Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • EmeraldLily
    EmeraldLily Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!

    I do have a problem. I haven't started exercising =/ I keep putting it off even though I know I'm going to feel so much better when I get into the habit of exercising.

    SW: 254
    CW: 239
    2/24: 234
    9/11: under 200

    OK!!! Here's what I did to make myself begin working out. While watching one of my favorite TV shows I would just lay on the ground and do 10 push-ups, 50 crunches, 20 leglifts and then I would repeat it once. It made me feel like I was doing something worth while and it's a great way to adjust your body to working out harder later!!! Great luck to you!!!]

    Thanks! I'm going to give that a try on days that I am too lazy to go to the gym. Today I actually made it to the gym =] I hope I can keep it up.
  • mrsgiffin
    Hello to everyone!!! I am so excited that so many people are joining this group!! its awesome!!! I just saw where we need to make our food diary public and that makes me really really nervous!!! I have it public for like 3 hours at one time but got to nervous about what others saw me eating that I changed it back to private! I know by writing this, it is going to make all of you go and look at my diary now but hey I want to lose the weight and I think this will help me. The problem with my weight loss journey, is 1. I sit at a desk all day long and constantly snack all day long 2. the weekends... I hope by making my diary public that will help me not snack so much! I don't know why I felt the urge to tell all of you this but I guess I am just nervous about it. I hope everyone has a good weigh in tomorrow. I was right at 175 this morning, so I hope to be the same tomorrow morning!! Im so glad that you, Melissa started this group!!! Thanks a lot!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods:love:
  • missyannb85
    Awww... *blush* Instead of you guys thanking me, I should be thanking all of you! This is a HUGE goal for me. I have struggled for so long. My senior year in highschool I was sooo confident, sometimes on the verge of cocky. But that was the least I had ever weighed (145) and I looked GOOD! I just really want that back, so bad. So, by me starting this I feel a bit selfish! I origionaly did this for me, but it has turned into SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT!!! I am so excited to see everyones progress on a weekly basis! My husband and I sat down and started working on a spreadsheet of all of our weights and goals tonight. I hope to have it posted by mid-day on Thursday!
    If anyone has any suggestions of a good weekend challenge for this (Valentine's Day) weekend please let me know. I dont want to set the bar too high because it is our first weekend as a group and it is a holiday weekend (which typicaly means going out to eat). We will come up with something good!!
    Thanks everyone for your support and continue to support eachother!
    LETS DO THIS!!!!
  • ambersfrog
    man i had a really bad day today! no breakfast, ate out for lunch and for dinner. not good. i'm a little nervous about tomorrows weigh in, hope i didnt ruin it! so, how do you guys feel about the "free day" idea? i know alot of people who are successful in their weightloss goals but allow themselves one day a week to eat what they want.
  • fatdesigner
    Hello!, my name is Tanya I´m from México City I used to be size 7 before I came to Live to America with my Husband that is in the US ARMY, I was 120 pounds when I came here, and now I´m 177, I understand It took more than a year to gain all that weight but I´m tired to use a size 13, this is my heaviest weight in my life and I´m just 28. Count me in!!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I give myself a day off so that I can relax and just enjoy the day. I will do that every weekend, because it works for me and I have lost weight doing that. I hope others will also have cheat days. Good luck tomorrow!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I just saw where we need to make our food diary public and that makes me really really nervous!!! I have it public for like 3 hours at one time but got to nervous about what others saw me eating that I changed it back to private!
    You know one thing I have figured out after having been around for 42 years. Everyone is usually so worried about themselves, they don't have a lot of energy to judge. I think the nice thing about this site is it's to support each other in our common goals, so no worries, some days you fall down and some days you will do great! :flowerforyou:
  • ayeshashakoor
    ayeshashakoor Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, so for the past hour or so I have been reading every single post on this thread! It's quite ironic because I had just finished putting up a blog about my frustration with myself and wanting to reach out to others for support and motivation, and then I find this thread :) I am so ready to loose this weight, and hope I can still join!

