What was your moment of "enough is enough"?



  • emd2570
    emd2570 Posts: 126 Member
    went shopping for a bathing suit, started to cry in the dressing room. I am down 11lbs since starting, but since last year I am down almost 40lbs
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member
    I nearly reached 200lbs and thought 'enough is enough'. That and finally realised I could no longer convince myself I was a size 16, but an 18 (UK sizes).
    Now 182lbs, going down steadily. Had my ups and downs but I'm fitter, stronger and even though I'm still overweight I feel happier because I know I'm doing something about it
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    got my belly button pierced and didnt want to show anyone...kind of stupid but it motivated me a lot ahahaha
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Going on a once in a lifetime trip to watch the Olympics with the family, first day trip in a long time, had a wonderful day and then cried at the state of myself in the photos. That kinda did it for me.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    For me it was when my doctor told me if i ever want kids, i had to lose weight.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    To be honest: It was my doctor's orders that made me increase my workouts. I found out that I am hypothyroid. I am on medication for it and was told to increase my physical activities. I was 238 pounds on 5-18-12. I am now 220 pounds on 9-26-12. I am looking to lose more.

    I was also scared by watching my father's medical issues. He was found with a stage 2 cancerous growth in his lower colon. That was removed in 1-23-12. The recovery has not been smooth. Seeing him vomit up green bile is no pretty. I don't want that to be me. That is when enough is enough.
  • merlin18
    merlin18 Posts: 3 Member
    Went on holiday with my husband and brother & sister in law, myself & my husband had our pictures taken, we both decided we looked really overweight, especially compared to our relatives, my sister in law had recently lost weight on myfitness pal and looked lovely, so i decided to give it a try, started last October size 18 now size 10/12, much much happier and clothes shopping is a pleasure!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    At my heaviest weight, I was having a bath and pulled the plug to let the water out, and sat there until all the water was gone.

    Then I stood up, and a HUGE gush of water came from behind me!

    I was so wide that each side of my stomach reached the sides of the bath :embarassed: And blocked the water from draining out :laugh:

    That was the first day I realised that I'd gained 50lbs in a year and a half!

    Its all gone now. YaY :smile:
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    Not only was there the issue with clothes not looking good or fitting, but my daughter started walking up to me and rubbing my stomach saying "Mommy you have a baby in your tummy because its so big." :noway: She would then proceed to poke out her belly as far as she could and say that she had one too. The honesty of kids is heartbreaking sometimes! :brokenheart:
  • My moment was recently. My 4yo asked why my belly was so fat. At this age they tell it like it is quite innocently.

    There was no good answer for that really, I decided to be a better role model.
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    The final straw for me was when my dad posted a picture of me on Facebook at a golf outing standing next to him and my brother, my brother is really slim (around 133 pounds) and my dad is quite overweight (around 200 pounds), I hardly looked any slimmer than my dad and had not weighed myself for a long time so when I eventually stood on the scales and saw that it was nearly at 190 pounds I knew enough was enough.

    I set myself a New Years resolution that I was going to fit back into my favourite suit I bought when I was 21 and went for it, I managed to lose around 20 pounds on my own then joined MFP in September last year. I just passed my 1 year anniversary and have been maintaining 140 pounds since April this year.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    A few days after my 30th birthday in May.

    Had split up with my ex 3 days after Xmas (her choice) and been on a downward spiral since, during which time I had been diagnosed with severe depression and severe anxiety. Had initially managed to lose some weight but was taking caffeine thermobol pills which messed with my head as do not drink tea or coffee and heightened all the issues I had going on in my head, so stopped taking these and piled weight back on.

    Spent the intervening months struggling to cope with depression and other events and struggling with break up, as my ex is part of the same social group and my sports team physio, and I am the clubhouse manager and live in the flat above! so would see her a number of times a week, and had a lot of unanswered questions. During this time I was drinking to a far heavier extent than I had before and losing control of emotions.

    Anyway, on the night of my 30th party I found out for definite what I already suspected, that my ex was dating one of my friends, which devastated me completely. Spent a few days thinking about moving away, and darker thoughts, and then decided that I had no real choice but to stay at least in the short term and that had to get myself sorted mentally and physically as I had let things slide for too land and to stand any chance of rebuilding anything with my ex.

    Anyway further down the line I am now the lightest and fittest I have been in years, am calmer as taking anti depressant tablets to control mood, having counselling and have only drunk alcohol on one weekend in the last 4 1/2 months. I am also slowly building a friendship with my ex, which although not my ideal result, is something that I am happy about as we nearly became close friends instead before we got together so if this is what we can be in the future then I can settle for that.

    I still have along way to go, both mentally and physically, as I have been carrying the mental issues for years without dealing with them and am sure this had detrimental effect on relationship, but am slowly working towards a healthier me along the lines of "healthy body, healthy mind". It almost certainly won't change things for me and ex on relationship level but hope we can be good friends going forward, and I can find a happy point for me both mentally and physically, so can be the person I want to be.

    Bit long winded but there we go.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • wstevenson2004
    wstevenson2004 Posts: 1 Member
    My enough is enough moment was after installing security cameras on my house. Shortly after doing so I was reviewing video footage to see what was activating the cameras and saw myself on camera doing yard work. OMG... I had no idea that was what the rest of the world saw when they looked at me. I actually could not identify with what I saw on camera verses what I saw in the mirror every morning getting dressed for work. When you look at yourself up close you dont see the whole picture. If you want to really see what you look like, do a small video of yourself from a distance. The carmera doesn't lie folks. I was wobbling and lumbering like fat Albert and didn't even reaize it. I looked like the stereo-tyipcal fat guy. I knew then something drastic had to be done. All those years of lifting weights and haveing musles wasn't enough. I was a fat guy with mucsle. So I said screw the wieght and the muscles, I have to loose wieght now. Also, I had been on meds for 8-10 years and knew if I didn' tdo something fast at 43, life would not last much longer.
  • alisha1321
    alisha1321 Posts: 39 Member
    My breaking moment was last weekend. I went downstate to visit one of my friends who is in college. A few of us went shopping and I felt so out of place. We went into stores like american eagle, and abercrombie... etc. I was so upset because I wanted to buy clothes but couldn't fit into anything. I felt like a cow standing in that store. I lost 100lbs by the time I was 18, and in two years I gained over half back. So seeing my final weight last week, and remembering the feeling of shopping kicked me into gear. I need to lose weight so I am happy again. I know I can do it... I have done it before... but I need to believe in myself and know that nothing is impossible!