Morbidly obese, need support on my long journey



  • drcortez05
    Hi! Welcome to the board!

    I'm right there with you! I'm morbidly obese as well and have a long way to go. But, I'm determined to stick with it and lose the weight!

    You can definitely add me!

    We all need all the support we can get!
  • bdubois63
    bdubois63 Posts: 87 Member
    I would live to help you along the way .....add me~
  • Bighank7752
    Just as a matter of encouragement I have lost over 300 lbs and kept it off. If I can do it at age 60 you can too.
  • Jenn037
    Hi I feel ya on the weight. I am 37 and I am 300 lbs.. I have just started my new was of life as of today. I have a daughter that is 11 and I want to be around for her and my husband. I have joined over eaters onims. abd it has help with the emotion part of eating. I will support you and you can support me through this hard but life changing event ok :) I do have high blood pressure and now take meds for it so I am so ready to get this off so I can live with out meds and just go out side and play around the back yard with my daughter and not feel like someone is going to laugh at me
  • tahawairua
    tahawairua Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I quit smoking in March last year. I was already overweight at the time, but since then I gained a further 34kgs and obviously am in need of a diet. I started a diet 2 weeks ago (although I only joined this site a couple of days ago, I've put in the weight I've lost and the food I've had since I started) and I'm hoping to keep this up. Reading through the forums has really helped motivation wise and seeing other types of food I can try is a great bonus. I just wanted to say that although it seems really hard, the only way to see through it is to picture the end goal. Believe me there are going to be a few setbacks and a lot of obstacles along the way, I don't deny that, but knowing that you are doing something that will benefit you is the ultimate high. There are going to be people around you giving you encouragement and at times you're going to think they're being condescending, what I suggest is, to take compliments as simply that and focus on you. You know what you're doing, you know what's best for you, so just get out there and do it! We are both on the same journey and I wish you well in your endeavour! Good luck!
  • kero2012
    Hi! Enjoy the road to your new life. Just take one day at a time, little changes will make a HUGE difference. It will take time (like it is taking me) but bit by bit it will come off, feed yourself lots of good clean foods and move a little more day to day and you can do it and you'll know you're doing something so great for yourself :)
  • jlh1411
    ha ha you've probs met me through my posts but i'd love to hear from all you inspiring people! I lost 126.1lb TODAY! and did 1109 calorific exercises or something like that! HAHA! had to delete that post .:laugh: i'm a propa dinasaur with technology. Off to bed now. bin on here 5HRS! AGAIN! It's quite addictive! I've quit smoking, drinking ( well over indulging) eating, well not completely ;-} next i'l have to quit this cos of addiction! LOL! gotta get it under control now me thinks! god bless peeps! jxx
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    My suggestion is make logging in daily a habit you will not want to break. Logging in is half the battle won on good eating days and days you go over, you will know what food triggered the binge if you record it.

    Drink plenty of water to flush out the excess sodium from the food.

    Remember the weight did not happen overnight and it will not disappear overnight. One of the things I learned from my MFP Friends is I cannot compare my weight loss with theirs because our activity,age, health levels are not the same.

    Do not get discouraged when you see others losing weight faster than you are. Do not starve yourself it will not work and only harm your health. Victory will be yours if you do not give up! :smile:
  • fallbrawl
    I am with you. I have alot of weight to lose and it is never easy to get started. I am in the start of my weightloss journey.
  • jllove871
    jllove871 Posts: 84 Member
    We are all on a journey, its good to have company!
  • LittleBallofFurr
    LittleBallofFurr Posts: 242 Member
    You CAN do it!! Feel free to add me :)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    How to lose weight and keep it off (no matter your situation):

    Don't quit.

    So you were weak and went over on calories.
    Big deal. Go burn off what you just ate.

    Don't quit.

    Ugh, I'm so tired. I'm bloated and don't feel like doing ANYTHING!
    Look back at why you're doing this and rededicate yourself to that goal.

    Don't quit.

    I'm depressed and don't want to look at how much I weigh.
    If you gained weight it's not a failure. It's a new point to work from.

    Don't quit.

    Those cupcakes were soooooo delicious, but my calorie count is TOTALLY RUINED NOW!
    Psht, just log em. Maybe you can still work them off. Anyway, tomorrow is another day.

    Don't quit.

    I was away on business and I'm not sure how many calories I had, and I had a few drinks and didn't log anything for a few days!
    The diary is still there, waiting for you. It does not judge. Go back to it.

    Don't quit.

    Oh wow, this diet is making me fat! The numbers are totally off!
    So, fix the numbers and keep going. Many people know how to fix them if you're not sure.

    Don't quit.

    I've hit a plateau! It doesn't work anymore!
    Sure it works. Open up your diary and ask a few people to check out your profile to figure out how to fix it.

    Don't quit.

    If you quit you may as well have done nothing at all.
    Do you really want to waste all that hard work?

    Don't quit.
  • ARoseinDecember
    You can do it, I promise! I used to be category 3 Obese. I'm now 10 lbs. shy of a "normal" BMI. Never, ever thought I'd see the day! You can add me if you'd like...
  • Jscanland
    Jscanland Posts: 26 Member
    Gogirl! jump on board, this train is movin! You are an amazing person we can tell from you love for your sister. You can do this, you will! lets be friends.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    First off, congrats on making some changes and quitting smoking! I now how hard that can be!!

    I was obese too. At 24 years old I weighted 252. I yo-yoed with diets more times than I could count, and to be truthful, I don't think I ever had the detemination then. It was when I decided I was just going to live healthier that it finally stuck! I stopped thinking of it as a diet, nd starting thinking of it as just living healthier. Small changes(like you are already doing) go a long way!!

    I completely cut out Soda. When I crave a carbonated drink, I will have Club Soda with Cucumber and/or lemon, or I'll toss a Crystal light in there. I started watching my portion control, and woud have certain foods in moderation. I started walking the started workout dvds, and then eventually joined the gym. That was almost a year and a hal ago, and I am now at my goal wieght. If I can do it, you can do it!!

    I am happy to provide you with any motivation you need, and to be your friend!!
  • Cheryl1018
    Good luck on your journey, its never to late to get healthy!! This is a great place to get support.
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    Good Luck! You can do it!! :D xx
  • mayasgroove
    A week ago I was in the morbidly obese category, now I am in the obese section, so don't lose hope. I am there with you as well. I like that you have taken the first step to do something about your situation. I have a 1 year old son that has to be taken cared of and if I won't change anything I won't be around to be with him for long.

    I just quit smoking too and it's almost two months now. The craving is still there but I can manage it.

    Feel free to add me too! We all need a friend who will have us push to do our best and offer encouragement.
  • mom2enlp
    mom2enlp Posts: 38 Member
    Just remember that you are not defined by a number on the scale! I need to lose a total of 150-160 lbs. I didn't think I'd get a quarter of the way. A couple of years later, I'm about 2/3 of the way there!

    Friend request sent. Best of luck! I'm pulling for you!
  • Linda09189
    you should be so proud of yourself for making the first step to change...I to made the decision yesterday to finally
    change also. My journey will be a long one and I just hope I can stay motivated.. My youngest daughter is getting
    married in April and I don't want to be the FAT mom who walked down the aisle like I did before with my head down
    at the floor, also planning a really nice vacation for Dec. 2013....I am here to praise YOU, encourage YOU, and to
    support YOU....YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!!!:smile: