Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Saturday Success: I literally had no success yesterday besides losing about half of that water weight I got from that pizza a few days ago. Boy did that take awhile. I went WAY over on my sodium intake today when I had a 6in from subway.. I got wheat too! I thought that was supposed to be healthy, but it didn't feel too healthy when I logged it. I'm thinking I'll just be going right back up in weight tomorrow. I guess it doesn't count, because I log my weight here every Monday. A little fluctuation is okay, right?

    When I get more time and get used to my new daily schedule, I'll respond to all of your posts, guys. Been a little overwhelmed! :)
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    @MowMow - Congrats on 100
    @Vicki - I am glad your ok, car crashes are awful.

    I think I am in for the October challenge. Although I did have a moment of why are they talking about the October challenge so early in September, then realised September is nearly finished
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Saturday Success~It was a good week, the scale was much kinder to me this week showing I lost 3.4#. I'm just 7 pounds away from my next goal and then I'll treat myself to a massage.

    I just thoroughly enjoyed some bacon with breakfast, my trainer said to start my day without carbs (just move said carbs to later in the day) and add more protein (bacon/sausage really???) - who am I to argue! :laugh: Enjoying coffee right now and then will get some things done around here before heading to the gym for a swim. My body is tired, a lot of hard cardio this week, so decided to swim today and give my body a little rest. Then the usual Saturday of running around - first day of Autumn, but its going to be a hot one here. :glasses: I'll be glad when I can turn off the a/c and open up the house!

    Regular or turkey bacon? I actually tried a bacon flavored sunflower seed today. Not too bad. I've never been a big bacon fan, but I do like a good BLT. Just keep the bacon light and add an extra thick slice of the tomato. Yum!!

    Regular, center cut, bacon - its actually healthier for you than turkey bacon. I like bacon better than sausage. :smile:
  • gailashton
    bumpty bump bump.....
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    A little about me: I am 68 years old, a native Idahoan, and the mother of 7 children. We have 13 adorable grandchildren, and another on the way. My name is Kaye, but my favorite name is Grandma Kaye.:wink: DH and I have been married for 47 years. We are both retired and take care of our 4-year-old grandson everyday. He is really fun and keeps us busy. In my "spare" time, I love to do all kinds of needlework. Counted cross-stitch is my favorite. I still enjoy a sewing project now and then, but don't do as much of that as I used to. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you better. I think that the Sunday report will be one of my favorites.
  • G0ldmine
    Well today is the first day. If we never had mirrors or clothes to fit into I probably wouldn't do this. Have gained 30 lbs over the past 5 years so I'm giving it everything I got. have been a member for 1 month but no progress, down 3 lbs, up 5. Time to get serious. I'll probably post here just so I can stay motivated.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Welcome to the newlings - you have found a great and supportive group of people, you won't find a better thread out there! :bigsmile:

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, originally from upstate NY, moved to north central Texas 16 years ago and never looked back! :laugh: I love it here! I'm a sleep deprived coffee addict, an accountant and secretly wish I was a chef - I love to cook and play around with different recipes, really like finding recipes and then turning them into something different and healthier. On the menu tonight is a pork tenderloin that I'm slow cooking all day with some black beans and other veggies - can't wait to see how it turns out.

    This week's workout plan:

    Sunday~Personal Training
    Tuesday~Personal Training
    Wednesday~Cross Trainer
    Thursday~Personal Training (I think)
    Friday~Recovery Day (figured out I'm way too tired on Friday's to attempt anything except a nap!)
    Saturday~Swim (most likely) or run on dreadmill
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Sunday share = the scale was kind to me this morning. Down 3.4 lbs this week. Didn't expect that but I am pleased. I'm an older lady, 61 next week, with a handful of health issues. Working hard to get as healthy as possible before my February doctor's appointment.

    Hoping everyone has a healthy and successful week. :drinker: :drinker:

  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    @lin - woot! woot the scale is moving down!
    @vicki- sorry about the truck, and hope everyone recovers quickly from the bumps and bruises.
    @mymowmow- out swimming your hot doc! that's great! and congrats on being down 100 lbs woot woot!!
    @morgori- glad you enjoyed the "irish pub" I am lucky enough to have been to ireland, and I loved it, I will go back again! but in the meantime I'm always looking for places to retreat too. I think of them as mini vacations.

    Welcome to the newlings, keeping coming back, you have found amazing support here in this thread.

