Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • Hey!! So, I don't know if anyone noticed last night but I did not put my dinner in. My husband and I ended up going to dinner out... and I did not know how to log in my stuff. But I actually did pretty good! I got grilled catfish with the crawfish sauce on the side, a side of sweet potatoes and a side of zuchini and squash( grilled). I really wanted a glass of wine and a desert but I resisted. The only bad thing was I ate two small fried green tomatoes!! they were ohhh sooo good!! I did exercise yesterday morning and I did not actually do my gazelle or video but I got some other form of cardio in last night!!!! anyways... I just wanted to share to everyone that you can do good even when going out to eat! Hope everyone has a good V-Day!! I am cooking for my honey for it so I will be sure to log everything in!!
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    "I really wanted a glass of wine and a desert but I resisted."

    RED wine is good for moderation. I have a glass every Fri night with my Honey.... Red wines have 0 to low sugar and are only 150 cals for a 5 oz glass....

    If Red wine is not your forte'... start with a Red Zinfindel, once you aquire a taste for ZIn, move on to a Merlot, and then to a Cabernet

    Oh So yummy and oh so good for you.... ( In moderation of course)

    GREAT JOB on passing up the dessert, don't deprive yourself...sometimes leads to binging... I try to stick with the 3 bite rule... If the kids or SE get Dessert I limit my self to 3 normal or small bites... let it sit on my tongue, savor the flavor, have a sip of water in between... so I get the flavor but not a million calories....

    GOOD LUCK Everyone.....
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    OK... so I don't know how I managed to get my response in the blue box with the quote... I'm still learning I guess... anyone know how to avoid that next time????
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Thanks for adding me to the chart :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    so tonight is another 75 min of Zumba for me, and I am not feeling to sore from my 2nd try at spin last night, so that is great! :)
    so thats 4 days in a row of an hour workouts for me, soon to add saturdays as well (next weekend cuz i work this one)

    I know that I will be indulging a bit on saturday as i have a work trip... (I work with families of deployment and am taking them on a trip saturday....) so I know I will be eating out, but i will also be walking around for basically 7 hours all day so I think it will even out a bit :wink: otherwise my weekend should be pretty well balanced. Cottage cheese is also my new best friend LOL

    It's my first full week back to working out, and working out extra at that.... I usually weigh in for myself on fridays, I don't expect much change tomorrow cuz I am just getting back on track, but would be nice to see something :)

    Hope everyone is doing well and has a fantastic weekend!
    again if anyone is looking to offer additional support on each other's profile pages, please add me :smile:
  • Would love to Join.

    Current Weight: 200
    Goal Weight: 150

    Mini Goal: Feb 28 190 lbs
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I'm pretty proud of myself today. I was invited out to lunch by my boss (who is also my mother-in-law :wink: ) and I went -- BUT I only had water with lemon while everyone else ate! I am now back at the office, eating my much healthier pre-planned lunch. I didn't feel the least bit deprived or left out while watching everyone else eat (got involved in the conversation and sipped at my water through the entire lunch) because I knew I had something much better waiting for me. :happy:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    OK... so I don't know how I managed to get my response in the blue box with the quote... I'm still learning I guess... anyone know how to avoid that next time????

    Make sure your reply is typed outside of the "quote" and "/quote" boxes. Anything in between those will be posted in the blue box. :smile:
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    THANKS!!!! I'm so computer illiterate!!! I can turn it on... and search...LMAO
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    I'm pretty proud of myself today. I was invited out to lunch by my boss (who is also my mother-in-law :wink: ) and I went -- BUT I only had water with lemon while everyone else ate! I am now back at the office, eating my much healthier pre-planned lunch. I didn't feel the least bit deprived or left out while watching everyone else eat (got involved in the conversation and sipped at my water through the entire lunch) because I knew I had something much better waiting for me. :happy:

    YAY!!! Congrats!!! Way to STAY STRONG!!!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    THANKS!!!! I'm so computer illiterate!!! I can turn it on... and search...LMAO

    You are most welcome. :happy:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I'm pretty proud of myself today. I was invited out to lunch by my boss (who is also my mother-in-law :wink: ) and I went -- BUT I only had water with lemon while everyone else ate! I am now back at the office, eating my much healthier pre-planned lunch. I didn't feel the least bit deprived or left out while watching everyone else eat (got involved in the conversation and sipped at my water through the entire lunch) because I knew I had something much better waiting for me. :happy:

    YAY!!! Congrats!!! Way to STAY STRONG!!!

