Don't know what to do about constipation

I dont know what to do, im always constipated, i drink loads of water though and eat loads carrots but i dont know whatdo do, any advice??


  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Eat a larger variety of fruits and veggies, maybe? It's hard to tell if we can't see your diet/food journal in general. If you eat/drink a lot of dairy, that could contribute to constipation.
  • Try Activia or leafy green veggies it should help. Water is a very important part of weight loss. I never liked drinking water before but now I drink at least 64oz a day. Good luck hope it help.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I thought I drank lots of water, but it wasn't enough for me. I have to drink extra, plus sometimes take supplements - fiber with calcium & D. Wish there was a magic solution.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    flax put it in your food (or I did)...doesn't change the taste...adds fiber and the good oils...about 2 T should do the trick...
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    incorporate more fruit and vegetable.shoot for 5 servings.Bananas are good.
    Flax,fenugreek,chia seeds are natural laxatives that add fiber.
    There is a safe herb called triphala on amazon,that really helps too,that reduces gas/bloat/heartburn as well.

    If you still have the problem-take metamucil fiber supplement.make sure you get above 35 gms of fiber a day-fiber is very important to keep you full and keep the digestive process running.
  • Your not gonna like this ,but use Miralax. You mix it with Gatorade and drink it. It does have a lil after taste, but it will draw all the water into your colon, naturally. And you will have fixed the problem. I have to take laxatives every once and a while, but man it makes feel like I am going to die lol. Or there is a detox water recipe online . It contains cucumbers, lemons and limes. Cut them up and put them into a 2qt. pitcher and put them in the frig over night. Then drink the next morning.
  • DotCanada
    DotCanada Posts: 8 Member
    I have the same problem - have for years. What works for me, is a bowl of Raisin Bran cereal at least 4x a week, but preferrably every day to keep the "constipation bloat" away! It truly does work and gets rid of those last few pounds!!
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,412 Member
    Well, that's one way to introduce yourself. Good luck.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Senna tea like smooth move tea! Love it drink it before bed I am now for the first time in my adult life regular!
  • IMElektra
    IMElektra Posts: 65 Member
    Hey you. I've had this problem since I was 3 years old. 3 years back I had a surgery to remove haemorrhoids after years of suffering. I am ok now but I still have to take care to prevent it from happening again.

    My suggestions are:

    1. Eat 2 cups of vegetables at lunch and another 2 cups at dinner. For me, I seem to respond well to vegetables in clear broth.
    2. Drink lots of water. Minimum 1.5-3 liters a day. More if you exercise.
    3. When you are stuck, take Senokot and you will pass motion easily.

    That's how I manage. Hope it helps.
  • shipshape55
    shipshape55 Posts: 47 Member
    eat some raisins or sunsweet prunes or the dried plum bites. if that doesn't work try a stool softner ( not a laxative) just a softner
    Dried fruits usually work. It may take a few days.
  • Nyaranyanko
    Nyaranyanko Posts: 15 Member
    Psyllium Husk and red raspberry tea are my usual remedies. You may be having a hard time processing the fiber you're eating, so maybe add some kind of digestive enzyme and see if it helps? Senna tea is too harsh for me, but it may help if you're desperate.
  • Are you under a lot of stress? That can manifest in constipation. There is also a thing called traveler's constipation, for when you have trouble when you are away from home. Try a few prunes in the a.m.? I usually drink more water and bulk up on the fruits and vegs. Good luck!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Try the clean diet trust me use to have this problem as well x.x
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I just checked online Do not take mineral oil as a laxitive. Way to many side effects.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 262 Member
    Do you take calcium supplements? They can cause constipation.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I have the same problem, except I've been juicing everyday! I have a huge problem if that amount of fiber isn't helping!
  • Jazzyrose77
    Jazzyrose77 Posts: 153 Member
    Try some papaya pills, eat more apples & pears and acidophilus.
  • This is what I tell some of the little old people that I take care of. Throw an apple into the microwave for 2 minutes in 8ths... with cinnamon and sit down and eat one every day.
    If not that... it might be time to stew a few prunes.
  • shemercer
    shemercer Posts: 1 Member
    My Doctor told me to take miralax once a day, it takes a few days to start to work. I mix it with juice & take it each night. I'm very regular now. Its safe to take everyday.