
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    LOVE IT jbar. SO hilarious.
    All i know is if i were you id being going by the non digital..we dont listen to meanies! All that matters is consistency, so great job!
    You really do look wonderful in the black and white dress, and yay for showing some cleavage!!
    Happy early birthday too, a week early.
    I have zumba tonite, so i will weigh in afer getting some sweat out of me...and check back tonite!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    You really do look wonderful in the black and white dress, and yay for showing some cleavage!!
    Happy early birthday too, a week early.

    Too funny about that dress. My hubby loved it, then before we left the house he says I think you're showing too much cleavage. (we were going to a communion, church and then country club) So I wore a sweater over it all day. I actually had a push up bra on that made it worse. I decided to put the dress back on later that night to take the pic and had a different bra on, so they weren't as perky in that photo! haha
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    perky, what's that?!:smile: i haven't been perky for a long time, i miss it! that is the one place that i am so afraid of losing. anyway, you did look good jb and i love your new pic! unfortunately i haven't been able to weigh in for a long time although that may be a good thing! i have lost another inch though, but i just feel like i'm at a stand still. plus summer is creepin up on me and i'm not where i'd like to be. of course if the weather doesn't soon change i'm not going to have to worry about it! i don't know what the weather is like for the rest of you but here in pennsylvania it sucks!! it feels more like fall than spring and can't seem to decide if wants to rain or not.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    perky, what's that?!:smile: i haven't been perky for a long time, i miss it! that is the one place that i am so afraid of losing. anyway, you did look good jb and i love your new pic! unfortunately i haven't been able to weigh in for a long time although that may be a good thing! i have lost another inch though, but i just feel like i'm at a stand still. plus summer is creepin up on me and i'm not where i'd like to be. of course if the weather doesn't soon change i'm not going to have to worry about it! i don't know what the weather is like for the rest of you but here in pennsylvania it sucks!! it feels more like fall than spring and can't seem to decide if wants to rain or not.
    oh no!!! Don't get me wrong....

    Lyrics to MY BOOBS go as followed...

    Do your boobs hang low?
    Do they wobble to and fro?
    Can you tie 'em in a knot?
    Can you tie 'em in a bow?
    Can you throw them over your shoulder
    like a Continental Soldier?
    Do your boobs hang low?
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    LOL!!! I was just saying that the over shoulder boulder holder that I had on pushes them up and in to make the "APPEAR" perky!!!
    without that, they would touch my belly button.

    as far as the weather... same here in Connecticut! Yup, we'll be wearing our sweatshirts and sweatpants at the beach this summer! yay!
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    Speaking of boobs...mine shrunk!!!!!! I couldn't be happier!!! I hated those huge melons! It made me look fatter than I was, plus I couldn't fit into shirts without looking like a 3 dollar hooker!!
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    Do your boobs hang low?
    Do they wobble to and fro?
    Can you tie 'em in a knot?
    Can you tie 'em in a bow?
    Can you throw them over your shoulder
    like a Continental Soldier?
    Do your boobs hang low?
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    that is hilarious!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    hey everyone!!!
    Don' give up on me now!!

    I came in at 164.5!
    1/2 pound away from 30 pounds
    woot woot!:drinker:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    welp, i weighed after zumba today, and according to that scale, i havent lost any, but i also havent gained. it came up at 164, but i always assume a 1lb +or- everytime i weigh based on water! (did you know that 64 oz of water (half gallon) weighs 4 lbs!!! How many oz do you drink a day? i always think of that when i weigh! (not to mention food) So anway ZUMBA HEY!!

    lovin it! i am so glad that i got the courage to go that one day! it is super fun, but i have to say that if i hadnt been hiking this hill every day for months, my legs would NOT have been ready for the high impact version of zumba! You can start off slowly and do less "bounce" to your moves, but its just way more fun for me to do it with the extra kick in it. I love to dance, but im pretty clumsy, so zumba is a great way for me to 'get the dancin' out but not worry so much about my technique perse. This my fifth class, and boy do my thighs hurt! But i havnt missed a class yet, so its at least that fun! never thought id love aerobics so much!!
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Start weight 225.4
    Last week 189
    This week 189

    Gotta start being good again!! My mom is in town and has been spoiling me by having dinner ready when i get home! It is so nice, but not always as healthy as I would make.
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    hey everyone! how are you? i've been feeling pretty good! i'm trying to switch over our winter clothes for our summer clothes. but i'm scared, i don't want to try any of my summer clothes on because i don't want to get discouraged when and/or if they don't fit.:ohwell:

