
  • SW:172

    I have to lose 2 pounds a week to get to my goal weight at this point in the game. We are 13.5 weeks away!!! I expect to get there by eating healthy options and working out at least 45 minutes a day!!!

    My struggles are in having an almost 2 year old that I sometimes use as an excuse instead of a solution. He may be fussy and won't let me do a workout video...but he loves dancing and going on walks so I should switch things up and find different "less structured" ways to exercise so that I am still moving.

    I have a huge problem with afternoon cravings too and I almost always give into them. I need to figure out a way to stop doing that!

    Mini Goals for 9/26/12-10/1/12 (Less than a week but I want to start weigh-ins on Monday)

    * Go for a evening walk with the boys at least 2 times this week
    * Run a mile without stopping everyday (Wed-Sun)
    * Finish the rest of my cardio by combining walking/ jogging C25K program
    * Only drink wine every OTHER weakness :(
  • Great job everyone on losing the weight that you have already lost! How does it feel???
  • Jessicapages1
    Jessicapages1 Posts: 114 Member
    I have stuck with all my goals and I have also lost 1 pound since posting!!! Starting a new challenge tomorrow and will be doing this for 12 weeks!!

    I will be doing the Kelsey Bryers 12 week challenge!! It's FREE to who ever wants to enter,and she gives you a training program plus an nutrition guidline.....Deadline to enter is October 1,2012.......
  • I am in this will help I started BodyByVi 90 Day Challenge on Day 5 today.. This helps me with my Meal planning.. Great program different packages for those interested. Busy Mom meal planning for me is always a hassel and the cost of food is alway so much when trying to lose weight.. So this is convenient and easy. So EXCITED for the Transformation.. Let me know if you have questions..

    CW -195
  • I'm checking in i have stuck to my calorie goal and have started jillian no loss yet but im gonna keep on going
  • I'm late in seeing this, but it's just what I need - I'm in!

    CW - 164.9
    GW - 145

    I am going to try to get up earlier for a longer dog walk and I also will be avoiding any "cheat" days.

    Feel free to add me - anyone! If you do, remind me that you are doing this challenge. :)
  • carlayyy2308
    carlayyy2308 Posts: 24 Member

    Second weigh in today.

    I lost 2 pounds!

    starting weight - 182 pounds
    weight on 20/9/12 174 pounds
    CW - 172 pounds!
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    Hooray Carlayyy!
  • Laurab2125
    Laurab2125 Posts: 11 Member
    I just joined MFP and I totally need this challenge!

    Current weight: 158
    Goal weight: 143

    Eat clean -- one cheat meal a week. Keep sugar, snacks (chips, etc), processed foods to an absolute minimum. Keep bread/pasta to a minimum and use whole, healthier grains when I do eat it. Shoot for 1600 or less net calories/day.

    Do something active 5 days a week. Train for 10-mile run coming up in November.

    I think that'll cover it!
  • Start Sept 26/12 ... End December 31/12

    Current: 155 lbs
    Goal in 15 weeks: at least 140 lbs
    Average: 1 lb a week

    Eat 1200 calories everyday
    Get 8 hours of sleep a night
    Put 100% into my Adventure Climbing class
    go to the gym at least 3 days a week
    keep strict to my diet...even on the weekends...even when I go out with friends
  • Jessicapages1
    Jessicapages1 Posts: 114 Member
    Meal 1 down,drinking my coffee and heading to the gym....Seeing all the Olympia 2012 has put a fire under my butt and I am so ready to get to training today!!! Happy Saturday to everyone,hope you have a great day!!
    Sticking to my goals and Giving 100% to my Training and Diet!
  • Checking in... i've lost 2 pounds so far, but haven't been pushing myself like i should. that's my goal for this week, to get all my daily steps in, and start with weights. :-)
  • ttoftwo
    ttoftwo Posts: 23 Member
    I will not eneter the new year in the 200's!
    GW by 12-31:199
    Lose 26 pounds
    Final goal: 150
  • So my weigh in was awesome! I lost 6.5 lbs this week. I had my first monthly measurements with Jenny Craig and in 4 weeks I lost a total of 17.5 lbs!!!
  • So my weigh in was awesome! I lost 6.5 lbs this week. I had my first monthly measurements with Jenny Craig and in 4 weeks I lost a total of 17.5 lbs!!!

    Forgot to put my goals ;)

    SW: 266 lbs
    CW: 260.5 lbs
    GW by Dec 31/12: 218 lbs (2 lbs/week loss)

    My goals are:

    - daily exercise (workout videos or walking)
    - increase exercise from 30 mins to 60 mins/day
    - stick to Jenny Craig plan (started Aug 31/12 and lost a total of 12 lbs in 3 weeks)
  • Yesterday I gained 1 pound. Yesterdays weight 249. I was actually down 10 last week even though my ticker doesn't show that. Had a couple of bad days.
  • amylovescupcakes
    amylovescupcakes Posts: 146 Member
    I'll do it!

    SW: 193 :(
    CW: 188
    Goal weight by NYE~ 169

    Totally realistic for me since I suck at losing weight. :) I'm fine at getting muscles and dropping sizes.
  • alannahbelanger
    alannahbelanger Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in!!

    CW: 130
    GW: 118
    12 pounds in 15 weeks

    I'm not really worried so much about the weight as I am the changes physically with my body, so my goal is more for an overall toned look, with my stomach completely gone (abs please!!). This is the weight that my old personal trainer told me would maintain that look so that's what I'm using.

    How I'm going to attain this goal:
    - working out 3 times a week (for now, hoping to up it to 6 in a few weeks)
    -drinking water!!!
    -eating healthy meals (I'm a university student, so for me this is hard to do in residence, but I have eggs every morning for breakfast, a salad or soup every day for lunch, and for dinner I go to the 'home-cooked zone' instead of getting things like pasta or pizza)
    -keeping snacking to a minimum, only snacking on healthy things like fruit and nuts

    I think this is a pretty realistic goal, so I'm PUMPED to get to it!!
  • Losing weight isn't easy. Strength training helps build muscles which in turn burn fat. I am better at exercising also. Sorry I meant to post this to the post above.
  • Roxie861
    Roxie861 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm so in!!

    Current weight- 219

    Goal weight- 140

    Xmas goal weight - 200

    If i lose more then i will be happy but i also want to be realistic.

    Please feel free to add me, i need all the encouragement i can get. We can do this ladies :)