Binge meals that you used to think was normal



  • divinenanny
    divinenanny Posts: 90 Member
    I don't like change, and I love fast food. My meals for each restaurant were:

    - Big Mac
    - Chicken Sensation (McChicken but with honey mustard, tomatoes, lettuce and red onion)
    - Honey Mustard Chicken wrap
    - Medium fries
    - Two mayo sauce

    Burger King:
    - Whopper with cheese
    - Big King (XXL)
    - Crispy Chicken

    - Zinger burger
    - Medium fries
    - Large wrap

    All meals are well over 1000 callories. Add that to a day filled with snacks.

    Oh my favorite snacks:

    - Homemade Quedo with chips (1000 cals+)
    - Paturain (garlic cheese) on toast (700 cals)

    ETA: Oh yeah, and all with Diet Coke, or actually Pepsi Max. But that was purely for taste, not callories.
  • My healthy breakfast.

    - Six inch egg and cheese sub from Subway
    - Three subway cookies

    Over 1000 calories
  • Songtothesiren
    Songtothesiren Posts: 388 Member
    If it's confession time, then I will truthfully say that I didn't know when to stop eating - literally. I can remember plenty of times that I'd eat myself so full that I was struggling not to be ill and certainly couldn't actually get up from the table. My weakness was take-aways and being a student there were plenty of places that offered student discount around the university. Our local Golden Arches had a deal whereby you could have two cheeseburger meals (with mcflurry's). A group of us would get together, pool our discounts and just eat ourselves stupid.

    When I look back now I can't believe I was so dumb. Life is very different now and I'm just so much more happier.

    I can't believe that I really thought I could find happiness in a McFlurry!

  • Oh, and fish finger butties ( Warburtons bread) .Every Saturday morning I'd eat 10 fish fingers and four/ six rounds of bread and think It was normal !

    Fish finger butties. I know those only too well ha ha

    Ah yes, but the big question is....HP Sauce or Ketchup ?

    No sauce for me on this classic British delicacy. Just a thick layer of proper butter on the Warburtons Medium and LOTS of salt!!! Once every six months or so of course!

    And oh yeah, "I've never felt more like singing the blues, when Everton win and Liverpool lose" ;-)
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I know the Diet Coke seems completely illogical given that I was shoving fistfuls of fast food into my gob, but it was purely due to taste! Have never liked standard Coke. Health nut, me ;)
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    A fresh still warm loaf, buttered with a family size bag of cheesy puff crisps - turned in to sandwiches until they were all gone followed by a 200gm slab of cadbury chocolate - All in one sitting whilst watching rubbish TV.
    This was my I am having a bad day and I need cheering up go to when everyone else was out of the house - No wonder the weight is falling off now :ohwell:
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    I never binged like this, my weight gain came from the bad habit of steadily eating just a bit too much, and having hypothyreosis to make it just about impossible to work it off. This means that when I "binge" I don't go seriously off the diet (good thing), but I also don't have a lot to work with, in order to change my habits and lower the daily calorie intake (bad thing.) But your descriptions with the diet coke reminded me of what I saw this week-end.

    I was out with some friends and relatives, one of whom is a really BIG guy in all manners, the other two were just regularly over-weight. We went to a very fancy sushi eatery and shared a set menu for four. The guys were all starving - I stopped eating because I was embarassed by their complaints, so the big guy ate half of my share as well. Then we went to find a pizza-joint, because they were of course still hungry. There they ordered two large pizzas, the smallest of the guys ate two slices, the biggest ate one all alone - plus beers.

    When they paused at my place later, for tea, the biggest guy asked if he could please have sweetener rather than sugar for his tea.

    I managed to hold my tongue.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I see binge eating as a very serious eating disorder now.

    Binge eating IS a serious eating disorder.

    Well, reading all these binge stories has about made me a little queasy, but it's provided a lot of insight. I can't imagine eating an entire large pizza, a dozen donuts, 7 tacos, and/or 2 liters of soda by myself. I would literally be sick over it, not to mention broke from the expense! But I've never really been a big eater. I was just eating too much sugar and processed crap and it was affecting my health negatively. I'm getting older, and I was headed towards an unhealthy BMI if I didn't make some changes. I learned through MFP how to balance my macros properly so that sugar and processed crap are only a very small portion of what I eat now.

    It was super easy for me to make my changes, so I don't often think about the struggles others face. But realizing how some of you once binged like this (and how hard it can be to overcome food addiction) makes me really admire the effort you guys make in changing to healthier habits. Thanks for sharing. You guys rock! :heart:
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    I think i have a special pocket in my stomach for carbs, and it's like mary poppins' carpet bag!

