Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for February



  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    hi guys,
    Been so good this week, 3 days in a row with a plan to make it a FULL 7!!! woo!!! I think I am a little in love with the feeling after the workout!
    1 question...did my body test on Wii fit + today and it said i had gained something crazy like 6lbs in less than 24 hours! does anyone else get this? I redid the test a little into my workout and it went back to normal as in same weight as the day before (wasnt expecting to loose anything so was happy with same)...WHY is this happening? I use it on a yoga mat on a wooden floor, I ware the same cloths to work out in each day so i cant see whats going on!
  • I just finished my first 30 day challenge. As you all know, it was an accomplishment with the hurt foot. I just didn't do all of the exercizes so i didn't over do the foot. It's almost like cheating, but I don't care. lol. I lost 5 pounds and 2.5 inches off my waist and am pretty happy with that. I haven't decided if I'm going to start back again tomorrow or friday, we'll see what the foot thinks. :smile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Gemfox- I don't go by the Wii Fit scale as it is always going up and down so much.

    Jawhwilson - Congradulations. 5 pounds and 2.5 inches! Way to go!

    I did a 40 minute routine on the Wii Fit tonight: Super Hula, free step, jogging in place, free step. I really worked up a sweat. Also, I so far under my daily calories I will have room for an ice cream sandwich and still not have to use any exercise calories. So, it's a good day.

    Teetee - I'm sure the calorie burn is OK for what sounds like a strength workout. I bet your measurments go down too.

    Have a great evening all,

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Gemfox- I don't go by the Wii Fit scale as it is always going up and down so much.

    Jawhwilson - Congradulations. 5 pounds and 2.5 inches! Way to go!

    I did a 40 minute routine on the Wii Fit tonight: Super Hula, free step, jogging in place, free step. I really worked up a sweat. Also, I so far under my daily calories I will have room for an ice cream sandwich and still not have to use any exercise calories. So, it's a good day.

    Teetee - I'm sure the calorie burn is OK for what sounds like a strength workout. I bet your measurments go down too.

    Have a great evening all,

  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    I just found this group and I am so excited to join up! :o) I got my WII Fit Plus a few weeks ago and I love it! I haven't worked out on it for the last two days though. I need to get back at it starting tomorrow.

    My goal for February is to work out for 60 minutes 6 days a week. I really like the yoga and the strength exercises they have (I can't do squats or lunges though). I'm thinking that I will do yoga only and some of the games Monday, Wednesday, Friday and yoga/strength/games Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.

  • I just found this group and I am so excited to join up! :o) I got my WII Fit Plus a few weeks ago and I love it! I haven't worked out on it for the last two days though. I need to get back at it starting tomorrow.

    My goal for February is to work out for 60 minutes 6 days a week. I really like the yoga and the strength exercises they have (I can't do squats or lunges though). I'm thinking that I will do yoga only and some of the games Monday, Wednesday, Friday and yoga/strength/games Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.


    60 minutes 6 times a week is ambitious Tara. Always nice to have a new face on the team. Those lunges are killer aren't they? I only attempt them when I am having a really good day.

    I did my 45 minutes today, on a day that would have been way easier not to. I suspect last nights dinner (supplied on the job) had some bad chicken, yuck, because I felt bad ever since eating it. The workout just now seemed to help though actually so I am glad I did it after all.

    My original goal was 5 nights a week, but I am going to shoot for 6.

    One thing about the exercise, I gotta say, is it helps me to get my water in. So another plus!

    Enjoy your ice cream sandwich JAM. Yummy!
  • I am so glad to have stumbled upon this group! I got my Wii Fit Plus just before Xmas. I love it, but have been really skeptical about the info it gives...
    So, what do you all think?

    How accurate do you think/feel the calories burned are???

    How accurate have you found the weight to be???

    I have noticed that the weight is all crazy!! I have weighed myself on the balance board on Dance Dance Revolution, and then again on the Wii Fit Plus and there will be as much as a 5 pound difference within 10 minutes! Then, I have weighed myself 2 or 3 times in a row out of curiosity and each time it will say something different too. I am not sure how accurate my scale in the bathroom is either, so I do go by the Wii Fit Plus when I log my weight on MFP, but only look at it as a guesstimate so I don't freak if it is up a pound or so one day or the next.
  • ksnowras
    ksnowras Posts: 29 Member
    I did my first 30 minutes using Wii Fit Plus! I did 31 min and burned 230 cal. I'm not sure if that's good, but I tried to do mostly aerobics. The rhythm boxing was fun and my arms are sore. I did a two basic runs too with a hula hoop session. I have to convince my kids that I need to get 30 min in without interruption. They were pretty patient. I had a really hard time with the balance for strength training - had to use a chair to help balance. Hopefully I will be able to give up the chair soon when I can keep my balance.

    This is an accomplishment for me. I am not good at keeping promises to myself, especially about exercise. It was a good day for food too, so I'm feeling pretty happy. :)

    I'm glad I found this group. It was a motivation to read the past posts. Thanks all !!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey all,
    I got a Wii quite a few months ago. I didn't get the Wii Fit, but did get My fitness coach and EA active.
    I did do My fitness coach before the holidays, then stopped during Xmas, and now restarted with EA active in February.