    Let me share my secret for the" transformation" from winter to summer clothes...
    I wear short all year round. I know it may sound crazy at first, but let me explain LOL! :laugh:
    I work in surgery so I wear my own clothes to work. Once I get to work I change into work provided scrubs. I can't tell you how many times I have heard a co-worker call me crazy for wearing shorts, but this way I'm dressed and ready to go to the gym...NO EXCUSES :tongue:

    In my crazy mind wearing shorts all year round kind of rids that weird transformation feeling from winter to summer clothes.
    I know it may not be as easy for some that work in the office...ect! So my advice is once you get to the gym, ditch the long yoga pants and show some skin :bigsmile: .
    Think of it this way, if your working out hard enough you'll be glad you ditched the long yoga pants.
    Oh and one more thing, forcing myself to have to looking at my legs all year round, is a motivation on it's own...ugggg!!! :noway:

    Kelly :happy:
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member

    p.s. Like my head on Jennifer Love Hewitt's body? LOL!!

    I was going to ask you who's head you were fused onto LMAO!!! :laugh:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member

    p.s. Like my head on Jennifer Love Hewitt's body? LOL!!

    I was going to ask you who's head you were fused onto LMAO!!! :laugh:

    Like that?! too much time on my hands!

    by the way....
    I bow down to you for bicycling.
    I took a bike ride on Sat. (for the first time, by myself in over 8 years) I live in the middle of a hill, so going down was fine, thought I planned out a quick and semi easy route for me considering it was my first time, well, I ALMOST DIED!!! My poor heart couldn't take it! :explode: My face was bright red and barely was moving up the slight hills! It was only 3.5 miles. Felt like 20! Haha! lessoned learned. Sticking to a trail next time!
    *bowing to you*
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Ok...I didn't check in yesterday. Are we all still doing the weigh in on Mondays? I only saw one other weigh in, but I didn't look too closely.

    I actually am retaining this week...thanks Auntie! I am going to go with what I weighed on Sunday before I received my visitor. 169.

    By the way, nice pictures Jennifer...you look amazing. You are going to beat me to that size 8! :tongue:
    I have such a low motivational level during this time! I can barely get off the couch let alone exercise and log!!!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • joydex
    joydex Posts: 18 Member
    Helo all my name is Joycelyn and i received and ivitation from jenbar to join this thread. I was reading some of the posts and i find them quite interesting. I have been battling with my weight for quite some time and after doing much research on the net i think that i am on the right path now, my eating was the problem as i am an active person exercising 5 days a week three days in the gym and jogging on the beach 2 evenings, I also use the treadmill at home when i get the time. I have been watching the Biggest loser series and have been motivated by those persons as well because they are way bigger than i am, and if they can do it i tell myself that i can do it as well.

    I have lost 4 pounds since joining fitness pals, so with their journal and loggin what i eat i hope to see a thinner me come december. I love the fact that the more i exericise the more i get to eat, whereas before i was not making back up the calories i lost during exercise and i think this is the reason why i was not seeing the numbers move on the scale when i weighed in weekly and this had just started to frustrate me.

    Anyway i hope that by communicating with each other it will help with my weight loss journey to stay focused and don't quit.

    I am presently 173lbs
    5ft 6ins

    Please feel free to share any info that will me, thanks

  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Welcome Joy!
    Glad you're here to join us in our weight loss journey!
    Keep up the good work and EAT your workout calories!!
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Welcome Joy!

    I am also stuck it appears. I'm at 180 still. *shrug*
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    perky, what's that?!:smile: i haven't been perky for a long time, i miss it! that is the one place that i am so afraid of losing. anyway, you did look good jb and i love your new pic! unfortunately i haven't been able to weigh in for a long time although that may be a good thing! i have lost another inch though, but i just feel like i'm at a stand still. plus summer is creepin up on me and i'm not where i'd like to be. of course if the weather doesn't soon change i'm not going to have to worry about it! i don't know what the weather is like for the rest of you but here in pennsylvania it sucks!! it feels more like fall than spring and can't seem to decide if wants to rain or not.
    oh no!!! Don't get me wrong....

    Lyrics to MY BOOBS go as followed...

