Seeing a lot of rude comments about 1200/cal....



  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    every one is different. EVERYONE! If you were made exactly the same as someone else then we would all lose/gain weight in the exact same areas for the same reasons consuming the same calories.

    I have been on a 1200 calories diet for 16 months. Sure, there are days that I go over my calorie goal because it is my sons birthday and there is CAKE for everyone, or it is Christmas and eggnog is so very yummy ... but I dont stress over those days. Maintaining my NET calorie intake at 1200 has allowed me to lose consistently for 16 months.

    I hit a plateau. Everyone does eventually, no matter what diet is being used or what the calories goals are. Do what works for you. Do what works for YOU. Listen to the advice of others, hear about the success stories and how someone lost 100+ pounds, but remember ... YOU will know what is best for YOU.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Even so-called starvation mode only suppresses the metabolic rate by 20% at most and that is under the most extreme conditions.

    20% is a pretty big deal if you ask me. At my TDEE, that's pushing 500 calories difference. I'd much rather have a TDEE of 2300 than one of 1840. Allows for much more fun. And pizza.

    I've already gone through that bullpoopie doing the low cal plan. I lost weight, but lost a disproportionate amount of muscle in the process, so that at my goal weight of 130, I was a mushy, lumpy size 8 with double chins, back fat rolls, muffin top, etc.

    This time around, eating significantly more, I'm a size 2 or 4 at about the same weight, with none of the lumpiness I had before... and it was easier.

    Jeans I wore then. Jeans I wear now. At the same weight.


    I try not to be rude about it. Really, I do. I'm just trying to help people avoid the mistakes and pitfalls I made. But there's some people who think anyone disagreeing with them is being rude.

    I want everyone to feel as great as I do and have the success I had. Because it's really frickin' awesome! :bigsmile: I love being able to say "yes, please!" to birthday cake or a glass of wine. I love being able to go out to dinner with my husband and get what I want without checking the nutritional information first. It rocks not being a prisoner of my calorie intake! And that's because I never trained my body to survive on the minimum. I'm not a special snowflake or someone who's been "blessed" with a great metabolism. I'm just a normal person who kept an open mind.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member

    Finally someone who understands short people. 1200 is a stupid number because it does not take regard for short females. I'm 5'1" and super fit, with as much muscle and bone density as I'll ever have and still my RMR is low, for someone not at fit at my height it's going to be even lower. I'm so healthy they want my blood every 8 weeks for the babies. My DXA scan shows my 51.5 year old bones are that of a super fit 30 year old. Yet I still get comments from diary stalkers about how low I eat, yet they never ask my height or RMR which is the true number, not 1200, let alone someone trying to lose weight, no wonder there are so many frustrated short women on this site.

    People need to at least state their height when talking calorie requirements, if not RMR. Calorie limits mean nothing without it.

    Thank you for this post - I'm tired of the 1200 one size fits all - a 50 yr old 4'6" female working at a desk and eating 1200 would gain weight fast unless she exercised
  • babydoll315
    babydoll315 Posts: 30 Member
    It's sad isn't it that we can't all just support one another? I am also on the 1200 calorie plan...some days I spend my extra (my exercised calories) others...I'm struggling to simply consume 1200 calories. If it's working for you stick with it. I began my journey on May 25th...since then I've lost 29.2 lbs...more importantly, I've gone from a very tight size 12 to a 6! Yes, I'm shocked every time I put on pants with a size 6 on the tag and they fit.

    If 1200 calories was too low, this former tub-o would be dying by now...I'm not. I rarely feel like I'm very hungry (unless, I'm approaching snack/meal time). I feel great, in fact!

    Keep up the good work. If 1200 is working for you...GREAT! Important thing...keep moving and keep the good going in and the bad coming out.

    Woot 1200's!

    Fantastic job on your journey!!! I wish i had the problem of struggling to consume 1200 calories! If I ate what I wanted, I would be starving and maybe triple the calories. LOL. I love sweets and it doesn't take much to push over 1200. :o)
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    Why are so many people quoting that 1200 calories is barely below their BMR/RMR? Its TDEE you want to be eating below, not BMR.
  • sheleen302
    sheleen302 Posts: 266 Member
    Yup, BMR 1209, TDEE 1619. Even at a 20% deficeit, 1296 is the max.Just the way it seems to work for us shorties. Also, I work a desk job 40hrs a week.
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    So I'm kinda new here. I made a profile, and filled out my information, and MFP came up with 1200/cal day as my goal. Now I had no idea if that what considered very low, or average, or whatever. But I have been trying to stick with it. And I'm actually finding that I need to make myself eat MORE that I want to just to get to 1200. And I have seen several nasty comments from people on here about "those 1200 calorie people". Why? I have lost 5 pounds so far and I feel really good about my progress. What am I missing? I feel like I'm missing the joke.

    Hunni I lost 38lbs on 1125 calories so it worked for me. i have now upped them to 1480 a day bcoz im moving so much more now. Do what works for u and if 1200 works for u and ur feeling fit then go for it :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Yup, BMR 1209, TDEE 1619. Even at a 20% deficeit, 1296 is the max.Just the way it seems to work for us shorties. Also, I work a desk job 40hrs a week.

    well 1296 is the MINIMUM that she'd want to eat. a deficit over 20% is not necessary.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Yup, BMR 1209, TDEE 1619. Even at a 20% deficeit, 1296 is the max.Just the way it seems to work for us shorties. Also, I work a desk job 40hrs a week.

    well 1296 is the MINIMUM that she'd want to eat. a deficit over 20% is not necessary.