    I'm on day 9/20 of the 30 day workout. (EA wants you to have rest day every 3rd day, I rest once a week)
    I've also created myself my own workout and with the 30day workout do over an hour each day.

    I own a polar F6, and for those who do wear a HRM, do you find the calories burned on the Wii aren't close to the HRM?
    I burn 750-900 calories a day working out on the Wii with both exercises. The Wii has no idea how fast your heart is beating .

    I also use dumbells, and a stronger resistance band to get a tougher workout.
    It's so much fun.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    jawhwilson: Congrats on the completion of the 30 day challenge and the loss both inches and weight! I don't hink you being light on your foot was cheating, it was you determined to finish a goal but also prevent further injury.

    bby_baer: I only use my wii board for EA Active and my Wii Fit +, the weight is normally about the same and it is only ounces off from the scale that I use for my weigh-ins. Though, I always weigh myself first thing in the morning too, if I am using the wii board.

    Peter: I have my Fitness coach, and it kind of bored me. The estimated calories burned were always off. Though, lately, when I use my EA Active more workouts and do more strength training exercises, I've learned that the calories count is pretty close.
  • im on day 11/20 on my 30 day challenge, i have problems with it though one i dont have a lot of space so i have to miss out some of the lunges and inline skating (or i might knock the tv off or hurt myself.... i can do side lunges though) secondly i quite often get tangled in the wire between the nunchuck and the remote and lastly....ive lost my resistance band.
    Instead of the resistance band ive started wearing 1.5lb wrist weights so hopefully that is helping.

    ive also bought a trampette and i do about 30 mins of that on my ea active workout days and two 30 min sessions on days when i have a restday.

    i dont have the wii fit board. i borrowed a friends but couldnt get on with it so i saved my money.
  • Good morning! I have been bad......Haven't had an opportunity to get on the wii all week. Leave the house at 7 am, get back at around 6 or so, and then dinner, and now with my brother and his girlfriend there......EGADS...I know it is just an excuse and that is not acceptable. I will have to hit it hard Friday - Sunday.

    Well have a meeting to get ready for so won't be on here much today! Make it a good onew everyone!!! ;)
  • im on day 11/20 on my 30 day challenge, i have problems with it though one i dont have a lot of space so i have to miss out some of the lunges and inline skating (or i might knock the tv off or hurt myself.... i can do side lunges though) secondly i quite often get tangled in the wire between the nunchuck and the remote and lastly....ive lost my resistance band.
    Instead of the resistance band ive started wearing 1.5lb wrist weights so hopefully that is helping.

    ive also bought a trampette and i do about 30 mins of that on my ea active workout days and two 30 min sessions on days when i have a restday.

    i dont have the wii fit board. i borrowed a friends but couldnt get on with it so i saved my money.

    Hey the wrist weights are a great idea nikkia! I will have to see if I can find mine and give that a go. Now where did I put those things.. hmm. Maybe they are in hiding like your resistance band.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good morning everyone and welcome to everyone new!

    Today is my off day for the Wii, but I thought I'd check in and see how everyone is doing. It looks like everyone is energized to keep at and start everyday with a winning (or is it a 'loosing') attitude.

    Have a great day everyone,

  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    TwentyTen - I am very excited to get started! I know 60min/6days is ambitious :O) I am a substitute teacher and don't have much work right now, so I am pretty much a stay at home mom. That gives me a lot of time during the day that I can work out. My son is 22 mos and loves to "work out" with me. He has a carpet remnant that he stands on instead of the WII board. It's really cute! :o) I have always hated doing lunges and squats, but I have really bad knees and that makes them almost impossible to do them. :o)

    My son is sick so I was up most of the night with him. Workout may have to wait until after naptime today so that I can get some sleep. :happy:
  • That's great you've got the little guy joining in Tara. Hope he feels better today.
  • I just finished workout 10 of 24 on my second 6 week challenge on EA Active More Workouts. I don't feel like 20 minutes is enough these days, and I don't think it's enough cardio, so I usually add either 1 or 2 10 minute step segments. Sweaty!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Just finished wii BL workout. I think it's already starting to get a little wimpy, but then we have hard days and I'm like "no way, Jose!"
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Good Evening everyone.

    Everyone seems to be doing well with their February Wii-ing goals!!! Good job :bigsmile:

    I did 1 1/2 hours tonight on the Wii - 1/2 hour on my EA active workouts burning 190 calories and 1 hour on the Wii fit plus burning 201 calories. Feeling it in my calf muscles tonight!!!

    Went bridesmaid dress shopping with my friend today and found the most gorgeous purple dress. Soooooo excited now and has given me a little bit more motivation to lose a few more lbs and tone up for her big day on 27th June!!! :heart:

    Anyway, hope everyone had a good Thursday and keeps up the good work.
  • Wow , everybody is just kicking it!!. I do not feel like doing anything tonight honestly , but to go to bed. The work week has gotten long and this day alone is STILL not over. But ya know , I am going to do it regardless. Maybe not 2 hours , or even a full hour, but enough so I can say I did, lol. I know I will feel better after a sweat.
    Thanks eveyone for the continued motivation!
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