    Do your boobs hang low?
    Do they wobble to and fro?
    Can you tie 'em in a knot?
    Can you tie 'em in a bow?
    Can you throw them over your shoulder
    like a Continental Soldier?
    Do your boobs hang low?
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    LOL!!! I was just saying that the over shoulder boulder holder that I had on pushes them up and in to make the "APPEAR" perky!!!
    without that, they would touch my belly button.

    as far as the weather... same here in Connecticut! Yup, we'll be wearing our sweatshirts and sweatpants at the beach this summer! yay!

    I think this was a girls only thread. I am out :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member

    p.s. Like my head on Jennifer Love Hewitt's body? LOL!!

    I was going to ask you who's head you were fused onto LMAO!!! :laugh:

    Like that?! too much time on my hands!

    by the way....
    I bow down to you for bicycling.
    I took a bike ride on Sat. (for the first time, by myself in over 8 years) I live in the middle of a hill, so going down was fine, thought I planned out a quick and semi easy route for me considering it was my first time, well, I ALMOST DIED!!! My poor heart couldn't take it! :explode: My face was bright red and barely was moving up the slight hills! It was only 3.5 miles. Felt like 20! Haha! lessoned learned. Sticking to a trail next time!
    *bowing to you*

    Believe it or not it does get easier the more you do it. :smile:
    Also the type of bike, the component group your bike is equip with and last, but not least the women's specific seat my a$s sits on, makes a HUGE difference on a LONG ride!
    I have 28 gears on my bike and I use a hug majority of them. Just like a manual transmission/stick shift on a car I'm constantly shifting.
    I have to agree the down hill is always the best. The downhill is the reward given for making it to the top....uggggg!!! :tongue:

    I noticed tonight our gym is offering a bicycling course....good idea :)
    Don't give up....happy trails to you! :happy:
    Kel~ :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    perky, what's that?!:smile: i haven't been perky for a long time, i miss it! that is the one place that i am so afraid of losing. anyway, you did look good jb and i love your new pic! unfortunately i haven't been able to weigh in for a long time although that may be a good thing! i have lost another inch though, but i just feel like i'm at a stand still. plus summer is creepin up on me and i'm not where i'd like to be. of course if the weather doesn't soon change i'm not going to have to worry about it! i don't know what the weather is like for the rest of you but here in pennsylvania it sucks!! it feels more like fall than spring and can't seem to decide if wants to rain or not.
    oh no!!! Don't get me wrong....

    Lyrics to MY BOOBS go as followed...

    Do your boobs hang low?
    Do they wobble to and fro?
    Can you tie 'em in a knot?
    Can you tie 'em in a bow?
    Can you throw them over your shoulder
    like a Continental Soldier?
    Do your boobs hang low?
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    LOL!!! I was just saying that the over shoulder boulder holder that I had on pushes them up and in to make the "APPEAR" perky!!!
    without that, they would touch my belly button.

    as far as the weather... same here in Connecticut! Yup, we'll be wearing our sweatshirts and sweatpants at the beach this summer! yay!

    I think this was a girls only thread. I am out :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Okay, so I haven't heard from a lot of you for awhile. Our little thread is getting lost b/c noone is posting! Remember, posting daily or a couple of times a week or at least post your weight on Mondays so you can track. You can see your progress in black and white. Whether it be good or bad!
    Well, let's see. I've been going through my closet and trying everything on. I had to put aside at least 8 pairs of pants from the closet and about 6 pairs of workout pants. I'm excited and also getting a little annoyed, because nothing fits right now, except for a couple of old pants and a couple of new pants.
    I have 7 weeks till the wedding. Even if I was aggressive with 2 pounds, that's only 14 pounds? That kind of makes me mad, b/c I really wanted to be 20 pounds less by then. All my goals that I set for myself at the beginning got all messed up. I wasn't accounting for weeks that I wouldn't lose anything. I really wanted my arms to be smaller by then. They don't want to budge and are still big and shapeless. I'll have to find some kind of dress that has some kind of sleeve to hide them, but accentuate everything else.
    My digital says 169, my dial scale says 163. I would love to be in the 50's by then. CAN I DO IT??? Is the question.
    The scary thing is the week before the wedding, we go on our family vacation. And I'll really have to watch myself. And if I can, use the gym there. And try to keep it off!
    Then my goal after the wedding is my 20 year high school reunion. I have never been to one, so I'd really like to be even thinner that I was in HS. (which wasn't thin at all, I think I was like 148?) I would like to be that for goal weight. That is in August. Soooooooo..... we'll see and work hard!
This discussion has been closed.