Seeing a lot of rude comments about 1200/cal....



  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    When I first joined MFP I set to 1200 calories and I lost weight. I lost 30lbs and I was really proud of that. But then my losses stopped. I really struggled week after week or trying to stick to my calorie goal when the scales were not moving. And it wasn't like I was near my goal, still had another 40-50lb to go.

    I tried exercising harder and I would lose half a pound and the following week have gained it. Impossible..... I was eating 1200 calories a day and working out like crazy.... but the loss just stopped.

    I was scared, I had worked hard to lose that weight and didn't want to gain it back. But eventually I listened to people saying it might be too little for you. So I started eating between 1400 - 1500 a day. And you know what.... yep I started losing again without anywhere near as much as the effort as before. Not in the first week, I gained half a pound, but then it started going down again.

    So if 1200 is working great for you then listen to your body and if you are happy stick with it. But if you want more food or your weight loss stalls out, just give the higher calories a go. You might be pleasantly surprised.

    Oh and for people saying they are too full to possibly eat more calories unless eating junk, that is rubbish. Instead of the low fat salad dressing that is full of rubbish, make one with olive oil, crushed garlic. A small handful of like 25g of nuts can have almost 200 calories. There is a lot of ways to increase calories without having to resort to eating junk food.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Sorry you've had some ugly comments( I thought this was a place to encourage and cheer each other on. Good for you for our weight loss so far. I say, if it's working, keep it up. By the way, when I plugged in all my numbers MFP put me AG 1200 calories a day. I have not been hungry, and am usually under my goal for the day. I am losing, so it's working....I will keep it up u til I hot a plateau and need to change things up.
  • cjgillespie
    cjgillespie Posts: 37 Member
    Sorry you've had some ugly comments( I thought this was a place to encourage and cheer each other on. Good for you for our weight loss so far. I say, if it's working, keep it up. By the way, when I plugged in all my numbers MFP put me AG 1200 calories a day. I have not been hungry, and am usually under my goal for the day. I am losing, so it's working....I will keep it up u til I hot a plateau and need to change things up.

    THANK YOU. good luck to you as well!
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    My question to all of those who offer medical or nutrition advice is, where did you earn your degree? If you have not earned one in one of these fields... SHUT YOUR MOUTHS! Everyone is different, different stroked for different folks... no need to criticize because what works for someone else is different than what you know to work for you... get over yourselves... I don't know who would join a group like this if all they want to do is criticize... I joined for support and to support others... if you have other intentions you should probably take your bullying and all knowing selves somewhere else!
    There wouldn't be many people to talk on here or get support from if we all had to be doctors or certified nutritionists to reply to any question. Even among those supposedly educated there are many opinions of what is right.

    This is a great community because of the number of people willing to contribute to it.
  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    I don't really understand how people can be "stuffed" or have to "force" themselves to eat 1200 cals.... if that were the case, you probably wouldn't need to be using a weight loss website....
  • mommy_03
    mommy_03 Posts: 54 Member
    i think it has to do with your lifestyle too cuz i chose moderately active when completing my profile because i clean houses for a living and it set my calories at 1670/day but in reality i only do about 1300 with plenty to spare and i am a 178lb, 5'4" white female trying to shed leftover baby weight
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member

    I did, certainly set the cat amongst he pigeons has it not?
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    My question to all of those who offer medical or nutrition advice is, where did you earn your degree? If you have not earned one in one of these fields... SHUT YOUR MOUTHS! Everyone is different, different stroked for different folks... no need to criticize because what works for someone else is different than what you know to work for you... get over yourselves... I don't know who would join a group like this if all they want to do is criticize... I joined for support and to support others... if you have other intentions you should probably take your bullying and all knowing selves somewhere else!

    People give advice here because people on this board ASK for it. Don't ask for opinions or advice on something that would be better handled by your doctor anyway if you're not willing to take criticism or opposing views.
  • It's not always about the calories you're eating, but the food you're eating too. We could all fill up on 1200 calories of "junk" and still feel hungry ... or fill up on 1200 calories of "healthy" and feel fine. Your body, your decision! :flowerforyou:
  • hah. I set my goal for 2 pounds a week (low for my goals but it is what it is) and it set my calorie goal at 2930 IIRC

    I changed it to 2000.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    It really frusterates me when people hate on the whole "1200 calorie" thing and talk about starvation mode yada yada. While I agree that under eating can be just as bad as over eating in some ways I also think that it is an unfair statement to say "1200 calories is too low" or "i won't be friends with someone who only eats 1200 calories".

    My caloric needs to lose weight being 5 foot 3, 140lbs are much different than my boyfriends 5 foot 10, 215lb body!

    I net 1200 cals a day, am making much healthier choices, feeling better, losing weight, working out harder and am proud of it!
  • It's sad isn't it that we can't all just support one another? I am also on the 1200 calorie plan...some days I spend my extra (my exercised calories) others...I'm struggling to simply consume 1200 calories. If it's working for you stick with it. I began my journey on May 25th...since then I've lost 29.2 lbs...more importantly, I've gone from a very tight size 12 to a 6! Yes, I'm shocked every time I put on pants with a size 6 on the tag and they fit.

    If 1200 calories was too low, this former tub-o would be dying by now...I'm not. I rarely feel like I'm very hungry (unless, I'm approaching snack/meal time). I feel great, in fact!

    Keep up the good work. If 1200 is working for you...GREAT! Important thing...keep moving and keep the good going in and the bad coming out.

    Woot 1200's!

    Perfect example of how we are all different.
    Just like you I started may 25 th 2012 have lost exactly 29 pounds, I eat about 1500 - 1700 and due to sciatica I do minimal excercise.
    Way to go for us! :-)
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Most of the people on here are very supportive so don't let any negative remarks bother you. Just keep testing out what works for you and you will be fine
  • Cindy393
    Cindy393 Posts: 268 Member
    On June 25 of this year, my doctor set a goal for me of 1200 calories a day. I eat healthy foods. I snack on healthy foods every few hours. I work out almost every day, a minimum of 30 minutes a day, usually closer to an hour. I am now down 32 lbs. I do get full sometimes on 1200 calories. I don't feel deprived. I'm doing just fine. Just like everyone says, it's what works for each individual. There should not be any hating because of it. Period, amen.
  • Juliet321
    Juliet321 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a short girl (4'10"), 1200 calories works perfect for me :)
  • I'm a short girl (4'10"), 1200 calories works perfect for me :)

    This is whats missing from all the 1200 calorie threads I've seen. There seem to be a lot of hobbits on here all eating 1200 calories... Sounds perfect for them. I think height and weight should accompany all calorie posts. Context matters!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    12,000 is the amount of calories I'm on too--

    Wow..I want THAT diet! :laugh: :tongue: :bigsmile:

    Aren't typos FUN?!?!
  • I completely disagree.... most natural foods are very low in calories and can fill you up.... even stuff you to where you don't want to eat anymore. The calories helps remind you to stick to healthy choices... Not about starving yourself.
  • me tooooo!!!!!