    I am 30 years old, have 2 kids, 4yr old daughter and 4 1/2 month son. Since my daughter was born I have gradually put on the weight, I used to be between 115-125lbs, but have not weighed that for a long time! I started MFP in January 2010, weighing 180lbs after my sister in law helped me with identifying the best tool for my weight loss. I managed to loose 11lbs by just calorie counting, then put on 3lbs back (depressing!). I am still nursing 5-6 times day/night, and am trying to keep below 1554 cals. My biggest challenge is to exercise WHILE eating healthy! I find that I either eat healthy OR exercise...can't seem to do both together!! I have family coming form UK on April 1st and 3 weddings to attend this summer!!

    My goal is to loose 41lbs approx - and get back to 125. (i'm 5'5).

    Heaviest weight = 180lbs
    Current weight = 166lbs (since it's past 12, I am putting this as my starting weigh in for Wednesday)
    Mini goal = Feb 17th 162lbs (is that reasonable/realistic?)
    End goal = 125-130lbs

    Thank you ALL!! I already feel motivated!!!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    man i had a really bad day today! no breakfast, ate out for lunch and for dinner. not good. i'm a little nervous about tomorrows weigh in, hope i didnt ruin it! so, how do you guys feel about the "free day" idea? i know alot of people who are successful in their weightloss goals but allow themselves one day a week to eat what they want.

    Even if your weight is up a little tomorrow, it could just be water retention from eating out two times today since those foods tend to be so high in sodium!

    I can't do cheat days, personally, because I'm kind of an all-or-nothing kind of gal and I just go crazy, but I think it seems to help a lot of people stay motivated and sane!
  • JAH1123
    Hey everyone! I would certainly love to join this support group. I am looking to adapt to a new and healthy nutritional/excercise lifestyle change. My hardest time maintaing a healthy diet tends to be on weekends. It seems like many of us do awesome during the week and then ruin all of our hard work on the weekends. So, my goal for this week is to make healthy choices especially this coming fri.sat.sun. GOOD LUCK THIS WEEK EVERYONE! :wink:

    Heaviest Weight: 212
    Starting weight: 202
    Mini Goal February 24: 195
    End Goal: 165lb by September 10 2010
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    Any chance I can still join this group?? Seems it would be really perfect for me. I'm 24 years old and a graduate student studying Physical Therapy, and i have a little less than 2 years of school left. I have been overweight since I can remember, but I love sports. I especially love kickboxing, i just can't afford the classes right now. I have been doing well since I started this for the New Year, but I'm afraid my motivation might not hold up. So far I am loving MFP. Losing 30 pounds is definitely something that I want to do, but I'm not sure if I will be able to lose 40 pounds, but I will definitely try. Weekends are also hard for me, I don't understand why though, because I have so much more free time then when I have classes during the week, but for some reason i just can't get myself out of the house and to the gym. One of my issues is that I like working out late at night, and my gym isn't open that late on Saturdays and Sundays.