  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    So, I decided today that I just couldn't justify going OUT to eat for Valentines/my anniversary. I feel like I'm in a really good place diet-wise and I don't want to mess with a good thing -- even if it's only one meal, restaurant meals can be in the 1000's of calories! :noway: Even restricting myself to 1/2 of what I order is going to be way too much.

    So -- I offered to cook for the hubby instead. That way I can control what goes on my plate, but still have something yummy -- AND we get to spend time together without going out in crowd of people! :heart:

    I plan to allow myself my maintenance calories for the day (about 1900) rather than restricting to my normal 1200. That way I can indulge a little and enjoy a nice meal without feeling like I've completely destroyed my diet. Now that I've made this decision (with hubby's input, of course :wink: ) I feel SO much better. Now I'm excited for dinner, rather than being terrified of it! :laugh:
  • Okay, so I oopsed today and had 3 pieces of Almond Roca...The plus side, I did not eat the whole can!!!!!!! Jillian MIchaels is shredding me with her 30 day shred.

    My wedding ring fits again!!!!!!! YAY!!!

  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I've lost another pound this week!! I'm so proud of myself. This week has been real hard, I've been sleep deprived and busy and starting a new herbal medication, so my nerves have been all over the place but if I can lose weight, so can all of you!! Eat chocolate, but not the whole box (TIP for this weekend!) :laugh:
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    So I posted yesterday that I couldn't weigh in on my gym scale because of the snow, and I used my mom's less accurate scale, which said i was 165. I went to the gym today, and the scale said 163. Should I change my starting weight and goal weight for 2/24?? My goal weight and amount lost will be a little off for this week because of it. Sorry everyone! Hope everyone does well on this weekend's challenge!!!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    tough day today, started out good, did Boot camp at 5:30 a.m., then those lousy bagels at work (I have resisted them since Christmas) THEN that stinkin meeting ran WAY late, from 11:30-2:30 which is WAY too late for me to eat lunch, then I have been tired all day. Bleh.
    Over calories, over tired, and over the day! Thankfully today will be Friday and a better day!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Okay, so I oopsed today and had 3 pieces of Almond Roca...The plus side, I did not eat the whole can!!!!!!! Jillian MIchaels is shredding me with her 30 day shred.

    My wedding ring fits again!!!!!!! YAY!!!


    Almond Roca is sooo good... I haven't had any for about 2 years now. I WILL eat the whole can if given half a chance.

    And yay about the wedding ring! That is so awesome!! (Mine is so loose it's about to fall off... I was about 20 pounds heavier when we bought it. Pretty soon I'll have to invest in a chain and wear it by my heart until we can get it sized or replaced.)
  • Okay, so I oopsed today and had 3 pieces of Almond Roca...The plus side, I did not eat the whole can!!!!!!! Jillian MIchaels is
    And yay about the wedding ring! That is so awesome!! (Mine is so loose it's about to fall off... I was about 20 pounds heavier when we bought it. Pretty soon I'll have to invest in a chain and wear it by my heart until we can get it sized or replaced.)

    Tie a bunch of yard on the back half of your ring, that way you wont have to take it off until you get it sized once your at your goal weight!
  • vortex
    vortex Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks to missyannb85 for the chart! I can't wait to see the 1bs lost start filling in on Wednesdays.
    Good luck to everyone and hope you all have a nice valentines weekend.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    fit in 2010- Great job! Your determination is inspiring me, thank you~!

    Pollies girl- Great job on the working outtt. I need to use your motivation today after work and get to the gym!

    I had a girls night last night and I tried to make something healthy and delicious. I made chicken caesar salad pizza with wheat dough, low fat cheese, and light dressing. Total hit! I still went over my calories but I did much better than I would have! I just need to get my butt to the gym today. I am exhausted tho....

    So, motivation welcome!!! :)
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