
  • Im in!
    Current weight 167
    Goal Weight 120

    That's 47 pounds in 15 weeks averaging 3 pounds per week. Which would put me back to where i was before we leveled out my thyroid.

    My struggle would be to wake up early enough to exercise. I have started the insanity workout but defiantly struggling with that. I have a bar that goes across the door therefore i will strive to accomplish 10 pulls ups by the end of this week and keep adding 10 more along with 20 sit ups and add 20 more each week. along with going for an afternoon walk and start the couch to 5k...(i really dont see my finishing the insanity workout...but i may). My father was in the marine core so this routine is actually what i did in the Th grade. I use to be able to do 250 sit ups and 120 pull ups (my way to deal with the bullying at the time). this is my goal by December.
  • Juliann4k9
    Juliann4k9 Posts: 36 Member
    Count me in also. Love the idea.
    Current weight-183
    Goal weight-168=1pd per week
    I will continue to use MFP to log calories in and calories out. My favorite tool is my Fitbit.. I will do cardio 4-5 times per week and 2 days of weight training. Planning on ordering TurboJam next week to mix things up. Good luck to all.
  • Ok I am in

    Weight on 8/18 258
    Weight on 9/22 248

    Weight on January 1 at least 228.

    I will work out 3 times a week
    Continue to log on MFP
    Eat between 1600 and 1800 calories a day
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    I sort of a week late for this challenge but I'd like to join if possible. I had actually posted on my newsfeed that it would be awesome to lose 14 lbs in the 14 weeks left to Xmas. This challenge is right up my alley. I've chosen a modest goal of 1 lb a week.

    Current: 162.8 lbs
    Goal in 15 weeks 147.5 lbs
    Average 1 lb a week

    This past week I started doing exercise! It's been a LONG time. I began with slim in 6. The first 3 days were challenging. It hurt. After that it got a little bit easier. So far I've done 5 workout days this week.

    My challenge this week has been to attempt getting up early. It is just NOT happening if I go to bed late the night before. My weigh in day is Monday. I'm confident I've lost weight this week.

    I almost forgot. In regards to food I count "points" (50 calories per point) and my daily goal is 23 with an additional 35 to use or lose throughout the week. Yup, like the old weight watchers plan.
  • emilymaya16
    emilymaya16 Posts: 104 Member
    Weight on 23/09: 142
    Weight for Jan: 132 or less

    Gym and swim at least 3 times a week
    Log food on MFP
    Eat Max 1400 calories a day
  • juliann95
    juliann95 Posts: 26 Member
    I'd love to join!!! I would like to loose 40 by Xmas. I'm down 7 so far.

    My goal is 1500 calories a day.
    Not eating my workout points.
    Working out 2-3 times a week at gym, or Zumba.
    Trying to average burning 350 calories a day, either by working out, cleaning, walking or whatever I can do to help burn calories.
  • I'm all in! I have a dance show with a burlesque troup coming up in a month and ive realizd how much i have let myself go during my vacation!
    Current weight - 155
    Goal in 15 weeks- 138

    Thats 17 lbs in 15 weeks. Could be a pound per week but i want to try for 1.5- 2
    I have a difficult time getting work outs to stick, i eat very healthy (as in organic veggies, eggs, and rice or quinoa dishes being a big part of my diet)[
    Can anyonne give me advice on thhe jilllian micheals 30 day shred? Whats it like and does it help you stick to it and get results? Thanks everyone! :)
  • smiley001
    smiley001 Posts: 1 Member
    Im in. Ive gotten off track lately so hopefully this helps

    Current weight 195
    Goal in 15 weeks 25 pounds

    Thats 1.6 a week. Whenever im watching myshows i ride my bike so thats at least 30 min a day plus a 30 min intense workout 3-4 times week
  • piya121
    piya121 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in! Im going on a vacation during new years and i need to look ALOT better in my new dress :)

    Current Weight: 164.5 lbs
    Goal in 15 weeks: 140 lbs

    1.6 lbs a week!
    I'm super pumped to see if i reach my goal :)
  • CW: 128
    GW: 113

    I think it's definitely doable! That's only a pound per week. And it would bring me into a size 4. yay ^^ I plan to eat 1200 net calories per day and do daily cardio exercises like jogging and 30ds. I'm doing this already, but having a concrete goal and plan might be give me the determination I need to succeed. And I *really* need to cut out the junk food completely, even if it fits into my calorie allowances.
  • LosingitinTX
    LosingitinTX Posts: 24 Member
    I am in!

    Current Weight: 283 lbs
    Goal in 15 weeks: 250 lbs
    Average 2.2 lbs a weeks

    My Plan: to following the calories allowed in MFP. Right now I am at 1430. I currently do water aerobics 2x a week. Going to increase my activity to include a third day of swimming. and the in between days do some walking with the pup. He'll like that because it has been a while. :smile:
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    I want to join too, I've been trying to figure out which day to weigh, so Monday sounds fantastic to me.

    I currently weigh 200 lbs
    by 12/31 ...........175

    I do cardio 6 days week either Gym (ARC cross between an elliptical and stepper), Mountain Biking on nice days or an hour of Zumba mixed in with 4 days of strength training and BOSU ball workouts. Also at least 20 minutes with my weighted hula hoop.

    For the diet I'm aiming for 1400 but I may need to adjust, see how the scale moves.
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I would love to join as well. Feel free to add me I would love all the support.

    Starting Weight 191
    Goal by 12/31 175

    I am going to try to eat right around 1600 cal/day. I really need to work on my excersize and start getting some. I have been slacking at this so far.
  • I need to join this!
    CW 230
    GW 199
    My goals are to drink more water, log food, exercise more!
  • tratracee123
    tratracee123 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in.
    SW 90kgs or 198 pounds
    GW 75kgs or 165 pounds

    already close to 2 kgs lost :)

    drink more water, exercise at least 2 days a week, keep on logging food and share the journey with others.
    today's weigh in 87.9kg, 194pounds
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    I am so excited for this to start.

    My starting weight is 201
    My goal weight at the end of this 190

    1. Drink at least 64 ozs. daily
    2. run up the stairs for 10 mins daily.
    3. walk 2 miles daily
    4. 40 squats daily
    5. eat 6 to 9 serves of veggies daily
    6. stay under my daily sugar intake
  • albearcamoo
    albearcamoo Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in too.

    SW: 126lbs
    GW: 115lbs

    It's my final haul :smokin:

    Goals: drink more water, incorporate more strength training into my workouts, cut down on sugar and caffeine even more :grumble: Limiting a cheat meal to once a fortnight
  • I'm keen. Also new to MFP - about a week now.

    starting weight: 59kgs or 1130lbs
    goal weight: 52kgs or 114lbs

    1. drink at least 5 glasses of water a day.
    2. exercise 30 minutes daily
    3. work harder on my meals (especially lunch at work)
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm in
    Starting weight - 172
    Goal weigh - 150

    eat only 1200 calories a day, but start making them more healthy calories and only have one cheat day a week instead of eating tons of unhealthy foods just to reach my 1200 calorie goal. also drink 8 cups of water a day and continue exercising daily, even if only for a half an hour. strength training at the gym at least twice a week, and running (couch to 5k program) 3 times a week. that's the plan. let's see if we can do this!
  • Would love to do this, but I'm having surgery on I'm nos so sure about the exercise part.

    SW 230lbs.
    CW 230lbs.
    GW 200lbs.

    That's just over 2 lbs a week. I'm under the care of a dietician for the eating part.