    My starting weight (1/1/10): 174

    My current weight (2/5/10): 166.5

    My goal for tomorrow's weigh-in: 165.0

    My goal for 9/11/10: 135 pounds

    Do i make the cut? :wink:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    hi, i'm 31 years old and the mom of two fabulous boys. my oldest is 8 and my youngest is 7. they are a handful. my husband and i have been married 10 years this year and he wants to take me on a delayed honeymoon. normally, i would be thrilled about a cruise or a resort vacation, but i don't really want to go if i look and feel like this. i hate how flabby my stomach is now and the wonderful 'muffin-top' i have over my jeans. not sexy. i have 30 pounds exactly to lose, so i'd love to join in. i have a medical condition that has made me slowly gain weight (without a change in my lifestyle) for the last couple of years. it has been frustrating watching the scale climb just a little bit higher every year despite my best efforts to maintain an active lifestyle and a healthy diet. it needs to stop now. it has become down-right embarrassing to go from a very petite size 2 to a large size 12-14 in less than 5 years. now that i know about it, a drastic change is needed. i hope to change what has been happening and reverse the weight gain. i am on medication that is supposed to help, but so far, i don't see much difference. i do consider myself to be a fairly healthy eater (regarding the food pyramid/recommended daily servings), but now that i can no longer eat as much, portion control is key. i am not always very good at that. :) i would like to have a stronger core and run a 10k in june this year. my goal is to be 113 and a lovely size 6 by the end of the year.
  • manxtatt2
    oops wrong 1
  • mrsgiffin
    good morning everyone!! my starting weigh this morning is 174.4. I will take that!!! I am just curious. I usually weigh in on this website every mondya morning because thats when I weigh in at work. (we are doing a biggest loser at work). Should I weigh in on this website twice a week or just keep it one time? OR does it matter?? Good luck to everyone!!!
  • missyannb85
    good morning everyone!! my starting weigh this morning is 174.4. I will take that!!! I am just curious. I usually weigh in on this website every mondya morning because thats when I weigh in at work. (we are doing a biggest loser at work). Should I weigh in on this website twice a week or just keep it one time? OR does it matter?? Good luck to everyone!!!

    I would just do whatever you want! Those extra 2 days may make a difference on this thread for you. It's totaly up to you tho! Good luck and keep up the GREAT work! After all, you do have a cruise coming up!!!! :)
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    My starting weight is 234.9.

    Melissa, would it be easier on you to email you or post the weight ins on each of our profiles? We can still post the weight here for everyone to see for those that are not friends with everyone in the group.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Goodmorning everyone!!

    I weigh in more than one time a week too.

    Today is weigh in day!

    HW- 185
    CW- 178.6
    Mini-goal in 2 weeks 175 (or under)

    Have a great day! I hope everyone is down (even if just a little)
  • blondeambition
    Hi everyone! I would love to join this group. I am tired of hating what I see in the mirror every morning and I want to feel more confident and look great in my summer clothes this year. I would like to lose 35-40 pounds.

    A little about me: I am 31, in a long term relationship (4.5years) and have 2 daughters from a previous marriage that are ages 12&9. I have always struggled with my weight and self-image. I was within my goal weight by 5 pounds last summer and then some things happened in my life that threw me off course and I've put it all back on. I used to feel sexy and good about myself and now I avoid things like vacations and nights out on the town. This time it needs to STAY off for good and I am committed to making that happen. I think this group will give me the additional support to make that happen.

    I would like to lose 20 pounds by Memorial Day, 30 by 4th of July and 40 by Labor Day.

    Mini goal for 2/24:165
  • vortex
    vortex Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All!

    I would love to join! I am new to the site. I need some mfp friends! I am a Canadian, I live in Ontario, I am 41 and have 3 children. I have been happily married for 18years. I I never struggled with my weight until my first son was born. Then I lost all the weight, had my second son. Did much better but still had a few pounds to lose. By my third I was much more careful and had all the weight off within a year.
    It felt great to have three children and feel good and be able to keep up with them.
    I don't know what happened to me this past year but I have gained the most weight I have ever gained. I have no baby excuse my baby is 6 years old! After joining the site a few weeks ago I was shocked at the amount of calories I was eating when some days it felt like I ate very little.
    Anyway I am here because this year I stopped doing things I would usually do with the boys. I skipped a ski trip (because I know I am out of shape) With my weight there is no knowing how fast I would go down the hill. I stopped swimming ( cause I look like a wreck) I am just about killing my self at lazer tag. I realize I need to do this because I am missing the best times with my kids. I need to get me back!

    Hope you all reach your goals too! Can't wait to see everyone's progress.

    Height - 5'7"
    Weight today - 198lb
    by end of Feb would like to be 192lb
    End goal - 158
  • missyannb85
    My starting weight is 234.9.

    Melissa, would it be easier on you to email you or post the weight ins on each of our profiles? We can still post the weight here for everyone to see for those that are not friends with everyone in the group.

    Ummm.... i haven't really decided yet which would be easier! Let's see what happens after this week and i'll let you know when I post the spreadsheet how we should do it next week!!!
    Good job and good luck!!!!!!!1