5'2 Whats You Weight Goal



  • milleyea
    milleyea Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my goal is 165 lbs with a little muscle built up. Then I'll see about getting down to 150, 145, 140, 135, 130.....

    Oh, btw my current weight is 310 (eeeek!!!!! :noway: )

    ......and my ticker displays my small goals, not my long term goal.... It's much easier to stay motivated that way :tongue:
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    120 is my goal.
  • 125 (am 5'2 as well). This is a weight I can attain and sustain..
  • I'm 5'2 and currently at 124lbs
    Goal 1: 120 lbs
    Goal 2: 115 lbs By my wedding next year hopefully!
    Goal 3: 110 lbs (Desired Honeymoon weight ;))
    Final goal: 105 lbs (not sure this will ever happen, but its how much I weighed in college!)
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I am 5'3" and my goal is 140.
  • I"m 5'2" and my goal is 105. I'm 108 now and I think 105 is perfect for me.
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my goal is 133lbs but I'll see how I look and feel when I get there :-)
  • Currently 115lbs. Goal is either 112 or 110, but moreso the goal is reducing the residual cellulite & toning up (esp the legs & booty). I started at about 135.
  • currently I am 150. Current goal is 125-130. However I would like to maybe get down to 120 as my ultimate goal. I will depend on how I feel at 125-130 though. If I look healthy and feel great I will stop there.
  • cyrstephaniec
    cyrstephaniec Posts: 29 Member
    Also 5'2"! Started at 221, currently at 147.4 (just got into size 6 Skinny jeans!!) I'm small framed, so I have a goal range. Looking for 110-130 (shooting for somewhere in the middle, hoping for the 110!)
    JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
    if I hit 130 I'd be thrilled!
  • eclare87
    eclare87 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm just a hair under 5'2 and 120 would be great. I started my weight loss journey a little over 150 pounds about three years ago. Now I'm around 126 on my good days. :)
  • Happy4lifeHHH
    Happy4lifeHHH Posts: 188 Member
    Well I am 5'2 and currently weight 121 lbs but my goal is 110 lbs... I eat 1800 cals a day and exercise 5-7 times a week
  • I'm 125. At 110 I look like an anorexic teenage boy so I guess I only want to lose 5-6 lbs of fat. It's not really about weight though because I want to lose inches, tone up and build muscle. Depends on what look we are going for. I like a female sprinter's body, not model thin... been there and it's not my style. Either way it is unproductive to compare body weight because all of our body composition's are different.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't want to talk about weight because it gets misunderstood on here and I think it's meaningless. I am also 5'2". I'm not trying to lose weight and do not want to lose any weight and would be fine if I gained a little. I am a size 0/2 (but need to get the waist made smaller in pants). My bmi is 18.5 and I am small framed. I have a low BF% but do not have an accurate measurement at this time (roughly 17%). And my waist hip measurement is 24/34, I also have a very small rib cage (it's 26). My photo is current, although I have a little bit more muscle now. Weight is individual and not something to make comparisons about. It's good not to set a low weight goal because you don't know what is the right weight until you reach it. Nice to meet you all.
  • I am 5'2 3/4 and am looking to be at 140
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    My goal is 140. I was skinny at 150 at this height.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    About 110
  • My goal is any weight less than 140
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Not quite 5'2" & my goal is 150lbs. (I've always had a big chest & booty & I plan on keeping them!)