What broke your camel



  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    A fatty liver did it for me.
  • oralei
    Not being able to play with my son for long periods of time. I was tired all the time and my job didnt help at all so I decided to take action.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Having a miscarriage after trying for a year,more determined than ever to be an awesome healthy mom hopefully next year ^u^
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    Bad Karaoke night - - not enough breath control to sing well
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 65 Member
    I'll be honest here. My 'aha' moment came in Sept. of 2010 I think it was.
    I had had an asthma attack, went to hospital and everything. Go my treatments and they put me on Prednisone. Really a low dose prednisone taper pack.
    It's usually well known that it causes weight gain.
    But I still wanted to fall over dead when the scale read 297 lbs.
    I was NOT going to cross over into the 3s.

    I starting doing Zumba like a fiend after that. 3 times a week, sometimes for two hours straight.
    By February of 2011 I had lost 25 lbs.

    Of course I've lost and backslid a bit since then, but I'm still mindful and haven't gotten anywhere near that weight again.
    So I just remember it, and remember what I did to get to a better place.
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 65 Member
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 65 Member
    That's terrible. I hate when people are inconsiderate and mean.
    I had a blind date ... i told him I was a bigger girl... he said he didnt care that I sounded wonderful.. well I pulled up where we were meeting and got out of the car... and I get a text it said : SORRY not my type.... I was crushed and was shoocked someone could be so rude and mean...
  • vjt1976
    What really did it for me was when my mom died of COPD in April at the age of 63. I was so depressed, wasn't sleeping. I was getting closer and closer to 250lbs and didn't want to feel fat anymore. I hate to take pictures because I'm so fat. I knew it was time to get off my butt and do it! I want to live a long and healthy life for my two boys!!
  • nis75p06
    I decided to go for a ride - my favorite mare had been leased out as a show horse for years and I hadn't ridden her myself since 2009. She grunted when I settled into the saddle, a saddle I didn't even fit in anymore, and her back dropped and she took a sideways step to catch her balance. I dismounted and cried. 15 pounds gone now, and 66 more before I will try again.
  • goblynn
    goblynn Posts: 152
    Feeling a bead of sweat squeeze out of my fat-roll and slide down my stomach.

    ***Yuk- felt so UNCOMFORTABLE*** Like I was in someone else.
  • aussiegirl1990
    aussiegirl1990 Posts: 56 Member
    My whole life has been an 'ahh' moment. When I was 5 I got hit by a car and the impact seemingly was only a bruise and a few scraps on my knees, a few months later the doctors discovered that the impact had left me with something more serious, my bowls had become flattened and enlarge due the impact. In turn it caused me chronic constipation, my brain wasn't getting the messages my body was sending and in 6 months my body had filled with deadly gas. My mum took me to the hospital, as she had done numerous times before, and this time my state of listlessness made them take a closer look. I was in the hospital for 1 week at which they told my mother, who was sitting beside me, that it was unlikely I would make it past 16.

    My health continued to break down and when I was 8 the doctor's told us I would need a liver transplant if I got any worse, I managed to hold that off. I got bigger due to medication, then they put me on more medication to fix my growing girth which stopped me growing. I was 9. When I was 12 I told my doctor I wasn't coming back and I didn't. Since then I haven't had any major health turns.

    But that moment, that one moment that changed everything? I couldn't look at pictures of myself without wanting to cry.
  • NorthwestPA
    NorthwestPA Posts: 63 Member
    I did not fit any of my clothing and the fact that I would have to buy a 2X dress for a party destroyed me. I did not buy the dress and made an excuse not to attend the party.
  • Hab1978
    Hab1978 Posts: 57 Member
    seeing Morbidly Obese on my chart @ the Doctor's Office.....something about that word, did it for me and clicked.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Went to the Doc on Aug 2 and had my blood work done. Shouldn't have been surprised, I weighed 284 pounds. Found out I'm Pre-Diabetic, BP was 135/95, high Cholesterol, triglycerides, the whole thing, and I have hypothyroidism, which I did know. And it's all in my family history as well. Doc put me on Metformin and a glucose monitor to start tracking my sugar levels. I didn't want to take any more meds, so I had my pity party for a few days and on Aug 7 got to work.

    I had seen a few pictures of myself and they just depressed me more, which made me eat more. Amazing how that had the opposite effect. I felt like crap, had no energy and couldn't do anything. 6 weeks later and I'm now down 20 pounds and walking 2 miles a day, every day. I feel great. I have a long way to go, but I didn't get here overnight. I go back to the doc next month and have my blood work done again.
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    Tired of hearing "you have a pretty face". Years of that statement can really wear a girl down....
  • ullgetthere
    I played golf with my dad last summer and loved it. I felt so cute in my little oufit! This summer I went to the driving range to hit some balls and after 20 minutes I was exhausted and my back was killing me from bending down to get the balls. I couldn't believe it. Also , this year I was happy that we didn't go to Cuba cause I didn't want to be seen in a bathing suit! Normally I would have done whatever I could to go with my hubby. I knew things that to change.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,069 Member
    Tired of hearing "you have a pretty face". Years of that statement can really wear a girl down....
    Yeah but you DO have a pretty face! Is that a bad thing?
  • ahartery9891
    ahartery9891 Posts: 139 Member
    - Went on a trip to Newfoundland and ate like crap the entire time I was there (I love newfie junk food... it's different than in Ontario... snacks there are a regular combo at McD's to compare)... Couldn't stop.

    - Tried on clothes I bought a year ago and couldn't do them up.

    - Didn't go to the beach all summer because I felt like I looked bad.

    Now - Down 4% body fat, 9 lbs of fat converted to muscle in 4 weeks. I feel like I have more energy, I'm eating a lot healthier, and my clothes are fitting so much better :)
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    Tired of hearing "you have a pretty face". Years of that statement can really wear a girl down....
    Yeah but you DO have a pretty face! Is that a bad thing?
    Thank you, but yeah...it usually is a bad thing....I do not enjoy hearing backhanded compliments.
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    I had a blind date ... i told him I was a bigger girl... he said he didnt care that I sounded wonderful.. well I pulled up where we were meeting and got out of the car... and I get a text it said : SORRY not my type.... I was crushed and was shoocked someone could be so rude and mean...
    WOW! Sorry that happened to you....I am actually at a loss for words(which never happens)