    To all, have a great Sunday!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Sunday Share - I'm Kris. I'm 39 and my weight had been ballooning out of control since college. I tried every 'diet' in the world. I would lose a bunch of weight and gain it back plus lots more. I finally realized I had to stop dieting and change the way I was living. :)
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    @Kris- So glad to hear from you. I feel like if I don't change what i'm doing today, i'm going to be a mini-you. haha! Right now, i'm 5'4" and i'm 175. I want to change the way i'm living, so I don't go on diets and lose a bunch and then just go right back up. You're an inspiration. Keep up the good work. I look forward to watch you progress.
    ***Edit: Plus, i'm finding quite a few healthy foods that are soooo good! I mean, how did I live without all these goodies??

    ooo, it's my turn.
    Sunday Share: I don't know how this is possible from the crappy food yesterday, but the scale stayed the EXACT same. I mean, it's not as good as going down, but still! I didn't go up! haha! Right now, I am at work, for a few hours, then I am going to play some recreational soccer (wish me luck!), then tv show night with a few of my besties!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lin--when is your b-day? mine is next week too! Well, technically the following week b/c it's next Sunday. Glad your scale was in a friendly mood--I am currently in a fight with mine. :angry:

    @kelley--I envy people who actually enjoy cooking--I hate it! Probably part of the reason I gained so much weight over the years--I was always eating prepared foods b/c it was easier than cooking. My DH is a phenomenal cook, but he's not always health-conscious about his menu--he's gotten better since I've been on MFP, but let's just say the deep fryer has a permanent home on our kitchen counter. :ohwell: I've learned to cook a few easy, healthy dishes, and fortunately, I don't mind eating the same thing for lunch every day. Ialso try to keep some healthy staples, like hummus, in the fridge so I don't reach for the chips.

    @celtic--I had that same feeling--September just flew by!

    @raven--I :heart: zombies and they terrify me! You should check this out--it's sure to make you run! :laugh:

    @susan--I'm glad you have other options for exercise. I'm the same way--I get bored of the same routine at the gym, so I venture onto new machines from time to time. The only thing I love to do consistently is run.

    Sunday Share:
    I'm Karen and I will be 43 next Sunday. Grew up in Chicago and now live & teach in the suburbs. Married with one fur-baby (we would get another, but gunner prefers being an only child). I've never been thin, but have gone up and down in weight throughout my life. Was pretty healthy in college when I had time to work out every day. Weight went up from there into the low 220's and then I decided to start running in early 2000's--lost some weight and continued to run until foot problems forced me to stop in 2006. After that I steadily gained until I was nearly 250 and decided in early 2011 that enough was enough. Since then I've lost over 50 lbs and am back to running regularly. Have stalled out over the past few months--weight fluctuates between 193-198, but can't seem to drop below that. Really looking forward to the October challenge b/c I think watching my carbs will help me push past this plateau and into the 180's.

    I'm happy with my exercise this week, will set up next week's goals later. :happy:

    Mon--walk dog + gym (weight machines and stair master) DONE!!!
    Tues--walk dog + core work DONE w/ walk but forgot to do core work
    Wed--long run w/dog DONE and will do yesterday's core work
    Thurs--walk dog + core work DONE walking dog, and did double seesion of core work
    Fri--walk dog--didn't walk dog, danced for 3 hours which burned a ton of calories!
    Sat--walk dog + core work DONE!!
    Sun--walk dog + gym (weight machines, stair master, and stationary bike) or long run DONE w/ long run!!!

    Need to finish 11 essays and hope to finish the AP unit tests as well.

    Grading goals:
    1. 38/49 AP essays
    2. x/22 I/D clause practice
    3. 22/22 ACT practice tests DONE!!!
    5. x/11 AP analysis activities
    6. 58/58 V for Vendetta archetype charts DONE!!!
    7. 10/49 AP unit tests
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kris -- 100 pounds lost woo woo woo!
    @Toots -- fingers crossed for your blood tests!
    @kah68 -- you know, one grilled chicken club & fries will not do you any harm. It's the pattern of these things that matters.
    @bella -- hope things aren't too bad for you, and that you'll be back when you can be.
    @Christine -- have a fantastic time at the zoo!
    @Sam -- I came off caffeine before giving birth with both kids (irrelevant aside; there is some evidence of a link between high caffeine use and complications of epidurals, and I didn't want the risk). Cold turkey, so headaches for 3-4 days and then it was fine. I never stopped missing coffee though. Otherwise I'm sure you could just cut your caffeine a little bit at a time until you've cut as much of it out as you want.
    @Robin -- I'm happy to watch my carb count (and maybe adjust my macros to take it down a bit further) in October, and I'll do measurements on October 1 and October 31. Brilliant ideas both.
    @Tom and @SkinnyJeans -- I think dance is a brilliant form of exercise. I love seeing live bands and having a bit of a bop. And I'm glad you enjoyed the pub, Tom -- you'll see below that I had an outrageous pub lunch myself today.
    @Kaye -- I hope your lovely robe will cheer you up when you're in hospital.
    @Nicole -- 'rumpy pumpy' is a fine old British euphemism.
    @Vicki -- OMG. Glad it wasn't more serious for you; try to get some rest.

