Team UK - February 2010



  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Just weighed in, i lost 2lbs whoop :)

    WTG!! Knew you would do it hun!!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Just joining February to say My holiday is on Saturday. Off to hot and sunny Brighton for me 23rd B-day. Still doing P90X but haven't had any weight change for ages but look a bit different. Halfway through my 90 days really so will be finished for early april. Its been hard work so far but totally paying off i think. Good luck with for the rest of the UKers.
  • Hi everyone

    I can report that :-

    :smile: - Yesterday I DID do my Latino DVD workout. It was good and definitely EXERCISE!!! but fun too! The cats thought I was mad and legged it out to the kitchen!
    :noway: - Today .. I weigh the same but at least I'm not heavier.
    :drinker: - I had my Special K and have had a small Ham salad for lunch. My dear DIL came to visit with the baby (5 months) :heart: He is just how his Dad was at that age. You just want to eat him up!! Not sure what the calorie counter would make of that!!
    :drinker: - Am planning braised beef and vegetables for tonight.
    :laugh: - I intend to get on the exercise bike for 15 minutes in a minute
    :smile: - My diet weigh scales arrived and I'm going to weigh everthing , no more guessedemates

    :drinker: Well done all you guys that are losers .... hope to join you in that soon!!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Just joining February to say My holiday is on Saturday. Off to hot and sunny Brighton for me 23rd B-day. Still doing P90X but haven't had any weight change for ages but look a bit different. Halfway through my 90 days really so will be finished for early april. Its been hard work so far but totally paying off i think. Good luck with for the rest of the UKers.

    So good to see you back on here Mr!!!
    Looking forward to seeing your results!
    Katherine x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning Everyone,

    I hope you are all ok and sticking to your healthy ways?! :wink:

    Off to Nottingham again this weekend so im sure it will be an unhealthy one! :grumble: What are you all up to?

    Jackie - Well done on doing your fitness DVD.. I love doing them when i dont want to go to the gym.. Braised beef sounds amazing... Making my mouth water thinking about it!! :tongue:

    xx Katherine xx
  • Morning Everyone!

    I was a little sneaky today and jumped on the scales before weigh in day tomorrow morning...and nothing has changed. Still. I would love to say that I hadn't been having sneaky peaks at the scales, but I have been looking everyday, and everyday I'm exactly 144.8. It's the .8 that's the *****!

    Deffo low on the motivation today to keep it up (especially as I had a cheeky bevvy last night...:S) so I'm off to find some thinspiration.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Great group :happy:

    I'm off work today but I'm going swimming then doing a dance aerobics class later woo hoo :drinker:

    Bit nervous about V Day :heart: but I'm sure I'll eat OK!

    Have a great weekend!

    Mimi x
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Yay, I'm so pleased to have found this group. Was starting to wonder where all the other UK posters were ? I had a sneaky weigh in this morning although official weigh in not due till Monday, 3.5lbs this week, yippee.

    I'm off to stay with my in-laws this weekend and out for dinner on Saturday night so I'm not convinced the scales will be as favourable on Monday !!
  • JazzyMarie
    JazzyMarie Posts: 37 Member
    I'm Jazzy, i came across this thread for the Brits so i thought i would join :)
    Weighed in this morning and i've lost 3 pounds in a week and one day! haha who'd thought i could eat what i would like, still be under the calorie goal and lose weight!?!
    Loving this site btw, i feel enlightened :)
    Hope everyone is doing well, looks good by all the posts. To be honest everyone is very inspiring and definitely makes me motivated.
    I have a date tomorrow night (it was going to be on sunday but i promised my single ladies!!) soooo i think i may have to hit the gym tomorrow day !
    Hope you all have a fab weekend
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hi, i'm Hannah
    just started this about 4 or 5 days ago after finding it on ipod apps,
    it's amazing i absolutely love it
    i'm from north west england,
    i'm only 18 and i wouldn't call myself over weight but my bmi is becoming the wrong side of normal so i want to slim down for my big sisters 30th birthday.
    so yeah hi :)
  • 5010
    5010 Posts: 59
    Found you my aim is too lose 11lb for my B day in April ,we are off to Tenby in Wales i have lost 4lb so far stayed the same for two weeks and put one on this week tut tut .I must not put back on that 3lb was really fed up too have put on ,but due to reading a few posts i'm back on the diet train .
    Nice to see people from the uk i live in Droitwich
    Diane :love:
  • kwaters7
    kwaters7 Posts: 129
    You guys rock! Hope you dont mind me joining in from time to time. ...

    Just steeling myself for another Fri night out for a party & working out how to avoid the buffet and the alochol without being deprived ha ha..

  • Hi guys :)
    Im Jenna, a newbie of course and MFP came to my attention when my best friend spoke about it.
    It's shown me all sorts of new things which i didnt realise before e.g. BMR
    Im now on a new road to a newer me- but i dont mind how long it takes!
    Summer is my goal to lose the lbs and seeing all your success stories, it's enough to keep me motivated!
    Wishing everyone luck this month, my weigh in is tomorrow so fingers crossed!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Hi Diane. I used to work in Droitwich at the railway station when i lived in Halesowen. Nice little place. I prefer the living in Birmingham now though. Good luck with the plan. I'm also set for my goal in april for the easter holidays. I'm not sure what I want to weight but at the moment I feel great so its all about tone and fat loss now.
    Another 6km run today and 20 mins of yoga.
    BRIGHTON tomorrow yey!. Oh and hey Katherine nice to see ya doing well again hope you enjoyed your 21st. My 23rd in a week (beers all round!)
    Ben =D
  • Morning everyone. I hope you are all well and keeping on top of things.

    I'm sitting in the dentists at the moment but I have the fact that I have lost another pound to keep me happy.

    I know the weekend can be hard for some of us so let's stick together and help each other through it.
  • JazzyMarie
    JazzyMarie Posts: 37 Member
    So my single ladies are coming round in about 2 hours and there is gonna be alot of unhealthy food!!
    I've left myself 970 cals to SPLURGE as it is valentines day :)

    Happy Valentines everybody!
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Jazzy i've done exactly the same
    I'm going to my friends to cheer her up (she just broke up with her boyfriend and my ones working tonight.. typically)
    so it's splurge time
    good job, i've not eaten much so far!
  • Hi guys,
    Hope everyone's has a good weekend. I've been to a family wedding in Devon all weekend so, as you can imagine, too much alcohol and unhealthy food was consumed!! Never mind, I had a good time and will get back on the wagon tomorrow!
    Hope you're all enjoying you evening xxx
  • morning everyone.

    I hope you all managed to survive the weekend. Let's hope we can all get back on the wagon for the start of the new week and continue to work towards our goals.

  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Happy monday !

    Assume no one here won the Euromillions then ?? I'd be in Barbados with a personal chef and trainer by now if I had.

    Weighed in this morning and I've lost 4.5lbs this week. (although MFP counts it as 5.) Fingers crossed I have anothre good week.
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