rosiemar
    rosiemar Posts: 2 Member
    All of the above but the most detreminal for me was my iPod dying at mile 10 during a half-marathon! There is nothing worst than having only your toughts in your head. I carry a back up now!
    LADYDEBORAH1984 Posts: 64 Member
    I think I inhaled a fly whilst cycling this evening!!!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Getting honked at by @$$holes freaking me out and causing me to stumble. I especially hate the ones that yell, "hey baby," after.
  • sh!tting. anywhere.
    chafing- especially between my thighs. or on my bra line.
    my ipod dying is a tragedy!
    running wearing new running trousers, which don't quite stay up properly. then spending 10k holding onto them so my fat stomach doesn't drop out, and a yard of *kitten* is not exposed to the world.
    o, but true story. i was halfway through a run and stopped off at a burger king to use the loo. i then started running home along a busy main street in rush hour traffic. i was getting beeped and waved a a helluva lot- i was waving back, thinking i'd become a bit of a local celeb. i was stood a traffic lights about 3k later when a gust of wind blew the 2 metres of toilet paper that was stuck in the top of my pants into my field of vision. so, that was super.

    That's about the funniest runner's story I've seen! Running my first 10K tomorrow. Hope this doesn't happen to me as there are no Burger King's to be found on this route! :noway:
  • Heard a pack of coyotes, wolves, or wild dogs on a trail run at night...didn't figure I could out run them, so picked up a huge rock to carry for protection(probably wasn't real smart either)...anyway after another 2-3 miles...the rock was wearing me out so decided to drop it and just pick up the pace...new way to PR!!!
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    iPod dying is an epic fail, but.....(this is an injury story, but not a severe injury....I was back to running in roughly 3 weeks) :smile:

    Running my first half marathon, my only goal was sub 3 hours (I run a lot, but I don't run fast yet). I was so close and pretty happy when....20 feet from the finish line I turn my ankle and go down hard. Several runners stopped to help, when I could finally stand, I limped about 10 feet and that's when the dizzy hit and I had to stop again. An EMT came out, intent on taking me to a gurney. I told him no...I had to finish. Finally, assisted by the EMT and a member of event staff, I crossed the line......then promptly passed out and was hauled to the ER in an ambulance.

    To add insult to injury, my time was 3:08
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    sh!tting. anywhere.
    chafing- especially between my thighs. or on my bra line.
    my ipod dying is a tragedy!
    running wearing new running trousers, which don't quite stay up properly. then spending 10k holding onto them so my fat stomach doesn't drop out, and a yard of *kitten* is not exposed to the world.
    o, but true story. i was halfway through a run and stopped off at a burger king to use the loo. i then started running home along a busy main street in rush hour traffic. i was getting beeped and waved a a helluva lot- i was waving back, thinking i'd become a bit of a local celeb. i was stood a traffic lights about 3k later when a gust of wind blew the 2 metres of toilet paper that was stuck in the top of my pants into my field of vision. so, that was super.

    Still laughing - best one, especially the local celeb part :laugh:
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I have never worried about having to go to the bathroom because 5K is about as far as I can get right now. But I do worry about wild animals because the trail is pretty wooded. I have seen a deer twice. I was also followed by a beautiful hawk once.

    I will never wear a spaghetti strap shirt again. I was wearing one once and it broke. It was the kind with bra built in, so I had to hold onto the strap with one hand so as to not be totally exposed, lol!
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    Four things that have happened to me:

    1) Lower ankle sprain while jogging across the crosswalk for the START of the first team run. In front of 30 people I barely know. Benched 2 weeks.

    2) Heading out in capris I haven't worn in month (at the very beginning of my weight loss journey) to find that they are too big now and slide down my *kitten*, exposing thong, as soon as I warm up. Ran holding my pants up, until I spotted a hair tie on the ground and used it to cynch a knot in the side to keep the pants up.

    3) Not bringing water for a quick 4 miler, turns out it's 90 degrees out and then realizing at my turnaround point I've barely had any water all day. Having to walk the 2 miles back.

    4) Not being able to find parking at the start of my route. I'm a creature of habit and it really messes me up mentally when I plan to run a certain route and can't park!!

    I've only had a potty emergency once, on an unfamiliar route, but got lucky and came across a park bathroom. Being dehydrated on a 90 degree day and a stupid public injury were worse.
  • Ripped an inside seam of my running capris - no underwear. THAT was fun. Thankfully had my credit card & a Walgreens closeby for pantyhose so I could make it home.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    1. Rabid skunk;
    2. Spider web to the face; and
    3. Greenbrier to the leg.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Oh, and I was chased for at least a quarter mile by a flock of turkeys once. Very comical...except for the fact that I was probably in serious danger.

    Turkey trouble would make weirdest scar story ever.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    In order of most likely to most terrifying:
    1. Chaffing
    2. Serious sunburn
    3. Tripping and busting my *kitten*/face
    4. Trots
    5. My now-too-loose running shorts falling down and exposing my bare *kitten* to all the kids at the neighborhood elementary school (in this scenario they are ALL out in the yard, of course) because I don't wear undies
    6. Stray dogs
  • Elliehmltn
    Elliehmltn Posts: 254 Member
    I got charged by a black bear. I had my dog on leash, and she was ready to take him out. He may have been after my dog. At any rate, I hollered "NO!!!" at both of them, and about 6 feet away the bear peeled off and ran into the woods. That was about a mile into a planned 6-miler, which my dog and I then resumed and finished. I carry bear spray now. I'm not afraid of bears, in fact I always feel privileged to see one..... just not that close up.

    P.S. It was not the one in my profile picture :-) It was probably a 2-yr-old, not full grown but big enough to get the job done.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I got charged by a black bear. I had my dog on leash, and she was ready to take him out. He may have been after my dog. At any rate, I hollered "NO!!!" at both of them, and about 6 feet away the bear peeled off and ran into the woods. That was about a mile into a planned 6-miler, which my dog and I then resumed and finished. I carry bear spray now. I'm not afraid of bears, in fact I always feel privileged to see one..... just not that close up.

    P.S. It was not the one in my profile picture :-) It was probably a 2-yr-old, not full grown but big enough to get the job done.

    OMG! Where do you live?! That scares the *kitten* out of me!
  • Kristen_nicole95
    Kristen_nicole95 Posts: 112 Member

    I would cry :'(
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    On a long run last weekend a 3-legged pitbull was NOT, under any circumstances, going to let me past his house, even after I tried to shortcut through the orange grove across the street.

    Out of nowhere (I was in a rural area) a random car from Georgia pulls up, a woman hops out and says "Honey, you need a ride?" They took me about 200 feet up the road past the dog. The family was out looking for oranges. It was the one and only car I saw in about 20 minutes on that road!

    I remembered my pepper spray on the next run.

    Years ago a dog owner had a whole bunch of Bernese (sp?) mountain dog puppies that thought I was the best thing EVER to chase and lick. They all had mountain names. Rainier, McKinley, Everest...
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I was a runner in college (only just recently got back into it) and I remember running at dusk, visibility getting low, and I tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and busted both knees. Decided to just shake it off and finished my 4 mile run. Went back to the dorm with both my lower legs covered in blood, socks were soaked. It was just gross. Took forever to heal, there was basically no skin on either knee and I think I bruised the kneecaps pretty good too since I couldn't walk normally for about 2 weeks. :sad:
  • ..... y didnt the guy that pooped himself run and hide......