    I've just finished up a very special weekend for our Morris dance side, celebrating our 50th anniversary. I did log most things, but I gave up on the buffet last night and just counted a random (large) amount. Buffets are hard! Does anyone have any tips? This was the sort of buffet where everyone brings something from home and you end up with a mass of pork pies, scotch eggs, and homemade cakes and biscuits of all varieties.

    We had lovely weather yesterday, dancing at a bookshop, several pubs, and at the stations of a restored railway line, but we danced in the rain at lunchtime today. When I got back into the pub, cold and wet, I couldn't resist -- one for Tom this I think -- a steak & mushroom suet pudding with mash and gravy. I gave away a third of it to my greedy family but I still logged it as 1100 cals. I adore suet puddings; this is the second I've had since starting MFP in June. Nevertheless, I'd had a super light breakfast and, with a very light supper and the exercise I've almost broken even today. Almost. I'm quite excited by the thought that it's possible to eat a suet pudding without totally blowing a day. So; final analysis is one disastrous but active day, one unhealthy but delicious and nearly balanced day.

    Looking forward to a new week!

    -- Alison
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Sunday share- I'm Nicole, I am 39 years old (and mom to a terrific teen aged boy). I have always been overweight, though never as big as a few years ago... I had gotten up over 270. Childhood memory about food... my mom never got the sweet stuff. All of my friends had twinkies in their lunch. I was the kid who never remembered to bring her lunch (my mom worked and went to school full time, so it was on me).. So, when my mom decided she would get a bunch of Hostess sweets and keep them in the freezer- it was like Christmas to me. That was my first binge... So she put a padlock on the freezer. I think I was in third grade maybe, and it was the first time I learned to use a crowbar. She never bought sweets again.

    I always wanted things I couldn't have... and when I became an adult and could buy my own things, I bought EVERYTHING I enjoyed. I ended up with too much make up, 200 pair of shoes I didn't wear, and a really big tushy. Now, I am trying to teach myself self control with money and food. It is not so hard on most days. Sometimes though, it fills me with panic. I'm working on it. Every day, I get a little bit stronger.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--your crowbar story made me laugh! My mom was the opposite--when we were young there was no money for soda or sweets, so when I was a bit older and my parents were more financially secure, Mom would buy all kinds of junk and treats. To this day, if I open the fridge at her house she will rattle off a list of all of the food it contains before I even get the door ajar. I've learned to counter this by either a) not opening the fridge, or b) asking her if she has the specific food I want before I open it--"Mom, do you have any cheese or lunchmeat--I'm craving some protein." That way, I don't have to hear about all of the cookies, ice cream, chips, etc.

    @alison--what is "Morris dance side"? Is it some sort of group or is it a place? Regardless, it sounds like you had lots of fun celebrating. Your buffet is something we would call a "pot luck" in the States. If I go to one, I try to bring something healthy and then just sample all of the decadent treats others bring. I rely on my memory (not sure it's always accurate), but I suppose you could keep track on paper or if your phone has a "notes" function maybe use that?

    So happy I finished those essays. Plan to work on the tests this evening while watching TV.

    Grading goals:
    1. 49/49 AP essays DONE!!! :bigsmile:
    2. x/22 I/D clause practice
    3. 22/22 ACT practice tests DONE!!!
    5. x/11 AP analysis activities
    6. 58/58 V for Vendetta archetype charts DONE!!!
    7. 10/49 AP unit tests
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Grading update--
    State of Matter quizzes 1/31 (Student intern graded the other 60-Thank goodness for huge favors) 31/31 DONE:bigsmile:
    Graphing quiz 0/ 90 90/90 Done:smile: However they were not good grade wise, need to teach kids how to read the question before they answer it. Re-teaching tomorrow!!!:grumble:
    Events articles 0/120 Put on hold until I can figure out how to grade the summaries. :frown:

    Karen as for finding an intern have your school become a training school for student teachers or a Professional Development School. We partner with a local university to help train the future teachers. Maryland requires teachers to train in a PDS school for 100 days. This means 2 (7-8 weeks) placements. My intern is in the first semester of her professional year so she is observing and teaching a little this semester. English in high school is usually popular especially in the MAT programs.