    I can eat a whole pizza in one sitting. I can remember that until i was about 21 i'd have 3 slices, 4 if i was starving, then all of a sudden it was a whole pizza in one go!
    or a massive bowl of pasta - i used to eat a 'serves four' pack of fresh tortellini in one go, and there would still be room to pick at whatever else might be in the pantry.
    and toast. there is no end to the quantities of toast i could fit in. 2 slices with butter while i was waiting for the two slices with vegemite, which i would eat while waiting for the 2 slices i'd have with peanut butter...
  • Bex2Bslim
    Bex2Bslim Posts: 1,092
    My regular Mcdonalds was:-

    1 Large big mac meal
    2 cheese burgers (occasionally would upgrade to double cheese burgers if I was really hungry)
    1 Large diet coke
    1 Apple pie

    I had a similar meal last weekend, although I had ran a half marathon, lol, it tasted amazing :)
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I use to drink a milkshake called American Dream from Shaketastic (UK).

    It had 6 reeces peanut butter cups, oreos, fluff (marshmallow) all blended with icecream with whipped cream on top sprinkled with oreo crumbs and lucky charms.

    IT WAS INCREDIBLE! we use to have like one a week. (we being me and my boyfriend (but I also had them with some of my friends aswell, we were all addicted!)) Me and my boyfriend gave them up in February and we had one again in june or july, can't remember which but I threw it up and neither of us could handle it anymore aha
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    I remember being proud of myself for only getting a small fry with my big I'm sure I have done at least once, one of what everyone else has posted.
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    I would comfort eat, skip a real dinner & instead have a whole tube of Pringles (Sour cream & onion) Large pack M&M peanuts & large pack Maltesers. Sometimes I'd have some left for the next day, depending on how low I felt! Can't believe I'd eat it all, sometimes get the urge now & then, but can no longer eat any of it as cannot eat chocolate or Pringles any more, body no longer agrees with them or vice versa lol! Guess that's a good thing though, helps me stay off them!
  • TonkaDanteFriend
    TonkaDanteFriend Posts: 70 Member
    For a year or so my biggest weakness was one of those hole in the wall Mexican food places that's open 24 hours. Like a few others in this thread, I would literally eat until I was fighting the urge to vomit. Most people would probably be fine with just half an order of super nachos but for me it went something more like this:

    Super Nachos (sometimes 2 orders)
    2 Bean & Cheese burritos (these things were huge, not taco bell mini burritos)
    4 churros

    Sadly this place was about a 2 minute drive from me and was never closed, don't even want to add up the expense or the calories, but I can say I managed to pack on about 100 lbs in that year alone. I guarantee I don't even eat that many calories in a day now. I always remember that nauseous and miserable, helpless feeling now if I ever get the urge and it passes very quickly.
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    I've never been able to eat a whole large pizza - but I've definitely sucked down whole pints of ice cream wanting more afterward. I'm pretty sure that I've come close to finishing a quarter of a gallon after sitting down with the carton and a spoon many times before. Now I hardly ever eat ice cream except on special occasions (not gonna lie I still miss it though!)

    Also, I totally used to chow down as much sushi as I wanted - sometimes eating 3 special maki rolls with miso soup and avocado or seaweed salad. I thought I was being healthy! I had NO clue that each one of those special rolls usually has over 400 calories!!! I'm going out for sushi today - but I'm going to stick with the sashimi option instead :)
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I know the Diet Coke seems completely illogical given that I was shoving fistfuls of fast food into my gob, but it was purely due to taste! Have never liked standard Coke. Health nut, me ;)

    Same! I do not like standard Coke at all, only the diet.
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    There have been several Sunday's in the past whereby I would have a full English breakfast, a very liquid lunch down the pub, followed by a roast beef dinner, tub of Ben & Jerrys, packet of Bourbon Biscuits with a coffee, maybe a couple of bags of pork scratchings thrown in for good measure.

    I don't think what I've eaten in the last two days, maybe three, would equal the old Sunday session ha ha

    Sounds familiar! Booze always made it worse for me in more ways than one. First there's all the calories in alcohol itself, but on top of that I always ate a lot more when I was drunk!! That's not even counting the hangover food haha. Nothing like a few shots of tequila followed by lots of spicy greasy Mexican food! I've since given up drinking completely..sometimes I miss it but I know its better for me in the long run
  • 10 big beers, which is 5l. / 170 oz.
  • gnr123
    gnr123 Posts: 173
    I used to go to Asda after the gym and spend like £15 on munch/snacks.
    Cookies/chocolate/cake/crisps/donuts all for myself..

    It was no problem for me to go through that in one night, I could eat 5 snickers one after each over and still want more..

    I used to think because I had just burned of calories in the gym I would be ok eating enough crap to feed a small children's party..

    To be honest I could easy binge like that again but I remember the feeling of self disgust afterwards is so not worth it.
  • Oh, and fish finger butties ( Warburtons bread) .Every Saturday morning I'd eat 10 fish fingers and four/ six rounds of bread and think It was normal !

    Fish finger butties. I know those only too well ha ha

    Ah yes, but the big question is....HP Sauce or Ketchup ?

    No sauce for me on this classic British delicacy. Just a thick layer of proper butter on the Warburtons Medium and LOTS of salt!!! Once every six months or so of course!

    And oh yeah, "I've never felt more like singing the blues, when Everton win and Liverpool lose" ;-)

    Love it :)

    I also dabbled with Heinz Salad Cream on my fish butties, and the butter HAD to Anchor of course !

    COYB !