    Yes, so eat 1369 and exercise burn 250, and that's a pound a week. Measuring food might be advisable since there is less room for error.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    everyone starts off at 1200 calories

    Not true. I started at 1600.
  • GemmaMcIntosh
    I'm sure I've seen the trainers on those weight-loss shows put the contestants on 1200 calories a day - works for them!

    I'm on 1210 and unlike others who are saying they find it hard to reach that, I find it hard to not go over (not because I'm still hungry but because I just love food)! But 1210 is working for me, the weight is coming off slowly, main thing is the scales don't seem to go up if I stick to it.

    Do you have a desk job? I think that is why I am on 1210, I am inactive and on my butt most of the day (until I go to the gym) so I don't burn as much naturally as someone with a more physical job.
  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member
    I'm short (5ft3) but MFP gave me 1600. My calculations come out at 1800 for lightly active but because my activity levels vary massively day to day I stick at 1600 and eat back exercise cals. I never net below 1200. It's working.
    Short people don't have to eat nothing to lose weight!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I'm short (5ft3) but MFP gave me 1600. My calculations come out at 1800 for lightly active but because my activity levels vary massively day to day I stick at 1600 and eat back exercise cals. I never net below 1200. It's working.
    Short people don't have to eat nothing to lose weight!

    Absolutely. I am 4'11", work on my butt all day and go to the gym 4 times a week where I burn 200 calories a session. I also have PCOS and eat 1700 calories on low days.
  • etb23
    I'm sure I've seen the trainers on those weight-loss shows put the contestants on 1200 calories a day - works for them!

    I'm on 1210 and unlike others who are saying they find it hard to reach that, I find it hard to not go over (not because I'm still hungry but because I just love food)! But 1210 is working for me, the weight is coming off slowly, main thing is the scales don't seem to go up if I stick to it.

    Do you have a desk job? I think that is why I am on 1210, I am inactive and on my butt most of the day (until I go to the gym) so I don't burn as much naturally as someone with a more physical job.

    I'm doing the J.M 90 day program and she has us on 1200 calories a day working out 6 days a week.I'm full on her meals.... enough said.
  • JulieDerda
    Lifecycle of an MFPer

    1. Start out at 1200 calories
    2. Complain about how you're "stuffed" at 1200 calories and don't understand why everyone wants you to eat more
    3. Make a post calling out the mean people
    4. Gradually up your calorie goals when you grow tired of being "stuffed" on asparagus spears
    5. Realize that you're still losing weight and feeling much better
    6. Try to help 1200 calorie people
    7. Get called an arrogant ahole one too many times
    8. Retreat to chit-chat forum more or less permanently, only occasionally emerging to lay down a burn

    ^^This :drinker: :laugh:
  • Linda09189
    I worked with a trainer at my local gym and he said no woman should ever eat anymore or any less then 1300 calories, unless your a start athlete....However when I was working out because I lose weight slower then a darn turtle he dropped my calories to 1000, that
    didn't work either.....and for all the ppl who say at 1200 calories they are full, your really full of s***, cause if you were full then, you wouldn't need MFP........everyone has to start somewhere and I think 1200 is good, yes it's hard if you want to eat a big mac, pancakes, pizza or stuff like that, but if you want to have smoothie for breakfast, soup and sandwich for dinner, then a normal meal
    with your family for dinner then 1200 is workable.....honestly it's all about what works for you, some ppl on here eat 1600-1700 I don't have a clue on how you can lose on that unless you are spending the day at the gym, yeah something I'm not interested in doing....let's just cheer each other on and stop making ppl feel bad.......
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    The thing is that 1200 calories too low for most people, but MFP kind of uses it as the "default" for women who want to lose weight. MFP won't let you set your goals to any lower than 1200, but in reality, the limit should probably be even higher than that. I suggest you go to this website to find out your BMR (basal metabolic rate):

    Your BMR is the amount of calories it takes your body every day just to stay alive. You'll notice it's probably more than 1200. Therefore, you should probably be eating more than 1200; your body needs it!

    Congrats on your progress so far! I lost some weight eating at 1200 at first too, before I found out about BMR and stuff. Read around the forums; there's a LOT of information available. After I got educated I started eating more like 1400-1500 calories a day, I lost weight just as fast and was much happier. Good luck!

    Thanks for this info! I just calculated and feel better - 1300 calories doesn't work for me, 1500 is a lot better for me & it says my BMR is 1682, so it's all good! :)
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Funny, I've lost 64 pounds eating between 1700-2200 calories a day. And no, I don't "spend all day in the gym". My exercise has been pretty moderate. I must have been imagining that weight loss....
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    I eat anywhere between 1200-1500 calories a day. I eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full. Food is still going to be there tomorrow and I'm not going to force myself to eat empty calories just to make a "calorie goal". Everyone's body is different, we all have different metabolisms.

    I say do what works for you and when you have plateaus adjust accordingly! :)