    This weekend I took a much needed break from everything that was going on. Yesterday, was a relaxing day with no focus on school work. Today, also took it easy by grading papers and reading a romance novel. I am in a better place than I was in Friday and Saturday. Not ready to head back to work tomorrow but I will make it through the day.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Sunday Share:

    I have been MIA the last few days, and looking at my food diaries, I can tell it. I don't know if because I had that stomach virus earlier in the week that I felt I had to "make up" for all my missed food, but I certainly went over and beyond what I should have eaten and I saw it on the scale with a gain of 3lbs. :( I know some of that is water weight, but it still stinks seeing it. I also slacked on my runs this week, which really upsets me. I've got a 10k in November. I don't have time to slack! I got back on track tonight and am making up a run tomorrow morning and one tomorrow night. I'm going to get myself together if it kills me!

    On another note, my boyfriend and I came to blows over the "M" word today. It had nothing to do with me, but last night we went out with a friend of mine and she started teasing him about buying me a ring. Now I know that it is a sensitive subject with him, so I didn't say anything and laughed her off. Well today it came up and he pretty much put everything out there. Basically, until he can support us BOTH, he will not ask me and for everytime someone mentions it, it is going to prolong him asking. He told me today that he loves me, but he just isn't ready to bring me into something permanent because if anything bad happens, he doesn't want me to suffer. I understand where he is coming from and I have informed all of my friends to keep their mouths shut. He'll do it when he is ready and with him being so hard headed, the more they push, the more he's going to resist. He did admit that since he got this new job, he has been thinking about it more, but to give him the time he needs to get established first. I completely understand and plan on giving him his space.

    On a happier note, I put on a pair of shorts that I bought in June and they kept falling off! Even with a belt, they were still incredibly baggy! I am so happy and know that even though I've only lost 25lbs, I can't stop here! I've got to keep going!

    I was looking in the mirror this morning and realized I needed a new look. My friend Robin is going to cut, color, and style my hair Wednesday after school. I think this will be a good thing to help boost how I feel since I've lost this weight. It is a small change that may make all the difference in how I feel. :)

    I've got about 5 pages to catch up on, so I better get on that! I hope everyone has had a great weekend and I'll see you all tomorrow!

    ~ Jana
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I am feeling low tonight. This week has been the pits with being sick, unable to do my walks and going over my calories a couple of times this week. I did have a great time at the zoo with my family, but after walking a short ways and up a steep hill I had to give in to riding an electric cart. Felt like a failure, but didn't want to spoil the day for the rest of the family by holding them up. I am glad tomorrow is Monday and am looking forward to a fresh start. I know once I get back into my usual routine I will feel much better and things will look up again.

    For those newlings, I am a 62 yo widow with 4 grown children, 10 grandchildren and 1 great-granddaughter. I have several chronic ailments which hamper my exercise ability but I do love walking my little dog, Belle. I was a social worker for 30 years and loved helping others. Now life revolves around my church and family. I have tried most diets, had my stomach stapled in 1979 which led to numerous hospitalizations and several surgeries. I have found that keeping track of my calories, portion control, and making healthy choices is the way to lose weight. MFP has the most supportive and motivating people that help me with this journey. Thank you all for being here.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    @Bohemian coast-- What is the Morris Dance?
    @Lin Congrats on the scale victory.
    @Christine--I am sorry you are feeling low. Don't beat yourself up about needing to use the electric scooter. Glad you had a good time with Grandkids at the zoo. You are right tomorrow is a fesh start.
    @Laurie70 good odea to give yourself a break like that to recharge your battery.
    @jana--welcome back.
    @Bella--take care of yourself come back when you are ready we will be here for you.

    Welcome all newbies
    .Sunday Share- grew up in Illinois move to New York met my husband than move to Idaho. I am 52 years old married and have 1 19 year old daughter who has autism. We also have 1 fur baby Bella Jo.

    I was the skinny kid, as a teen slightly overweight in my 20's balloon up to about 200lbs went on the T-Factor diet it work lost lots of weight met my husband balloon up after the wedding and continue after birth of my daughter. I just assume I was to be fat. So busy taking care of everyone else I just stop caring for me. Till this spring when I just hit that wall ah huh moment and said why am I not trying to do something about this weight. After starting a bit by myself a friend told me about MFP. Totally grateful. With the food diary and this thread. Its been life changing. I know this is a long journey but am in it for the long haul.

    Hope everyone has a good evening.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Had some of the family here for dinner today. It was so much fun. My daughters prepared dinner. One made an absolutely delicious dessert. It tastes like Twix bars. There went my calories for today, but not too far because I was really careful with everything else all day. I sent the left overs home with her!
    I don't think that carbs are a problem for me most of the time. Even when I'm within the 1200 calories, I am usually under on carbs and over on protein. My problem is drinking water. I rarely get more than 4 glasses in a day. I just don't remember or its too much bother to stop what I am doing and get a drink.
    I have really enjoyed today's posts. Its fun to learn more about all of you.